Forecast Discussion: Rapid Cooling Ahead.. Its already started...

There were other years in the DMI database showing even steeper warm spikes than the one they cried over that is how dumb warmist/alarmists really are.

From DMI,

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Our alarmists here fail to read and fail to look at historical evidence before posting a totally false narrative. They think no one will check their BS... It must suck to be on the "we must lie" to get our way group...
Actually, this thread has aged well. The solar output shift was noted in 2012. The ocean buffer lasted about 9 years and it was estimated to last 10-12 years. Now we have seen what just a slight change in solar output at certain wavelengths can do to the earth's climate. A simple shift from the 0.2um - 0.6um to the 4.6um band changes the depth the energy can travel into earth's oceans. 500-700 meters vs 30 microns... It took time for the buffer to be expended and now that it is almost all gone cooling is rapid globally.

If the surface of the sun remains cool and the wavelength elongated the cooling will continue.


Many colossal climate denying gooks repeatedly ignore the fact that it is the SUN/OCEAN dynamo that dominates the planets Climate and Weather processes.

CO2 and its cousin CH4 have a negligible effect which is obvious since it doesn't generate heat at all just slow down the escape of some of it which is nearly saturated already thus not significant anymore.
Our alarmists here fail to read and fail to look at historical evidence before posting a totally false narrative. They think no one will check their BS... It must suck to be on the "we must lie" to get our way group...
it's obvious that's their style.
Our alarmists here fail to read and fail to look at historical evidence before posting a totally false narrative. They think no one will check their BS... It must suck to be on the "we must lie" to get our way group...
Are you asserting these jabbering bed wetting parasites have the cognitive capacity to accept the fact they're wrong?

These sniveling, vacuous pukes will continue to parrot their agitprop as they freeze to death. They're so deliberately ignorant that they actually believe the rise in fuel price is Putin's fault.

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Are you asserting these jabbering bed wetting parasites have the cognitive capacity to accept the fact they're wrong?

These sniveling, vacuous pukes will continue to parrot their agitprop as they freeze to death. They're so deliberately ignorant that they actually believe the rise in fuel price is Putin's fault.

yep, it is unattainable to have a serious discussion with a person who ignores reality and imposes punishment based on fantasy. Just can't. I'm not in power. Only power can succeed. I can post everyday of my life and won't change one thing. tyrants will be tyrants and have been since mankind existed. When tyrants corrupt the judicial system where judges can't defend the constitution, we're fked.
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Climate Crash: Abrupt Climate Change and What It Means for Our Future Hardcover – International Edition, May 2, 2005​

<p>As scientists carefully search for clues in the sun and storm patterns from our distant past, they are gradually writing a new history of Earth's climate. Layers extracted from cores drilled into glaciers and ice sheets, sediments collected from the shores of lakes and oceans, and growth rings exposed in ancient corals and trees all tell the same surprising story.</p>

<p>It is now apparent that alterations in our climate can happen quickly and dramatically. Physical evidence reveals that centuries of slow, creeping climate variations have actually been punctuated by far more rapid changes. While this new paradigm represents a significant shift in our picture of Earth's past, the real question is what it means for our future.</p>

<p>Many researchers are now quietly abandoning the traditional vision of a long, slow waltz of slumbering ice ages and more temperate periods of interglacial warming. While they've long recognized the threats posed by global warming, they must now consider that the natural behavior of our climate is perhaps a greater threat than we'd imagined. And though there is no need for immediate alarm, the fact that changes in our climate can happen much more quickly than we'd originally thought—perhaps in the course of a human lifetime—makes it clear that science has a lot of questions to answer in this area. What are the mechanisms for triggering a significant climate change? In what ways should we expect this change to manifest itself? When will it likely happen? <i>Climate Crash</i> seeks to answer these questions, breaking the story of rapid climate change to a general public that is already intensely curious about what science has to say on the topic.</p>

Amazon product ASIN 0309093120~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ebook version - pdf;
C-Span video of author;
See also;

Climate Basics: Nothing to Fear​

Want to understand the core of the essential global warming and climate change debate and why the climate alarmists are wrong? Pick this short yet highly informative book Climate Basics: Nothing to Fear (Tharsis Highlands) by Rod Martin, Jr.

The seven chapters in this book address the biggest claims about global warming and climate change that are echoed all around by mainstream media and establishment science. These include the alleged alarming rise in global temperature, outpouring of carbon dioxide by human activities into the atmosphere, disastrous storms supposedly caused by climate change, and the impact of climate change on our future. The author addresses each question separately and educates readers with the basics of environmental science to show how the mainstream media have been scaremongering people on presumed horrors of climate change when there is nothing to fear far as these claims go.

As the book gives us a crash course in environmental/climate science, it informs on how the atmospheric carbon dioxide content in our time compares with that of various historical periods and why we should be really worrying if our earth was getting colder instead of warmer. The author warns us of the dangers of an overall cooling climate and how we, still living in an interglacial period, could be at risk of perishing should the earth cooled rapidly to lead us into another ice age that is hostile to life’s sustainability on the planet. The author calls out the media and climate change alarmists for their political bias and dishonesty.

Like any good science writer, Rod Martin Jr. backs his claims with scientific data in form of graphs in each chapter and plenty of references at the end of the book. Also included are helpful online resources to get more information on the science that mainstream media will not report.

Climate Basics: Nothing to Fear is easy to understand, is mostly free of jargon, and comes with valuable resources to make it a commendable book of essential environmental science.

Format: eBook

Climate Crash: Abrupt Climate Change and What It Means for Our Future Hardcover – International Edition, May 2, 2005​

<p>As scientists carefully search for clues in the sun and storm patterns from our distant past, they are gradually writing a new history of Earth's climate. Layers extracted from cores drilled into glaciers and ice sheets, sediments collected from the shores of lakes and oceans, and growth rings exposed in ancient corals and trees all tell the same surprising story.</p>

<p>It is now apparent that alterations in our climate can happen quickly and dramatically. Physical evidence reveals that centuries of slow, creeping climate variations have actually been punctuated by far more rapid changes. While this new paradigm represents a significant shift in our picture of Earth's past, the real question is what it means for our future.</p>

<p>Many researchers are now quietly abandoning the traditional vision of a long, slow waltz of slumbering ice ages and more temperate periods of interglacial warming. While they've long recognized the threats posed by global warming, they must now consider that the natural behavior of our climate is perhaps a greater threat than we'd imagined. And though there is no need for immediate alarm, the fact that changes in our climate can happen much more quickly than we'd originally thought—perhaps in the course of a human lifetime—makes it clear that science has a lot of questions to answer in this area. What are the mechanisms for triggering a significant climate change? In what ways should we expect this change to manifest itself? When will it likely happen? <i>Climate Crash</i> seeks to answer these questions, breaking the story of rapid climate change to a general public that is already intensely curious about what science has to say on the topic.</p>

Amazon product ASIN 0309093120~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ebook version - pdf;
C-Span video of author;
See also;

Climate Basics: Nothing to Fear​

Want to understand the core of the essential global warming and climate change debate and why the climate alarmists are wrong? Pick this short yet highly informative book Climate Basics: Nothing to Fear (Tharsis Highlands) by Rod Martin, Jr.

The seven chapters in this book address the biggest claims about global warming and climate change that are echoed all around by mainstream media and establishment science. These include the alleged alarming rise in global temperature, outpouring of carbon dioxide by human activities into the atmosphere, disastrous storms supposedly caused by climate change, and the impact of climate change on our future. The author addresses each question separately and educates readers with the basics of environmental science to show how the mainstream media have been scaremongering people on presumed horrors of climate change when there is nothing to fear far as these claims go.

As the book gives us a crash course in environmental/climate science, it informs on how the atmospheric carbon dioxide content in our time compares with that of various historical periods and why we should be really worrying if our earth was getting colder instead of warmer. The author warns us of the dangers of an overall cooling climate and how we, still living in an interglacial period, could be at risk of perishing should the earth cooled rapidly to lead us into another ice age that is hostile to life’s sustainability on the planet. The author calls out the media and climate change alarmists for their political bias and dishonesty.

Like any good science writer, Rod Martin Jr. backs his claims with scientific data in form of graphs in each chapter and plenty of references at the end of the book. Also included are helpful online resources to get more information on the science that mainstream media will not report.

Climate Basics: Nothing to Fear is easy to understand, is mostly free of jargon, and comes with valuable resources to make it a commendable book of essential environmental science.

Format: eBook

They have been talking about ABRUPT climate change possibilities in the 1970's too where they saw indication that the CLIMATE can rapidly change in just 10 years time.

We get slow climate change that would normally take many decades to become obvious like it does in the Sahara Desert when it changes from very dry to moist in hundreds of years then go back to dry.

Could the Sahara ever be green again?

They have been talking about ABRUPT climate change possibilities in the 1970's too where they saw indication that the CLIMATE can rapidly change in just 10 years time.

We get slow climate change that would normally take many decades to become obvious like it does in the Sahara Desert when it changes from very dry to moist in hundreds of years then go back to dry.

Could the Sahara ever be green again?

In the book I cite above: "Climate Crash", Cox speaks in terms a few decades to a century, for slipping in or out of an Ice Age~Glaciation.

The charts I presented show the curve is rather steep for enter or exit the Inter-Glacial period. As we see, numbers vary some, or their interpretations anyway, but roughly about 10,000 years for inter-glacial and about 90,000 years for glacial seems to be the trend these last few hundreds of thousands of years.

Considering the last glacial/ice age started to end(melt) about 15,000 years ago, and was largely finished by about 12,000 years ago, one might wonder if the odds for the next plunge into an ice age are close, very close.
In the book I cite above: "Climate Crash", Cox speaks in terms a few decades to a century, for slipping in or out of an Ice Age~Glaciation.

The charts I presented show the curve is rather steep for enter or exit the Inter-Glacial period. As we see, numbers vary some, or their interpretations anyway, but roughly about 10,000 years for inter-glacial and about 90,000 years for glacial seems to be the trend these last few hundreds of thousands of years.

Considering the last glacial/ice age started to end(melt) about 15,000 years ago, and was largely finished by about 12,000 years ago, one might wonder if the odds for the next plunge into an ice age are close, very close.

We are in the late Autumn cycle of the Interglacial phase glaciers are growing in places that didn't exist 2,000 years ago.
Like a default setting on a computer, absolute cold is the default setting in the universe we live in. The gigantic quirky nuclear reactor in the sky we call the Sun is the life giver. Warmth is the exception in the universe, not the norm and we humans should be thankful for every day the Sun shines. A criminal enterprise invented by a failed politician is the source of the extortion game played by the radical left and thanks to the mainstream media's never ending promotion of democrat power and policies we never have a nice day courtesy of the radical MMGW agenda.
Yes we are and has been for about 6 years, but you rather lie to yourself on it and pretend it is still warming since 2016.

No, and no scientist would say something so stupid as,

"6 years of cooling measured from an arbitrarily chose endpoint shows a cooling trend that will continue."

You morons don't even realize that you are embarrassing yourselves.

But then again, you are uneducated slobs shouting into the void on the internet, not scientists.

So this should not surprise you.
No, and no scientist would say something so stupid as,

"6 years of cooling measured from an arbitrarily chose endpoint shows a cooling trend that will continue."

You morons don't even realize that you are embarrassing yourselves.

But then again, you are uneducated slobs shouting into the void on the internet, not scientists.

So this should not surprise you.
This is so easy,

Which number is bigger .70C in 2016 or 0.00C in 2022?



Take your time since elementary math is really hard for warmist gooks like you to figure out.


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