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Forget “collusion”, it’s ALL about obstruction…..

The Hidden History of Trump’s First Trip to Moscow

How Trump walked into Putin’s web

So We Find Out FBI Has Been Investigating Trump Since July

Full transcript: FBI Director James Comey testifies on Russian interference in 2016 election

"The Russian active measures campaign may have begun as early as 2015
, when Russian intelligence services launched a series of spear fishing attacks designed to penetrate the computers of a broad array of Washington based Democratic and Republican party organizations, think tanks and other entities. This continued at least through the winter of 2016.

While at first the hacking may have been intended solely for the collection of foreign intelligence. In mid-2016 the Russians weapon eyes the stolen data and used platforms established by the Intel services, such as D.C. leaks in existing third-party channels like WikiLeaks to dump the documents. The stolen documents were almost uniformly damaging to the candidate Putin despised, Hillary Clinton. And by forcing her campaign to constantly respond to the daily drip of disclosures, the releases greatly benefited Donald Trump's campaign.

None of these facts is seriously in question. And they're reflected in the consensus conclusion of our intelligence agencies.

We will never know whether the Russian intervention was determinative in such a close election. Indeed, it is unknowable in a campaign to which so many small changes could have dictated a different result. More importantly, and for the purposes of our investigation, it simply does not matter.

What does matter is this, the Russians successfully meddled in our democracy and our intelligence agencies have concluded they will do so again. Ours is not the first democracy to be attacked by the Russians in this way. Russian intelligence has been simile interfering in the internal and political affairs of our European and other allies for decades.

SCHIFF: What is striking here is the degree to which the Russians were willing to undertake such an audacious and risky action against the most powerful nation on Earth. That ought to be a warning to us that if we thought that the Russians would not dare to so blatantly interfere in our affairs, we were wrong.

And if we do not do our very best to understand how the Russians accomplished this unprecedented attack on our democracy and what we need to do to protect ourselves in the future, we will only have ourselves to blame.

We know a lot about the Russian operation, about the way they amplified the damage their hacking and dumping of stolen documents was causing through the use of slick propaganda like R.T., the Kremlin's media arm. But there is a lot we don't know.

Most important, we do not yet know whether the Russians have the help of U.S. citizens including people associated with the Trump campaign. Many of the Trump's campaign personnel, including the president himself, have ties to Russia and Russian interests. This is of course no crime. On the other hand, if the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it aided or abetted the Russians, it would not only be a serious crime, it would also represent one of the most shocking betrayals of democracy in history."

Forget about collusion, because there was nothing to the smear him with so, we are going to move on to some other made up bullshit from the, Soros Resistance Playbook of Bullshit.
Under investigation this week:
"It is possible that Trump had more than 2 scoops. We smell smoke again..."
Shut the hell up. You are becoming so predictable.
Trump~still President of the United States 1/10/2018
clinton and she voted for the iraq war. You also voted for obama and he was engaged in more wars than W could ever dream of.

Given the increasing desperation of trump ass-kissers, soon we will be told that the Iraq invasion was the fault of democrats' war-mongering and that Dick Cheney was just a couple of votes away from winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

LordBrownNose's nose is a bit orangy.

Three of the main revelations in the Times piece should be looked at as part of a pattern... Here they are:
  • Last March, Trump ordered White House counsel Donald McGahn to try to stop Attorney General Jeff Sessions from recusing himself from the Justice Department investigation into collusion. When this effort failed, Trump raged, saying Sessions should be protecting him from the probe, and asking: “Where’s my Roy Cohn?”
  • An aide to Sessions asked a staffer on Capitol Hill for dirt on then-FBI director James B. Comey, to help Sessions place negative articles on him (which the Justice Department denies).
  • The letter that Trump originally drafted firing Comey — whose release was blocked by his advisers — contained an explicit reference to the Russia probe in the first sentence, according to the Times’s sources. The White House had previously told the Times that the letter didn’t mention the Russia probe.

Schiff noted that these are linked in the sense that they suggest both how badly Trump wanted to shut down the probe and just how far the White House — and, possibly, Sessions — went in order to conceal that this was the real reason Trump wanted Comey gone. (Trump fired Comey after demanding his loyalty and admitted it was due to the Russia investigation.) The Times reporter who broke this story, Michael S. Schmidt, told the Lawfare podcast that all these revelations are being examined by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III.

The case that Trump obstructed justice just got stronger

Mueller’s obstruction of justice case against Trump looks damning
Yup, it's all about obstruction....and liberals/democrats are experts on that.
Yet 3 criminal Russian investigations aren’t investigating democrats.

In due time....in due time.
If and when Trump is indicted, will you admit you were wrong about him and renounce him?
Another q I keep asking that not one of you Trumpanzees will answer..

And like I replied before, right after Hillary and lefties accept the current POTUS.
If he takes the 5th it would be political suicide.
He doesn't have a clue what Mueller already knows - the telephone conversations - what Flynn and Papadopoulos have already told him - etc etc etc
And if necessary, Bob can simply subpoena his orange ass and put him in front of a grand jury.
At which time he will incriminate himself in a matter of seconds.

He's screwed
There is no way for Trump to avoid the bad optics. That is happening regardless.

He would probably just plead the 5th. Mueller would then need to grant Trump immunity to get any information from him.

So, it will make Trump look bad, but likely would not bring Mueller any closer than he already is in the investigation (if anything).

It's a great political tactic that will be costly for Trump, but the timing is too remote to Trump's reelection campaign. Mueller would need to draw this out longer for better effect.

Who was it who said whoever pleads the fifth is guilty? Oh right, Trump said that himself.
Last edited:
Forget about collusion, because there was nothing to the smear him with so, we are going to move on to some other made up bullshit from the, Soros Resistance Playbook of Bullshit.
Under investigation this week:
"It is possible that Trump had more than 2 scoops. We smell smoke again..."
Shut the hell up. You are becoming so predictable.
Trump~still President of the United States 1/10/2018
Well I checked back to see if any Trumpsters found their manhood yet and answered my question.
Nope. Still all eunuchs.

Here it is again for all you cowards.
9 Members of Trump’s team were caught ILLEGALLY meeting with Russians. After there was corroborating evidence they got nabbed they still lied about.
Why did they lie?

Go for it.
The type of delusion Conservatives have regarding Trump-Russia is eerily similar to the type of delusion those same Conservatives had about the Iraq War; blind, willfully ignorant, dismissive subjugation.

But you voted for clinton and she voted for the iraq war. You also voted for obama and he was engaged in more wars than W could ever dream of.

So you seem to be saying that everyone should have known better than to trust what Bush and the Conservatives were saying about Iraq.

That's exactly the reason why I don't trust anything you people say today.

No, I was against invading Iraq. W wasn't too bright. He could have used hussein as a hedge against iran.
clinton and she voted for the iraq war. You also voted for obama and he was engaged in more wars than W could ever dream of.

Given the increasing desperation of trump ass-kissers, soon we will be told that the Iraq invasion was the fault of democrats' war-mongering and that Dick Cheney was just a couple of votes away from winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

LordBrownNose's nose is a bit orangy.

Sorry, you got the wrong person. I was against Ws adventures in the ME.
Escapism for Trump loyalists often centers around the rhetoric that even if Trump did collude with Russians, collusion is not a crime.......But the rhetoric will no longer work.

There’s little doubt that trump’s legal team is in panic mode. The possibility of Trump having to testify before Mueller’s team is a scenario that must have Trump’s lawyers ready to jump out a window.

But, here’s the real “rub” that Trump’s legal team CANNOT prepate him for when facing questions by the special counsel’s team:

Questioning Trump on the general topic of the Russia investigation (collusion) leaves Trump quite a bit of room to rail, complain, and profess his ignorance. Asking him about the actions he’s personally taken to fire Comey, draft memos about ‘adoption,’ and heap dirt on the FBI gives Trump very little room to run.

When Trump made a tweet openly admitting that he had knowledge of Flynn’s lying to the FBI, one of his legal team flung himself onto the resulting dumpster fire.

While Trump denied pressuring Comey, one of his lawyers stated that it was he who drafted the tweet in question and made a mistake. Attorney John Dowd told USA TODAY that Trump did not know for sure Flynn had lied to the FBI, only that the Justice Department had raised questions about his comments regarding his contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

The idea that one of Trump’s lawyers stepped in to make this clear confession of obstruction is itself one of the most blatant lies of the whole affair. And when Dowd was caught out in his own lie about emailing the proposed tweet, he was forced to lie again by claiming he’d made a phone call to dictate the tweet.

But even though Donald Trump’s lawyers are willing to take actions that might easily get them disbarred — if not jailed — in order to save their client, a real live meeting with Mueller won’t allow much room for Trump’s lawyers protecting him.

Gloomy days ahead for both Trump and his hapless legal team.

Yeah, the goon never says the words "obstruction of justice". Maybe it's too much for him to get out of his mouth without slurring or maybe he's just deflecting his very large ass off.
Escapism for Trump loyalists often centers around the rhetoric that even if Trump did collude with Russians, collusion is not a crime.......But the rhetoric will no longer work.

There’s little doubt that trump’s legal team is in panic mode. The possibility of Trump having to testify before Mueller’s team is a scenario that must have Trump’s lawyers ready to jump out a window.

But, here’s the real “rub” that Trump’s legal team CANNOT prepate him for when facing questions by the special counsel’s team:

Questioning Trump on the general topic of the Russia investigation (collusion) leaves Trump quite a bit of room to rail, complain, and profess his ignorance. Asking him about the actions he’s personally taken to fire Comey, draft memos about ‘adoption,’ and heap dirt on the FBI gives Trump very little room to run.

When Trump made a tweet openly admitting that he had knowledge of Flynn’s lying to the FBI, one of his legal team flung himself onto the resulting dumpster fire.

While Trump denied pressuring Comey, one of his lawyers stated that it was he who drafted the tweet in question and made a mistake. Attorney John Dowd told USA TODAY that Trump did not know for sure Flynn had lied to the FBI, only that the Justice Department had raised questions about his comments regarding his contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

The idea that one of Trump’s lawyers stepped in to make this clear confession of obstruction is itself one of the most blatant lies of the whole affair. And when Dowd was caught out in his own lie about emailing the proposed tweet, he was forced to lie again by claiming he’d made a phone call to dictate the tweet.

But even though Donald Trump’s lawyers are willing to take actions that might easily get them disbarred — if not jailed — in order to save their client, a real live meeting with Mueller won’t allow much room for Trump’s lawyers protecting him.

Gloomy days ahead for both Trump and his hapless legal team.

The Senate is not going to flip, and it's not going to convict him in an impeachment charge anyway. Trump's fear is being somehow "not bigger than Lincoln." So collusion is one his mind a lot. I look forward to reading what FACTS Mueller will say there is evidence to prove as to Trump's Russian Affair. (-:
How are those convictions coming?

So far, in these last 8 months......TWO convictions and TWO indictments that will surely result to convictions......and the BIG ones coming soon.

Thanks for your concern and please be patient.......Its coming.....LOL
/——/ All process crimes that had no link to the original investigation of collusion. Not one was about Trump
Yeah. Trump’s campaign manager and national security adviser had nothing to do with him. I love that story..
/----/ In criminal procedure, process crime is an offense charged by a prosecutor alleging criminal conduct related to an investigation of a crime, but not to the crime itself. Examples include obstruction of justice, perjury before a grand jury and misprision of a felony. Also it can involve a misdemeanor, but punishment of crime is much lower.
Your Uncle is accused of robbing a bank across state lines while you were in Nevada visiting a brothel. (He didn't do it) The FBI questions you and to avoid getting in a jam with your wife, you say under oath that you were volunteering at a food bank to feed the hungry. The FBI proves you were with a hooker and charges you with a process crime for lying to them. It has nothing to do with the original investigation into your Uncle. He goes free and you spend 2 years in Federal lockup. Get it now?
How are those convictions coming?

So far, in these last 8 months......TWO convictions and TWO indictments that will surely result to convictions......and the BIG ones coming soon.

Thanks for your concern and please be patient.......Its coming.....LOL
/——/ All process crimes that had no link to the original investigation of collusion. Not one was about Trump
Yeah. Trump’s campaign manager and national security adviser had nothing to do with him. I love that story..
/----/ In criminal procedure, process crime is an offense charged by a prosecutor alleging criminal conduct related to an investigation of a crime, but not to the crime itself. Examples include obstruction of justice, perjury before a grand jury and misprision of a felony. Also it can involve a misdemeanor, but punishment of crime is much lower.
Your Uncle is accused of robbing a bank across state lines while you were in Nevada visiting a brothel. (He didn't do it) The FBI questions you and to avoid getting in a jam with your wife, you say under oath that you were volunteering at a food bank to feed the hungry. The FBI proves you were with a hooker and charges you with a process crime for lying to them. It has nothing to do with the original investigation into your Uncle. He goes free and you spend 2 years in Federal lockup. Get it now?
Oh I get it. You have no idea how corrupt and guilty Trump is. He admitted obstruction of justice on live TV. Mueller has info from where Trump stashes his cash- money laundering. And he probably has his tax returns too to show his many dealings with Putin.
Hell as fat boi was preaching to his circus " I have no business with Russia. Never have." He was actually working on putting up a Trump Tower in Moscow.
Not to mention Junior's admission: " We get most of our money from Russia.
Both of them should just turn themselves in and plead guilty and spare the tax payers the costs of the trials.
How are those convictions coming?

So far, in these last 8 months......TWO convictions and TWO indictments that will surely result to convictions......and the BIG ones coming soon.

Thanks for your concern and please be patient.......Its coming.....LOL
/——/ All process crimes that had no link to the original investigation of collusion. Not one was about Trump
Yeah. Trump’s campaign manager and national security adviser had nothing to do with him. I love that story..
/----/ In criminal procedure, process crime is an offense charged by a prosecutor alleging criminal conduct related to an investigation of a crime, but not to the crime itself. Examples include obstruction of justice, perjury before a grand jury and misprision of a felony. Also it can involve a misdemeanor, but punishment of crime is much lower.
Your Uncle is accused of robbing a bank across state lines while you were in Nevada visiting a brothel. (He didn't do it) The FBI questions you and to avoid getting in a jam with your wife, you say under oath that you were volunteering at a food bank to feed the hungry. The FBI proves you were with a hooker and charges you with a process crime for lying to them. It has nothing to do with the original investigation into your Uncle. He goes free and you spend 2 years in Federal lockup. Get it now?
Oh I get it. You have no idea how corrupt and guilty Trump is. He admitted obstruction of justice on live TV. Mueller has info from where Trump stashes his cash- money laundering. And he probably has his tax returns too to show his many dealings with Putin.
Hell as fat boi was preaching to his circus " I have no business with Russia. Never have." He was actually working on putting up a Trump Tower in Moscow.
Not to mention Junior's admission: " We get most of our money from Russia.
Both of them should just turn themselves in and plead guilty and spare the tax payers the costs of the trials.
/——-/ Probably? Maybe? Coulda woulda shoulda? Oh you got him now..... Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Escapism for Trump loyalists often centers around the rhetoric that even if Trump did collude with Russians, collusion is not a crime.......But the rhetoric will no longer work.

There’s little doubt that trump’s legal team is in panic mode. The possibility of Trump having to testify before Mueller’s team is a scenario that must have Trump’s lawyers ready to jump out a window.

But, here’s the real “rub” that Trump’s legal team CANNOT prepate him for when facing questions by the special counsel’s team:

Questioning Trump on the general topic of the Russia investigation (collusion) leaves Trump quite a bit of room to rail, complain, and profess his ignorance. Asking him about the actions he’s personally taken to fire Comey, draft memos about ‘adoption,’ and heap dirt on the FBI gives Trump very little room to run.

When Trump made a tweet openly admitting that he had knowledge of Flynn’s lying to the FBI, one of his legal team flung himself onto the resulting dumpster fire.

While Trump denied pressuring Comey, one of his lawyers stated that it was he who drafted the tweet in question and made a mistake. Attorney John Dowd told USA TODAY that Trump did not know for sure Flynn had lied to the FBI, only that the Justice Department had raised questions about his comments regarding his contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

The idea that one of Trump’s lawyers stepped in to make this clear confession of obstruction is itself one of the most blatant lies of the whole affair. And when Dowd was caught out in his own lie about emailing the proposed tweet, he was forced to lie again by claiming he’d made a phone call to dictate the tweet.

But even though Donald Trump’s lawyers are willing to take actions that might easily get them disbarred — if not jailed — in order to save their client, a real live meeting with Mueller won’t allow much room for Trump’s lawyers protecting him.

Gloomy days ahead for both Trump and his hapless legal team.

Escapism for Trump loyalists often centers around the rhetoric that even if Trump did collude with Russians, collusion is not a crime.......But the rhetoric will no longer work.

There’s little doubt that trump’s legal team is in panic mode. The possibility of Trump having to testify before Mueller’s team is a scenario that must have Trump’s lawyers ready to jump out a window.

But, here’s the real “rub” that Trump’s legal team CANNOT prepate him for when facing questions by the special counsel’s team:

Questioning Trump on the general topic of the Russia investigation (collusion) leaves Trump quite a bit of room to rail, complain, and profess his ignorance. Asking him about the actions he’s personally taken to fire Comey, draft memos about ‘adoption,’ and heap dirt on the FBI gives Trump very little room to run.

When Trump made a tweet openly admitting that he had knowledge of Flynn’s lying to the FBI, one of his legal team flung himself onto the resulting dumpster fire.

While Trump denied pressuring Comey, one of his lawyers stated that it was he who drafted the tweet in question and made a mistake. Attorney John Dowd told USA TODAY that Trump did not know for sure Flynn had lied to the FBI, only that the Justice Department had raised questions about his comments regarding his contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

The idea that one of Trump’s lawyers stepped in to make this clear confession of obstruction is itself one of the most blatant lies of the whole affair. And when Dowd was caught out in his own lie about emailing the proposed tweet, he was forced to lie again by claiming he’d made a phone call to dictate the tweet.

But even though Donald Trump’s lawyers are willing to take actions that might easily get them disbarred — if not jailed — in order to save their client, a real live meeting with Mueller won’t allow much room for Trump’s lawyers protecting him.

Gloomy days ahead for both Trump and his hapless legal team.
Hey stupid
If there was no collusion there was no obstruction
Escapism for Trump loyalists often centers around the rhetoric that even if Trump did collude with Russians, collusion is not a crime.......But the rhetoric will no longer work.

There’s little doubt that trump’s legal team is in panic mode. The possibility of Trump having to testify before Mueller’s team is a scenario that must have Trump’s lawyers ready to jump out a window.

But, here’s the real “rub” that Trump’s legal team CANNOT prepate him for when facing questions by the special counsel’s team:

Questioning Trump on the general topic of the Russia investigation (collusion) leaves Trump quite a bit of room to rail, complain, and profess his ignorance. Asking him about the actions he’s personally taken to fire Comey, draft memos about ‘adoption,’ and heap dirt on the FBI gives Trump very little room to run.

When Trump made a tweet openly admitting that he had knowledge of Flynn’s lying to the FBI, one of his legal team flung himself onto the resulting dumpster fire.

While Trump denied pressuring Comey, one of his lawyers stated that it was he who drafted the tweet in question and made a mistake. Attorney John Dowd told USA TODAY that Trump did not know for sure Flynn had lied to the FBI, only that the Justice Department had raised questions about his comments regarding his contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

The idea that one of Trump’s lawyers stepped in to make this clear confession of obstruction is itself one of the most blatant lies of the whole affair. And when Dowd was caught out in his own lie about emailing the proposed tweet, he was forced to lie again by claiming he’d made a phone call to dictate the tweet.

But even though Donald Trump’s lawyers are willing to take actions that might easily get them disbarred — if not jailed — in order to save their client, a real live meeting with Mueller won’t allow much room for Trump’s lawyers protecting him.

Gloomy days ahead for both Trump and his hapless legal team.
So you're off the "Trump conspired to collude with Putin" meme this week?

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