Forgetting to "Never Forget".

I,,, absolutely agree that jews are not a "SPECIAL CLASS" of victims-----and such
a concept was never taught to me. All peoples who are a "group"----have their
own unique history-----learning it does not imply "special class" The very first
genocide I learned about as a child was the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE-----well---my mom
told me about it. Since that time I have known about genocides in PROGRESS---
-the Biafran genocide----the east pakistani----etc etc.
The nazi genocide is one of many----that concept was clear to me--
----and I believe to most people-----who learned about
the nazi genocide as jews. The nazi era is an excellent example of GENOCIDE---
a kind of "model"

Ms. Rose, this is probably the one and only time I will ever disagree with you. As a gentile who has studied the Shoah extensively, I can only say this event was unique . . . unlike anything I've studied in depth.
Have you studied the Holodomor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
". . .a better observation would have been to realise lipush is an israeli and english is not her first language."

Get the eff outta here with this crap.............
what the HELL does "english" NOT being her first language have anything to do
with her (a jewish girl) NOT KNOWING HOW TO SPELL HOLOCAUST....?? i don't buy it, sealadingleberry....

i found it...disrespectful---and i'm not even jewish.

Holocaust "HULOCOUST..."


fuck her. she's (the JIP) an idiot.

i don't know where do you get the impression that I owe you anything.

Indeed, the knowledge of history is important.

It makes you wonder why Israel will not allow the teaching of the Nakba. Is there a double standard?
Uhhh,Tinmore, those are two conflicting statements. I mean, why allow someone to teach fantasy as history?

you make holocaust deniers seem less contemptable than they already are..

Don't gloat simply because you stand an entire millimicron taller than that, sealie.
Uhhh,Tinmore, those are two conflicting statements. I mean, why allow someone to teach fantasy as history?

you make holocaust deniers seem less contemptable than they already are..

Don't gloat simply because you stand an entire millimicron taller than that, sealie.

i have neither denied the holocaust nor al nakba at any time.

your comment makes you sound bitter, vindictive, and it was not necessary.
Last edited:
"Nazi assholes like squealadillpickle just love to constantly bring up the Holocaust.

They (+ josteppinwolf) are a tie....but jospoonfed gets honorable mention for "the other day."



why do you lie so much about people.

i would be perfectly happy if no one brought up the holocaust again, but i have never, ever denied it.

what am i, some kind of popular target for you people? do i really bother you that much. hell, i rarely even call you names or indulge in personalo attacks but i really don't like being lied about.
"Nazi assholes like squealadillpickle just love to constantly bring up the Holocaust.

They (+ josteppinwolf) are a tie....but jospoonfed gets honorable mention for "the other day."



why do you lie so much about people.

i would be perfectly happy if no one brought up the holocaust again, but i have never, ever denied it.

what am i, some kind of popular target for you people? do i really bother you that much. hell, i rarely even call you names or indulge in personalo attacks but i really don't like being lied about.
She was referring to your Nazi soulmate Jos, who's denied the Holocaust several times. Try to keep up. Of course he's not the only one. You have Sunni and a few others as well. In fact he even calls it holohoax. What a nice bunch you all are.

You're a little country, Jos is a little rock and roll. End of the day you're both Nazis.
"Nazi assholes like squealadillpickle just love to constantly bring up the Holocaust.

They (+ josteppinwolf) are a tie....but jospoonfed gets honorable mention for "the other day."



why do you lie so much about people.

i would be perfectly happy if no one brought up the holocaust again, but i have never, ever denied it.

what am i, some kind of popular target for you people? do i really bother you that much. hell, i rarely even call you names or indulge in personalo attacks but i really don't like being lied about.


"what am i, some kind of popular target for you people?"


they (+ josteppinwolf) are a tie....but jospoonfed gets honorable mention for "the other day."

"scientific proof: Gas chambers never existed"


why do you lie so much about people.

I would be perfectly happy if no one brought up the holocaust again, but i have never, ever denied it.

What am i, some kind of popular target for you people? Do i really bother you that much. Hell, i rarely even call you names or indulge in personalo attacks but i really don't like being lied about.


"what am i, some kind of popular target for you people?"



I,,, absolutely agree that jews are not a "SPECIAL CLASS" of victims-----and such
a concept was never taught to me. All peoples who are a "group"----have their
own unique history-----learning it does not imply "special class" The very first
genocide I learned about as a child was the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE-----well---my mom
told me about it. Since that time I have known about genocides in PROGRESS---
-the Biafran genocide----the east pakistani----etc etc.
The nazi genocide is one of many----that concept was clear to me--
----and I believe to most people-----who learned about
the nazi genocide as jews. The nazi era is an excellent example of GENOCIDE---
a kind of "model"

Ms. Rose, this is probably the one and only time I will ever disagree with you. As a gentile who has studied the Shoah extensively, I can only say this event was unique . . . unlike anything I've studied in depth.
Have you studied the Holodomor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think most of us know what happened in Russia, and by now we know about how your brethren murdered 2 million plus Christians in the Sudan and millions of Christians in Nigeria. Could you tell us if in the schools in Iran they teach the children that there was no Holocaust committed by the Nazis on millions and millions of people, both Jews and non Jews? I think those with a head on their shoulder can see that the anti-Semites are having a problem with Holocaust Remembrance Day so they drag up stuff like Yousef Mohammed is doing. The Ayatollahs will be very proud of you Yousef.
"Nazi assholes like squealadillpickle just love to constantly bring up the Holocaust.

They (+ josteppinwolf) are a tie....but jospoonfed gets honorable mention for "the other day."


You have to remember, Member, that Yousef Mohammed (Jos) probably went to an Islamic school in Iran where they taught such things. He certainly did not go to P.S. 94 or New Ultrecht High School in Brooklyn where they don't teach the same things they teach in Islamic schools. Hmmm, maybe Youself Mohammed comes from the Holy City of Qom in Iran?
i have never denied the holocaust and expressed sympathy and concern for the survivor. i even contacted the charity that i give to almost exclusively to see if they had any program that could be set up for these people as they are a charity that focuses on the needs of the poor. they were very gracious in their answer but explained that they try to avoid situations where the government in question is capable of handling the problem.

if people like you continue to equate objection to israeli policy with anti-semitism then the end result will be more anti-semitism and the result of that will be that actual, honest to goodness, bona fide cases of anti-semitism will soon be swpt under the rug and categorised as "just another jew whining about how they are picked on because they are a jew". in a sense, you are digging your own grave.

Try for a bit of reality Deach-----I was born considerably before 1964 when FINALLY
a pope with a bit of a conscious recognized that the SHIT taught to children
by priests and nuns had led to the MURDER of tens of millions of jews in the

I grew up in a town that had two school systems----the public which I attended--
and the catholic which a CONSIDERABLE number of kids attended---since
we did have a considerable number of persons of IRISH EXTRACTION
in town (some italians and a few 'hispanics' --etc) I learned about the fact
that I am a jew at age five-----when little disgusting sluts in blue jumpers
threw rocks at me screaming "YOU KILLLED JESUS"-----as I walked home
from kindergarten. ----the most prolific rock throwing filthy slut----was
----a red-head I knew as "one of those irish kids" I was confused----I
was jewish kid and taught NEVER to throw a rock at any living thing----or even
"run with a stick in hand" ----because ---"you never know---you may
stumble and and the stick could hit the eye of a baby"
(my mother actually invented a mythological story of such an event
that 'she witnessed')

Just what was the red-headed bitch in the catholic school uniform
being taught by her mother? Five year old kids do not INVENT
that kind of shit-----nor does it go away when they grow up.
I am still alive and not all that old-----and---chances are so is that

you know what, rose. you are a small people and if the catholics wanted you wiped out as much as you keep chirpin' about, jews would be gone in a heartbeat.
Better read this little gem. It's about people wanting to chastise Israel.

IDF chief: No weapon formed against us shall prosper - Israel Today | Israel News
"Forgetting to 'Never Forget' -- this is a shame."

yeah, "shame:"

"while i have always objected to the word 'terrorist. . .'"

do you "object" ?

well, what's the update on this ? any "objections" anymore about using the "word terrorist" or calling the 'pilots' of that plane..."terrorists" ?? if you're not comfortable using that word, what word do you use instead of..."terrorist" ?

". . .a better observation would have been to realise lipush is an israeli and english is not her first language."

Get the eff outta here with this crap.............
what the HELL does "english" NOT being her first language have anything to do
with her (a jewish girl) NOT KNOWING HOW TO SPELL HOLOCAUST....?? i don't buy it, sealadingleberry....

i found it...disrespectful---and i'm not even jewish.

Holocaust "HULOCOUST..."


fuck her. she's (the JIP) an idiot.

"i don't know where do you get the impression that I owe you anything." Seriously.

who said "you owe me anything" ? oh, you mean like an explanation of WHY you would spell holocaust that way ? sorry, if there's a ...'medical' reason, then i understand (and none of my biDness). if you were having fun with sealadisenchanting, i guess i didn't get it.

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