Foreign election officials amazed by trust-based U.S. voting system


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Hell we are not even up to third world a lot of different ways.

For the head of Libya's national election commission, the method by which Americans vote is startling in that it depends so much on trust and the good faith of election officials and voters alike.

"It's an incredible system," said Nuri K. Elabbar, who traveled to the United States along with election officials from more than 60 countries to observe today's presidential elections as part of a program run by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES). Your humble Cable guy visited polling places with some of the international officials this morning. Most of them agreed that in their countries, such an open voting system simply would not work.

Foreign election officials amazed by trust-based U.S. voting system | The Cable
Other nations have had more experience with communists. They have no character or values.
Foreign election officials amazed by trust-based U.S. voting system

Foreign countries are laughing at us. I can't blame them...

No kidding ... they can't believe we don't require an ID to vote. Even though I have to show one when I vote. It was sooooooooooooooo haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard.
Foreign election officials amazed by trust-based U.S. voting system

Foreign countries are laughing at us. I can't blame them...

No kidding ... they can't believe we don't require an ID to vote. Even though I have to show one when I vote. It was sooooooooooooooo haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard.

In Indiana you need an ID, they asked for my drivers liscense and voter registration card. If had had neither of those I would have gotten a Provisional Ballot.

Why aren't Democrats trying to force Indiana to vote without ID?

Because its usually Republican and they hope to suppress Republican voters? Maybe that's it?
Foreign election officials amazed by trust-based U.S. voting system

Foreign countries are laughing at us. I can't blame them...

No kidding ... they can't believe we don't require an ID to vote. Even though I have to show one when I vote. It was sooooooooooooooo haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard.

We should be more like Libya and Europe. And the UN.

Yeah, go with that.

Do you people hear yourselves?

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Course you have to REGISTER with plenty of ID....Voter fraud is more Pub suppression.
There is not a thing wrong with requiring an ID to vote. It's difficult to imagine why anyone who doesn't want to cheat would have an issue with it.
I am amazed as well. Just walk in and give your name. Or walk in with the latest utility bill, register and then vote. As if a utility bill is proof of identity. I'm surprised they don't bitch about that, too, but I guess since ANYONE can get one of those, even those odd people who live under the radar and have no other ID, it's okay. Illegal aliens have utitlity bills. Nuff said.

Also, at the end of the day, there are many ballots left over because people didn't come in and vote. If you're less than honest, just take those ballots, check the people's names off the list and fill them out yourself. No big deal and no one will ever know. We still use paper ballots, which we fill out and then insert in machine. Cheating would be so damn easy it's not funny. Remember the guy who walked into a Chicago office and managed to get handed Emanuel's ballot. Yea, don't you feel secure?
There is not a thing wrong with requiring an ID to vote. It's difficult to imagine why anyone who doesn't want to cheat would have an issue with it.

1. Just because you have a government approved ID does not mean everyone does.

2. Voter ID is a solution looking for a problem.

3. We have voted without ID for centuries. If it ain't broken, don't fix it.

4. No one has ever provided a single case of fraud which could ONLY have been caught or prevented by Voter ID. There have been plenty of imaginary scenarios, but none real.

5. It is shocking to hear people who call themselves "conservatives" demanding more government bureaucracy between them and their constitutional rights. If the current layers of government are mismanaging the electoral process, what kind of idiot conservative believes more government layers will fix it?

6. And now we have these same idiots saying we need to be more like Europe and the UN. What the ever loving fuck has gotten into you people? Americans ran AWAY from the totalitarianism of the Old World, not TOWARD it!

If Europeans are baffled by us, that is a GOOD thing.


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If anyone does see voter fraud, there is actually a hotline to call-

I like the sticker I got this year when I voted. We usually get the little oval stickers saying "I voted" but this year's is prettier. It has "We the People" and a pic of the constitution.
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There is not a thing wrong with requiring an ID to vote. It's difficult to imagine why anyone who doesn't want to cheat would have an issue with it.

1. Just because you have a government approved ID does not mean everyone does.

2. Voter ID is a solution looking for a problem.

3. We have voted without ID for centuries. If it ain't broken, don't fix it.

4. No one has ever provided a single case of fraud which could ONLY have been caught or prevented by Voter ID. There have been plenty of imaginary scenarios, but none real.

5. It is shocking to hear people who call themselves "conservatives" demanding more government bureaucracy between them and their constitutional right to vote. If the current layers of government are mismanaging the electoral process, what kind of idiot conservative believes more government layers will fix it?

6. And now we have these same idiots saying we need to be more like Europe and the UN. What the ever loving fuck has gotten into you people? Americans ran AWAY from the totalitarianism of the Old World, not TOWARD it!

If Europeans are baffled by us, that is a GOOD thing.



There is not a thing wrong with requiring an ID to do something as important as voting. If someone doesn't have an ID then they need to go get one, if they are not intelligent enough or responsible enough to get themselves a proper ID they are not intelligent or responsible enough to be trusted with casting a worthwhile vote.
There is not a thing wrong with requiring an ID to vote. It's difficult to imagine why anyone who doesn't want to cheat would have an issue with it.

1. Just because you have a government approved ID does not mean everyone does.

2. Voter ID is a solution looking for a problem.

3. We have voted without ID for centuries. If it ain't broken, don't fix it.

4. No one has ever provided a single case of fraud which could ONLY have been caught or prevented by Voter ID. There have been plenty of imaginary scenarios, but none real.

5. It is shocking to hear people who call themselves "conservatives" demanding more government bureaucracy between them and their constitutional right to vote. If the current layers of government are mismanaging the electoral process, what kind of idiot conservative believes more government layers will fix it?

6. And now we have these same idiots saying we need to be more like Europe and the UN. What the ever loving fuck has gotten into you people? Americans ran AWAY from the totalitarianism of the Old World, not TOWARD it!

If Europeans are baffled by us, that is a GOOD thing.



There is not a thing wrong with requiring an ID to do something as important as voting. If someone doesn't have an ID then they need to go get one, if they are not intelligent enough or responsible enough to get themselves a proper ID they are not intelligent or responsible enough to be trusted with casting a worthwhile vote.

So you have nothing then. Just a love of bigger government and the European way of doing things. You can't get enough government between you and your constitutional rights.

You have no evidence it is actually needed. Voter ID is a pacifier for the mindless hordes.

1. Just because you have a government approved ID does not mean everyone does.

2. Voter ID is a solution looking for a problem.

3. We have voted without ID for centuries. If it ain't broken, don't fix it.

4. No one has ever provided a single case of fraud which could ONLY have been caught or prevented by Voter ID. There have been plenty of imaginary scenarios, but none real.

5. It is shocking to hear people who call themselves "conservatives" demanding more government bureaucracy between them and their constitutional right to vote. If the current layers of government are mismanaging the electoral process, what kind of idiot conservative believes more government layers will fix it?

6. And now we have these same idiots saying we need to be more like Europe and the UN. What the ever loving fuck has gotten into you people? Americans ran AWAY from the totalitarianism of the Old World, not TOWARD it!

If Europeans are baffled by us, that is a GOOD thing.



There is not a thing wrong with requiring an ID to do something as important as voting. If someone doesn't have an ID then they need to go get one, if they are not intelligent enough or responsible enough to get themselves a proper ID they are not intelligent or responsible enough to be trusted with casting a worthwhile vote.

So you have nothing then. Just a love of bigger government and the European way of doing things. You can't get enough government between you and your constitutional rights.

You have no evidence it is actually needed. Voter ID is a pacifier for the mindless hordes.


I have plenty. Requiring an ID to vote is a good practical thing to do and it should be a requirement.
Not requiring you show an ID is the only way libroids have a chance. That's the only way they're able to get their illegal aliens, indigents, idiots and dead people to vote.

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