Forensic Analysis: Planned Parenthood Videos Are Severely Manipulated

I look forward to hearing responses to the OP from some of the rabid Planned Parenthood haters.

SassyIrishLass koshergrl

I told you to quit tagging me, you're ignored

You could at least comment on the OP.
Do you understand "ignored"? She told you to stop harassing her. You didn't. Why do you think she owes you a response to your shit thread?

If I was left with so much egg on my face - I would sure as hell respond. If nothing else - I would apologize for being such a gullible fool.
Fuck off asshole!
Having libtards sucked out of the womb is a net gain for the genepool.

As disgusting, repugnant and barbaric as I think it is I will not do anything to stop complete blithering idiots from disposing of their genetic garbage.

10 Bucks say that Lakoturd's link is absolute bullshit BTW, just like everything else it posts.

It's from Huffpo, nuff said. The Holy Grail of left loon sites...well next to Slate

The OP contains live source links that even most NaziCon retards can follow. It ain't rocket science...

Neither is taking a, 'get out of pregnancy free' pill....
You will never convince the American public that PP isn't a money hungry, part selling, baby killing machine. You'll never convince them that the Congressional hearings, where nurses testified that live babies were being dissected, aren't true. The people here who kept insisting that only zygotes were being aborted were indicative of the American public. Now that they have learned the truth, they realize that PP is 21 Century butchery that needs to be stopped. Besides Obamacare takes care of "women's health" now. No need for abortion mills.

You rabid anti-abortionists do not represent the American Public. You only represent a small subset of the population. America is evenly divided on the topic and individual rights cannot be violated by people like you.

Make up your mind already

Right? Sometimes he makes me do this > :disbelief:
Having libtards sucked out of the womb is a net gain for the genepool.

As disgusting, repugnant and barbaric as I think it is I will not do anything to stop complete blithering idiots from disposing of their genetic garbage.

10 Bucks say that Lakoturd's link is absolute bullshit BTW, just like everything else it posts.

It's from Huffpo, nuff said. The Holy Grail of left loon sites...well next to Slate

Yep. And I noticed The HuffingPaintPost failed to mention who these so called independent experts were.
Even the supposedly unedited "full" footage is misleadingly altered, experts say.

The undercover Planned Parenthood videos that spurred a congressional investigation were so severely manipulated that they wouldn't hold up in court, according to an analysis by three teams of forensic experts.

Planned Parenthood hired independent research firm Fusion GPS to investigate the validity of the first five "sting" videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group.

Glenn Simpson, a partner at the firm and a former Wall Street Journal reporter, assembled three teams of neutral experts to comb through the tapes using special video software. He said the teams found that all of the videos analyzed -- even the supposedly "full," unedited footage the CMP released -- were missing large sections of time and misleadingly altered so that separate conversations appeared to take place in an uninterrupted take. Moreover, the forensic team found that the transcripts CMS released with the videos were frequently erroneous.

"It appears they commit what I would call 'wishful thinking' about what was said," Simpson told reporters Thursday.

More: 'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds

Using "doctored" videos to advance the anti-choice agenda is dishonorable and misleading.

LOL, "independent"

When Tobacco companies fund research, I guess everything they find, via "independent research" is 100% true.

What a freaking goober you are.
Having libtards sucked out of the womb is a net gain for the genepool.

As disgusting, repugnant and barbaric as I think it is I will not do anything to stop complete blithering idiots from disposing of their genetic garbage.

10 Bucks say that Lakoturd's link is absolute bullshit BTW, just like everything else it posts.

It's from Huffpo, nuff said. The Holy Grail of left loon sites...well next to Slate

Yep. And I noticed The HuffingPaintPost failed to mention who these so called independent experts were.
6 bloggers from Progressive Underground.
It was patently obvious from the outset that those videos were nothing more than an illegal attempt to libel PP.

Unfortunately most people can't spot the editing and the MSM failed to do it's job and research them first.

Of course FauxNoise wasn't going to do that anyway because they have been a proponent of using this kind of vile distortion all along.

But the rest of the media should have known better.

Now I hope that they will be honest enough to promote the truth.

You started with a conclusion, grabbed at anything that supports your conclusion, then came to the conclusion that your original conclusion is the only conclusion.

Even the supposedly unedited "full" footage is misleadingly altered, experts say.

The undercover Planned Parenthood videos that spurred a congressional investigation were so severely manipulated that they wouldn't hold up in court, according to an analysis by three teams of forensic experts.

Planned Parenthood hired independent research firm Fusion GPS to investigate the validity of the first five "sting" videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group.

Glenn Simpson, a partner at the firm and a former Wall Street Journal reporter, assembled three teams of neutral experts to comb through the tapes using special video software. He said the teams found that all of the videos analyzed -- even the supposedly "full," unedited footage the CMP released -- were missing large sections of time and misleadingly altered so that separate conversations appeared to take place in an uninterrupted take. Moreover, the forensic team found that the transcripts CMS released with the videos were frequently erroneous.

"It appears they commit what I would call 'wishful thinking' about what was said," Simpson told reporters Thursday.

More: 'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds

Using "doctored" videos to advance the anti-choice agenda is dishonorable and misleading.

LOL, "independent"

When Tobacco companies fund research, I guess everything they find, via "independent research" is 100% true.

What a freaking goober you are.

One of the most relaxing things on the internet is reading libtards crying over the bullshit being exposed.
Glenn Simpson, a partner at the firm and a former Wall Street Journal reporter, assembled three teams of neutral experts to comb through the tapes using special video software.

Yeah, well, you know what....That guy is a liar. And so is that other guy! And that other guy! AND THE LAST GUY TOO!!
You will never convince the American public that PP isn't a money hungry, part selling, baby killing machine. You'll never convince them that the Congressional hearings, where nurses testified that live babies were being dissected, aren't true. The people here who kept insisting that only zygotes were being aborted were indicative of the American public. Now that they have learned the truth, they realize that PP is 21 Century butchery that needs to be stopped. Besides Obamacare takes care of "women's health" now. No need for abortion mills.

You rabid anti-abortionists do not represent the American Public. You only represent a small subset of the population. America is evenly divided on the topic and individual rights cannot be violated by people like you.

Unless I want to carry a gun in NYC, then you 100% support violating my rights.

The OP is yet another example of why Liberals love science - especially forensic science in this case. Sadly, some states have defunded Planned Parenthood based on these dishonorable NaziCon lies. The rightwing war on women continues.
Having libtards sucked out of the womb is a net gain for the genepool.

As disgusting, repugnant and barbaric as I think it is I will not do anything to stop complete blithering idiots from disposing of their genetic garbage.

10 Bucks say that Lakoturd's link is absolute bullshit BTW, just like everything else it posts.

It's from Huffpo, nuff said. The Holy Grail of left loon sites...well next to Slate

Yep. And I noticed The HuffingPaintPost failed to mention who these so called independent experts were.

The HuffPo article contains a live link to those "independent experts"...
Even the supposedly unedited "full" footage is misleadingly altered, experts say.

The undercover Planned Parenthood videos that spurred a congressional investigation were so severely manipulated that they wouldn't hold up in court, according to an analysis by three teams of forensic experts.

Planned Parenthood hired independent research firm Fusion GPS to investigate the validity of the first five "sting" videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group.

Glenn Simpson, a partner at the firm and a former Wall Street Journal reporter, assembled three teams of neutral experts to comb through the tapes using special video software. He said the teams found that all of the videos analyzed -- even the supposedly "full," unedited footage the CMP released -- were missing large sections of time and misleadingly altered so that separate conversations appeared to take place in an uninterrupted take. Moreover, the forensic team found that the transcripts CMS released with the videos were frequently erroneous.

"It appears they commit what I would call 'wishful thinking' about what was said," Simpson told reporters Thursday.

More: 'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds

Using "doctored" videos to advance the anti-choice agenda is dishonorable and misleading.

LOL, "independent"

When Tobacco companies fund research, I guess everything they find, via "independent research" is 100% true.

What a freaking goober you are.

Try to stay focused on the OP, please.
Having libtards sucked out of the womb is a net gain for the genepool.

As disgusting, repugnant and barbaric as I think it is I will not do anything to stop complete blithering idiots from disposing of their genetic garbage.

10 Bucks say that Lakoturd's link is absolute bullshit BTW, just like everything else it posts.

It's from Huffpo, nuff said. The Holy Grail of left loon sites...well next to Slate

Yep. And I noticed The HuffingPaintPost failed to mention who these so called independent experts were.

The HuffPo article contains a live link to those "independent experts"...

Really? Who were they?
It was patently obvious from the outset that those videos were nothing more than an illegal attempt to libel PP.

Unfortunately most people can't spot the editing and the MSM failed to do it's job and research them first.

Of course FauxNoise wasn't going to do that anyway because they have been a proponent of using this kind of vile distortion all along.

But the rest of the media should have known better.

Now I hope that they will be honest enough to promote the truth.

You started with a conclusion, grabbed at anything that supports your conclusion, then came to the conclusion that your original conclusion is the only conclusion.


Unlike you I studied the videos and made my own independent findings about the editing of those vile libels against PP.

Now that my findings have been corroborated by 3 different sets of forensic analyses I am expressing my opinion on what a poor job the media did on scrutinizing those videos.

Unfortunately for you it is beyond your meager cognitive skills to comprehend that I didn't conclude anything that hasn't been independently verified.

But as with everything you post, this just reeks of your own ignorance of the OP topic.

Have a nice day.
You will never convince the American public that PP isn't a money hungry, part selling, baby killing machine. You'll never convince them that the Congressional hearings, where nurses testified that live babies were being dissected, aren't true. The people here who kept insisting that only zygotes were being aborted were indicative of the American public. Now that they have learned the truth, they realize that PP is 21 Century butchery that needs to be stopped. Besides Obamacare takes care of "women's health" now. No need for abortion mills.

You rabid anti-abortionists do not represent the American Public. You only represent a small subset of the population. America is evenly divided on the topic and individual rights cannot be violated by people like you.

Unless I want to carry a gun in NYC, then you 100% support violating my rights.


Non sequitur!

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