Forget Trump's first 100 days.....What about the GOP Congress' first 100 days?

The Republican Congress is reaching one third of a year without even trying to pass any significant legislation

They have been waiting eight years for this and do nothing
half of everything enacted so far, has been reversing Obama era policies. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yup...Republicans are great at voting NO

However, they have been making promises for eight years..
Repeal Obamacare and give us something better
Balance the budget
Repeal Roe v Wade
Tax reform

Where is it?

The only reason they made those promises is because they knew it would get votes. But, unlike the voters, they also knew that because of the gridlock already in place in DC, they would never have to keep those promises, because people had gotten used to gridlock because of the divided Congress.

Now? They have no excuses. They have a majority in the House, the Senate, and they have Trump as president. If gridlock continues with them having a majority, people are going to get tired of nothing happening and the mid terms will be a bloodbath for the GOP.

A big, beautiful wall.....and Mexico is going to pay for it
I build the best walls, belieeeeeve mee
donny from queens is dictating through executive orders only. NOT ONE PIECE of legislation has been introduced so far. there is no governing & there is zero leadership from the republican 'presidency', nor anything close to governing coming from the republican house or republican senate.

the first 100 days has been nothing but failure.

I just don't get it

Republicans control the Government....Why can't they accomplish anything?

they have no clue as to how. for 8 years they have been the party of no.


from turtleface mcconnell's 'the #1 priority is to make obama a one term prez', to their some 60x failed repeal of the ACA.

that's all they know & it has become crystal clear.

They DEMANDED a balanced budget while Obama was trying to prop up the economy and we were facing losing 700,000 jobs a month

Now they have a strong economy and not a word about balancing the budget

Come on man, they are busy balancing their recesses and golf dates. That alone can be pretty stressful.

Wait a minute..............didn't Trump say that he was going to actually be working in the WH and not playing golf like Obama did?

Good to see he keeps his promises......................................................
hes played 5x the amount of gulf as Obama but you'll never hear his fans complain.
The gop still has it's inner divisions. The Koch mingling with the former tea party to create the freedom caucus to mainline gopers. Trump brought in the alt R to complicate matters further.
The gop still has it's inner divisions. The Koch mingling with the former tea party to create the freedom caucus to mainline gopers. Trump brought in the alt R to complicate matters further.

Hey Bendog, now that Trump is in charge, instead of calling them "gopers", shouldn't it be "gropers"? You forgot the "r".
Trumps first 100 days will go down in history as an "unpresidented" failure. Tuesday he told a crowd, “No administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days,”

Does he actually believe that?
Trumps first 100 days will go down in history as an "unpresidented" failure. Tuesday he told a crowd, “No administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days,”

Does he actually believe that?

Dunno if he believes that, but I do know that he keeps repeating in in the hopes that the country will.
Trumps first 100 days will go down in history as an "unpresidented" failure. Tuesday he told a crowd, “No administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days,”

Does he actually believe that?

Dunno if he believes that, but I do know that he keeps repeating in in the hopes that the country will.
well, his cult believes anything he tells them....
Trumps first 100 days will go down in history as an "unpresidented" failure. Tuesday he told a crowd, “No administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days,”

Does he actually believe that?

Dunno if he believes that, but I do know that he keeps repeating in in the hopes that the country will.
well, his cult believes anything he tells them....

Are you saying that Trump has turned the GOP into a cult and made himself it's glorious leader?

Hmm..............makes sense. Steve McGarrett has already started calling Trump "our dear glorious leader" much like the people of N. Korea refer to Kim Jong Un.
Trumps first 100 days will go down in history as an "unpresidented" failure. Tuesday he told a crowd, “No administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days,”

Does he actually believe that?

Dunno if he believes that, but I do know that he keeps repeating in in the hopes that the country will.
well, his cult believes anything he tells them....

drones in the hive, the collective ... one thought, one mind.
Trumps first 100 days will go down in history as an "unpresidented" failure. Tuesday he told a crowd, “No administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days,”

Does he actually believe that?

I bet it was the biggest crowd in history too
Trump seems to be shitting all over a bipartisan deal to raise the debt ceiling by demanding his Wall and refusing to fund Obamacare subsidies.

My recollections are that generally speaking potues get off to rough starts. Obama had 60 senators. But W had to work with Ted for school funding and his initial programs, and his tax cuts eventually led to Jeffords making the gop the minority in the senate. The hard core conservatives shat on the moderates, and it came back to haunt them. Then of course W imploded over Iraq. Clinton nearly died on the hill for HC reform. Reagan had serious economic problems, and his tax cuts were not given the godlike status they have now.

But Trump is actually making it harder to get legislation done. He's desperate for a "win" on something like the Wall or Obamacare, and his campaign positions don't allow for compromise.

When he waddles off and lets Mattis handle for policy, he does better.
Trump seems to be shitting all over a bipartisan deal to raise the debt ceiling by demanding his Wall and refusing to fund Obamacare subsidies.

My recollections are that generally speaking potues get off to rough starts. Obama had 60 senators. But W had to work with Ted for school funding and his initial programs, and his tax cuts eventually led to Jeffords making the gop the minority in the senate. The hard core conservatives shat on the moderates, and it came back to haunt them. Then of course W imploded over Iraq. Clinton nearly died on the hill for HC reform. Reagan had serious economic problems, and his tax cuts were not given the godlike status they have now.

But Trump is actually making it harder to get legislation done. He's desperate for a "win" on something like the Wall or Obamacare, and his campaign positions don't allow for compromise.

When he waddles off and lets Mattis handle for policy, he does better.
He is playing games. This is a continuing resolution to continue existing funding until a budget passes
Republucans control Congress...let them pass a budget

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