Forensic Analysis: Planned Parenthood Videos Are Severely Manipulated

Hey numb nut Forced Birthers pro war moral agents must be excited ...prospect of a new war Right to Lifers just Love war
Ted Cruz vows to introduce ayatollah to ’72 virgins’ if he’s elected president

Link or it doesn't exist
hahahhah I am going to humiliate you are truly a low information Moron

Cruz on ayatollah: 'We may have to help introduce him to the 72 virgins'

Things like Ted Cruz’s threat to Murder Iran’s Ayatollah are why Iranians don’t Trust US

You stated that Cruz 'VOWED' to kill the Iranian ayatollah, now you change that to 'we may have to'?

Lol, no, you are only humiliating yourself, idiot.

Fuk you asshole I am not going to gish gallop ..Ted Cruz said it

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