Forget About Hillary's Past


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
[ame=]Mika Brzezinski Begs Sexist Republicans to Keep Going After Hillary - YouTube[/ame]

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Any Republican who is bringing this up and dredging this up is a misogynistic, sexist hypocrite because if Bill Clinton can win again with all these problems and Hillary Clinton, they can bring down because of this and they think they can even go after it, they are clueless and they are complete sexists because it's not even her affair. Now, let me ask you this. If she had an affair in the White House with a younger man, would the same result be 20 years later, ten years later, would she be able to run again and win? Hell, no. This is still a man's world. You guys are all-- I'm sorry, not you but, just please. I better not go on. This whole thing's ridiculous and these Republicans, please. Please keep doing it. Rand Paul, please. I beg you, keep going after it. Because I'll tell you right now, it will backfire so badly. It will backfire so badly and you guys will be in the same exact place where you are right now . . . There's a man/woman, sexist misogynistic, hypocritical thing going on here . . . If you're Hillary Clinton and you're weighing whether to run, and these little peanuts do this? You've just inspired her to run!

Read more: Mika: Republicans Who Mention Monica Are Sexist 'Little Peanuts' | NewsBusters

You can tell that this woman has a deep-seated hatred for the GOP.

So much for being a objective journalist.

We can bring up stuff on every Republican that happened decades ago but don't you dare mention anything in Hillary's past. Don't you dare. You sexist little peanuts.
Yep, throw all the mud you wish. President HR Clinton will be bit more inclined to return the favors than President Obama has been. Get used to having your asses kicked on a regular basis.
If Hill gets in, the left will scream sexist whenever anyone opposes something from her. Sexist will be the new racist, count on it.
Hillary may be the only well known D relatively undamaged by Ocare in 2016. I suspect she will get the nomination for POTUS but not the Office. With the GOP grossly underestimating the clean-up costs for Ocare she might win in 2020.
Mika Brzezinski Begs Sexist Republicans to Keep Going After Hillary - YouTube

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Any Republican who is bringing this up and dredging this up is a misogynistic, sexist hypocrite because if Bill Clinton can win again with all these problems and Hillary Clinton, they can bring down because of this and they think they can even go after it, they are clueless and they are complete sexists because it's not even her affair. Now, let me ask you this. If she had an affair in the White House with a younger man, would the same result be 20 years later, ten years later, would she be able to run again and win? Hell, no. This is still a man's world. You guys are all-- I'm sorry, not you but, just please. I better not go on. This whole thing's ridiculous and these Republicans, please. Please keep doing it. Rand Paul, please. I beg you, keep going after it. Because I'll tell you right now, it will backfire so badly. It will backfire so badly and you guys will be in the same exact place where you are right now . . . There's a man/woman, sexist misogynistic, hypocritical thing going on here . . . If you're Hillary Clinton and you're weighing whether to run, and these little peanuts do this? You've just inspired her to run!

Read more: Mika: Republicans Who Mention Monica Are Sexist 'Little Peanuts' | NewsBusters

You can tell that this woman has a deep-seated hatred for the GOP.

So much for being a objective journalist.

We can bring up stuff on every Republican that happened decades ago but don't you dare mention anything in Hillary's past. Don't you dare. You sexist little peanuts.

. "The reason she's a U.S. senator, the reason she's a candidate for president, the reason she may be a front-runner is her husband messed around."
~ Chris Matthews about Hillary Clinton
If Hill gets in, the left will scream sexist whenever anyone opposes something from her. Sexist will be the new racist, count on it.
And I predict that the Right will play the above VICTIM card every time they are called when they attach Hillary's pants suits, "kankles" or her aging in front of them or spew their sexist insulting names for her.

NEAL BOORTZ thought that referring to Ms. Clinton as the "Hildabeast" was quite amusing.

MARK LEVIN: "Hillary Rotten Clinton" and "Her Thighness"

RUSH LIMBAUGH: This is Clinton's testicle lockbox. It is big enough for the entire Democrat hierarchy, not just some people in the media.

NEIL CAVUTO: Men won't vote for Hillary Clinton because she reminds them of their nagging wives.

RUSH LIMBAUGH: She sounds like a screeching ex-wife. And -- and -- and I don't say that -- there's nothing against ex-wives or women. I'm just trying to be descriptive here for you. Men will know what I mean by this.

MARC RUDOV: And when Hillary Clinton speaks, men hear: Take out the garbage.

DON IMUS: called Hillary "that buck-toothed witch, Satan."

RUSH LIMBAUGH: will Americans want to sit around and watch a woman age that rapidly before their very eyes on television every day, as president of the United States?
If Hill gets in, the left will scream sexist whenever anyone opposes something from her. Sexist will be the new racist, count on it.
And I predict that the Right will play the above VICTIM card every time they are called when they attach Hillary's pants suits, "kankles" or her aging in front of them or spew their sexist insulting names for her.

NEAL BOORTZ thought that referring to Ms. Clinton as the "Hildabeast" was quite amusing.

MARK LEVIN: "Hillary Rotten Clinton" and "Her Thighness"

RUSH LIMBAUGH: This is Clinton's testicle lockbox. It is big enough for the entire Democrat hierarchy, not just some people in the media.

NEIL CAVUTO: Men won't vote for Hillary Clinton because she reminds them of their nagging wives.

RUSH LIMBAUGH: She sounds like a screeching ex-wife. And -- and -- and I don't say that -- there's nothing against ex-wives or women. I'm just trying to be descriptive here for you. Men will know what I mean by this.

MARC RUDOV: And when Hillary Clinton speaks, men hear: Take out the garbage.

DON IMUS: called Hillary "that buck-toothed witch, Satan."

RUSH LIMBAUGH: will Americans want to sit around and watch a woman age that rapidly before their very eyes on television every day, as president of the United States?

Of course you recall the left comments as well, yes?

Clinton did not win on her merit, it was because her husband cheated. _Chris Matthews

I have often said, when she comes on television, I involuntarily cross my legs." ~ Tucker Carlson about Hillary Clinton

There was cleavage on display Wednesday afternoon on C-SPAN2. It belonged to Sen. Hillary Clinton .... There wasn't an unseemly amount of cleavage showing, but there it was. Undeniable ... To display cleavage in a setting that does not involve cocktails and hors d'oeuvres is a provocation." ~ Robin Givhan (The Washington Post)

When she reacts the way she reacts to [Sen. Barack] Obama with just the look, the look toward him, looking like everyone's first wife standing outside a probate court,Mike Barnicle (MSNBC)"

Let me tell you how short Hillary's LEASH is, she has to ask her husband for anything when he gets home! ~Chris Matthews.

"Right. Somebody who can take her into a room and only he comes out~ Keith Olbermann

Clinton is very good at PLAYING the PROFESSIONL VICTIM- Cnn

Keith Olbermann's Idea For Beating Hillary: Literally Beating Hillary

Media Sexism Doomed Hillary's 2008 Bid - US News
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If Hill gets in, the left will scream sexist whenever anyone opposes something from her. Sexist will be the new racist, count on it.
And I predict that the Right will play the above VICTIM card every time they are called when they attach Hillary's pants suits, "kankles" or her aging in front of them or spew their sexist insulting names for her.

NEAL BOORTZ thought that referring to Ms. Clinton as the "Hildabeast" was quite amusing.

MARK LEVIN: "Hillary Rotten Clinton" and "Her Thighness"

RUSH LIMBAUGH: This is Clinton's testicle lockbox. It is big enough for the entire Democrat hierarchy, not just some people in the media.

NEIL CAVUTO: Men won't vote for Hillary Clinton because she reminds them of their nagging wives.

RUSH LIMBAUGH: She sounds like a screeching ex-wife. And -- and -- and I don't say that -- there's nothing against ex-wives or women. I'm just trying to be descriptive here for you. Men will know what I mean by this.

MARC RUDOV: And when Hillary Clinton speaks, men hear: Take out the garbage.

DON IMUS: called Hillary "that buck-toothed witch, Satan."

RUSH LIMBAUGH: will Americans want to sit around and watch a woman age that rapidly before their very eyes on television every day, as president of the United States?

Truth is, having been married to a former POTUS makes her marginally more qualified for the office than the current occupant.
CaféAuLait;8642450 said:
If Hill gets in, the left will scream sexist whenever anyone opposes something from her. Sexist will be the new racist, count on it.
And I predict that the Right will play the above VICTIM card every time they are called when they attach Hillary's pants suits, "kankles" or her aging in front of them or spew their sexist insulting names for her.

NEAL BOORTZ thought that referring to Ms. Clinton as the "Hildabeast" was quite amusing.

MARK LEVIN: "Hillary Rotten Clinton" and "Her Thighness"

RUSH LIMBAUGH: This is Clinton's testicle lockbox. It is big enough for the entire Democrat hierarchy, not just some people in the media.

NEIL CAVUTO: Men won't vote for Hillary Clinton because she reminds them of their nagging wives.

RUSH LIMBAUGH: She sounds like a screeching ex-wife. And -- and -- and I don't say that -- there's nothing against ex-wives or women. I'm just trying to be descriptive here for you. Men will know what I mean by this.

MARC RUDOV: And when Hillary Clinton speaks, men hear: Take out the garbage.

DON IMUS: called Hillary "that buck-toothed witch, Satan."

RUSH LIMBAUGH: will Americans want to sit around and watch a woman age that rapidly before their very eyes on television every day, as president of the United States?

Of course you recall the left comments as well, yes?

I have often said, when she comes on television, I involuntarily cross my legs." ~ Tucker Carlson about Hillary Clinton
Trying to pass off BowTucker Carlson as the "Left" is a sure sign of desperation!
Yep, throw all the mud you wish. President HR Clinton will be bit more inclined to return the favors than President Obama has been. Get used to having your asses kicked on a regular basis.

Where do you usually go to get your regular ass kickings?
I rarely see Mika, because of her sidekick. She's right.

Are you kidding???

Scarborough is more of a RINO than McCain!

Sir/Madam, for you to be so offended by the likes of Joe Scarborough that you won't watch Mika, means you must be extremely intolerant of even a hint of Conservatism.

That makes you an EXTREMIST.

Thanks for making this clear to all.

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