Foreign policy has been a weakness of Trump

How long was he a Democrat?

True. Whatever, he is going out of his first term without anything accomplished. One can say he did sponge on his allies in his trade war, weak sheep they are. But that was easy. China will be a harder cookie.
Trump did a lot starting with tax cut-Democrats and RINOS torpedoed all his efforts-the bastards.
The graphs show his tax cut did not lead to any increase of the job-regeneration.
De-regulation did. The graphs don't show everything.
I don´t think so. The market is still recovering from the crisis over ten years ago. Measures would make sense at the end of that development.
Why can't the left realize that the "trade wars" have been going on for decades and President Trump is the first President who is trying to beat China?
Well, probably because that isn't true.

What's true is the fact that you haven't a clue. Indeed there has been a trade war against us for some years but we didn't have the brains or the balls to fight back until Trump put on the hair shirt and took on the task.
Why can't the left realize that the "trade wars" have been going on for decades and President Trump is the first President who is trying to beat China?
Well, probably because that isn't true.

What's true is the fact that you haven't a clue. Indeed there has been a trade war against us for some years but we didn't have the brains or the balls to fight back until Trump put on the hair shirt and took on the task.
You never gave a thought to international trade until tRump told you to.
The trade wars has hurt America as well as other countries. He’s the opposite of speak softly carry a big stick. Cozy’s up to dictators. Most of our allies don’t like him. Our enemies don’t fear him.He hasn’t even spoken out against repressive regimes. Now I know everyone will funny this OP and bash me calling me a neocon, reminding me that Trump hasn’t gotten us into any more military conflicts and scaled down our interventions, even though I not suggesting that is the proper course of action.. The problem is is I feel all of his actions and inactions will come back to bite us eventually.
That's a Lie

Trump has NO Foreign Policy.
Just who buys more of his Condos. Saudi Arabia and Russia.


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