Forget Nukes Years Away - DIRTY BOMB Threat A Matter of Time NOW!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
AP INVESTIGATION: Nuclear Smugglers Sought Extremist Buyers
- News from The Associated Press

Put the potential of Iran having a nuclear bomb in 5 - 7 years on the back-burner for now. The threat NOW is Potential use of a Nuclear 'Dirty bomb', and that threat is REAL!

There are some VERY 'Bad' guys out there trying to sell plutonium, HIGHLY ENRICHED PLUTONIUM, the type that can even be used to make a nuclear bomb...and their trying to sell it to ISIS, among others.

This link takes you to an AP story that contains several different situations where the selling of this material to whom the sellers thought were ISIS representatives were stopped.

1. CHISINAU, Moldova (AP) -- Over the pulsating beat at an exclusive nightclub, the arms smuggler made his pitch to a client: 2.5 million euros for enough radioactive cesium to contaminate several city blocks.
- "You can make a dirty bomb, which would be perfect for the Islamic State," the smuggler said. "If you have a connection with them, the business will go smoothly."
- "We can expect more of these cases," said Constantin Malic, one of the Moldovan investigators. "As long as the smugglers think they can make big money without getting caught, they will keep doing it."
- This sting resulted in the arrest of the smuggler and the confiscation of the plutonium.

*** The FBI and the White House declined to comment. The U.S. State Department would not comment on the specifics of the cases.

2. Several months later, a former KGB informant, Teodor Chetrus, called Malic's source, the Moldovan businessman. Chetrus told him he had uranium to sell, but was looking for a Middle Eastern buyer.
- Unlike Malic's first case, this one involved highly enriched uranium, the type that can be used to make a nuclear bomb.
- "For the plutonium," Chetrus said, "if they prove they are serious people, we will provide the sample for free. You can use a small amount to make a dirty bomb."

Malic found the video chilling. "I was afraid to imagine what would happen if one of these scenarios happened one day."


While Obama is focusing on Assad and accomplishing what he failed to do with his earlier "red Line' Fiasco....and while Putin is targeting and destroying all of Obama's trained/armed anti-Assad 'rebels'...and while Obama is bringing in thousands of Syrian rebels and admitted 'terrorists' (who claim they were forced to do so) to the United States, ISIS is becoming a growing threat to the entire world and now has the opportunity to acquire weapons-grade plutonium with which they can easily build 'Dirty Bombs'!

Well, luckily our borders are airtight and due to constant vigilance and zero tolerance for illegal activity like human trafficking and drug trafficking, no one can sneak into this country or smuggle anything dangerous in..
The hilarious thing is the first 'dirty bomb' would be planted in Manhattan. Home of the Limousine Liberal elites.
Next would be Hollywood. Home of the West Coast Limousine Liberal elites.
yeah , gotts move D.Trump to the country , maybe the Upper Peninsula or Montana DBoys !!

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