Forensic Analysis: Planned Parenthood Videos Are Severely Manipulated

CMP's David Daleiden announces CMP has thousands of hours of video taken over a 2 1/2 year period and will release them all unedited in response to Planned Parenthood's desperate attempt. Any bets Planned Parenthood paid for this "independent analysis" :rolleyes:

It's going to get worse for PP, wait for it.

13 states have spent countless tax dollars on investigating PP and failed to uncover any evidence of wrong doing. I wouldn't count on it.

They are evil and people that support them are just as evil. You support abortion you're just as bad as the ones doing the deed. Count on it

For some posters you label pro-abortion, it is not about supporting the act of abortion as much as supporting the law and the right of women to choose.

I wish abortions were not necessary but I've seen the results of rape and women that did not want to be mothers or that should not have been mothers.

Ideally all children should be in loving homes, but unfortunately kids in foster care do not grow up strong stable confident individuals. There are not enough loving people to adopt all the children.
Even if abortions were illegal, women would find ways to terminate or end up killing themselves.
Those who are raped suffer in told shame and self loathing for 'not fighting harder' or some other form of excuse for what they suffered.

There are many that for medical reason have to terminate their pregnancy, not because they don't want children but because it is not safe for them or the child.

No one is encouraging the use of abortion, but there is a necessity in many cases, be it mental or physical. For some it is just the wrong time. The point is they have a right to choose and no one no matter how moral their motives might be can full understand what that woman goes through to make the decision. No one should have a right to take that right or freedom away from them.
Pregnancy and motherhood is not for everyone. It is difficult and anyone that chooses to be a mother should be fully prepared for the commitment, even if only for the nine months of the pregnancy.

I'd rather every baby born was loved and wanted than fifty or 50 thousand children falling through the cracks of society because they were not wanted.

Quality if our love for children born rather than quantity of children who are not love and nurtured

Most poster are not encouraging abortions, but protecting the right of women to decide their needs in life and not slaves to the whims and morals of others.

Anti-abortionists do not have the right to tell women what they can and cannot do or force them to become mothers.

It is not about being pro-abortion but being pro-freedom-to-choose
What has she lied about?

The ghouls got caught. You think that slander and libel against those who caught them selling the organs of their victims will make others love abortion as you do.

It won't. Abortion lost favor decades ago. Anyone with a knowledge of biology is forced to admit what abortion is, the killing of human offspring. Abortion support has dropped steadily since the 90's already. Now the main ghouls get caught selling the organs of their victims, giving the impression that the kill babies for a profit.

You'll never recover. Slander the ones who caught you all you like, you'll never recover.

Agreed, Planned Parenthood took a fatal hit.
I'm all for PP. Each year tens of thousands of negro and American indian babies won't have to live in fucking shitholes all their short lives and suck of the 'Maker's teat and be able to claim the only time they had anything to eat they didn't fucking rob was when they were in prison.

Only 3% of what they do is abortions, and well they can't do an abortion without a woman wanting one. What gets me is why are these women needing abortions, Unprotected SEX, which leads to HIV, Cervical CA and other VD's.
And abortions lead to a higher risk of breast cancer.
I'm all for PP. Each year tens of thousands of negro and American indian babies won't have to live in fucking shitholes all their short lives and suck of the 'Maker's teat and be able to claim the only time they had anything to eat they didn't fucking rob was when they were in prison.

Only 3% of what they do is abortions, and well they can't do an abortion without a woman wanting one. What gets me is why are these women needing abortions, Unprotected SEX, which leads to HIV, Cervical CA and other VD's.
And abortions lead to a higher risk of breast cancer.

And down the road to a lot of mental issues and depression. The ghouls don't tell the girls that though, it might upset the profit margin
What has she lied about?

The ghouls got caught. You think that slander and libel against those who caught them selling the organs of their victims will make others love abortion as you do.

It won't. Abortion lost favor decades ago. Anyone with a knowledge of biology is forced to admit what abortion is, the killing of human offspring. Abortion support has dropped steadily since the 90's already. Now the main ghouls get caught selling the organs of their victims, giving the impression that the kill babies for a profit.

You'll never recover. Slander the ones who caught you all you like, you'll never recover.

Agreed, Planned Parenthood took a fatal hit.

Where is the evidence? All of these indictments...
13 states have spent countless tax dollars on investigating PP and failed to uncover any evidence of wrong doing. I wouldn't count on it.

They are evil and people that support them are just as evil. You support abortion you're just as bad as the ones doing the deed. Count on it

It's my body, my choice. You and the gubment need to butt out.

Nah, I don't think I will. What's your plan?


LMAO that was stupid. PP got caught, they were sloppy and greedy and got caught. Defund them, they are not needed anyway since you left loons got your precious ObunglesCare

How did they "get caught"? Where are the indictments? Charges?
What has she lied about?

The ghouls got caught. You think that slander and libel against those who caught them selling the organs of their victims will make others love abortion as you do.

It won't. Abortion lost favor decades ago. Anyone with a knowledge of biology is forced to admit what abortion is, the killing of human offspring. Abortion support has dropped steadily since the 90's already. Now the main ghouls get caught selling the organs of their victims, giving the impression that the kill babies for a profit.

You'll never recover. Slander the ones who caught you all you like, you'll never recover.

Agreed, Planned Parenthood took a fatal hit.

Where is the evidence? All of these indictments...

You all sound like a parrots, is there like some website you go to each morning for talking points? "No indictments", "heavily edited videos", etc etc.
What has she lied about?

The ghouls got caught. You think that slander and libel against those who caught them selling the organs of their victims will make others love abortion as you do.

It won't. Abortion lost favor decades ago. Anyone with a knowledge of biology is forced to admit what abortion is, the killing of human offspring. Abortion support has dropped steadily since the 90's already. Now the main ghouls get caught selling the organs of their victims, giving the impression that the kill babies for a profit.

You'll never recover. Slander the ones who caught you all you like, you'll never recover.

Agreed, Planned Parenthood took a fatal hit.

Where is the evidence? All of these indictments...

You all sound like a parrots, is there like some website you go to each morning for talking points? "No indictments", "heavily edited videos", etc etc.

You can't seem to answer a straightforward question. Perhaps there is no actual evidence.
BOOM!!!!! Planned Parenthood paid for the "analysis"

Didn't see that coming, nope not at all. Idiots
I'm all for PP. Each year tens of thousands of negro and American indian babies won't have to live in fucking shitholes all their short lives and suck of the 'Maker's teat and be able to claim the only time they had anything to eat they didn't fucking rob was when they were in prison.

Only 3% of what they do is abortions, and well they can't do an abortion without a woman wanting one. What gets me is why are these women needing abortions, Unprotected SEX, which leads to HIV, Cervical CA and other VD's.
And abortions lead to a higher risk of breast cancer.

That's been debunked. Is Abortion Linked to Breast Cancer?
What has she lied about?

The ghouls got caught. You think that slander and libel against those who caught them selling the organs of their victims will make others love abortion as you do.

It won't. Abortion lost favor decades ago. Anyone with a knowledge of biology is forced to admit what abortion is, the killing of human offspring. Abortion support has dropped steadily since the 90's already. Now the main ghouls get caught selling the organs of their victims, giving the impression that the kill babies for a profit.

You'll never recover. Slander the ones who caught you all you like, you'll never recover.

Agreed, Planned Parenthood took a fatal hit.

Where is the evidence? All of these indictments...

You all sound like a parrots, is there like some website you go to each morning for talking points? "No indictments", "heavily edited videos", etc etc.

You can't seem to answer a straightforward question. Perhaps there is no actual evidence.

Let's see baby parts going to StemCell, money to Planned Parenthood, fully intact babies? Where I come from smoke means there is a fire smoldering
I'm all for PP. Each year tens of thousands of negro and American indian babies won't have to live in fucking shitholes all their short lives and suck of the 'Maker's teat and be able to claim the only time they had anything to eat they didn't fucking rob was when they were in prison.

Only 3% of what they do is abortions, and well they can't do an abortion without a woman wanting one. What gets me is why are these women needing abortions, Unprotected SEX, which leads to HIV, Cervical CA and other VD's.
And abortions lead to a higher risk of breast cancer.

That's been debunked. Is Abortion Linked to Breast Cancer?

But women who have had an abortion are 2.3 times more likely to get cervical cancer.
I seriously don't know why some of my fellow conservatives are so adamant about stopping sniveling liberal parasites from wiping out their genetic garbage. I agree PP shouldn't get a cent of tax dollars though.

I'm all for PP. Each year tens of thousands of negro and American indian babies won't have to live in fucking shitholes all their short lives and suck of the 'Maker's teat and be able to claim the only time they had anything to eat they didn't fucking rob was when they were in prison.

Only 3% of what they do is abortions, and well they can't do an abortion without a woman wanting one. What gets me is why are these women needing abortions, Unprotected SEX, which leads to HIV, Cervical CA and other VD's.

It can also be a failure of contraception.

Now and then that is true, not sure what the stats are on those, but I'm sure it happens. I mean if the woman does not want the baby, let her get the abortion as soon as she knows. I am not for back street abortions.
I seriously don't know why some of my fellow conservatives are so adamant about stopping sniveling liberal parasites from breeding. I agree PP shouldn't get a cent of tax dollars though.

Oh they will keep breeding but they do it irresponsibly and use abortion as a means as control. I'm sick of paying for it and the next fool that tries to tell me taxpayer dollars are not used is as full of shit as PP saying it.
Yep. And I noticed The HuffingPaintPost failed to mention who these so called independent experts were.

The HuffPo article contains a live link to those "independent experts"...

Really? Who were they?

Since you are showing some signs of literacy - just run your mouse over the article until a little hand with a pointy finger comes up. Then, left-click on it.

Didnt see any company names.

Fusion GPS, ran by a former Wall St Journal reporter, Glenn Simpson, who was tied to smearing Mitt Romney's campaign donors during the election. Who would have guessed? Idiots

Would you have preferred that Fox News and James O'Keefe had performed the forensic analysis? Fusion GPS is a highly respected premium research company.

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