FORD Moving All US Small-Car Production To Mexico...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
And the Globalist hits just keep on coming. This must be part of one of those wonderful Trade Deals that have 'helped' American Workers so much. ;)

CEO Mark Fields told investors the move is part of plans to make production simpler and less expensive

Ford plans to eventually shift all North American small-car production from the U.S. to Mexico, CEO Mark Fields told investors Tuesday, even though the company's production investments in Mexico have become a lightning rod for controversy in the presidential election.

"Over the next two to three years, we will have migrated all of our small-car production to Mexico and out of the United States," Fields said at a daylong investor conference in Dearborn.

The news sparked a fresh round of criticism of Ford from Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, who was campaigning in Flint on Wednesday...

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Ford shifting all U.S. small-car production to Mexico
But the economy is doing great, and we still have enough jobs for everyone here in the states! Pay no attention to Ford taking jobs to Mexico.
This is a very difficult problem... As for solutions, what do y'all think? I hear the conservatives propose deregulation. Trump threatens tarriffs. And Clinton proposes an exit tax.

What do you think the answer is? Explain...

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