Forget about Joe Biden

Between Biden, Bernie and Warren, Warren is the weakest candidate and will be the easiest for TRUMP to beat. TRUMP clearly wanted Warren to win the nomination, back when she was low in the polls TRUMP commented that he should have waited to go after her on the Pocahontas stuff. Taking out Biden also takes out Obama having much of an impact in campaigning. Warren will not be as strong a candidate as Hillary was mainly because many who voted for Hillary were also voting for Bill. Many people on the fence will not be able to picture Warren being strong on foreign policy and having the same America first impact. Warren or any democrat will have a hard time explaining how they will engage on the world stage after TRUMP, many will realize any democrat will be a repeat of Obama's America last apology tour.
Trump will get destroyed in a debate with Warren. There was no apology tour and the dictator ass kissing tour of Trump is something the majority of Americans do not like. You don't get to make stuff up on the debate stage anf Trumps America First has amounted to an America by itself fail. Obama will support the nominee and his and Michelles impact will be huge.

Trump is in trouble. He is a weak candidate. He has challengers and he's trying to get the republican party to eliminate the competition. You 30 percent Trump cult members are not the majority and the majority of the American people do not approve of Trump.

Obama and Michelle did little to campaign for Hillary and they will have little self interest to campaign for Warren.

TRUMP will destroy Warren on the debate stage and the media will spin it as TRUMP being a bully and Warren will give her canned line "I've been dealing with bullies all my life"...
It is really just a contest to see who can lie the best, the most and say what their voters want to hear...
Between Biden, Bernie and Warren, Warren is the weakest candidate and will be the easiest for TRUMP to beat. TRUMP clearly wanted Warren to win the nomination, back when she was low in the polls TRUMP commented that he should have waited to go after her on the Pocahontas stuff. Taking out Biden also takes out Obama having much of an impact in campaigning. Warren will not be as strong a candidate as Hillary was mainly because many who voted for Hillary were also voting for Bill. Many people on the fence will not be able to picture Warren being strong on foreign policy and having the same America first impact. Warren or any democrat will have a hard time explaining how they will engage on the world stage after TRUMP, many will realize any democrat will be a repeat of Obama's America last apology tour.
Trump will get destroyed in a debate with Warren. There was no apology tour and the dictator ass kissing tour of Trump is something the majority of Americans do not like. You don't get to make stuff up on the debate stage anf Trumps America First has amounted to an America by itself fail. Obama will support the nominee and his and Michelles impact will be huge.

Trump is in trouble. He is a weak candidate. He has challengers and he's trying to get the republican party to eliminate the competition. You 30 percent Trump cult members are not the majority and the majority of the American people do not approve of Trump.
/——-/ Why couldn’t Hildabeast beat such a weak candidate? Why couldn’t the other GOP candidates take him out?

More people voted for Clinton. As to why other republicans couldn't beat him, he got less than 50 percent of the overall republican vote, so I don't think you should be bragging. His approval rating is 35-45 percent. He has 3 challengers that he's trying to cheat out of the competition from his own party. This is not 2016 and Trump is a weak candidate.

If Warren ends up being the nominee don't count on her winning the popular vote as she not as strong a candidate as Hillary was. Hillary had much more claim to experience than Warren and many were comfortable voting for Hillary because of Bill.
Between Biden, Bernie and Warren, Warren is the weakest candidate and will be the easiest for TRUMP to beat. TRUMP clearly wanted Warren to win the nomination, back when she was low in the polls TRUMP commented that he should have waited to go after her on the Pocahontas stuff. Taking out Biden also takes out Obama having much of an impact in campaigning. Warren will not be as strong a candidate as Hillary was mainly because many who voted for Hillary were also voting for Bill. Many people on the fence will not be able to picture Warren being strong on foreign policy and having the same America first impact. Warren or any democrat will have a hard time explaining how they will engage on the world stage after TRUMP, many will realize any democrat will be a repeat of Obama's America last apology tour.
Trump will get destroyed in a debate with Warren. There was no apology tour and the dictator ass kissing tour of Trump is something the majority of Americans do not like. You don't get to make stuff up on the debate stage anf Trumps America First has amounted to an America by itself fail. Obama will support the nominee and his and Michelles impact will be huge.

Trump is in trouble. He is a weak candidate. He has challengers and he's trying to get the republican party to eliminate the competition. You 30 percent Trump cult members are not the majority and the majority of the American people do not approve of Trump.
/——-/ Why couldn’t Hildabeast beat such a weak candidate? Why couldn’t the other GOP candidates take him out?

More people voted for Clinton. As to why other republicans couldn't beat him, he got less than 50 percent of the overall republican vote, so I don't think you should be bragging. His approval rating is 35-45 percent. He has 3 challengers that he's trying to cheat out of the competition from his own party. This is not 2016 and Trump is a weak candidate.

If Warren ends up being the nominee don't count on her winning the popular vote as she not as strong a candidate as Hillary was. Hillary had much more claim to experience than Warren and many were comfortable voting for Hillary because of Bill.
Yeah, nothing like uninformed voters, voting for an enabler of a RAPIST husband who cheated on her all the time. She was very experienced with a cheater.
It looks like Warren will be the nominee if things continue this way, and no dark horse emerges. She is Hillary 2.0. Unlikeable, Condescending, Pretentious, Out of Touch, a LIAR, with a horrid, angry, unattractive presence.

Ouch Democrats! Two in a row?
...You risked it all to go after the wrong guy Donald - Not Smart!

That would imply that individual 1 wants the corruption of the senile Biden clown and his cokehead son exposed because he thinks Biden will be his opponent in the selections.

It's much more likely that he simply hates Biden because he was Obama's VP and everything the illegal Kenyan did is bad by definition....

And individual 1 didn't really risk anything, the hypocritical outrage of the deep state and the #resistance is even less convincing than the Mueller inquisition... it won't cost him any votes and he won't be impeached... it's just a show to divert attention from the lack of any actual policies of the democrats

Like I’ve always said all progressives are fucked in the head

I have no wish to irritate the Trump folks here, especially since they make up most of this group, but I have to get this out.

In my 40 years of following politics I never thought I'd see the day a sitting President would be so dumb that he would risk impeachment in trying to get a foreign government to ruin - the wong guy! Joe Biden is not going to be the Democratic nominee folks, not by a jug full. With Joe Biden embroiled in the Hunter scandal, and Bernie with health issues, Elizabeth Warren is going to continue her march to the nomination.

You risked it all to go after the wrong guy Donald - Not Smart!
Bribery is a very serious offense. As it is in the National Interest Of The United States to find out if Vice President Biden sold the office of the Vice President, and all these scams with his coke addled son Hunter are sure pouring out smoke, Trump had a duty to request Ukraine investigate and see if there are any flames under all that smoke.
Dizzy Lizzy is going to be great.

She'll get CA, NY and most of New England.

Trump easily rolls to a 2nd term.

And D.L. (the advocate of the common man) can go back to teaching classes (as in a single class) for 350 K.

She's a real 1%er.
Trump loses to Warren. He will get no help from electoral votes. If Warren is the nominee, she chews him up in head to head debates and that is how she wins.

I think he has underestimated Warren, he won't want to debate with any of them.
Bwaaaaaahhaaaaaa….yeah, nothing like underestimating a "WHITE" woman who thinks she is a red man.

Since you white boys all think you're experts on how every other race shout be.....

Trump will lose badly should he start that Pocahontas shit again.

Trump will lose.....


I have no wish to irritate the Trump folks here, especially since they make up most of this group, but I have to get this out.

In my 40 years of following politics I never thought I'd see the day a sitting President would be so dumb that he would risk impeachment in trying to get a foreign government to ruin - the wong guy! Joe Biden is not going to be the Democratic nominee folks, not by a jug full. With Joe Biden embroiled in the Hunter scandal, and Bernie with health issues, Elizabeth Warren is going to continue her march to the nomination.

You risked it all to go after the wrong guy Donald - Not Smart!
they want Warren to win.... that is what this is all about... a bernie win would have been good as well...

they are and want to use the boogeyman SOCIALISM as their gun or knife in the fight.


She's figured it out.

With Dizzy Lizzy in the lead....Trump is gonna coast.

I have no wish to irritate the Trump folks here, especially since they make up most of this group, but I have to get this out.

In my 40 years of following politics I never thought I'd see the day a sitting President would be so dumb that he would risk impeachment in trying to get a foreign government to ruin - the wong guy! Joe Biden is not going to be the Democratic nominee folks, not by a jug full. With Joe Biden embroiled in the Hunter scandal, and Bernie with health issues, Elizabeth Warren is going to continue her march to the nomination.

You risked it all to go after the wrong guy Donald - Not Smart!
Bribery is a very serious offense. As it is in the National Interest Of The United States to find out if Vice President Biden sold the office of the Vice President, and all these scams with his coke addled son Hunter are sure pouring out smoke, Trump had a duty to request Ukraine investigate and see if there are any flames under all that smoke.

So why didn't he do it when he got into office , better yet, why didn't the house which the republicans had control since 2011??

I have no wish to irritate the Trump folks here, especially since they make up most of this group, but I have to get this out.

In my 40 years of following politics I never thought I'd see the day a sitting President would be so dumb that he would risk impeachment in trying to get a foreign government to ruin - the wong guy! Joe Biden is not going to be the Democratic nominee folks, not by a jug full. With Joe Biden embroiled in the Hunter scandal, and Bernie with health issues, Elizabeth Warren is going to continue her march to the nomination.

You risked it all to go after the wrong guy Donald - Not Smart!
Bribery is a very serious offense. As it is in the National Interest Of The United States to find out if Vice President Biden sold the office of the Vice President, and all these scams with his coke addled son Hunter are sure pouring out smoke, Trump had a duty to request Ukraine investigate and see if there are any flames under all that smoke.

So why didn't he do it when he got into office , better yet, why didn't the house which the republicans had control since 2011??
/—-/ When Trump was sworn in he had bigger fish to fry and he had democRATs nipping at his heels like an old lady’s purse dog. He finally got around to it.

I have no wish to irritate the Trump folks here, especially since they make up most of this group, but I have to get this out.

In my 40 years of following politics I never thought I'd see the day a sitting President would be so dumb that he would risk impeachment in trying to get a foreign government to ruin - the wong guy! Joe Biden is not going to be the Democratic nominee folks, not by a jug full. With Joe Biden embroiled in the Hunter scandal, and Bernie with health issues, Elizabeth Warren is going to continue her march to the nomination.

You risked it all to go after the wrong guy Donald - Not Smart!
Bribery is a very serious offense. As it is in the National Interest Of The United States to find out if Vice President Biden sold the office of the Vice President, and all these scams with his coke addled son Hunter are sure pouring out smoke, Trump had a duty to request Ukraine investigate and see if there are any flames under all that smoke.

So why didn't he do it when he got into office , better yet, why didn't the house which the republicans had control since 2011??
Once Mueller exonerated Trump, then the question became "Just What In The Hell Was The Obama Administration and Ukraine Up To"?

It's in our National Interest that we get to the bottom of this. Is Biden the only one in these bribery schemes? Seems Unlikely. Hillary had the "Foundation" scam going. We need to return DC to the task of working for The American People.

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