Forensic Analysis: Planned Parenthood Videos Are Severely Manipulated

Your website is not credible because it has a religious bias and is cherry picking discredited reports to support it's anti-abortion agenda.
Got references for your claims? Doctor names, medical center names, reports conducted disputing point by point the reports in question. I need specifics. Go...

You were provided with credible evidence debunking your fallacious allegation that abortion is linked to breast cancer from the credible resources at the Susan G Korman Foundation.

Onus is on you to disprove that source first.


Susan G. Komen for the Cure Donates $7.5 Million to Planned Parenthood

Susan G. Komen for the Cure Donates $7.5 Million to Planned Parenthood | SBA-List

OMG! Breast cancer group donates money to PP for breast screening and education.

Have you ever heard anything so horrible in your life?

Now they want to shut down PP for breast screening? What next pap smears? Fertility screening?
Prenatal check ups?

What else will they come up with next that is more ridiculous?
PP does not do prenatal care or fertility screening.

Breast Cancer Screenings :: St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri
Fertility First Steps - Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties
Your website is not credible because it has a religious bias and is cherry picking discredited reports to support it's anti-abortion agenda.
Got references for your claims? Doctor names, medical center names, reports conducted disputing point by point the reports in question. I need specifics. Go...

You were provided with credible evidence debunking your fallacious allegation that abortion is linked to breast cancer from the credible resources at the Susan G Korman Foundation.

Onus is on you to disprove that source first.


Susan G. Komen for the Cure Donates $7.5 Million to Planned Parenthood

Susan G. Komen for the Cure Donates $7.5 Million to Planned Parenthood | SBA-List

OMG! Breast cancer group donates money to PP for breast screening and education.

Have you ever heard anything so horrible in your life?

Now they want to shut down PP for breast screening? What next pap smears? Fertility screening?
Prenatal check ups?

What else will they come up with next that is more ridiculous?

Pay attention, we want Murder Inc shut down for selling baby remains.

Stemexpress is the one selling tissue, legally. PP is reimbursed for expenses.
The rabid hatred toward Planned Parenthood is even worse than with ACORN. It's also interesting that both supported Democrats.
Planned Parenthood Goes To Court To Fight Funding Cuts In Alabama

n" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background: transparent;">Planned Parenthood filed a complaint in Alabama federal on Friday seeking to stop the state from defunding its health clinics after the release of covertly recorded videos attacking the organization's handling of aborted fetal tissue.

The reproductive-health organization took similar legal action earlier this week in Louisiana, which also plans to terminate its contract with Planned Parenthood to provide medical services to low-income residents.

Planned Parenthood, joined in the suit by the American Civil Liberties Union, said in court filings that Alabama's Republican governor illegally terminated its contract to provide health services under Medicaid, a federal and state healthcare program for the poor. It seeks court action to ensure Alabama patients continue to have access to Planned Parenthood services.

Governor Robert Bentley gave Planned Parenthood no explanation, and only 15 days notice, when he announced the termination earlier this month, the organization said.

Bentley is among the conservatives voicing outrage after the release of a series of videos this summer by a national anti-abortion group, the Center for Medical Progress.

The center says the videos show Planned Parenthood officials discussing the illegal sale of aborted fetal tissue.

Planned Parenthood has denied wrongdoing. On Thursday it released an analysis questioning what it called deceptive edits, inaccurate transcripts and missing footage in the widely viewed videos, which have spurred investigations in the Republican-controlled U.S. Congress.

As some conservatives in Washington seek to cut its federal funding, Alabama, Louisiana and Arkansas have targeted the Planned Parenthood's Medicaid funding, covering preventive healthcare services such as birth control and cancer screenings.

More: Planned Parenthood Goes To Court To Fight Funding Cuts In Alabama

The Republican war on women is sad to watch.
Pure hyperbole.....POLLY WANT A CRACKER......SQUAWK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm still wondering how you guys are going to make a ban on abortion work. Every other country that has tried to ban abortion has failed, miserably. Women still find ways to get them.

The lie that you guys believe is that Roe v. Wade made abortion possible. This is bullshit. Abortions were already going on, doctors were performing them in the privacy of offices and writing down something else on charts.

Roe v. Wade just legalized what was already going on and widespread.

Go away, just go away. You're bad news.

I'm not sure why you come to a message board and then get upset when you hear contrary opinions... it's kind of the point.

Anyway. I'd still like to hear any other right wingers answer the question. How do you really expect to make a ban on abortion work.
Don't you know? Moonbats ...they are the only ones that own all the worlds women's uteus.

And speak for all of them.

Where do you get that? No one has said a woman should get an abortion when she doesn't want one.
ow is a zygote not life? You can decide it isn't worthy life, but to call it not life is a lie itself.

It's not viable outside the womb, therefore it is not life.

Abortion is killing, and if you think valued life starts at conception, then calling it murder isn't a lie, it's a title you disagree with.

As always, I've be more impressed with the right wing and their protestations bout "life" and "children" if they weren't constantly trying to yank health insurance and food away from poor children.

And so far the only people saying the video was altered is people hired by PP, as I said before, so I guess you also trust Tobacco company funded research, and all Oil company funded reasearch....

I personally think that this claim is clutching at straws, in fairness. The bigger problem is what we do see in the unedited videos, where the CMP fraudsters are intentionally provoking conversations to try to get people to say things that sound bad.

Let the 2 minute hate commence.

They exposed some uncomfortable concepts, so of course they have to be destroyed. You can't counter the message without sounding like a ghoul, so you have to attack the messengers.

Or hold them accountable for what they did, which was break numerous laws.

Well lets see if they actually charge the group with anything then.
So far all you have is PP saying "the people we paid found that CMP was naughty!!!!" and nothing else.

Actually, we know that the CMP operatives broke laws by taping people without their permission, representing themselves as people they weren't, and filing false tax documents claiming to be a charity. Marsha Clark could get a conviction on these idiots.
MOBILE, AL, August 27, 2015 -- Alabama officials have cited an Alabama Planned Parenthood facility for not reporting a case involving the possible abuse of a 14-year old girl who had two abortions in a span of four months.

In the annual inspection of Planned Parenthood of Alabama, Inc.'s Mobile location, Department of Public Health officials found that the minor girl had not only had two abortions, but also had two born children. Planned Parenthood officials had not reported any of these facts, including the girl's age, to state officials.

Obviously FIS hasn't heard of "HIPPA" and how it's not allowed to share medical information.

Look it up, it's interesting.

The only time they would be required to share information is if they had evidence of abuse, which they didn't.
PP got caught with their pants down. They should just take their medicine and be aborted from receiving federal and state funding.

Yes, because clearly depriving poor women of cancer screenings and breast exams is going to totally teach someone a lesson...

Oh, wait. No. THat would be a bad idea.
That bitch CEO from StemCell is trying to back track and is now saying they never received intact babies. When confronted with what she said in recorded video she clammed up. The secret is out. Defund them

So let me get this straight... defunding the money that pays for birth control, cancer screenings, breast exams, pap smears for poor women is going to stop abortion how, exactly?

News flash. The reason that the government has to pay PP to do these things is no one else really will. You stop paying for them, they'll just stop doing them. (or they won't do as many.)

But it won't stop one abortion from happening.
Why are you afraid to let a woman know she now has a choice to go to a real OBGYN? One of her choosing through ACA aligned providers.

Mind your own uterus hypocrite.

You do realize that there's a shortage of OB-GYN's already, don't you?

The most obvious factor in the shift of supply/demand is expanding population in the US; about 25 million per decade. Adding to that burden is the increase in uninsured and indigent patients who are often the costliest patients for the hospitals that serve them and present a higher risk to treating physicians due to a lack of prenatal care resulting in a greater incidence of complications.

Skyrocketing insurance premiums are making it difficult for OB/GYNs to practice within their specialty. A survey by ACOG found that one in seven OB/GYNs has stopped delivering babies and more than 20 percent have cut back on high-risk obstetrics. Obstetricians pay the second highest liability-insurance premiums of any medical specialty (only neurosurgeons pay more) and are sued an average of three times during their careers. Although nearly half of the claims against OB/GYNs are found to be without merit, and OB/GYNs win 80 percent of the cases that do go to court, insurance companies often decide to settle cases without giving doctors the chance to defend themselves.
PP got caught with their pants down. They should just take their medicine and be aborted from receiving federal and state funding.

Yes, because clearly depriving poor women of cancer screenings and breast exams is going to totally teach someone a lesson...

Oh, wait. No. THat would be a bad idea.
They can get those from their OBGYN yearly.

And free mammograms can be obtained from the mobile mammogram busses provided by the hospitals.
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That bitch CEO from StemCell is trying to back track and is now saying they never received intact babies. When confronted with what she said in recorded video she clammed up. The secret is out. Defund them

So let me get this straight... defunding the money that pays for birth control, cancer screenings, breast exams, pap smears for poor women is going to stop abortion how, exactly?

News flash. The reason that the government has to pay PP to do these things is no one else really will. You stop paying for them, they'll just stop doing them. (or they won't do as many.)

But it won't stop one abortion from happening.

Only stop safe abortion
Admitting privileges are given to physicians who are certified and can pass malpractice qualifications. If a dr can't pass admitting privileges they shouldn't be performing procedures on anyone. Common sense.

You want a physician who can't pass working on you?

Would depend on what she was working on, wouldn't it? The thing is, most first trimester abortions are not major surgery, they are a simple outpatient procedure.

Also, as I point out in the previous article, we have a shortage of OB-GYN's to start with, partially because the insurance is exhorbitant, partily because religious nuts go around shooting them.
Why are you afraid to let a woman know she now has a choice to go to a real OBGYN? One of her choosing through ACA aligned providers.

Mind your own uterus hypocrite.

You do realize that there's a shortage of OB-GYN's already, don't you?

The most obvious factor in the shift of supply/demand is expanding population in the US; about 25 million per decade. Adding to that burden is the increase in uninsured and indigent patients who are often the costliest patients for the hospitals that serve them and present a higher risk to treating physicians due to a lack of prenatal care resulting in a greater incidence of complications.

Skyrocketing insurance premiums are making it difficult for OB/GYNs to practice within their specialty. A survey by ACOG found that one in seven OB/GYNs has stopped delivering babies and more than 20 percent have cut back on high-risk obstetrics. Obstetricians pay the second highest liability-insurance premiums of any medical specialty (only neurosurgeons pay more) and are sued an average of three times during their careers. Although nearly half of the claims against OB/GYNs are found to be without merit, and OB/GYNs win 80 percent of the cases that do go to court, insurance companies often decide to settle cases without giving doctors the chance to defend themselves.
This is your new argument? Certified OBGYN's are in short supply so send the poor people to the hacks? Really? LMAO
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They can get those from their I OBGYN yearly.

And free mammograms can be obtained from the mobile mammogram busses provided by the hospitals.

Yeah, how many of those buses are out there to meet the supply and demand, exactly.

You do realize that outside of your fat, suburban world, poor people really have a hard time getting easy access to stuff you take for granted, right?
Admitting privileges are given to physicians who are certified and can pass malpractice qualifications. If a dr can't pass admitting privileges they shouldn't be performing procedures on anyone. Common sense.

You want a physician who can't pass working on you?

Would depend on what she was working on, wouldn't it? The thing is, most first trimester abortions are not major surgery, they are a simple outpatient procedure.

Also, as I point out in the previous article, we have a shortage of OB-GYN's to start with, partially because the insurance is exhorbitant, partily because religious nuts go around shooting them.
Any ol floor mopper can do an out patient procedure... ain't that right Gosnell Jr?
This is your new argument? Certified OBGYN's are in short supply so sent the poor people to the hacks? Really? LMAO

I'm saying we don't make brains surgeons treat hangnails...

Sorry you don't seem to get this concept, that not all medical situations are equal, right?
Any ol floor mopper can do an out patient procedure... ain't that right Gosnell Jr?

Still clueless as to why Gosnell existed in the first place. He existed because most American Doctors don't want to treat poor people. they want yachts and mansions.

It's why we spend more on health care than any country in the world and have the shittiest health care in the industrialized world.
They can get those from their I OBGYN yearly.

And free mammograms can be obtained from the mobile mammogram busses provided by the hospitals.

Yeah, how many of those buses are out there to meet the supply and demand, exactly.

You do realize that outside of your fat, suburban world, poor people really have a hard time getting easy access to stuff you take for granted, right?
That's what the ACA is for... right ? To provide healthcare to the poor?

If they can't use it for anything... Why are we funding it again?

Your argument has holes enough to drive trucks through.

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