Forensic Analysis: Planned Parenthood Videos Are Severely Manipulated

More lies. Many pro-lifers are also pacifists.

Carly Fiorina is pro torture and so are you...both of you are phonies...there is no morality of any kind to you or to are both amoral bums

That is a lie. I am not 'pro torture' and I doubt she is either.

Just because you choose to call something torture does not make it torture nor does it impose a moral restriction on anyone.

And the libtards have the most bloody record on torture of anyone in the history of mankind, again, going from the Jacobins to the Bolsheviks to the Stalinists to Mao and Pol Pot, no one murders as much as libtards do nor tortures as much lies as much or slimes as much.

You people are hideous amoral scum of the earth.

Own it, its your legacy.
Scrambled fetus and eggs are good for breakfast.

And you libtards love wallowing in your blood and death and murder when you aren't pretending to be morally superior and let your real souls slime out.
cry baby whino you are pro war want to see blood and guts on the floor

Another boring unsupported assertion by a barley functional libtard liar.

Will there ever be anything new under the sun?
More lies. Many pro-lifers are also pacifists.

Carly Fiorina is pro torture and so are you...both of you are phonies...there is no morality of any kind to you or to are both amoral bums

That is a lie. I am not 'pro torture' and I doubt she is either.

Carly Fiorina Defends Government Sponsored Torture And Surveillance
More lies. Many pro-lifers are also pacifists.

Carly Fiorina is pro torture and so are you...both of you are phonies...there is no morality of any kind to you or to are both amoral bums

That is a lie. I am not 'pro torture' and I doubt she is either.

Carly Fiorina Defends Government Sponsored Torture And Surveillance [/QUOTE]

First, water boarding is not torture in the classic sense of the word. I have been water boarded in training when I was in the military and I much prefer that to having my nails pulled out or glass being broken in my mouth and similar such examples of real torture. Making someone endure discomfort is not torture as then anything that punishes a criminal would become torture.

But you are a troll and not concerned with an actual discussion, but there ya go, proven wrong once again, but you will use the libtard redefinition of torture to justify your baseless accusations while the historical record shows the libtard ideologues like you really have no problem with torture at all. You are totally OK with it as long as it is your heroes like Castro, Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot doing it.
Another boring unsupported assertion by a barley functional libtard liar.

"barley functional" know you are the gold standard of stupid...

lol, yeah my typoi proves you actually know how to think critically? or think at all?
you make that typo while calling someone else like me name you asked for it you moron immoral pretender to caring for people...lets face it are a Conservative bastard who does not give a fk about anyone
these pro lifers do not care about any woman life ...they pose like they do...they think they are more moral than anyone even though they are Pro war and against the social safety net ...fakers phonies poltroons and reprobates ...that is the "Right to Life"
Another boring unsupported assertion by a barley functional libtard liar.

"barley functional" know you are the gold standard of stupid...

lol, yeah my typoi proves you actually know how to think critically? or think at all?
you make that typo while calling someone else like me name you asked for it you moron immoral pretender to caring for people...lets face it are a Conservative bastard who does not give a fk about anyone

I am asserting that you can not think rationally. Any idiot can use a spell checker, I just don't care to.

You don't know the difference between an assertion that is warranted or unwarranted and even if you did it wouldn't matter to you because you are an ideological rhetorical spinning libtard, the moral opposite of a neocon, without conscience, dignity or honor.

You are a slug on the shit trench wall of your pathetic life shitting out the same thing you eat; shit.
these pro lifers do not care about any woman life ...they pose like they do...they think they are more moral than anyone even though they are Pro war and against the social safety net ...fakers phonies poltroons and reprobates ...that is the "Right to Life"

Pro-lifers run women's health care clinics and orphanages. How many do abortion providers run? None.

Your lies and hypocrisy is over, dude. Truth is coming to light.
Those doctored/edited videos are still getting people killed and terrorized.

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