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Forget “collusion”, it’s ALL about obstruction…..

It is all about the seriousness of the charge and guilty as charged because he didn't run as a Democrat and beat the REAL crooked vagina candidate, which has the liberals running around like chickens with their heads cut off(and about as smart as a chicken with its head chopped off). Russia Russia Russia, now it is obstruction, obstruction, obstruction, now it is Lied, Lied, Lied. I need to pop more popcorn and get another case of beer, this comedy is just too funny to watch.
The liberals remind me of this group.

Thanks for admitting you have no idea why all those in Trump’s sphere lied about meeting with Russians.

Thanks for admitting that it is Okay for Obama to meet with Russians and plot against the US yet your double standards are showing up again...

Was Obama a candidate then?
You’re dismissed. Back to your special education class.

Yes he was, also he was the president of the US, plotting to fundamentally transform America so shit fucks like you would be equal to me, because they would take all my money away and you would still be a miserable wretched liberal. Just US citizens voted against the crooked lying bitch candidate and now we have to listen to you whiney ass petulant children who didn't get your way.

We now know for sure you voted for what you feared the most. You voted for a crooked lying bitch.
I see you’re still pissing in your pants because u can’t answer my question.

Are you a fucking idiot? Yes, we know you are, because I did answer your question but since your head is up your ass, it flew right over your asshole.
Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, that was all we heard. Dimwitted liberals just don't know how they have been played by their liberal elites. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Democrat...

AMAZING how those who faux raged for 4 YEARS over benghazi emails, spending nearly half a BILLION dollars "investigating" and pretending to be SO concerned with foreign spies hacking our Secretary of State... NOW turn a blind eye to the guy who embraced wiki leaks and the KGB.

you trumptards are literally parroting your pathological hero right over a cliff... :eusa_clap:

The case that Trump obstructed justice just got stronger
You do realize that in Benghazi, 4 US citizen died who were under Obama's and Hitlery's protection? But "at this point what difference does it make?, shame you weren't one of those who were there in Benghazi....By the way, that was a lie by Obama who said Al Qaeda was on the run, yeah right into Benghazi.

Escapism for Trump loyalists often centers around the rhetoric that even if Trump did collude with Russians, collusion is not a crime.......But the rhetoric will no longer work.

There’s little doubt that trump’s legal team is in panic mode. The possibility of Trump having to testify before Mueller’s team is a scenario that must have Trump’s lawyers ready to jump out a window.

But, here’s the real “rub” that Trump’s legal team CANNOT prepate him for when facing questions by the special counsel’s team:

Questioning Trump on the general topic of the Russia investigation (collusion) leaves Trump quite a bit of room to rail, complain, and profess his ignorance. Asking him about the actions he’s personally taken to fire Comey, draft memos about ‘adoption,’ and heap dirt on the FBI gives Trump very little room to run.

When Trump made a tweet openly admitting that he had knowledge of Flynn’s lying to the FBI, one of his legal team flung himself onto the resulting dumpster fire.

While Trump denied pressuring Comey, one of his lawyers stated that it was he who drafted the tweet in question and made a mistake. Attorney John Dowd told USA TODAY that Trump did not know for sure Flynn had lied to the FBI, only that the Justice Department had raised questions about his comments regarding his contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

The idea that one of Trump’s lawyers stepped in to make this clear confession of obstruction is itself one of the most blatant lies of the whole affair. And when Dowd was caught out in his own lie about emailing the proposed tweet, he was forced to lie again by claiming he’d made a phone call to dictate the tweet.

But even though Donald Trump’s lawyers are willing to take actions that might easily get them disbarred — if not jailed — in order to save their client, a real live meeting with Mueller won’t allow much room for Trump’s lawyers protecting him.

Gloomy days ahead for both Trump and his hapless legal team.
So you're off the "Trump conspired to collude with Putin" meme this week?
/----/ Colluding with Putin is sooooo 2017.
Hey stupid
If there was no collusion there was no obstruction

Tyrone is not only an idiot......but he's an idiot that doesn't know about or have access to a dictionary.......But, Tyrone, fear not.....there are other of your fellow idiot-class who thought that your response was "brilliant"..........LOL
So you're off the "Trump conspired to collude with Putin" meme this week?

No, Frankie........were "off" the collusion segment which although UNethical, was not unlawful.......NOW we're on the path of what is INDICTABLE........lol
clinton and she voted for the iraq war. You also voted for obama and he was engaged in more wars than W could ever dream of.

Given the increasing desperation of trump ass-kissers, soon we will be told that the Iraq invasion was the fault of democrats' war-mongering and that Dick Cheney was just a couple of votes away from winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

LordBrownNose's nose is a bit orangy.

Sorry, you got the wrong person. I was against Ws adventures in the ME.

So you say, but why the fuck should we trust you? You're basically telling us we have to take your word for it that you opposed the war in Iraq. Seems to me like you're pretending you opposed Iraq simply because it didn't turn out the way you initially thought it would.

That's because you were lied to about it. Whether you accepted those lies because you're gullible or because you're partisan really doesn't matter. The simple fact that you blame Hillary and some Democrats for trusting in the info Bush was providing them, only says that we shouldn't trust anything Conservatives tell us today. That socializing of blame for Iraq makes me think you did support the war, and you're pretending now that you didn't because you think it makes your present argument more credible.

It doesn't, by the way.
Escapism for Trump loyalists often centers around the rhetoric that even if Trump did collude with Russians, collusion is not a crime.......But the rhetoric will no longer work.

There’s little doubt that trump’s legal team is in panic mode. The possibility of Trump having to testify before Mueller’s team is a scenario that must have Trump’s lawyers ready to jump out a window.

But, here’s the real “rub” that Trump’s legal team CANNOT prepate him for when facing questions by the special counsel’s team:

Questioning Trump on the general topic of the Russia investigation (collusion) leaves Trump quite a bit of room to rail, complain, and profess his ignorance. Asking him about the actions he’s personally taken to fire Comey, draft memos about ‘adoption,’ and heap dirt on the FBI gives Trump very little room to run.

When Trump made a tweet openly admitting that he had knowledge of Flynn’s lying to the FBI, one of his legal team flung himself onto the resulting dumpster fire.

While Trump denied pressuring Comey, one of his lawyers stated that it was he who drafted the tweet in question and made a mistake. Attorney John Dowd told USA TODAY that Trump did not know for sure Flynn had lied to the FBI, only that the Justice Department had raised questions about his comments regarding his contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

The idea that one of Trump’s lawyers stepped in to make this clear confession of obstruction is itself one of the most blatant lies of the whole affair. And when Dowd was caught out in his own lie about emailing the proposed tweet, he was forced to lie again by claiming he’d made a phone call to dictate the tweet.

But even though Donald Trump’s lawyers are willing to take actions that might easily get them disbarred — if not jailed — in order to save their client, a real live meeting with Mueller won’t allow much room for Trump’s lawyers protecting him.

Gloomy days ahead for both Trump and his hapless legal team.

The Senate is not going to flip, and it's not going to convict him in an impeachment charge anyway. Trump's fear is being somehow "not bigger than Lincoln." So collusion is one his mind a lot. I look forward to reading what FACTS Mueller will say there is evidence to prove as to Trump's Russian Affair. (-:

Here's the simple facts, 100% confirmed:

The FBI started its investigation into Trump's Russia connections based on info it was given by the CIA, who received it from Downer, the Australian Ambassador that George Papadopolous drunkely bragged to that he knew Moscow had dirt on Hillary Clinton in the form of hacked e-mails. Papadopolous has plead to charges that he lied to the FBI in January when they asked about his Russia connections. Since then, Papadopolous has been providing the FBI and the Special Counsel with everything he knows. So one of the big Conservative arguments that the dossier prompted a politically motivated investigation is bullshit. And since that is bullshit, then it means the FBI was investigating Trump as early as mid-2016, months before the dossier was produced and months before Simpson and Steele took their findings to the FBI.
Last edited:
How are those convictions coming?

So far, in these last 8 months......TWO convictions and TWO indictments that will surely result to convictions......and the BIG ones coming soon.

Thanks for your concern and please be patient.......Its coming.....LOL
/——/ All process crimes that had no link to the original investigation of collusion. Not one was about Trump
Yeah. Trump’s campaign manager and national security adviser had nothing to do with him. I love that story..
/----/ In criminal procedure, process crime is an offense charged by a prosecutor alleging criminal conduct related to an investigation of a crime, but not to the crime itself. Examples include obstruction of justice, perjury before a grand jury and misprision of a felony. Also it can involve a misdemeanor, but punishment of crime is much lower.
Your Uncle is accused of robbing a bank across state lines while you were in Nevada visiting a brothel. (He didn't do it) The FBI questions you and to avoid getting in a jam with your wife, you say under oath that you were volunteering at a food bank to feed the hungry. The FBI proves you were with a hooker and charges you with a process crime for lying to them. It has nothing to do with the original investigation into your Uncle. He goes free and you spend 2 years in Federal lockup. Get it now?
Oh I get it. You have no idea how corrupt and guilty Trump is. He admitted obstruction of justice on live TV. Mueller has info from where Trump stashes his cash- money laundering. And he probably has his tax returns too to show his many dealings with Putin.
Hell as fat boi was preaching to his circus " I have no business with Russia. Never have." He was actually working on putting up a Trump Tower in Moscow.
Not to mention Junior's admission: " We get most of our money from Russia.
Both of them should just turn themselves in and plead guilty and spare the tax payers the costs of the trials.

I've said that Trump should have used all the sexual harassment claims as the excuse to resign, sparing himself and his family of the public humiliation of the Special Counsel investigation, and letting him maintain his cult of victimhood. It would have also given Republicans an out so that they weren't forced to have his historically low approval rating tied to them. But they did the exact opposite, and now with 31 Conservatives not running for re-election in the House and Senate, the GOP is facing the worst possible outcome for a midterm election; even worse than what happened in 2010. Even worse than what happened in 2006 & 2008. Even worse than what happened in 1994.

But that's what you get when your ideology and agenda is so unpopular you literally have to outsource troll work to Russia because you're too lazy and untrustworthy to spread propaganda yourself. The GOP knew about Trump collusion the whole time; they were a part of it.
Escapism for Trump loyalists often centers around the rhetoric that even if Trump did collude with Russians, collusion is not a crime.......But the rhetoric will no longer work.

There’s little doubt that trump’s legal team is in panic mode. The possibility of Trump having to testify before Mueller’s team is a scenario that must have Trump’s lawyers ready to jump out a window.

But, here’s the real “rub” that Trump’s legal team CANNOT prepate him for when facing questions by the special counsel’s team:

Questioning Trump on the general topic of the Russia investigation (collusion) leaves Trump quite a bit of room to rail, complain, and profess his ignorance. Asking him about the actions he’s personally taken to fire Comey, draft memos about ‘adoption,’ and heap dirt on the FBI gives Trump very little room to run.

When Trump made a tweet openly admitting that he had knowledge of Flynn’s lying to the FBI, one of his legal team flung himself onto the resulting dumpster fire.

While Trump denied pressuring Comey, one of his lawyers stated that it was he who drafted the tweet in question and made a mistake. Attorney John Dowd told USA TODAY that Trump did not know for sure Flynn had lied to the FBI, only that the Justice Department had raised questions about his comments regarding his contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

The idea that one of Trump’s lawyers stepped in to make this clear confession of obstruction is itself one of the most blatant lies of the whole affair. And when Dowd was caught out in his own lie about emailing the proposed tweet, he was forced to lie again by claiming he’d made a phone call to dictate the tweet.

But even though Donald Trump’s lawyers are willing to take actions that might easily get them disbarred — if not jailed — in order to save their client, a real live meeting with Mueller won’t allow much room for Trump’s lawyers protecting him.

Gloomy days ahead for both Trump and his hapless legal team.
Hey stupid
If there was no collusion there was no obstruction

There was most certainly collusion. That's what the Trump Tower Moscow meeting was all about in June 2016. We have Manafort's notes from that meeting.
You do realize that in Benghazi, 4 US citizen died who were under Obama's and Hitlery's protection?

Yeah, it's tragic and it sucks that you wasted millions of taxpayer dollars investigating it, to produce no different conclusion than what the facts have shown time and again.

I still don't get what about Benghazi has you so upset. You didn't give a shit when 4 Marines were killed in Niger last year. You didn't give a shit when terrorists killed all sorts of diplomats, consulars, and officials while Bush invaded and occupied Iraq. So for you to care so much about Benghazi makes me think you're disingenuous.
Escapism for Trump loyalists often centers around the rhetoric that even if Trump did collude with Russians, collusion is not a crime.......But the rhetoric will no longer work.

There’s little doubt that trump’s legal team is in panic mode. The possibility of Trump having to testify before Mueller’s team is a scenario that must have Trump’s lawyers ready to jump out a window.

But, here’s the real “rub” that Trump’s legal team CANNOT prepate him for when facing questions by the special counsel’s team:

Questioning Trump on the general topic of the Russia investigation (collusion) leaves Trump quite a bit of room to rail, complain, and profess his ignorance. Asking him about the actions he’s personally taken to fire Comey, draft memos about ‘adoption,’ and heap dirt on the FBI gives Trump very little room to run.

When Trump made a tweet openly admitting that he had knowledge of Flynn’s lying to the FBI, one of his legal team flung himself onto the resulting dumpster fire.

While Trump denied pressuring Comey, one of his lawyers stated that it was he who drafted the tweet in question and made a mistake. Attorney John Dowd told USA TODAY that Trump did not know for sure Flynn had lied to the FBI, only that the Justice Department had raised questions about his comments regarding his contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

The idea that one of Trump’s lawyers stepped in to make this clear confession of obstruction is itself one of the most blatant lies of the whole affair. And when Dowd was caught out in his own lie about emailing the proposed tweet, he was forced to lie again by claiming he’d made a phone call to dictate the tweet.

But even though Donald Trump’s lawyers are willing to take actions that might easily get them disbarred — if not jailed — in order to save their client, a real live meeting with Mueller won’t allow much room for Trump’s lawyers protecting him.

Gloomy days ahead for both Trump and his hapless legal team.
So you're off the "Trump conspired to collude with Putin" meme this week?
/----/ Colluding with Putin is sooooo 2017.
View attachment 171072

When the hammer drops, and it will, we will remember who backed that traitor and who didn't.

You won't get to run away from him like you were allowed to do with Bush.
So far, in these last 8 months......TWO convictions and TWO indictments that will surely result to convictions......and the BIG ones coming soon.

Thanks for your concern and please be patient.......Its coming.....LOL
/——/ All process crimes that had no link to the original investigation of collusion. Not one was about Trump
Yeah. Trump’s campaign manager and national security adviser had nothing to do with him. I love that story..
/----/ In criminal procedure, process crime is an offense charged by a prosecutor alleging criminal conduct related to an investigation of a crime, but not to the crime itself. Examples include obstruction of justice, perjury before a grand jury and misprision of a felony. Also it can involve a misdemeanor, but punishment of crime is much lower.
Your Uncle is accused of robbing a bank across state lines while you were in Nevada visiting a brothel. (He didn't do it) The FBI questions you and to avoid getting in a jam with your wife, you say under oath that you were volunteering at a food bank to feed the hungry. The FBI proves you were with a hooker and charges you with a process crime for lying to them. It has nothing to do with the original investigation into your Uncle. He goes free and you spend 2 years in Federal lockup. Get it now?
Oh I get it. You have no idea how corrupt and guilty Trump is. He admitted obstruction of justice on live TV. Mueller has info from where Trump stashes his cash- money laundering. And he probably has his tax returns too to show his many dealings with Putin.
Hell as fat boi was preaching to his circus " I have no business with Russia. Never have." He was actually working on putting up a Trump Tower in Moscow.
Not to mention Junior's admission: " We get most of our money from Russia.
Both of them should just turn themselves in and plead guilty and spare the tax payers the costs of the trials.

I've said that Trump should have used all the sexual harassment claims as the excuse to resign, sparing himself and his family of the public humiliation of the Special Counsel investigation, and letting him maintain his cult of victimhood. It would have also given Republicans an out so that they weren't forced to have his historically low approval rating tied to them. But they did the exact opposite, and now with 31 Conservatives not running for re-election in the House and Senate, the GOP is facing the worst possible outcome for a midterm election; even worse than what happened in 2010. Even worse than what happened in 2006 & 2008. Even worse than what happened in 1994.

But that's what you get when your ideology and agenda is so unpopular you literally have to outsource troll work to Russia because you're too lazy and untrustworthy to spread propaganda yourself. The GOP knew about Trump collusion the whole time; they were a part of it.
/----/ I love how the losing side tells the winning side what they should have done to keep winning.

Escapism for Trump loyalists often centers around the rhetoric that even if Trump did collude with Russians, collusion is not a crime.......But the rhetoric will no longer work.

There’s little doubt that trump’s legal team is in panic mode. The possibility of Trump having to testify before Mueller’s team is a scenario that must have Trump’s lawyers ready to jump out a window.

But, here’s the real “rub” that Trump’s legal team CANNOT prepate him for when facing questions by the special counsel’s team:

Questioning Trump on the general topic of the Russia investigation (collusion) leaves Trump quite a bit of room to rail, complain, and profess his ignorance. Asking him about the actions he’s personally taken to fire Comey, draft memos about ‘adoption,’ and heap dirt on the FBI gives Trump very little room to run.

When Trump made a tweet openly admitting that he had knowledge of Flynn’s lying to the FBI, one of his legal team flung himself onto the resulting dumpster fire.

While Trump denied pressuring Comey, one of his lawyers stated that it was he who drafted the tweet in question and made a mistake. Attorney John Dowd told USA TODAY that Trump did not know for sure Flynn had lied to the FBI, only that the Justice Department had raised questions about his comments regarding his contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

The idea that one of Trump’s lawyers stepped in to make this clear confession of obstruction is itself one of the most blatant lies of the whole affair. And when Dowd was caught out in his own lie about emailing the proposed tweet, he was forced to lie again by claiming he’d made a phone call to dictate the tweet.

But even though Donald Trump’s lawyers are willing to take actions that might easily get them disbarred — if not jailed — in order to save their client, a real live meeting with Mueller won’t allow much room for Trump’s lawyers protecting him.

Gloomy days ahead for both Trump and his hapless legal team.

The Senate is not going to flip, and it's not going to convict him in an impeachment charge anyway. Trump's fear is being somehow "not bigger than Lincoln." So collusion is one his mind a lot. I look forward to reading what FACTS Mueller will say there is evidence to prove as to Trump's Russian Affair. (-:

Here's the simple facts, 100% confirmed:

The FBI started its investigation into Trump's Russia connections based on info it was given by the CIA, who received it from Downer, the Australian Ambassador that George Papadopolous drunkely bragged to that he knew Moscow had dirt on Hillary Clinton in the form of hacked e-mails. Papadopolous has plead to charges that he lied to the FBI in January when they asked about his Russia connections. Since mid-2016 Papadopolous has been providing the FBI and the Special Counsel with everything he knows. So one of the big Conservative arguments that the dossier prompted a politically motivated investigation is bullshit. And since that is bullshit, then it means the FBI was investigating Trump as early as mid-2016, months before the dossier was produced and months before Simpson and Steele took their findings to the FBI.
Yeah, there's no facts to dispute that the FBI was investigating Trump/Russia before Steele came forward.

For some reason, RW nuts and nut sites seem to be misleading (lying) about search warrants and what law enforcement needs to get them. Law enforcement just need informants who provide information that in one way or another becomes more likely than not to have some factual basis. Typically that is because the informant has been used before, or as it appear now in Trump world, Papandopolus and Steele provided similar, unrelated, factual assertions.

I still think in the end all we'll see is report from Mueller that will confirm the opinions of those who think Trump is Putins bitch, and the election was a fraud, and those who are tied to Trump will just deny the facts.
Escapism for Trump loyalists often centers around the rhetoric that even if Trump did collude with Russians, collusion is not a crime.......But the rhetoric will no longer work.

There’s little doubt that trump’s legal team is in panic mode. The possibility of Trump having to testify before Mueller’s team is a scenario that must have Trump’s lawyers ready to jump out a window.

But, here’s the real “rub” that Trump’s legal team CANNOT prepate him for when facing questions by the special counsel’s team:

Questioning Trump on the general topic of the Russia investigation (collusion) leaves Trump quite a bit of room to rail, complain, and profess his ignorance. Asking him about the actions he’s personally taken to fire Comey, draft memos about ‘adoption,’ and heap dirt on the FBI gives Trump very little room to run.

When Trump made a tweet openly admitting that he had knowledge of Flynn’s lying to the FBI, one of his legal team flung himself onto the resulting dumpster fire.

While Trump denied pressuring Comey, one of his lawyers stated that it was he who drafted the tweet in question and made a mistake. Attorney John Dowd told USA TODAY that Trump did not know for sure Flynn had lied to the FBI, only that the Justice Department had raised questions about his comments regarding his contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

The idea that one of Trump’s lawyers stepped in to make this clear confession of obstruction is itself one of the most blatant lies of the whole affair. And when Dowd was caught out in his own lie about emailing the proposed tweet, he was forced to lie again by claiming he’d made a phone call to dictate the tweet.

But even though Donald Trump’s lawyers are willing to take actions that might easily get them disbarred — if not jailed — in order to save their client, a real live meeting with Mueller won’t allow much room for Trump’s lawyers protecting him.

Gloomy days ahead for both Trump and his hapless legal team.
So you're off the "Trump conspired to collude with Putin" meme this week?
/----/ Colluding with Putin is sooooo 2017.
View attachment 171072

When the hammer drops, and it will, we will remember who backed that traitor and who didn't.

You won't get to run away from him like you were allowed to do with Bush.

Comey and Mueller will be permanent resides of Gitmo and remembered as seditious traitors
/——/ All process crimes that had no link to the original investigation of collusion. Not one was about Trump
Yeah. Trump’s campaign manager and national security adviser had nothing to do with him. I love that story..
/----/ In criminal procedure, process crime is an offense charged by a prosecutor alleging criminal conduct related to an investigation of a crime, but not to the crime itself. Examples include obstruction of justice, perjury before a grand jury and misprision of a felony. Also it can involve a misdemeanor, but punishment of crime is much lower.
Your Uncle is accused of robbing a bank across state lines while you were in Nevada visiting a brothel. (He didn't do it) The FBI questions you and to avoid getting in a jam with your wife, you say under oath that you were volunteering at a food bank to feed the hungry. The FBI proves you were with a hooker and charges you with a process crime for lying to them. It has nothing to do with the original investigation into your Uncle. He goes free and you spend 2 years in Federal lockup. Get it now?
Oh I get it. You have no idea how corrupt and guilty Trump is. He admitted obstruction of justice on live TV. Mueller has info from where Trump stashes his cash- money laundering. And he probably has his tax returns too to show his many dealings with Putin.
Hell as fat boi was preaching to his circus " I have no business with Russia. Never have." He was actually working on putting up a Trump Tower in Moscow.
Not to mention Junior's admission: " We get most of our money from Russia.
Both of them should just turn themselves in and plead guilty and spare the tax payers the costs of the trials.

I've said that Trump should have used all the sexual harassment claims as the excuse to resign, sparing himself and his family of the public humiliation of the Special Counsel investigation, and letting him maintain his cult of victimhood. It would have also given Republicans an out so that they weren't forced to have his historically low approval rating tied to them. But they did the exact opposite, and now with 31 Conservatives not running for re-election in the House and Senate, the GOP is facing the worst possible outcome for a midterm election; even worse than what happened in 2010. Even worse than what happened in 2006 & 2008. Even worse than what happened in 1994.

But that's what you get when your ideology and agenda is so unpopular you literally have to outsource troll work to Russia because you're too lazy and untrustworthy to spread propaganda yourself. The GOP knew about Trump collusion the whole time; they were a part of it.
/----/ I love how the losing side tells the winning side what they should have done to keep winning.

You didn't win the popular vote. And you only "won" because you had outsourced troll work to Russia. You can't win elections based on the merits of your ideas and policy, so instead you rely on trolls to spread propaganda.
Escapism for Trump loyalists often centers around the rhetoric that even if Trump did collude with Russians, collusion is not a crime.......But the rhetoric will no longer work.

There’s little doubt that trump’s legal team is in panic mode. The possibility of Trump having to testify before Mueller’s team is a scenario that must have Trump’s lawyers ready to jump out a window.

But, here’s the real “rub” that Trump’s legal team CANNOT prepate him for when facing questions by the special counsel’s team:

Questioning Trump on the general topic of the Russia investigation (collusion) leaves Trump quite a bit of room to rail, complain, and profess his ignorance. Asking him about the actions he’s personally taken to fire Comey, draft memos about ‘adoption,’ and heap dirt on the FBI gives Trump very little room to run.

When Trump made a tweet openly admitting that he had knowledge of Flynn’s lying to the FBI, one of his legal team flung himself onto the resulting dumpster fire.

While Trump denied pressuring Comey, one of his lawyers stated that it was he who drafted the tweet in question and made a mistake. Attorney John Dowd told USA TODAY that Trump did not know for sure Flynn had lied to the FBI, only that the Justice Department had raised questions about his comments regarding his contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

The idea that one of Trump’s lawyers stepped in to make this clear confession of obstruction is itself one of the most blatant lies of the whole affair. And when Dowd was caught out in his own lie about emailing the proposed tweet, he was forced to lie again by claiming he’d made a phone call to dictate the tweet.

But even though Donald Trump’s lawyers are willing to take actions that might easily get them disbarred — if not jailed — in order to save their client, a real live meeting with Mueller won’t allow much room for Trump’s lawyers protecting him.

Gloomy days ahead for both Trump and his hapless legal team.

The Senate is not going to flip, and it's not going to convict him in an impeachment charge anyway. Trump's fear is being somehow "not bigger than Lincoln." So collusion is one his mind a lot. I look forward to reading what FACTS Mueller will say there is evidence to prove as to Trump's Russian Affair. (-:

Here's the simple facts, 100% confirmed:

The FBI started its investigation into Trump's Russia connections based on info it was given by the CIA, who received it from Downer, the Australian Ambassador that George Papadopolous drunkely bragged to that he knew Moscow had dirt on Hillary Clinton in the form of hacked e-mails. Papadopolous has plead to charges that he lied to the FBI in January when they asked about his Russia connections. Since mid-2016 Papadopolous has been providing the FBI and the Special Counsel with everything he knows. So one of the big Conservative arguments that the dossier prompted a politically motivated investigation is bullshit. And since that is bullshit, then it means the FBI was investigating Trump as early as mid-2016, months before the dossier was produced and months before Simpson and Steele took their findings to the FBI.
Yeah, there's no facts to dispute that the FBI was investigating Trump/Russia before Steele came forward.

For some reason, RW nuts and nut sites seem to be misleading (lying) about search warrants and what law enforcement needs to get them. Law enforcement just need informants who provide information that in one way or another becomes more likely than not to have some factual basis. Typically that is because the informant has been used before, or as it appear now in Trump world, Papandopolus and Steele provided similar, unrelated, factual assertions.

I still think in the end all we'll see is report from Mueller that will confirm the opinions of those who think Trump is Putins bitch, and the election was a fraud, and those who are tied to Trump will just deny the facts.

Unless Trump is indicted. Which is a possibility too.
Escapism for Trump loyalists often centers around the rhetoric that even if Trump did collude with Russians, collusion is not a crime.......But the rhetoric will no longer work.

There’s little doubt that trump’s legal team is in panic mode. The possibility of Trump having to testify before Mueller’s team is a scenario that must have Trump’s lawyers ready to jump out a window.

But, here’s the real “rub” that Trump’s legal team CANNOT prepate him for when facing questions by the special counsel’s team:

Questioning Trump on the general topic of the Russia investigation (collusion) leaves Trump quite a bit of room to rail, complain, and profess his ignorance. Asking him about the actions he’s personally taken to fire Comey, draft memos about ‘adoption,’ and heap dirt on the FBI gives Trump very little room to run.

When Trump made a tweet openly admitting that he had knowledge of Flynn’s lying to the FBI, one of his legal team flung himself onto the resulting dumpster fire.

While Trump denied pressuring Comey, one of his lawyers stated that it was he who drafted the tweet in question and made a mistake. Attorney John Dowd told USA TODAY that Trump did not know for sure Flynn had lied to the FBI, only that the Justice Department had raised questions about his comments regarding his contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

The idea that one of Trump’s lawyers stepped in to make this clear confession of obstruction is itself one of the most blatant lies of the whole affair. And when Dowd was caught out in his own lie about emailing the proposed tweet, he was forced to lie again by claiming he’d made a phone call to dictate the tweet.

But even though Donald Trump’s lawyers are willing to take actions that might easily get them disbarred — if not jailed — in order to save their client, a real live meeting with Mueller won’t allow much room for Trump’s lawyers protecting him.

Gloomy days ahead for both Trump and his hapless legal team.
So you're off the "Trump conspired to collude with Putin" meme this week?
/----/ Colluding with Putin is sooooo 2017.
View attachment 171072

When the hammer drops, and it will, we will remember who backed that traitor and who didn't.

You won't get to run away from him like you were allowed to do with Bush.

Comey and Mueller will be permanent resides of Gitmo and remembered as seditious traitors

Remember; you're the same people who supported Bush the Dumber for 8 years. Then as soon as he left office and the consequences of the policies you supported were made known, you deleted all those old accounts that had pages and pages of pro-Bush posts, and created brand new accounts with clean slates so you could preserve the illusion of credibility you think you have.

You're not going to get away with it this time.
Remember; you're the same people who supported Bush the Dumber for 8 years. Then as soon as he left office and the consequences of the policies you supported were made known, you deleted all those old accounts that had pages and pages of pro-Bush posts, and created brand new accounts with clean slates so you could preserve the illusion of credibility you think you have.

You're not going to get away with it this time.

Well, new screen names are cheap and easily conjured........There will be TONS of "I never really liked Trump.....I just hated Hillary more..."

Cowardly, self-delusion, really......

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