Forensic Analysis: Planned Parenthood Videos Are Severely Manipulated

That's what the ACA is for... right ? To provide healthcare to the poor?

If they can't use it for anything... Why are we funding it again?

Your argument has holes enough to drive trucks through.

You mean we havne't fixed all the problems yet? OH MY GOD! Let's totally give up and fuck those poor people.

You do know a lot of doctors are refusing to see medicare and medicaid patients because they don't get paid enough for the visits, right?
That's what the ACA is for... right ? To provide healthcare to the poor?

If they can't use it for anything... Why are we funding it again?

Your argument has holes enough to drive trucks through.

You mean we havne't fixed all the problems yet? OH MY GOD! Let's totally give up and fuck those poor people.

You do know a lot of doctors are refusing to see medicare and medicaid patients because they don't get paid enough for the visits, right?
And yet the majority of babies born are to single mothers on Medicaid. Interesting.
They can get those from their I OBGYN yearly.

And free mammograms can be obtained from the mobile mammogram busses provided by the hospitals.

Yeah, how many of those buses are out there to meet the supply and demand, exactly.

You do realize that outside of your fat, suburban world, poor people really have a hard time getting easy access to stuff you take for granted, right?
More than PP has.
PP got caught with their pants down. They should just take their medicine and be aborted from receiving federal and state funding.

Yes, because clearly depriving poor women of cancer screenings and breast exams is going to totally teach someone a lesson...

Oh, wait. No. THat would be a bad idea.
They can get those from their I OBGYN yearly.

And free mammograms can be obtained from the mobile mammogram busses provided by the hospitals.

OB/GYN can give scripts to get tests but they don't do most of the testing at the doctor's office. By doing all or most of the testing at PP it cuts down on costs and time, and repeated visits. The patient gets the results sooner which means less anxiety. At the doctor's office you have to wait for the doctor to get the result, make an appointment to see the doctor and have him tell you the results. Between the doctor and the scans, and doctor took a trip for a seminar in the middle, I waited over two months to find out about a lump found in the first set of scans. To be honest, my mother was more nervous and nagging me about when will I find out which in term made me anxious. She even got on the phone one day and yelled at the receptionist and nearly got me booted out of the office. My mother is over 80 and has alzheimer's so telling her something slips the mind almost as soon as I speak. I can't leave her alone for any length of time so visits to my doctors has to be in and out. My coverage is through the union so I didn't have a wide choice, at least not since I moved to another state.

Why are people so quick to want to shut down places like PP that take care of so many things in one space for women, and men, health as well as education. Why is the only thing they can think of is abortions when only a fraction of the patience even consider or need to have one. So few hospitals or doctors will even do abortions. PP care about women in all stages of their life and needs. Yes, for some abortions are necessary. no woman wants to get an abortion but people on one extreme or the other should not have a say or prohibit any procedure, especially when it is not paid for by them but the patient.

When my husband was hurt at work, if I had been pregnant at the time I could not have cared for him. There might be a thousand reason why at that moment it might not be the right time. Moving, starting a new job, loosing insurance, an illness in the family, exposure to a contagious disease............. What ever the reason, the woman is the one that has to make the choice, not outsiders. Strangers cannot know the specifics or circumstances in the woman's life that might effect her choice. It is so much more complicated than none or failed birth control.

I remember when my father died, I could not travel because I was nursing. If I had been pregnant and the stress as well as travel, I can imagine that it would have been a risk. I was having trouble nursing my daughter and trying to hold my emotions in check so I could care for her. When pregnant with her I was overseas and in a dangerous situation. I was able to get out before there was any danger of travel and fortunately there were no complication. Hind sight it was a terrible risk but one that I had no real control over.

The point is no one outside the immediate family or the doctor can tell a woman when she can or should have a child. There might be a natural disaster or something totally out of her control that make it the wrong time. No one should be allowed to dictate to a woman that she has to keep a pregnancy and put her life on hold if that is not a possibility.

I've seen too many abuse and girls married too young or victims of rape. I've lived in conservative societies and the suffering the woman go through. I've know women that ended up committing suicide. The reason that there are options for women is so when they do choose that now is the time, they can have healthy happen children. The point of places like PP is to care for the needs of woman, what ever that might be. To be a mother, you have to be mentally and physically ready to make that commitment to another person that is so totally dependent on you.

I will never understand how this group or that want to take the freedom and choice away from women and make them little more than slaves. It would be ideal with all children were loved and wanted and the parents are full ready to raise that child, but life throws a curve sometimes and it might not be the right time or some medical complication comes up. Woman have to have access to options, for their life and those around her. Sometimes the world won't stop while you take nine months to carry and give birth to child. It could even be something like high blood pressure or exposure to measles or TB, or areas that has small pox or polio. What ever the reason no one should take the choice of abortion away from a woman.

If a woman has access to a safe abortion, she can have a child later in life. If she is obliged to seek some back street clinic or doctor she might not have that chance or even risk her life. I firmly believe that if the mother is not happy the child does not thrive in the womb or after birth. Her emotions and hormones greatly effect the fetus. Her reason could be personal or cultural. Parent might even try or threaten to kill the girl if they find out she is pregnant even if she was raped. Is it safer for her to terminate or to be killed by family? That would be killing two and sending one or more to jail for life. How is that right for anyone?

Even woman that even considers the options has her own personal story and one blanket ban on abortions will be the right answer for every woman. No the life a of a fetus in some circumstances is not the end all priority. Any doctor will put the life of the woman and her health before the fetus.

Yes, abortion are sometimes necessary and no one should be out there trying to ban them flat out.

You can't live the woman's life for her or force something as important as a child onto her if she is not capable of caring for it. Sometimes an abortion is the moral path.
Everyone realizes that this alleged forensics is just the lefts way to deflect from the little house of horrors that PP has scattered throughout the land.....
You do know you can also use a certified midwife for gynecological and breast exams and prenatal care... yes?

Yes, you can. What's your fucking point?

Hey, these rich people solutions you keep coming up with really don't apply to the ghetto, but fuck them darkies, right?

And yet the majority of babies born are to single mothers on Medicaid. Interesting.

Again, are you doing special exercises to be stupid? OF COURSE single mothers are poor. What a dumbass. Fastest route to poverty is to be a single mother.

More than PP has.

PP Has over 700 clinics around the country serving the poorest neighborhoods. But again, you guys don't care about poor people. We get that. Once they are out of Fetus Form, fuck them.


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Oh boy, yeah Planned Parenthood is completely on the level.....NOT!

‘Dramatic showdown’ in Missouri Senate over Planned Parenthood illegalities

JEFFERSON CITY, MO, August 27, 2015 – More Planned Parenthood corruption was revealed in a Missouri state Senate hearing Tuesday.

Since the release of undercover videos showing that Planned Parenthood traffics in aborted baby organs, Missouri State Senator Kurt Schaefer headed an investigation of the abortion giant. In hearings this month, revelations exposed several illegal activities of Planned Parenthood and its political and institutional allies.

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Director Gail Vasterling avoided answering senate questions and, in one instance, outright refused the senate an answer. Likewise, Missouri University made every effort to prevent the senate investigating committee from obtaining important information.

Why? Because, allegedly, the two institutions conspired to illegally secure a license for Columbia's Planned Parenthood facility to resume chemical abortions, even though the facility did not comply with basic state laws protecting the health of women.

On August 13, Vasterling refused to answer whether Planned Parenthood's newly hired abortionist, Colleen McNicholas, had hospital privileges in Columbia as required by law.

Schaefer accused Vasterling of "withholding information ... from the people of the state of Missouri." He ordered Vasterling to appear again at a hearing on August 25 or be held in contempt.

Vasterling sent Schaefer a letter on August 21, 2015, admitting that an ambulatory surgical center license was issued to the Columbia Planned Parenthood facility even though the facility was not in compliance with the law.

Instead of maintaining the required hospital privileges in Columbia, McNicholas had only limited "refer and follow" privileges with Missouri University Health Care – which doesn't even allow the abortionist to admit or care for patients.

Missouri law states that abortionists must be licensed to perform procedures at a nearby hospital, in order to consistently care for the many women who need additional procedures after an incomplete abortion.

Incomplete abortion is a common complication of chemical abortions. The National Abortion Federation reports that up to ten percent of all chemical abortions require surgery to stop hemorrhaging or to prevent infection from retained baby tissue.

‘Dramatic showdown’ in Missouri Senate over Planned Parenthood illegalities

Instead of maintaining the required hospital privileges in Columbia, McNicholas had only limited "refer and follow" privileges with Missouri University Health Care – which doesn't even allow the abortionist to admit or care for patients.

Now isn't that interesting. Goes to show - this whole new legislative trend has nothing to do with what is best for the women or women's health - it is only about ending abortion. The law requires admitting priviledges but the hospitals refuse it to abortion providers. Quite often, they are too afraid of repercussions from pro-life legislators and violent anti-abortion groups.

Time to quit pretending it's about the woman don't you think?

Never was about the women to me, it's about the babies :) Keep trying and keep avoiding the awful truth about Murder Inc in your quest

At least you're more honest than those who pretend it's about a woman's health. It's about the women for me :)
Oh boy, yeah Planned Parenthood is completely on the level.....NOT!

‘Dramatic showdown’ in Missouri Senate over Planned Parenthood illegalities

JEFFERSON CITY, MO, August 27, 2015 – More Planned Parenthood corruption was revealed in a Missouri state Senate hearing Tuesday.

Since the release of undercover videos showing that Planned Parenthood traffics in aborted baby organs, Missouri State Senator Kurt Schaefer headed an investigation of the abortion giant. In hearings this month, revelations exposed several illegal activities of Planned Parenthood and its political and institutional allies.

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Director Gail Vasterling avoided answering senate questions and, in one instance, outright refused the senate an answer. Likewise, Missouri University made every effort to prevent the senate investigating committee from obtaining important information.

Why? Because, allegedly, the two institutions conspired to illegally secure a license for Columbia's Planned Parenthood facility to resume chemical abortions, even though the facility did not comply with basic state laws protecting the health of women.

On August 13, Vasterling refused to answer whether Planned Parenthood's newly hired abortionist, Colleen McNicholas, had hospital privileges in Columbia as required by law.

Schaefer accused Vasterling of "withholding information ... from the people of the state of Missouri." He ordered Vasterling to appear again at a hearing on August 25 or be held in contempt.

Vasterling sent Schaefer a letter on August 21, 2015, admitting that an ambulatory surgical center license was issued to the Columbia Planned Parenthood facility even though the facility was not in compliance with the law.

Instead of maintaining the required hospital privileges in Columbia, McNicholas had only limited "refer and follow" privileges with Missouri University Health Care – which doesn't even allow the abortionist to admit or care for patients.

Missouri law states that abortionists must be licensed to perform procedures at a nearby hospital, in order to consistently care for the many women who need additional procedures after an incomplete abortion.

Incomplete abortion is a common complication of chemical abortions. The National Abortion Federation reports that up to ten percent of all chemical abortions require surgery to stop hemorrhaging or to prevent infection from retained baby tissue.

‘Dramatic showdown’ in Missouri Senate over Planned Parenthood illegalities

Instead of maintaining the required hospital privileges in Columbia, McNicholas had only limited "refer and follow" privileges with Missouri University Health Care – which doesn't even allow the abortionist to admit or care for patients.

Now isn't that interesting. Goes to show - this whole new legislative trend has nothing to do with what is best for the women or women's health - it is only about ending abortion. The law requires admitting priviledges but the hospitals refuse it to abortion providers. Quite often, they are too afraid of repercussions from pro-life legislators and violent anti-abortion groups.

Time to quit pretending it's about the woman don't you think?

Never was about the women to me, it's about the babies :) Keep trying and keep avoiding the awful truth about Murder Inc in your quest

At least you're more honest than those who pretend it's about a woman's health. It's about the women for me :)

I've never claimed otherwise, with me it's all about the babies. It's a major cause in my life and I won't back down nor will I ever give up. If I could adopt a dozen I would but that's impossible.
Oh boy, yeah Planned Parenthood is completely on the level.....NOT!

‘Dramatic showdown’ in Missouri Senate over Planned Parenthood illegalities

JEFFERSON CITY, MO, August 27, 2015 – More Planned Parenthood corruption was revealed in a Missouri state Senate hearing Tuesday.

Since the release of undercover videos showing that Planned Parenthood traffics in aborted baby organs, Missouri State Senator Kurt Schaefer headed an investigation of the abortion giant. In hearings this month, revelations exposed several illegal activities of Planned Parenthood and its political and institutional allies.

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Director Gail Vasterling avoided answering senate questions and, in one instance, outright refused the senate an answer. Likewise, Missouri University made every effort to prevent the senate investigating committee from obtaining important information.

Why? Because, allegedly, the two institutions conspired to illegally secure a license for Columbia's Planned Parenthood facility to resume chemical abortions, even though the facility did not comply with basic state laws protecting the health of women.

On August 13, Vasterling refused to answer whether Planned Parenthood's newly hired abortionist, Colleen McNicholas, had hospital privileges in Columbia as required by law.

Schaefer accused Vasterling of "withholding information ... from the people of the state of Missouri." He ordered Vasterling to appear again at a hearing on August 25 or be held in contempt.

Vasterling sent Schaefer a letter on August 21, 2015, admitting that an ambulatory surgical center license was issued to the Columbia Planned Parenthood facility even though the facility was not in compliance with the law.

Instead of maintaining the required hospital privileges in Columbia, McNicholas had only limited "refer and follow" privileges with Missouri University Health Care – which doesn't even allow the abortionist to admit or care for patients.

Missouri law states that abortionists must be licensed to perform procedures at a nearby hospital, in order to consistently care for the many women who need additional procedures after an incomplete abortion.

Incomplete abortion is a common complication of chemical abortions. The National Abortion Federation reports that up to ten percent of all chemical abortions require surgery to stop hemorrhaging or to prevent infection from retained baby tissue.

‘Dramatic showdown’ in Missouri Senate over Planned Parenthood illegalities

Instead of maintaining the required hospital privileges in Columbia, McNicholas had only limited "refer and follow" privileges with Missouri University Health Care – which doesn't even allow the abortionist to admit or care for patients.

Now isn't that interesting. Goes to show - this whole new legislative trend has nothing to do with what is best for the women or women's health - it is only about ending abortion. The law requires admitting priviledges but the hospitals refuse it to abortion providers. Quite often, they are too afraid of repercussions from pro-life legislators and violent anti-abortion groups.

Time to quit pretending it's about the woman don't you think?
Admitting privileges are given to physicians who are certified and can pass malpractice qualifications. If a dr can't pass admitting privileges they shouldn't be performing procedures on anyone. Common sense.

You want a physician who can't pass working on you?

In order to get admitting privileges - physicians must be certified and pass malpractice qualifications. That doesn't mean a hospital is required to GIVE them said privileges.

"Admitting privileges" actually means that the doctor is akin to a staff member of that hospital; among other things, she has the privilege to admit a patient for a stay in the hospital without the say-so of any other doctors. The problem is that because hospitals don't want to become embroiled in abortion politics, they regularly refuse admitting privileges to doctors who perform abortions. For example, doctors at the last abortion clinic in Mississippi applied for admitting privileges to seven hospitals in the area, and were refused at every one.

Why are certain states forcing legislation requiring "admitting privileges"? Nothing to do with the quality of care a woman is getting.

However, patients can still be admitted at hospitals even if abortion providers don't have admitting privileges. In cases of complications or emergencies, abortion providers already transfer their patients to local hospitals, where they are treated by hospital staff.

In the wave of anti-abortion measures that have swept swaths of the South and Midwest over the last four years, the admitting privileges law has come out on top. In certain states, the law has the power to close either most or all of the state's abortion clinics, rendering the procedure nonexistent.

Supporters of the law have argued that it's about safety for patients, and it does sound pretty good: who wouldn't want a patient admitted at a local hospital in case a complication arises during an abortion? But opponents say the law is not only redundant because abortion-clinic patients are already admitted at local hospitals, but also deceptive and discriminatory.

Nice try though.
PP got caught with their pants down. They should just take their medicine and be aborted from receiving federal and state funding.

Federal fund are not used for abortions, except in the case of rape.

Woman pay out of pocket for an abortion. No tax dollars since '76.
Abortions due to rape can be performed at any major hospital. No need for PP.
PP does more then abortion, and what about abortion in regards to financial problems? Birth defects? CHOICE.
Birth defect diagnosis is sometimes wrong and only accounts for 6 % of abortions. First. Get a second opinion. Fatal birth defects resulting in abortion can be performed by your OBGYN.

See your OBGYN for your yearly Pap smear, breast exam, BC shot. Abortion avoided.

Doctors err on the side of life, but not test is 100%.

Birth Defects Testing-Topic Overview

There is usually a number of tests and retesting involved to be sure.

Exactly. I know someone who was considered an at-risk pregnancy. Some early tests indicated something *might* be wrong. They waited and retested several times, and determined everything was ok. They will retest or conduct different tests to be certain. These babies are wanted - no expectant mother wants to face having to abort a longed for child due to severe fetal defects.
Your feckless position has been discredited by your own assertion that "Hospitals and Medical centers in the country were founded by Christian churches".
The majority were. Look it up.

Utterly irrelevant as far as providing medical services to the American people goes and even more so as far as abortion is concerned.

You don't get to use your religion as a blunt instrument to deny women their constitutional rights.
Please then point to all illegitimate medical centers and hospitals on that list that say breast cancer is linked to abortion. And quit with the blustering and deflecting.


Your website is not credible because it has a religious bias and is cherry picking discredited reports to support it's anti-abortion agenda.
Got references for your claims? Doctor names, medical center names, reports conducted disputing point by point the reports in question. I need specifics. Go...

The National Cancer Society has refuted claims that link breast cancer to abortion. I don't think even you can claim they are biased in the abortion debate.
Utterly irrelevant as far as providing medical services to the American people goes and even more so as far as abortion is concerned.

You don't get to use your religion as a blunt instrument to deny women their constitutional rights.
Please then point to all illegitimate medical centers and hospitals on that list that say breast cancer is linked to abortion. And quit with the blustering and deflecting.


Your website is not credible because it has a religious bias and is cherry picking discredited reports to support it's anti-abortion agenda.
Got references for your claims? Doctor names, medical center names, reports conducted disputing point by point the reports in question. I need specifics. Go...

You were provided with credible evidence debunking your fallacious allegation that abortion is linked to breast cancer from the credible resources at the Susan G Korman Foundation.

Onus is on you to disprove that source first.


Susan G. Komen for the Cure Donates $7.5 Million to Planned Parenthood

Susan G. Komen for the Cure Donates $7.5 Million to Planned Parenthood | SBA-List

Just because someone gives money to an organization doesn't mean that they will lie just for that organization.

However, The American Cancer Institute doesn't give money to anyone that I know of nor do they have any connection to PP that I know of.

Why is it that anti choice sites are ok with you and not the koman foundation?

Whatever floats your lies seems to work for you.

Meanwhile the National Cancer Institute says you and all who make the absurd claim abortion causes breast cancer, YOU'RE FULL OF GARBAGE!

Abortion, Miscarriage, and Breast Cancer Risk - National Cancer Institute
Dont' know it this has made it to this thread, and I'm not about to go thru 36 pages to find out.

Planned Parenthood Paid Left-Wing Firm to Get Media to Report Videos Were "Highly Edited" |

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is based in Washington, DC and provides premium research, strategic intelligence, and due diligence services to corporations, law firms, and investors worldwide.
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as opposed to LifeNews which is anti-abortion

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