Foreign Born RINO John McCain Turns Birther; Not Sure If Ted Cruz Is Eligible To Be President

That's why they call him John 'McInsane.' He's always been a fraud. And a criminal too. Just go back and research his history. He's a classic corrupt Globalist Elite. He's neither Republican or Democrat. He's a member a very small private elite club. Assholes like him run the country. To hell with em.
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Interesting, foreign born McCain never raised the issue with Obama when Obama clearly stated during the 08 campaign that his birth was governed by the British Act Of 1948 due to his father being a British Subject owing allegiance to the British Crown.

John McCain: Ted Cruz's citizenship is "worth looking into"

Birthers are idiots- Birthers like Trump.
Birthers are patriotic Constitutionalists who want to preserve the founders original intent of Article 2 Section 1 and keep it from being subverted (which Obama already has).
Lets let the courts decide once and for all
Interesting, foreign born McCain never raised the issue with Obama when Obama clearly stated during the 08 campaign that his birth was governed by the British Act Of 1948 due to his father being a British Subject owing allegiance to the British Crown.

John McCain: Ted Cruz's citizenship is "worth looking into"

Birthers are idiots- Birthers like Trump.
Birthers are patriotic Constitutionalists who want to preserve the founders original intent of Article 2 Section 1 and keep it from being subverted (which Obama already has).

Birthers are idiot traitors to the Constitution.
Ted Cruz was born to a Cuban father....making him Cuban
He was born to an American mother....making him American
He was born in Canada....making him Canadian

Which is it Ted?
Why not run for President of Cuba and see what they say?
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Interesting, foreign born McCain never raised the issue with Obama when Obama clearly stated during the 08 campaign that his birth was governed by the British Act Of 1948 due to his father being a British Subject owing allegiance to the British Crown.

John McCain: Ted Cruz's citizenship is "worth looking into"

Birthers are idiots- Birthers like Trump.
Birthers are patriotic Constitutionalists who want to preserve the founders original intent of Article 2 Section 1 and keep it from being subverted (which Obama already has).

Birthers are idiot traitors to the Constitution.
The only traitors are unAmericans who want the presidential clause subverted. I know you who these people are since you look in the mirror everyday.
Excellent that this is picking up so much traction :thup:

Really? Why? Because you're excited to know that the nation is so populated with halfwits who can't pick their nose without a schematic, much less do a simple Internet search, that even Congress is filled with them?
Excellent that this is picking up so much traction :thup:

Really? Why? Because you're excited to know that the nation is so populated with halfwits who can't pick their nose without a schematic, much less do a simple Internet search, that even Congress is filled with them?
We have no idea who Ted Cruz really is. It's beyond dangerous that he is attempting to usurp one of our major political parties, and we have no idea where he came from. If he has nothing to hide, he would have released his birth certificate for professional examination, as has been requested of him multiple times.
Interesting, foreign born McCain never raised the issue with Obama when Obama clearly stated during the 08 campaign that his birth was governed by the British Act Of 1948 due to his father being a British Subject owing allegiance to the British Crown.

John McCain: Ted Cruz's citizenship is "worth looking into"

Birthers are idiots- Birthers like Trump.
Birthers are patriotic Constitutionalists who want to preserve the founders original intent of Article 2 Section 1 and keep it from being subverted (which Obama already has).

Birthers are idiot traitors to the Constitution.
The only traitors are unAmericans who want the presidential clause subverted. I know you who these people are since you look in the mirror everyday.

Well you think a traitor is anyone in the United States who is not white- or who is Jewish or Muslim.

But the real traitor is the one you see in the mirror each day.
Interesting, foreign born McCain never raised the issue with Obama when Obama clearly stated during the 08 campaign that his birth was governed by the British Act Of 1948 due to his father being a British Subject owing allegiance to the British Crown.

John McCain: Ted Cruz's citizenship is "worth looking into"

Birthers are idiots- Birthers like Trump.
Birthers are patriotic Constitutionalists who want to preserve the founders original intent of Article 2 Section 1 and keep it from being subverted (which Obama already has).

Anyone who's "birthering" Ted Cruz is a fucking moron without two functioning brain cells to rub together to produce a spark. The facts of his birth are not in any sort of dispute or uncertainty. And the law, of course, is easily accessible by anyone with an Internet connection and rudimentary English skills (which I realize leaves most birthers out).
Foreign Born RINO John McCain Turns Birther


Well there you have it, iron-clad proof that ANYONE who engages in this stupid 'birther' crap is a moron!

Why can't we just go back to the 'good ol' days' when a candidate simply told the country what he was going to do and did not talk about anyone else. When I consider a candidate I only want to hear what his/her ideas are and what they are going to do. The second they start attacking their opponent they're done...tuned out. If you have to delve into this crap, attack others, and talk about anyone else except what YOU are going to do, what you're telling me is that YOU don't have a good reason why I should vote for YOU!

deal with it Rafael.

son of (drum roll)

Rafael Bienvenido Cruz
Excellent that this is picking up so much traction :thup:

Really? Why? Because you're excited to know that the nation is so populated with halfwits who can't pick their nose without a schematic, much less do a simple Internet search, that even Congress is filled with them?
We have no idea who Ted Cruz really is. It's beyond dangerous that he is attempting to usurp one of our major political parties, and we have no idea where he came from. If he has nothing to hide, he would have released his birth certificate for professional examination, as has been requested of him multiple times.

Exactly what the fuck do you "not know about who Ted Cruz really is" as opposed to all the other candidates? Why do you "have no idea where he came from"? Who is keeping this info a secret from you? In what Bizarro World does your xenophobic paranoid delusion tell you that he's "hiding his birth certificate", rather than having been completely up-front about his birth all along?

Dual citizenship may pose problem if Ted Cruz seeks presidency

2000-fucking-13, Brain Trust. So you're about three years late with your demands that he "stop hiding things and release it".

Ted Cruz isn't the threat to America, dumbass. Stupidity like this, growing on our nation like a giant moron tumor, is the real threat.

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