Forensic Analysis: Planned Parenthood Videos Are Severely Manipulated

Even the supposedly unedited "full" footage is misleadingly altered, experts say.

The undercover Planned Parenthood videos that spurred a congressional investigation were so severely manipulated that they wouldn't hold up in court, according to an analysis by three teams of forensic experts.

Planned Parenthood hired independent research firm Fusion GPS to investigate the validity of the first five "sting" videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group.

Glenn Simpson, a partner at the firm and a former Wall Street Journal reporter, assembled three teams of neutral experts to comb through the tapes using special video software. He said the teams found that all of the videos analyzed -- even the supposedly "full," unedited footage the CMP released -- were missing large sections of time and misleadingly altered so that separate conversations appeared to take place in an uninterrupted take. Moreover, the forensic team found that the transcripts CMS released with the videos were frequently erroneous.

"It appears they commit what I would call 'wishful thinking' about what was said," Simpson told reporters Thursday.

More: 'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds

Using "doctored" videos to advance the anti-choice agenda is dishonorable and misleading.
Yeah. .....that must be why they retracted their apology.

Because what they said and what they're doing is totally out of context.

When they say jokingly, that they cut the face open to get to the brain even while the heart is still beating, its not as bad as it sounds.
The war is on Planned Parenthood. Nobody buys the war on women shit anymore.

When your war involves our uterus' - then it's a war on women.

Pure hyperbole.....POLLY WANT A CRACKER......SQUAWK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't you know? Moonbats ...they are the only ones that own all the worlds women's uteus.

And speak for all of them.

I don't know who you're speaking of but I own only my own uterus, and it's my choice as to whether or not I want a tenant in it. You folks seem to think you have a right to manage every women's uterus. You do not. Mind your own instead.
Why are you afraid to let a woman know she now has a choice to go to a real OBGYN? One of her choosing through ACA aligned providers.

Mind your own uterus hypocrite.

:lol: I AM minding my own. Why are you afraid of letting women have free choice in choosing her medical care?
I mean if 51% is due to faulty birth control something needs to be done, some condom or BC pill manufacturers need to be monitored closer or the person using the contraceptive needs to use it properly. I can't believe that no.

The Guttmacher Institute is probably the best source of non partisan information there is out there.

Yes, some of those findings are revealing. There was a study in Colorado, if I recall correctly, where at risk teens were provided with long acting contraceptives that have better results at preventing pregnancies. The incidence of pregnancies in that test dropped by 80%!

Two problems. One is that those methods of contraception are more expensive so poor women can't afford them. (Around about $1000 or so to have the procedure) and the funding for that program ran out so they cancelled it.

But let's just do the math for ourselves. Right now there are about 1 million abortions a year so if 50% are because of the failure of birth control those could be reduced by 80% using these long acting contraceptives.

So for a cost of a mere half a billion dollars a year it would be possible to reduce abortions by 40%.

That would mean 400,000 fewer abortions each and every year for what is mere petty cash to the federal budget, and no, that money is not spent providing abortions but preventing them instead.

Why isn't this a no brainer for Congress to pass?


So these women are not wearing condoms which in most cases are free?

did someone say "condoms are free and women should be wearing them?" --------do the martians have computers?
I mean if 51% is due to faulty birth control something needs to be done, some condom or BC pill manufacturers need to be monitored closer or the person using the contraceptive needs to use it properly. I can't believe that no.

The Guttmacher Institute is probably the best source of non partisan information there is out there.

Yes, some of those findings are revealing. There was a study in Colorado, if I recall correctly, where at risk teens were provided with long acting contraceptives that have better results at preventing pregnancies. The incidence of pregnancies in that test dropped by 80%!

Two problems. One is that those methods of contraception are more expensive so poor women can't afford them. (Around about $1000 or so to have the procedure) and the funding for that program ran out so they cancelled it.

But let's just do the math for ourselves. Right now there are about 1 million abortions a year so if 50% are because of the failure of birth control those could be reduced by 80% using these long acting contraceptives.

So for a cost of a mere half a billion dollars a year it would be possible to reduce abortions by 40%.

That would mean 400,000 fewer abortions each and every year for what is mere petty cash to the federal budget, and no, that money is not spent providing abortions but preventing them instead.

Why isn't this a no brainer for Congress to pass?


So these women are not wearing condoms which in most cases are free?

did someone say "condoms are free and women should be wearing them?" --------do the martians have computers?

I should of said have them and if they want to screw around Make the men put one on. Glad you caught that. Now Bruce Jenner is a woman, so he says, and I think he has his ding dong, so in that case she should wear one.

good save---penny----will "she" get them free? ------are you sure she still has her phallus? for sex change the surgeons can create a cleft to replace that which you (as a heath care worker) have named "dingdong". Is that the current term in the brothel of your

There are female condoms
Female condom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For some people, past or present, if they have a penny, they can use that.
Oh boy, yeah Planned Parenthood is completely on the level.....NOT!

‘Dramatic showdown’ in Missouri Senate over Planned Parenthood illegalities

JEFFERSON CITY, MO, August 27, 2015 – More Planned Parenthood corruption was revealed in a Missouri state Senate hearing Tuesday.

Since the release of undercover videos showing that Planned Parenthood traffics in aborted baby organs, Missouri State Senator Kurt Schaefer headed an investigation of the abortion giant. In hearings this month, revelations exposed several illegal activities of Planned Parenthood and its political and institutional allies.

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Director Gail Vasterling avoided answering senate questions and, in one instance, outright refused the senate an answer. Likewise, Missouri University made every effort to prevent the senate investigating committee from obtaining important information.

Why? Because, allegedly, the two institutions conspired to illegally secure a license for Columbia's Planned Parenthood facility to resume chemical abortions, even though the facility did not comply with basic state laws protecting the health of women.

On August 13, Vasterling refused to answer whether Planned Parenthood's newly hired abortionist, Colleen McNicholas, had hospital privileges in Columbia as required by law.

Schaefer accused Vasterling of "withholding information ... from the people of the state of Missouri." He ordered Vasterling to appear again at a hearing on August 25 or be held in contempt.

Vasterling sent Schaefer a letter on August 21, 2015, admitting that an ambulatory surgical center license was issued to the Columbia Planned Parenthood facility even though the facility was not in compliance with the law.

Instead of maintaining the required hospital privileges in Columbia, McNicholas had only limited "refer and follow" privileges with Missouri University Health Care – which doesn't even allow the abortionist to admit or care for patients.

Missouri law states that abortionists must be licensed to perform procedures at a nearby hospital, in order to consistently care for the many women who need additional procedures after an incomplete abortion.

Incomplete abortion is a common complication of chemical abortions. The National Abortion Federation reports that up to ten percent of all chemical abortions require surgery to stop hemorrhaging or to prevent infection from retained baby tissue.

‘Dramatic showdown’ in Missouri Senate over Planned Parenthood illegalities

Instead of maintaining the required hospital privileges in Columbia, McNicholas had only limited "refer and follow" privileges with Missouri University Health Care – which doesn't even allow the abortionist to admit or care for patients.

Now isn't that interesting. Goes to show - this whole new legislative trend has nothing to do with what is best for the women or women's health - it is only about ending abortion. The law requires admitting priviledges but the hospitals refuse it to abortion providers. Quite often, they are too afraid of repercussions from pro-life legislators and violent anti-abortion groups.

Time to quit pretending it's about the woman don't you think?

Never was about the women to me, it's about the babies :) Keep trying and keep avoiding the awful truth about Murder Inc in your quest
Even the supposedly unedited "full" footage is misleadingly altered, experts say.

The undercover Planned Parenthood videos that spurred a congressional investigation were so severely manipulated that they wouldn't hold up in court, according to an analysis by three teams of forensic experts.

Planned Parenthood hired independent research firm Fusion GPS to investigate the validity of the first five "sting" videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group.

Glenn Simpson, a partner at the firm and a former Wall Street Journal reporter, assembled three teams of neutral experts to comb through the tapes using special video software. He said the teams found that all of the videos analyzed -- even the supposedly "full," unedited footage the CMP released -- were missing large sections of time and misleadingly altered so that separate conversations appeared to take place in an uninterrupted take. Moreover, the forensic team found that the transcripts CMS released with the videos were frequently erroneous.

"It appears they commit what I would call 'wishful thinking' about what was said," Simpson told reporters Thursday.

More: 'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds

Using "doctored" videos to advance the anti-choice agenda is dishonorable and misleading.
Yeah. .....that must be why they retracted their apology.

Because what they said and what they're doing is totally out of context.

When they say jokingly, that they cut the face open to get to the brain even while the heart is still beating, its not as bad as it sounds.

Dishonest. Fetus/womb is injected before removal. Fetus is not living.
Even the supposedly unedited "full" footage is misleadingly altered, experts say.

The undercover Planned Parenthood videos that spurred a congressional investigation were so severely manipulated that they wouldn't hold up in court, according to an analysis by three teams of forensic experts.

Planned Parenthood hired independent research firm Fusion GPS to investigate the validity of the first five "sting" videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group.

Glenn Simpson, a partner at the firm and a former Wall Street Journal reporter, assembled three teams of neutral experts to comb through the tapes using special video software. He said the teams found that all of the videos analyzed -- even the supposedly "full," unedited footage the CMP released -- were missing large sections of time and misleadingly altered so that separate conversations appeared to take place in an uninterrupted take. Moreover, the forensic team found that the transcripts CMS released with the videos were frequently erroneous.

"It appears they commit what I would call 'wishful thinking' about what was said," Simpson told reporters Thursday.

More: 'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds

Using "doctored" videos to advance the anti-choice agenda is dishonorable and misleading.
Yeah. .....that must be why they retracted their apology.

Because what they said and what they're doing is totally out of context.

When they say jokingly, that they cut the face open to get to the brain even while the heart is still beating, its not as bad as it sounds.

Dishonest. Fetus/womb is injected before removal. Fetus is not living.
Exactly, I remember a video circulating of an abortion being done with the fetus out of the womb, well, the fetus had died in the wound and they were cutting it up to get it out. But pro lifers went wild.
Oh boy, yeah Planned Parenthood is completely on the level.....NOT!

‘Dramatic showdown’ in Missouri Senate over Planned Parenthood illegalities

JEFFERSON CITY, MO, August 27, 2015 – More Planned Parenthood corruption was revealed in a Missouri state Senate hearing Tuesday.

Since the release of undercover videos showing that Planned Parenthood traffics in aborted baby organs, Missouri State Senator Kurt Schaefer headed an investigation of the abortion giant. In hearings this month, revelations exposed several illegal activities of Planned Parenthood and its political and institutional allies.

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Director Gail Vasterling avoided answering senate questions and, in one instance, outright refused the senate an answer. Likewise, Missouri University made every effort to prevent the senate investigating committee from obtaining important information.

Why? Because, allegedly, the two institutions conspired to illegally secure a license for Columbia's Planned Parenthood facility to resume chemical abortions, even though the facility did not comply with basic state laws protecting the health of women.

On August 13, Vasterling refused to answer whether Planned Parenthood's newly hired abortionist, Colleen McNicholas, had hospital privileges in Columbia as required by law.

Schaefer accused Vasterling of "withholding information ... from the people of the state of Missouri." He ordered Vasterling to appear again at a hearing on August 25 or be held in contempt.

Vasterling sent Schaefer a letter on August 21, 2015, admitting that an ambulatory surgical center license was issued to the Columbia Planned Parenthood facility even though the facility was not in compliance with the law.

Instead of maintaining the required hospital privileges in Columbia, McNicholas had only limited "refer and follow" privileges with Missouri University Health Care – which doesn't even allow the abortionist to admit or care for patients.

Missouri law states that abortionists must be licensed to perform procedures at a nearby hospital, in order to consistently care for the many women who need additional procedures after an incomplete abortion.

Incomplete abortion is a common complication of chemical abortions. The National Abortion Federation reports that up to ten percent of all chemical abortions require surgery to stop hemorrhaging or to prevent infection from retained baby tissue.

‘Dramatic showdown’ in Missouri Senate over Planned Parenthood illegalities

Instead of maintaining the required hospital privileges in Columbia, McNicholas had only limited "refer and follow" privileges with Missouri University Health Care – which doesn't even allow the abortionist to admit or care for patients.

Now isn't that interesting. Goes to show - this whole new legislative trend has nothing to do with what is best for the women or women's health - it is only about ending abortion. The law requires admitting priviledges but the hospitals refuse it to abortion providers. Quite often, they are too afraid of repercussions from pro-life legislators and violent anti-abortion groups.

Time to quit pretending it's about the woman don't you think?
Admitting privileges are given to physicians who are certified and can pass malpractice qualifications. If a dr can't pass admitting privileges they shouldn't be performing procedures on anyone. Common sense.

You want a physician who can't pass working on you?
Only 3% of what they do is abortions, and well they can't do an abortion without a woman wanting one. What gets me is why are these women needing abortions, Unprotected SEX, which leads to HIV, Cervical CA and other VD's.
And abortions lead to a higher risk of breast cancer.

That bogus claim has been completed and utterly debunked!

Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk | Susan G. Komen®

Introduction: Research clearly shows abortion (also called induced abortion) does not increase the risk of breast cancer. Since 2003, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) have agreed the scientific evidence does not support a link between abortion and breast cancer [1-2]. The NCI and ACOG routinely review the evidence on this topic (most recently in 2010 and 2013, respectively) and continue to agree there is no link between abortion and breast cancer [3]. - See more at:

Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk | Susan G. Komen®
Several medical centers disagree with you.

Medical Groups Recognizing Link

Your partisan religious website lacks credibility.
Hardly. Since the majority of Hospitals and Medical centers in the country were founded by Christian churches.

So you are only allowed to receive care in a hospital if you can prove that you are a Christian? :eek:
PP got caught with their pants down. They should just take their medicine and be aborted from receiving federal and state funding.

Federal fund are not used for abortions, except in the case of rape.

Woman pay out of pocket for an abortion. No tax dollars since '76.
Abortions due to rape can be performed at any major hospital. No need for PP.
PP got caught with their pants down. They should just take their medicine and be aborted from receiving federal and state funding.

Federal fund are not used for abortions, except in the case of rape.

Woman pay out of pocket for an abortion. No tax dollars since '76.
Abortions due to rape can be performed at any major hospital. No need for PP.
PP does more then abortion, and what about abortion in regards to financial problems? Birth defects? CHOICE.
And abortions lead to a higher risk of breast cancer.

That bogus claim has been completed and utterly debunked!

Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk | Susan G. Komen®

Introduction: Research clearly shows abortion (also called induced abortion) does not increase the risk of breast cancer. Since 2003, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) have agreed the scientific evidence does not support a link between abortion and breast cancer [1-2]. The NCI and ACOG routinely review the evidence on this topic (most recently in 2010 and 2013, respectively) and continue to agree there is no link between abortion and breast cancer [3]. - See more at:

Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk | Susan G. Komen®
Several medical centers disagree with you.

Medical Groups Recognizing Link

Your partisan religious website lacks credibility.
Hardly. Since the majority of Hospitals and Medical centers in the country were founded by Christian churches.

So you are only allowed to receive care in a hospital if you can prove that you are a Christian? :eek:

Where did she say that? Oh.....she didn't
And abortions lead to a higher risk of breast cancer.

That bogus claim has been completed and utterly debunked!

Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk | Susan G. Komen®

Introduction: Research clearly shows abortion (also called induced abortion) does not increase the risk of breast cancer. Since 2003, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) have agreed the scientific evidence does not support a link between abortion and breast cancer [1-2]. The NCI and ACOG routinely review the evidence on this topic (most recently in 2010 and 2013, respectively) and continue to agree there is no link between abortion and breast cancer [3]. - See more at:

Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk | Susan G. Komen®
Several medical centers disagree with you.

Medical Groups Recognizing Link

Your partisan religious website lacks credibility.
Hardly. Since the majority of Hospitals and Medical centers in the country were founded by Christian churches.

So you are only allowed to receive care in a hospital if you can prove that you are a Christian? :eek:
Do you?
Even the supposedly unedited "full" footage is misleadingly altered, experts say.

The undercover Planned Parenthood videos that spurred a congressional investigation were so severely manipulated that they wouldn't hold up in court, according to an analysis by three teams of forensic experts.

Planned Parenthood hired independent research firm Fusion GPS to investigate the validity of the first five "sting" videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group.

Glenn Simpson, a partner at the firm and a former Wall Street Journal reporter, assembled three teams of neutral experts to comb through the tapes using special video software. He said the teams found that all of the videos analyzed -- even the supposedly "full," unedited footage the CMP released -- were missing large sections of time and misleadingly altered so that separate conversations appeared to take place in an uninterrupted take. Moreover, the forensic team found that the transcripts CMS released with the videos were frequently erroneous.

"It appears they commit what I would call 'wishful thinking' about what was said," Simpson told reporters Thursday.

More: 'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds

Using "doctored" videos to advance the anti-choice agenda is dishonorable and misleading.

Stories like this are designed for useful-idiots.

If they lose your support, they're fucked.

So they tell you what you want to hear and tell you to move along.
Forensic proof that the audio in the videos was altered. From the OP:

Simpson said his team of experts found that the subtitles in the videos do not correspond to the actual dialogue, and that the CMP may have simply invented parts of the conversation when the recordings were too low-quality to determine what was really being said. In one case, the video indicates that a technician said, "It's a baby." But those words cannot actually be heard in the video -- the segment consists of incomprehensible background chatter.

"In our view, CMP created the purported statement, 'It's a baby,' either through transcription error or intentional fabrication," Simpson wrote in the report.
The war is on Planned Parenthood. Nobody buys the war on women shit anymore.

When your war involves our uterus' - then it's a war on women.

Pure hyperbole.....POLLY WANT A CRACKER......SQUAWK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't you know? Moonbats ...they are the only ones that own all the worlds women's uteus.

And speak for all of them.

I don't know who you're speaking of but I own only my own uterus, and it's my choice as to whether or not I want a tenant in it. You folks seem to think you have a right to manage every women's uterus. You do not. Mind your own instead.
Why are you afraid to let a woman know she now has a choice to go to a real OBGYN? One of her choosing through ACA aligned providers.

Mind your own uterus hypocrite.

You seem to forget that 97% of women are not at PP for an abortion. Doctors at PP are OB/GYNs
That bogus claim has been completed and utterly debunked!

Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk | Susan G. Komen®

Introduction: Research clearly shows abortion (also called induced abortion) does not increase the risk of breast cancer. Since 2003, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) have agreed the scientific evidence does not support a link between abortion and breast cancer [1-2]. The NCI and ACOG routinely review the evidence on this topic (most recently in 2010 and 2013, respectively) and continue to agree there is no link between abortion and breast cancer [3]. - See more at:

Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk | Susan G. Komen®
Several medical centers disagree with you.

Medical Groups Recognizing Link

Your partisan religious website lacks credibility.
Hardly. Since the majority of Hospitals and Medical centers in the country were founded by Christian churches.

So you are only allowed to receive care in a hospital if you can prove that you are a Christian? :eek:
Do you?

Your feckless position has been discredited by your own assertion that "Hospitals and Medical centers in the country were founded by Christian churches".
Forensic proof that the audio in the videos was altered. From the OP:

Simpson said his team of experts found that the subtitles in the videos do not correspond to the actual dialogue, and that the CMP may have simply invented parts of the conversation when the recordings were too low-quality to determine what was really being said. In one case, the video indicates that a technician said, "It's a baby." But those words cannot actually be heard in the video -- the segment consists of incomprehensible background chatter.

"In our view, CMP created the purported statement, 'It's a baby,' either through transcription error or intentional fabrication," Simpson wrote in the report.
You can attempt to spin your BS all day and no one believes you.
Abortion is murder.
I mean if 51% is due to faulty birth control something needs to be done, some condom or BC pill manufacturers need to be monitored closer or the person using the contraceptive needs to use it properly. I can't believe that no.

The Guttmacher Institute is probably the best source of non partisan information there is out there.

Yes, some of those findings are revealing. There was a study in Colorado, if I recall correctly, where at risk teens were provided with long acting contraceptives that have better results at preventing pregnancies. The incidence of pregnancies in that test dropped by 80%!

Two problems. One is that those methods of contraception are more expensive so poor women can't afford them. (Around about $1000 or so to have the procedure) and the funding for that program ran out so they cancelled it.

But let's just do the math for ourselves. Right now there are about 1 million abortions a year so if 50% are because of the failure of birth control those could be reduced by 80% using these long acting contraceptives.

So for a cost of a mere half a billion dollars a year it would be possible to reduce abortions by 40%.

That would mean 400,000 fewer abortions each and every year for what is mere petty cash to the federal budget, and no, that money is not spent providing abortions but preventing them instead.

Why isn't this a no brainer for Congress to pass?


So these women are not wearing condoms which in most cases are free?

did someone say "condoms are free and women should be wearing them?" --------do the martians have computers?
The Guttmacher Institute is probably the best source of non partisan information there is out there.

Yes, some of those findings are revealing. There was a study in Colorado, if I recall correctly, where at risk teens were provided with long acting contraceptives that have better results at preventing pregnancies. The incidence of pregnancies in that test dropped by 80%!

Two problems. One is that those methods of contraception are more expensive so poor women can't afford them. (Around about $1000 or so to have the procedure) and the funding for that program ran out so they cancelled it.

But let's just do the math for ourselves. Right now there are about 1 million abortions a year so if 50% are because of the failure of birth control those could be reduced by 80% using these long acting contraceptives.

So for a cost of a mere half a billion dollars a year it would be possible to reduce abortions by 40%.

That would mean 400,000 fewer abortions each and every year for what is mere petty cash to the federal budget, and no, that money is not spent providing abortions but preventing them instead.

Why isn't this a no brainer for Congress to pass?


So these women are not wearing condoms which in most cases are free?

did someone say "condoms are free and women should be wearing them?" --------do the martians have computers?

I should of said have them and if they want to screw around Make the men put one on. Glad you caught that. Now Bruce Jenner is a woman, so he says, and I think he has his ding dong, so in that case she should wear one.

good save---penny----will "she" get them free? ------are you sure she still has her phallus? for sex change the surgeons can create a cleft to replace that which you (as a heath care worker) have named "dingdong". Is that the current term in the brothel of your

There are female condoms
Female condom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For some people, past or present, if they have a penny, they can use that.

yes---aris----there are -----but they are a kinda not so useful idea---they do not protect against HPV or HIV ---------I would not described them as being WORN ----more like being SHOVED IN ------Long ago ---I heard a lecture by a GYNO-----he said "using a condom is like going to bed with your socks on" I had to take notes in lectures------but somehow I remember FOREVER -----very specific comments
PP got caught with their pants down. They should just take their medicine and be aborted from receiving federal and state funding.

Federal fund are not used for abortions, except in the case of rape.

Woman pay out of pocket for an abortion. No tax dollars since '76.
Abortions due to rape can be performed at any major hospital. No need for PP.
PP does more then abortion, and what about abortion in regards to financial problems? Birth defects? CHOICE.
Birth defect diagnosis is sometimes wrong and only accounts for 6 % of abortions. First. Get a second opinion. Fatal birth defects resulting in abortion can be performed by your OBGYN.

See your OBGYN for your yearly Pap smear, breast exam, BC shot. Abortion avoided.

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