Forget about Joe Biden


I have no wish to irritate the Trump folks here, especially since they make up most of this group, but I have to get this out.

In my 40 years of following politics I never thought I'd see the day a sitting President would be so dumb that he would risk impeachment in trying to get a foreign government to ruin - the wong guy! Joe Biden is not going to be the Democratic nominee folks, not by a jug full. With Joe Biden embroiled in the Hunter scandal, and Bernie with health issues, Elizabeth Warren is going to continue her march to the nomination.

You risked it all to go after the wrong guy Donald - Not Smart!
/—-/ Trump risked nothing. He didn’t do anything wrong. All made up bullshyt.
...You risked it all to go after the wrong guy Donald - Not Smart!

That would imply that individual 1 wants the corruption of the senile Biden clown and his cokehead son exposed because he thinks Biden will be his opponent in the selections.

It's much more likely that he simply hates Biden because he was Obama's VP and everything the illegal Kenyan did is bad by definition....

And individual 1 didn't really risk anything, the hypocritical outrage of the deep state and the #resistance is even less convincing than the Mueller inquisition... it won't cost him any votes and he won't be impeached... it's just a show to divert attention from the lack of any actual policies of the democrats

Change the channel or you'll never find out about Democratic policies or for that matter anything else either. They have passed a hundred bills in the house all ready for anything that the GOP wants to do. But all they care about is cutting taxes on the rich and screwing everybody else. Only brainwashed idiots and their propaganda machine make this garbage possible..

I have no wish to irritate the Trump folks here, especially since they make up most of this group, but I have to get this out.

In my 40 years of following politics I never thought I'd see the day a sitting President would be so dumb that he would risk impeachment in trying to get a foreign government to ruin - the wong guy! Joe Biden is not going to be the Democratic nominee folks, not by a jug full. With Joe Biden embroiled in the Hunter scandal, and Bernie with health issues, Elizabeth Warren is going to continue her march to the nomination.

You risked it all to go after the wrong guy Donald - Not Smart!
/—-/ Trump risked nothing. He didn’t do anything wrong. All made up bullshyt.
You can't blackmail foreign leaders into investigating political opponents. Especially after the Russian wrecking of the election in 2016. Yes they hack ed the DNC computer and gave all the emails to Fox News 2 blow out of all proportion for a year. Not to mention GOP loud-mouthed James Comey.

I have no wish to irritate the Trump folks here, especially since they make up most of this group, but I have to get this out.

In my 40 years of following politics I never thought I'd see the day a sitting President would be so dumb that he would risk impeachment in trying to get a foreign government to ruin - the wong guy! Joe Biden is not going to be the Democratic nominee folks, not by a jug full. With Joe Biden embroiled in the Hunter scandal, and Bernie with health issues, Elizabeth Warren is going to continue her march to the nomination.

You risked it all to go after the wrong guy Donald - Not Smart!
Well obviously you've falling for the spin.
That's all this is. Pure unadulterated spin.

I have no wish to irritate the Trump folks here, especially since they make up most of this group, but I have to get this out.

In my 40 years of following politics I never thought I'd see the day a sitting President would be so dumb that he would risk impeachment in trying to get a foreign government to ruin - the wong guy! Joe Biden is not going to be the Democratic nominee folks, not by a jug full. With Joe Biden embroiled in the Hunter scandal, and Bernie with health issues, Elizabeth Warren is going to continue her march to the nomination.

You risked it all to go after the wrong guy Donald - Not Smart!
It's about JUSTICE, not the election. The president's hands should be tied during an election year? Fuk Biden and his criminal son.
Dizzy Lizzy is going to be great.

She'll get CA, NY and most of New England.

Trump easily rolls to a 2nd term.

And D.L. (the advocate of the common man) can go back to teaching classes (as in a single class) for 350 K.

She's a real 1%er.
Trump loses to Warren. He will get no help from electoral votes. If Warren is the nominee, she chews him up in head to head debates and that is how she wins.

Keep the wet dream alive.
"The Biden family was PAID OFF, pure and simple! The fake news must stop making excuses for something that is totally inexcusable. Sleepy Joe said he never spoke to the Ukrainian company, and then the picture came out where he was playing golf with the company boss and Hunter

.And by the way, I would LOVE running against 1% Joe Biden - I just don’t think it’s going to happen. Sleepy Joe won’t get to the starting gate, & based on all of the money he & his family probably “extorted,” Joe should hang it up. I wouldn’t want him dealing with China & Ukraine" - President Trump
Democrats, unlike Liberals, are mentally stable and will vote for Trump.
I know this because I meet a lot of Democrats.
Between Biden, Bernie and Warren, Warren is the weakest candidate and will be the easiest for TRUMP to beat. TRUMP clearly wanted Warren to win the nomination, back when she was low in the polls TRUMP commented that he should have waited to go after her on the Pocahontas stuff. Taking out Biden also takes out Obama having much of an impact in campaigning. Warren will not be as strong a candidate as Hillary was mainly because many who voted for Hillary were also voting for Bill. Many people on the fence will not be able to picture Warren being strong on foreign policy and having the same America first impact. Warren or any democrat will have a hard time explaining how they will engage on the world stage after TRUMP, many will realize any democrat will be a repeat of Obama's America last apology tour.
Trump will get destroyed in a debate with Warren. There was no apology tour and the dictator ass kissing tour of Trump is something the majority of Americans do not like. You don't get to make stuff up on the debate stage anf Trumps America First has amounted to an America by itself fail. Obama will support the nominee and his and Michelles impact will be huge.

Trump is in trouble. He is a weak candidate. He has challengers and he's trying to get the republican party to eliminate the competition. You 30 percent Trump cult members are not the majority and the majority of the American people do not approve of Trump.
Between Biden, Bernie and Warren, Warren is the weakest candidate and will be the easiest for TRUMP to beat. TRUMP clearly wanted Warren to win the nomination, back when she was low in the polls TRUMP commented that he should have waited to go after her on the Pocahontas stuff. Taking out Biden also takes out Obama having much of an impact in campaigning. Warren will not be as strong a candidate as Hillary was mainly because many who voted for Hillary were also voting for Bill. Many people on the fence will not be able to picture Warren being strong on foreign policy and having the same America first impact. Warren or any democrat will have a hard time explaining how they will engage on the world stage after TRUMP, many will realize any democrat will be a repeat of Obama's America last apology tour.
Trump will get destroyed in a debate with Warren. There was no apology tour and the dictator ass kissing tour of Trump is something the majority of Americans do not like. You don't get to make stuff up on the debate stage anf Trumps America First has amounted to an America by itself fail. Obama will support the nominee and his and Michelles impact will be huge.

Trump is in trouble. He is a weak candidate. He has challengers and he's trying to get the republican party to eliminate the competition. You 30 percent Trump cult members are not the majority and the majority of the American people do not approve of Trump.
/——-/ Why couldn’t Hildabeast beat such a weak candidate? Why couldn’t the other GOP candidates take him out?

I have no wish to irritate the Trump folks here, especially since they make up most of this group, but I have to get this out.

In my 40 years of following politics I never thought I'd see the day a sitting President would be so dumb that he would risk impeachment in trying to get a foreign government to ruin - the wong guy! Joe Biden is not going to be the Democratic nominee folks, not by a jug full. With Joe Biden embroiled in the Hunter scandal, and Bernie with health issues, Elizabeth Warren is going to continue her march to the nomination.

You risked it all to go after the wrong guy Donald - Not Smart!
There shod be a political IQ test and minimum score before people are allowed to post. It would save us from posts / threads like this.

Congrats, you have been filed by criminal Trump-hating Democrats who are glad you know nothing about existing MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE TREATIES that establish mutual cooperation between the US & other nations to investigate crimes, corruption, & terrorism.

Democrats know Trump was executing the treaty with Ukraine by asking for their assistance, which is how the treaty is I situated.

Democrats feel, as Gruber once said, -Thank God for stupid Democrat voters'.

Between Biden, Bernie and Warren, Warren is the weakest candidate and will be the easiest for TRUMP to beat. TRUMP clearly wanted Warren to win the nomination, back when she was low in the polls TRUMP commented that he should have waited to go after her on the Pocahontas stuff. Taking out Biden also takes out Obama having much of an impact in campaigning. Warren will not be as strong a candidate as Hillary was mainly because many who voted for Hillary were also voting for Bill. Many people on the fence will not be able to picture Warren being strong on foreign policy and having the same America first impact. Warren or any democrat will have a hard time explaining how they will engage on the world stage after TRUMP, many will realize any democrat will be a repeat of Obama's America last apology tour.
Trump will get destroyed in a debate with Warren. There was no apology tour and the dictator ass kissing tour of Trump is something the majority of Americans do not like. You don't get to make stuff up on the debate stage anf Trumps America First has amounted to an America by itself fail. Obama will support the nominee and his and Michelles impact will be huge.

Trump is in trouble. He is a weak candidate. He has challengers and he's trying to get the republican party to eliminate the competition. You 30 percent Trump cult members are not the majority and the majority of the American people do not approve of Trump.
/——-/ Why couldn’t Hildabeast beat such a weak candidate? Why couldn’t the other GOP candidates take him out?

More people voted for Clinton. As to why other republicans couldn't beat him, he got less than 50 percent of the overall republican vote, so I don't think you should be bragging. His approval rating is 35-45 percent. He has 3 challengers that he's trying to cheat out of the competition from his own party. This is not 2016 and Trump is a weak candidate.

I have no wish to irritate the Trump folks here, especially since they make up most of this group, but I have to get this out.

In my 40 years of following politics I never thought I'd see the day a sitting President would be so dumb that he would risk impeachment in trying to get a foreign government to ruin - the wong guy! Joe Biden is not going to be the Democratic nominee folks, not by a jug full. With Joe Biden embroiled in the Hunter scandal, and Bernie with health issues, Elizabeth Warren is going to continue her march to the nomination.

You risked it all to go after the wrong guy Donald - Not Smart!
Paranoia makes people do dumb stuff.

I have no wish to irritate the Trump folks here, especially since they make up most of this group, but I have to get this out.

In my 40 years of following politics I never thought I'd see the day a sitting President would be so dumb that he would risk impeachment in trying to get a foreign government to ruin - the wong guy! Joe Biden is not going to be the Democratic nominee folks, not by a jug full. With Joe Biden embroiled in the Hunter scandal, and Bernie with health issues, Elizabeth Warren is going to continue her march to the nomination.

You risked it all to go after the wrong guy Donald - Not Smart!
There shod be a political IQ test and minimum score before people are allowed to post. It would save us from posts / threads like this.

Congrats, you have been filed by criminal Trump-hating Democrats who are glad you know nothing about existing MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE TREATIES that establish mutual cooperation between the US & other nations to investigate crimes, corruption, & terrorism.

Democrats know Trump was executing the treaty with Ukraine by asking for their assistance, which is how the treaty is I situated.

Democrats feel, as Gruber once said, -Thank God for stupid Democrat voters'.



Your post is pure bullshit. Trump is not investigating corruption in the Ukraine. That treaty doesn't apply here since the Ukraine already found no crime. And if Biden had been breaking laws back then why did Trump wait until the campaign starts to become so concerned? Why didn't he do this at the beginning of his term?

Last edited:

I have no wish to irritate the Trump folks here, especially since they make up most of this group, but I have to get this out.

In my 40 years of following politics I never thought I'd see the day a sitting President would be so dumb that he would risk impeachment in trying to get a foreign government to ruin - the wong guy! Joe Biden is not going to be the Democratic nominee folks, not by a jug full. With Joe Biden embroiled in the Hunter scandal, and Bernie with health issues, Elizabeth Warren is going to continue her march to the nomination.

You risked it all to go after the wrong guy Donald - Not Smart!
There shod be a political IQ test and minimum score before people are allowed to post. It would save us from posts / threads like this.

Congrats, you have been filed by criminal Trump-hating Democrats who are glad you know nothing about existing MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE TREATIES that establish mutual cooperation between the US & other nations to investigate crimes, corruption, & terrorism.

Democrats know Trump was executing the treaty with Ukraine by asking for their assistance, which is how the treaty is I situated.

Democrats feel, as Gruber once said, -Thank God for stupid Democrat voters'.



Your post is pure bullshit. Trump is not investigating corruption in the Ukraine. That treaty doesn't apply here since the Ukraine already found no crime. And if Biden had been breaking laws back then why did Trump wait until the campaign starts to become so concerned? Why didn't he do this at the beginning of his term?

Yes, we all know how you love to emotionally vent without anything of substance to EVER support anything you say.


It makes it so much easier to laugh at and ignore you.

Creepy Uncle Joe I doubt was ever a real concern as far as political competition as he never stood a chance. His corruption and the way it was handled though needs to be dealt with along with any and all others regardless of their party affiliation. Dems screaming its a ploy to keep poor Joe off the ballot are off their rockers.

I think they need to investigate Cofer Black , the former CIA and special advisor to Romney's campaign as well as in the Bush Jr. admin.

Don't you?? He works as a director on Burisma.
I think the whole worthless government needs to be investigate and if any corruption is found , hold every one of them for a trial by the people for the people.

I have no wish to irritate the Trump folks here, especially since they make up most of this group, but I have to get this out.

In my 40 years of following politics I never thought I'd see the day a sitting President would be so dumb that he would risk impeachment in trying to get a foreign government to ruin - the wong guy! Joe Biden is not going to be the Democratic nominee folks, not by a jug full. With Joe Biden embroiled in the Hunter scandal, and Bernie with health issues, Elizabeth Warren is going to continue her march to the nomination.

You risked it all to go after the wrong guy Donald - Not Smart!
There shod be a political IQ test and minimum score before people are allowed to post. It would save us from posts / threads like this.

Congrats, you have been filed by criminal Trump-hating Democrats who are glad you know nothing about existing MUTUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE TREATIES that establish mutual cooperation between the US & other nations to investigate crimes, corruption, & terrorism.

Democrats know Trump was executing the treaty with Ukraine by asking for their assistance, which is how the treaty is I situated.

Democrats feel, as Gruber once said, -Thank God for stupid Democrat voters'.



Your post is pure bullshit. Trump is not investigating corruption in the Ukraine. That treaty doesn't apply here since the Ukraine already found no crime. And if Biden had been breaking laws back then why did Trump wait until the campaign starts to become so concerned? Why didn't he do this at the beginning of his term?

Here is the Demonrat party in a few years.
Swedish Scientist Proposes Cannibalism to Fight Climate Change
The scientist mentioned the possibility of cannibalism during a broadcast on Swedish television channel TV4 this week about a fair in Stockholm regarding “food of the future”.
And here is what the new Demonrats are going to look like.
I think that is Nancy Pelosi in the front, followed by Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff.
Between Biden, Bernie and Warren, Warren is the weakest candidate and will be the easiest for TRUMP to beat. TRUMP clearly wanted Warren to win the nomination, back when she was low in the polls TRUMP commented that he should have waited to go after her on the Pocahontas stuff. Taking out Biden also takes out Obama having much of an impact in campaigning. Warren will not be as strong a candidate as Hillary was mainly because many who voted for Hillary were also voting for Bill. Many people on the fence will not be able to picture Warren being strong on foreign policy and having the same America first impact. Warren or any democrat will have a hard time explaining how they will engage on the world stage after TRUMP, many will realize any democrat will be a repeat of Obama's America last apology tour.
Trump will get destroyed in a debate with Warren. There was no apology tour and the dictator ass kissing tour of Trump is something the majority of Americans do not like. You don't get to make stuff up on the debate stage anf Trumps America First has amounted to an America by itself fail. Obama will support the nominee and his and Michelles impact will be huge.

Trump is in trouble. He is a weak candidate. He has challengers and he's trying to get the republican party to eliminate the competition. You 30 percent Trump cult members are not the majority and the majority of the American people do not approve of Trump.
/——-/ Why couldn’t Hildabeast beat such a weak candidate? Why couldn’t the other GOP candidates take him out?

More people voted for Clinton. As to why other republicans couldn't beat him, he got less than 50 percent of the overall republican vote, so I don't think you should be bragging. His approval rating is 35-45 percent. He has 3 challengers that he's trying to cheat out of the competition from his own party. This is not 2016 and Trump is a weak candidate.
/——-/ The popular vote is a meaningless statistic. Trump enjoys a 95% approval with Republicans. Rasmussen has Trump at 50%+, and yes democRATs do follow Rasmussen. Three Never Trumpers looking for 15 minutes of fame will fade quickly. And no weak candidate could withstand the shytstorm the democRATs and LSM has thrown at Trump for 3 years.

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