Forensic Analysis: Planned Parenthood Videos Are Severely Manipulated

Dont' know it this has made it to this thread, and I'm not about to go thru 36 pages to find out.

Planned Parenthood Paid Left-Wing Firm to Get Media to Report Videos Were "Highly Edited" |

Fusion GPS
is based in Washington, DC and provides premium research, strategic intelligence, and due diligence services to corporations, law firms, and investors worldwide.
We offer a cross-disciplinary approach with expertise in media, politics, regulation, national security, and global markets.<<

as opposed to LifeNews which is anti-abortion

The video is not of PP but of stemexpress.
Even the supposedly unedited "full" footage is misleadingly altered, experts say.

The undercover Planned Parenthood videos that spurred a congressional investigation were so severely manipulated that they wouldn't hold up in court, according to an analysis by three teams of forensic experts.

Planned Parenthood hired independent research firm Fusion GPS to investigate the validity of the first five "sting" videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group.

Glenn Simpson, a partner at the firm and a former Wall Street Journal reporter, assembled three teams of neutral experts to comb through the tapes using special video software. He said the teams found that all of the videos analyzed -- even the supposedly "full," unedited footage the CMP released -- were missing large sections of time and misleadingly altered so that separate conversations appeared to take place in an uninterrupted take. Moreover, the forensic team found that the transcripts CMS released with the videos were frequently erroneous.

"It appears they commit what I would call 'wishful thinking' about what was said," Simpson told reporters Thursday.

More: 'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds

Using "doctored" videos to advance the anti-choice agenda is dishonorable and misleading.

Your brain is severely manipulated.
Forensic proof that the audio in the videos was altered. From the OP:

Simpson said his team of experts found that the subtitles in the videos do not correspond to the actual dialogue, and that the CMP may have simply invented parts of the conversation when the recordings were too low-quality to determine what was really being said. In one case, the video indicates that a technician said, "It's a baby." But those words cannot actually be heard in the video -- the segment consists of incomprehensible background chatter.

"In our view, CMP created the purported statement, 'It's a baby,' either through transcription error or intentional fabrication," Simpson wrote in the report.

Here is Fusion's actual analysis:

Analysis of Center for Medical Progress Videos
Last edited:
Even the supposedly unedited "full" footage is misleadingly altered, experts say.

The undercover Planned Parenthood videos that spurred a congressional investigation were so severely manipulated that they wouldn't hold up in court, according to an analysis by three teams of forensic experts.

Planned Parenthood hired independent research firm Fusion GPS to investigate the validity of the first five "sting" videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group.

Glenn Simpson, a partner at the firm and a former Wall Street Journal reporter, assembled three teams of neutral experts to comb through the tapes using special video software. He said the teams found that all of the videos analyzed -- even the supposedly "full," unedited footage the CMP released -- were missing large sections of time and misleadingly altered so that separate conversations appeared to take place in an uninterrupted take. Moreover, the forensic team found that the transcripts CMS released with the videos were frequently erroneous.

"It appears they commit what I would call 'wishful thinking' about what was said," Simpson told reporters Thursday.

More: 'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds

Using "doctored" videos to advance the anti-choice agenda is dishonorable and misleading.

Your brain is severely manipulated.
Wait, you mean someone proved that Lakhota has a brain?

Link or it doesn't exist
Still no evidence of any wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood.
Of course not, why who says that ripping up unborn babies without any pain killer is wrong at all?

You demonstrate how libtards are the biggest recruitment tool that the right has at its disposal.
Those are not women fully formed and Constitutional people you dope...those are "birthing vessels"...The Fetus Fetish Weirdos

But then people are not fully formed until they hit their mid 20's, so whats your real point here? That women should be allowed to murder their unborn babies to escape the consequences of their indiscretion?

That is typical of libtards for the last two centuries. Cant solve problems so you blame the innocent and murder them in droves, same thing from the Jacobins to the Leninist purges, to Stalins execution squads and kangaroo trials to Mao and Pol Pots killing fields.

The only two things you libtards are good at are murder and lies.
Those are not women fully formed and Constitutional people you dope...those are "birthing vessels"...The Fetus Fetish Weirdos

But then people are not fully formed until they hit their mid 20's, so whats your real point here? That women should be allowed to murder their unborn babies to escape the consequences of their indiscretion?

That is typical of libtards for the last two centuries. Cant solve problems so you blame the innocent and murder them in droves, same thing from the Jacobins to the Leninist purges, to Stalins execution squads and kangaroo trials to Mao and Pol Pots killing fields.

The only two things you libtards are good at are murder and lies.
You all are known for morals? in what world chump...there is nothing as brutally amoral as Republican war bastards and all you Forced Birthers support killing third world innocents
Those are not women fully formed and Constitutional people you dope...those are "birthing vessels"...The Fetus Fetish Weirdos

But then people are not fully formed until they hit their mid 20's, so whats your real point here? That women should be allowed to murder their unborn babies to escape the consequences of their indiscretion?

That is typical of libtards for the last two centuries. Cant solve problems so you blame the innocent and murder them in droves, same thing from the Jacobins to the Leninist purges, to Stalins execution squads and kangaroo trials to Mao and Pol Pots killing fields.

The only two things you libtards are good at are murder and lies.
You all are known for morals? in what world chump...there is nothing as brutally amoral as Republican war bastards and all you Forced Birthers support killing third world innocents

Lol, I am not a Republican, jack ass.

And yeah, I believe in preventing people from killing their children of all ages, so I am 'Forced Child Raiser' too.

And you are factually wrong as you libtards are the most murderous gang of scum the planet has ever known as no one has killed more than you ass hats have in the name of socialism.
No entitled white man women do not need your sorry asses to make moral decisions about their bodies No...and you all need to stop salivating every time the Government rings the war bells...

Now the weirdo who thinks he is a moral agent preventing women from "killing their babies" is the same War Pig who has an orgasm about bombing Iran
No entitled white man women do not need your sorry asses to make moral decisions about their bodies No...and you all need to stop salivating every time the Government rings the war bells...

Now the weirdo who thinks he is a moral agent preventing women from "killing their babies" is the same War Pig who has an orgasm about bombing Iran

No, the nation has an interest in preventing degenerates like yourself from murdering the innocent.

And while there are valid hypothetical scenarios for bombing Iran, it is not being advocated by anyone I know. That is largely your little straw man, murdering fucktard.

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