Forensic Analysis: Planned Parenthood Videos Are Severely Manipulated

I'm all for PP. Each year tens of thousands of negro and American indian babies won't have to live in fucking shitholes all their short lives and suck of the 'Maker's teat and be able to claim the only time they had anything to eat they didn't fucking rob was when they were in prison.

Only 3% of what they do is abortions, and well they can't do an abortion without a woman wanting one. What gets me is why are these women needing abortions, Unprotected SEX, which leads to HIV, Cervical CA and other VD's.
And abortions lead to a higher risk of breast cancer.

That bogus claim has been completed and utterly debunked!

Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk | Susan G. Komen®

Introduction: Research clearly shows abortion (also called induced abortion) does not increase the risk of breast cancer. Since 2003, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) have agreed the scientific evidence does not support a link between abortion and breast cancer [1-2]. The NCI and ACOG routinely review the evidence on this topic (most recently in 2010 and 2013, respectively) and continue to agree there is no link between abortion and breast cancer [3]. - See more at:

Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk | Susan G. Komen®
What the hell? You're the drone, your spouting talking points with no basis in reality. Planned organ sales? Oh dear god.. I'm lieing? Hey, idiot, it's undeniable the videos are edited, you're the liar. Oh shit, fetuses are babies now. SAVE THE ZYGOTES.

You got caught, your victim's blood dripping from your talons.

You're like little kids with chocolate all over you, hand in the cookie jar shrieking that you didn't steal cookies.

You're absurd. You'll never get the American public to unsee the facts - no amount of lies by Planned Parenthood, KOS, ThinkProgress, or HuffingGlue will ever change reality. America saw what you did.
What the hell? You're the drone, your spouting talking points with no basis in reality. Planned organ sales? Oh dear god.. I'm lieing? Hey, idiot, it's undeniable the videos are edited, you're the liar. Oh shit, fetuses are babies now. SAVE THE ZYGOTES.

You got caught, your victim's blood dripping from your talons.

You're like little kids with chocolate all over you, hand in the cookie jar shrieking that you didn't steal cookies.

You're absurd. You'll never get the American public to unsee the facts - no amount of lies by Planned Parenthood, KOS, ThinkProgress, or HuffingGlue will ever change reality. America saw what you did.
Can't help stupid.. Keep protecting the zygotes.
I'm all for PP. Each year tens of thousands of negro and American indian babies won't have to live in fucking shitholes all their short lives and suck of the 'Maker's teat and be able to claim the only time they had anything to eat they didn't fucking rob was when they were in prison.

Only 3% of what they do is abortions, and well they can't do an abortion without a woman wanting one. What gets me is why are these women needing abortions, Unprotected SEX, which leads to HIV, Cervical CA and other VD's.

It can also be a failure of contraception.

Now and then that is true, not sure what the stats are on those, but I'm sure it happens. I mean if the woman does not want the baby, let her get the abortion as soon as she knows. I am not for back street abortions.

Actually it is true 51% of the time.

Induced Abortion in the United States

• Fifty-one percent of women who have abortions had used a contraceptive method in the month they got pregnant, most commonly condoms (27%) or a hormonal method (17%).[7]​
Even the supposedly unedited "full" footage is misleadingly altered, experts say.

The undercover Planned Parenthood videos that spurred a congressional investigation were so severely manipulated that they wouldn't hold up in court, according to an analysis by three teams of forensic experts.

Planned Parenthood hired independent research firm Fusion GPS to investigate the validity of the first five "sting" videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group.

Glenn Simpson, a partner at the firm and a former Wall Street Journal reporter, assembled three teams of neutral experts to comb through the tapes using special video software. He said the teams found that all of the videos analyzed -- even the supposedly "full," unedited footage the CMP released -- were missing large sections of time and misleadingly altered so that separate conversations appeared to take place in an uninterrupted take. Moreover, the forensic team found that the transcripts CMS released with the videos were frequently erroneous.

"It appears they commit what I would call 'wishful thinking' about what was said," Simpson told reporters Thursday.

More: 'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds

Using "doctored" videos to advance the anti-choice agenda is dishonorable and misleading.
And because the videos were edited and transcripts falsified, they cannot be used in good faith by members of Congress for any type of 'investigation':

'Planned Parenthood on Thursday gave congressional leaders and a committee that is investigating allegations of criminality at its clinics an analysis it commissioned concluding that “manipulation” of undercover videos by abortion opponents make those recordings unreliable for any official inquiry.

“A thorough review of these videos in consultation with qualified experts found that they do not present a complete or accurate record of the events they purport to depict,” said the analysis of a private research company.

“[T]he manipulation of the videos does mean they have no evidentiary value in a legal context and cannot be relied upon for any official inquiries”'

This provides further confirmation of the fact that any 'investigation' by Congressional republicans is unwarranted, as would be any vote to 'defund' Planned Parenthood.
I'm all for PP. Each year tens of thousands of negro and American indian babies won't have to live in fucking shitholes all their short lives and suck of the 'Maker's teat and be able to claim the only time they had anything to eat they didn't fucking rob was when they were in prison.

Only 3% of what they do is abortions, and well they can't do an abortion without a woman wanting one. What gets me is why are these women needing abortions, Unprotected SEX, which leads to HIV, Cervical CA and other VD's.

It can also be a failure of contraception.

Now and then that is true, not sure what the stats are on those, but I'm sure it happens. I mean if the woman does not want the baby, let her get the abortion as soon as she knows. I am not for back street abortions.

Actually it is true 51% of the time.

Induced Abortion in the United States

• Fifty-one percent of women who have abortions had used a contraceptive method in the month they got pregnant, most commonly condoms (27%) or a hormonal method (17%).[7]​

I have a hard time believing that, and following the link it provides its says this:
Background In the USA, abortion has become increasingly concentrated among poor women. For many, poverty represents difficulties meeting financial obligations, but the authors expect it is also associated with a range of potentially difficult life circumstances that may influence women's pregnancy decisions.

Methods This mixed methods study relied on two data sources. Quantitative data came from a national sample of 9493 women obtaining abortions in 2008 and examined exposure to 11 potentially disruptive events. The authors also examined associations between disruptive events, poverty status and contraceptive use. Qualitative information from 49 in-depth interviews was used to provide insights into patterns that emerged from the quantitative analysis.

Results More than half (57%) of the women obtaining abortions experienced a potentially disruptive event within the last year, most commonly unemployment (20%), separation from a partner (16%), falling behind on rent/mortgage (14%) and/or moving multiple times (12%). Poverty status was significantly associated with several of the events, particularly those that could directly impact on a family's economic circumstances, for example losing a job or having a baby. Information from the in-depth interviews suggested that disruptive events interfered with contraceptive use, but the quantitative survey found no difference in contraceptive use by exposure to disruptive life events, even after controlling for poverty status.

Conclusion Many abortion patients make decisions about their pregnancies in the midst of complex life circumstances.

  • Funding Funding for data collection and analysis were provided by an anonymous donor.

  • Competing interests None.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
I mean if 51% is due to faulty birth control something needs to be done, some condom or BC pill manufacturers need to be monitored closer or the person using the contraceptive needs to use it properly. I can't believe that no.
I mean if 51% is due to faulty birth control something needs to be done, some condom or BC pill manufacturers need to be monitored closer or the person using the contraceptive needs to use it properly. I can't believe that no.

The Guttmacher Institute is probably the best source of non partisan information there is out there.

Yes, some of those findings are revealing. There was a study in Colorado, if I recall correctly, where at risk teens were provided with long acting contraceptives that have better results at preventing pregnancies. The incidence of pregnancies in that test dropped by 80%!

Two problems. One is that those methods of contraception are more expensive so poor women can't afford them. (Around about $1000 or so to have the procedure) and the funding for that program ran out so they cancelled it.

But let's just do the math for ourselves. Right now there are about 1 million abortions a year so if 50% are because of the failure of birth control those could be reduced by 80% using these long acting contraceptives.

So for a cost of a mere half a billion dollars a year it would be possible to reduce abortions by 40%.

That would mean 400,000 fewer abortions each and every year for what is mere petty cash to the federal budget, and no, that money is not spent providing abortions but preventing them instead.

Why isn't this a no brainer for Congress to pass?

I'm all for PP. Each year tens of thousands of negro and American indian babies won't have to live in fucking shitholes all their short lives and suck of the 'Maker's teat and be able to claim the only time they had anything to eat they didn't fucking rob was when they were in prison.

Only 3% of what they do is abortions, and well they can't do an abortion without a woman wanting one. What gets me is why are these women needing abortions, Unprotected SEX, which leads to HIV, Cervical CA and other VD's.
And abortions lead to a higher risk of breast cancer.

That's been debunked. Is Abortion Linked to Breast Cancer?

But women who have had an abortion are 2.3 times more likely to get cervical cancer.

More lies from anti-abortion groups

What are the risk factors for cervical cancer?

Having multiple full-term pregnancies
Being younger than 17 at your first full-term pregnancy
Long-term use of oral contraceptives (birth control pills)
Intrauterine device use

You are looking for false excuse to blame on abortions.

If you don't know the facts, shut up. First the biblical argument didn't hold up and now your looking for other erroneous arguments that are not holding up either. Even trying to blame groups like PP didn't go far nor the use of fetal tissue for medical research. Blaming poverty failed since more of the poor can't afford to get an abortion, nor is there a connection to crime. Some have even tried to blame race and other push the idea of a fetus under 12 weeks as a human being when even the church does not hold that belief.

A woman's right to choose to be a mother or not is person and each woman has her own unique reasons. Sometimes it's a matter of failed birth control, sometimes it is far more complex. No one uses abortion instead of birth control, it does not make economic or medical sense. Abortion is a last resort not a substitute. As cancer treatment becomes more advanced and treatment begins earlier, women terminate so they can get medical treatment.

What ever the reason for the women's choice, trying to prevent them from their right to choose is morally wrong on your part. Coming up with false reasoning just weakens your argument and makes you look foolish for believing lies.

There used to be a lot of false ideas about abortion but thankfully science and reason have prevailed.

Before you throw out more false claims............
10 False Claims About Risks of Abortion - ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, breast cancer, cervical cancer, other cancers, risks for teens

Being pro-chice is not about being pro-abortion but about caring for the individual woman and what she needs, not what some groups tells her she has to do for nine months or nineteen years of her life. It is her life, not yours.

So what is the next rabbit you want to try and pull out of your hat?
The ghouls got caught. You think that slander and libel against those who caught them selling the organs of their victims will make others love abortion as you do.

It won't. Abortion lost favor decades ago. Anyone with a knowledge of biology is forced to admit what abortion is, the killing of human offspring. Abortion support has dropped steadily since the 90's already. Now the main ghouls get caught selling the organs of their victims, giving the impression that the kill babies for a profit.

You'll never recover. Slander the ones who caught you all you like, you'll never recover.

Agreed, Planned Parenthood took a fatal hit.

Where is the evidence? All of these indictments...

You all sound like a parrots, is there like some website you go to each morning for talking points? "No indictments", "heavily edited videos", etc etc.

You can't seem to answer a straightforward question. Perhaps there is no actual evidence.

Let's see baby parts going to StemCell, money to Planned Parenthood, fully intact babies? Where I come from smoke means there is a fire smoldering

Where I come from, we require evidence before making a judgement. What illegal activity occurred and where is the evidence?
I'm all for PP. Each year tens of thousands of negro and American indian babies won't have to live in fucking shitholes all their short lives and suck of the 'Maker's teat and be able to claim the only time they had anything to eat they didn't fucking rob was when they were in prison.

Only 3% of what they do is abortions, and well they can't do an abortion without a woman wanting one. What gets me is why are these women needing abortions, Unprotected SEX, which leads to HIV, Cervical CA and other VD's.
And abortions lead to a higher risk of breast cancer.

That's been debunked. Is Abortion Linked to Breast Cancer?

But women who have had an abortion are 2.3 times more likely to get cervical cancer.

Cervical Cancer risk factors: What are the risk factors for cervical cancer?

Having multiple full-term pregnancies

Women who have had 3 or more full-term pregnancies have an increased risk of developing cervical cancer. No one really knows why this is true. One theory is that these women had to have had unprotected intercourse to get pregnant, so they may have had more exposure to HPV. Also, studies have pointed to hormonal changes during pregnancy as possibly making women more susceptible to HPV infection or cancer growth. Another thought is that pregnant women might have weaker immune systems, allowing for HPV infection and cancer growth.

That's from the National Cancer Society....nothing about abortions being a risk factor.
You must have misunderstood the question.

Where is the evidence?

I must have ignored your straw man.

Where is the funding?

Ghouls in the unemployment line... Brother can you spare a dead baby?

No strawman.

Just a simple, direct question you seem incapable of answering - where is the evidence? Surely you have some? Or, is the only thing you have deflection?
Even the supposedly unedited "full" footage is misleadingly altered, experts say.

The undercover Planned Parenthood videos that spurred a congressional investigation were so severely manipulated that they wouldn't hold up in court, according to an analysis by three teams of forensic experts.

Planned Parenthood hired independent research firm Fusion GPS to investigate the validity of the first five "sting" videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group.

Glenn Simpson, a partner at the firm and a former Wall Street Journal reporter, assembled three teams of neutral experts to comb through the tapes using special video software. He said the teams found that all of the videos analyzed -- even the supposedly "full," unedited footage the CMP released -- were missing large sections of time and misleadingly altered so that separate conversations appeared to take place in an uninterrupted take. Moreover, the forensic team found that the transcripts CMS released with the videos were frequently erroneous.

"It appears they commit what I would call 'wishful thinking' about what was said," Simpson told reporters Thursday.

More: 'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds

Using "doctored" videos to advance the anti-choice agenda is dishonorable and misleading.
Give it up. You're hereo slaughterhouse organization has been caught in the act. The optics don't look good. Selling baby heads now and make jokes about ensuring the eyes are closed isn't funny to the rest of us.
Now and then that is true, not sure what the stats are on those, but I'm sure it happens. I mean if the woman does not want the baby, let her get the abortion as soon as she knows. I am not for back street abortions.

Is abortion legal in Iran? I don't mean forced abortion on Jews and Christians, but can a Muslim woman like you get an abortion legally?

Don't be stupid. They don't have forced abortions on anyone. It's illegal in Iran.
Even the supposedly unedited "full" footage is misleadingly altered, experts say.

The undercover Planned Parenthood videos that spurred a congressional investigation were so severely manipulated that they wouldn't hold up in court, according to an analysis by three teams of forensic experts.

Planned Parenthood hired independent research firm Fusion GPS to investigate the validity of the first five "sting" videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group.

Glenn Simpson, a partner at the firm and a former Wall Street Journal reporter, assembled three teams of neutral experts to comb through the tapes using special video software. He said the teams found that all of the videos analyzed -- even the supposedly "full," unedited footage the CMP released -- were missing large sections of time and misleadingly altered so that separate conversations appeared to take place in an uninterrupted take. Moreover, the forensic team found that the transcripts CMS released with the videos were frequently erroneous.

"It appears they commit what I would call 'wishful thinking' about what was said," Simpson told reporters Thursday.

More: 'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds

Using "doctored" videos to advance the anti-choice agenda is dishonorable and misleading.
Give it up. You're hereo slaughterhouse organization has been caught in the act. The optics don't look good. Selling baby heads now and make jokes about ensuring the eyes are closed isn't funny to the rest of us.
Once again Lakota flags my post as funny. You won't be laughing when PP chairman is perp walked to Leavenworth. ha ha!
Its the only avenue they can take since there is no defense.......btw same people want you to believe a utube sparked benghazi..............
Now and then that is true, not sure what the stats are on those, but I'm sure it happens. I mean if the woman does not want the baby, let her get the abortion as soon as she knows. I am not for back street abortions.

Is abortion legal in Iran? I don't mean forced abortion on Jews and Christians, but can a Muslim woman like you get an abortion legally?

Don't be stupid. They don't have forced abortions on anyone. It's illegal in Iran.

Except to save the life of the woman
Even the supposedly unedited "full" footage is misleadingly altered, experts say.

The undercover Planned Parenthood videos that spurred a congressional investigation were so severely manipulated that they wouldn't hold up in court, according to an analysis by three teams of forensic experts.

Planned Parenthood hired independent research firm Fusion GPS to investigate the validity of the first five "sting" videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group.

Glenn Simpson, a partner at the firm and a former Wall Street Journal reporter, assembled three teams of neutral experts to comb through the tapes using special video software. He said the teams found that all of the videos analyzed -- even the supposedly "full," unedited footage the CMP released -- were missing large sections of time and misleadingly altered so that separate conversations appeared to take place in an uninterrupted take. Moreover, the forensic team found that the transcripts CMS released with the videos were frequently erroneous.

"It appears they commit what I would call 'wishful thinking' about what was said," Simpson told reporters Thursday.

More: 'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds

Using "doctored" videos to advance the anti-choice agenda is dishonorable and misleading.
Give it up. You're hereo slaughterhouse organization has been caught in the act. The optics don't look good. Selling baby heads now and make jokes about ensuring the eyes are closed isn't funny to the rest of us.
Once again Lakota flags my post as funny. You won't be laughing when PP chairman is perp walked to Leavenworth. ha ha!

I'll be laughing and throwing a big party

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