Foreign Journalists Acknowledge Hamas’ Human Shields Tactics

You don't have to be a journalist in Gaza to know that, right now rockets are being fired into Israel and probably from southern Gaza where all the civilians are.
You don't have to be a journalist in Gaza to know that, right now rockets are being fired into Israel and probably from southern Gaza where all the civilians are.

Yes, of course, but this is just another piece of proof to those on here.
You don't have to be a journalist in Gaza to know that, right now rockets are being fired into Israel and probably from southern Gaza where all the civilians are.

Yes, of course, but this is just another piece of proof to those on here.
Here is another evidence.

Yes, there is ample evidence of proof of human shields. Like I typed yesterday, the blame for civilian deaths in Gaza lies in the hands of Hamas, not Israel.
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You don't have to be a journalist in Gaza to know that, right now rockets are being fired into Israel and probably from southern Gaza where all the civilians are.

Yes, of course, but this is just another piece of proof to those on here.
Here is another evidence.

That Video was First Uploaded on Jan 6, 2009
[ame=]Hamas Using UN Ambulance - YouTube[/ame]
To pretend it's current is a Lie
The 2nd video only shows two unarmed people getting into an ambulance
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Yes, of course, but this is just another piece of proof to those on here.
Here is another evidence.

That Video was First Uploaded on Jan 6, 2009
[ame=]Hamas Using UN Ambulance - YouTube[/ame]
To pretend it's current is a Lie
The 2nd video only shows two unarmed people getting into an ambulance

You mean during 'Cast Lead' Operation? Well nothing change about their mentality.
The second one show two not-dead-yet terrorists(armed with AK47) setting explosives inside a house with a long distance activation, abuse the Gaza civilians by using ambulance for transportation, wasting precious resource in Gaza for their own ass.
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Buried in a number of foreign media reports from Gaza are acknowledgments that amid the images of Palestinian civilians, Hamas terrorists are operating amongst the population. Here are some examples:

Foreign Journalists Acknowledge Hamas' Human Shields Tactics | HonestReporting

Ah, source is DIS-Honest Reporting, nothing to see or do here. Next!
But of course you don't agree because it doesn't fit you, but this is real, wake up.
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You mean during 'Cast Lead' Operation? Well nothing change about their mentality.
The second one show two not-dead-yet terrorists(armed with AK47) setting explosives inside a house with a long distance activation, abuse the Gaza civilians by using ambulance for transportation, wasting precious resource in Gaza for their own ass.

I know they weren't carrying Long weapons 1) from observing the video 2) the fact that the aerial platform did not fire on them
...But of course you don't agree because it doesn't fit you, but this is real, wake up.

That's the problem, I HAVE woken up. I'm no longer blinded by Zionist BS, that began before 1948 and has carried on ever since. here's a commentry that sums it up:

"The brutality of Israel's soldiers is fully matched by the mendacity of its spokesmen. Eight months before launching the current war on Gaza, Israel established a National Information Directorate. The core messages of this directorate to the media are that Hamas broke the ceasefire agreements; that Israel's objective is the defence of its population; and that Israel's forces are taking the utmost care not to hurt innocent civilians. Israel's spin doctors have been remarkably successful in getting this message across. But, in essence, their propaganda is a pack of lies.

A wide gap separates the reality of Israel's actions from the rhetoric of its spokesmen. It was not Hamas but the IDF that broke the ceasefire. It did so by a raid into Gaza on 4 November that killed six Hamas men. Israel's objective is not just the defence of its population but the eventual overthrow of the Hamas government in Gaza by turning the people against their rulers. And far from taking care to spare civilians, Israel is guilty of indiscriminate bombing and of a three-year-old blockade that has brought the inhabitants of Gaza, now 1.5 million, to the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe."

There ARE people of good will on both sides, that is true, but there aren't enough of them to make a difference...yet.
1.The aerial platform is reconnaissances UAV plus it won't fire if there are soldiers nearby.
2.The terms used in the radio define the terrorists as 'suspect' - in general term, considering they are the only people in the arena-
3.The reconnaissance radio term 'Executed' means they just had an event(classified) so read 2 again to connect the dots.
4.The driver took observation post on the other side of the building, opposing unit estimated location(north east) which is where they also fled and they were clearly cooperating together since they both came inside together.
5.I Think I did spot a weapon on the first second,but lets leave it open since - they could be leaving by many reasons, maybe out of ammo, maybe setting explosive device, or maybe innocent, judge again.
[MENTION=49704]Challenger[/MENTION] 'Zionists' term is mostly used by Hamas of course, so when you bullshit about 'trying to be neutral' at least try to use 'Israelis' - sounds more honest.
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[MENTION=49704]Challenger[/MENTION] 'Zionists' term is mostly used by Hamas of course, so when you bullshit about 'trying to be neutral' at least try to use 'Israelis' - sounds more honest.

The term Zionist has been used by Israeli historians and commentators as well as just about everyone else, so honesty is not at issue. If you read back through my posts I've never claimed neutrality; my sympathies lie with the oppressed Palestinians suffering from Zionist Israeli occupation and brutality which is self evident to any sane, rational person observing the situation. In future I'll use the term "Zionist Israel(i)" for accuracy, how's that?
[MENTION=49704]Challenger[/MENTION] 'Zionists' term is mostly used by Hamas of course, so when you bullshit about 'trying to be neutral' at least try to use 'Israelis' - sounds more honest.

The term Zionist has been used by Israeli historians and commentators as well as just about everyone else, so honesty is not at issue. If you read back through my posts I've never claimed neutrality; my sympathies lie with the oppressed Palestinians suffering from Zionist Israeli occupation and brutality which is self evident to any sane, rational person observing the situation. In future I'll use the term "Zionist Israel(i)" for accuracy, how's that?
Before the First Zionist Aliyot (1799-1882)
So you also accept these facts?
You can simply use Israeli to define Israeli civilian, Zionist is a term of personal perspective or the Zionist movement so its completely inaccurate.

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