Forgetting to "Never Forget".

Shows what you know. My kids are Native. I want them taught the truth, and I don't want the to expect handouts from anyone for shit that happened 200 years ago.

I also want them to recognize the mind set that leads to genocide...and it is always the mindset that one side should *pay* for something.

then teach them the truth.

and nwho said anything about handouts.
Here's some truth.
On this special day, I salute and applaud the brave young Jews.

Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust | United with Israel
Shows what you know. My kids are Native. I want them taught the truth, and I don't want the to expect handouts from anyone for shit that happened 200 years ago.

I also want them to recognize the mind set that leads to genocide...and it is always the mindset that one side should *pay* for something.

then teach them the truth.

and nwho said anything about handouts.
Here's some truth.
On this special day, I salute and applaud the brave young Jews.

Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust | United with Israel

just as i applaud the paledstinians who fight back, so i have always applauded those jews who fought back as well. would there had been more of them.
i have no opinion as to whether it is increasing or not. i am no longer going to concern myself with it because it has been used far too often to excuse and explain israeli atrocities towards the palestinians and tar and brand good people. if someone is wehipping a jew because they are jewish, my ears will be deaf to the complaints.

i can think of five nobelo peace prize winner, a number o good popes, some very reputable human rights organisaitions, some charities, etc. etc. etc, who have been labeled anti-semitic when clearly they are not so now, if hitler and ther entire third reich were resurrected from hell and a jew screams anti-semitism from showers and ovens, i will walk away because anything positive i have ever tried to do, any matter of fact, non-judgemental explanation i have ever tried to give, i have been met with "anti-semite" or "drunk leprechaun" or some anti-irish, anti-catholic tirade so from this point on, jews can go fuck themselves to the max, as they are doing, but i refuse to participate.l

you jews and zionists have to be the most self righteous, contentious people who have ever walked the face of the earth and i can fully comprehend why you have been chased out of every place you've been since abraham's time.

as for me helping in a holocaust museum...I AM AN AMERICAN!!!

i find it reprehensible and discourteous and outright rude to the people of many ethnicities, particularly the native americans who this country has genocided and the african americans who this country nas enslaved and the japanese americans who this country has interned etc, that they be given short shrift to a bunch of european jews who were killed by a european people whose genocide is no worse than the many other genocides thaat have occurred throughout history and a genocide whose jewish victims are the only victims acknowledged while other groups targeted by the NAZIs are ignored and forgotton even before they were remembered because of a cacaphoney of whining coming from the chosen people.

This is not a Native-American or African-American board. Go to those boards if you want to discuss those tragedies. If you are tired of hearing about the Holocaust, Israel or Jewish-related matters, stop visiting this board. I still remember when you said no Jewish Americans served this country during WW2, when I have childhood friends whose dads served here. I have seen Stars of David among the crosses in Arlington National Cemetary, but never a crescent moon. I also remember when you said Jews didn't fight back during the Holocaust, when today is the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which lasted longer than the resistance of many INDEPENDENT European countries. Go take your anti-Semitism elsewhere. You provoke the Jews here, and then complain that we are contentious when we disagree with you. But if a Muslim like Sunni Man calls Christians sissies, then he "misspoke" or "wasn't himself". So it's clear that you have a bias against Jews.

oh, don't hand me that. i mentioned that in the context of what is taught in american schools....and i said no such thing about jewish americans serving in WWII. as for muslims not being buried at arlington, i am sure you were blinded by your bigotry in not seeing their grave.l there are not a lot, but they haven't been here that long, you anti-goyim..

you are a fookin' liar.

the only time i ever mention jews not fighting back, and they didn't, is when they always complain about some other person or group not doing enough to save them from the NAZIs.

as or me being an anti-semite. guess what. i don't care about your little whiney name calling games anymore. everybody who isn't jewish and doesn't cheer every time a palestinian child is blown to kingdom come is an "anti-semite" in some of your jewish zionist eyes. jews call anyone who disagrees with them about anything an anti-semite.

also, i started this thread sympathising with a holocaust survivor whose story was rejected by israeli scool kids. they didn't want to hear it.

jewish people should have tried it against the NAZIs instead of always pointing their finger at others for their fate.

the only reason i can surmise or your anger is that the truth hurts, but ignore it so you can keep complaining about how much people hate the jews. it is, after all, your stock in trade.

I guess then that you should be talking to the admins about how someone hijacked your account and made that horrid post, Sealie!
then teach them the truth.

and nwho said anything about handouts.
Here's some truth.
On this special day, I salute and applaud the brave young Jews.

Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust | United with Israel

just as i applaud the paledstinians who fight back, so i have always applauded those jews who fought back as well. would there had been more of them.
No thanks to the Irish that sided with them.
seal is right european christians did commit genocide
against the natives of north and south america. In fact
european catholics even brought the Inquisition to the
americas. Cortez murdered thousands in the name
of the catholic church and for the sake of stealing lots
of gold What is your point, deach? Christians even
confiscated children from the native amercans and forced
their conversion I agree that the christian genocides
comitted in the americas should be commemorated ----
especially that child confiscation filth-----one of the most
disgusting methods of genocide. Jews are certainly not the
only victims of the filth of your kith and kin. Cromwell
obviously had good reason to hate you guys
I,,, absolutely agree that jews are not a "SPECIAL CLASS" of victims-----and such
a concept was never taught to me. All peoples who are a "group"----have their
own unique history-----learning it does not imply "special class" The very first
genocide I learned about as a child was the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE-----well---my mom
told me about it. Since that time I have known about genocides in PROGRESS---
-the Biafran genocide----the east pakistani----etc etc.
The nazi genocide is one of many----that concept was clear to me--
----and I believe to most people-----who learned about
the nazi genocide as jews. The nazi era is an excellent example of GENOCIDE---
a kind of "model"

Ms. Rose, this is probably the one and only time I will ever disagree with you. As a gentile who has studied the Shoah extensively, I can only say this event was unique . . . unlike anything I've studied in depth.
I,,, absolutely agree that jews are not a "SPECIAL CLASS" of victims-----and such
a concept was never taught to me. All peoples who are a "group"----have their
own unique history-----learning it does not imply "special class" The very first
genocide I learned about as a child was the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE-----well---my mom
told me about it. Since that time I have known about genocides in PROGRESS---
-the Biafran genocide----the east pakistani----etc etc.
The nazi genocide is one of many----that concept was clear to me--
----and I believe to most people-----who learned about
the nazi genocide as jews. The nazi era is an excellent example of GENOCIDE---
a kind of "model"

Ms. Rose, this is probably the one and only time I will ever disagree with you. As a gentile who has studied the Shoah extensively, I can only say this event was unique . . . unlike anything I've studied in depth.

disagree away-----do not be shy----I agree with you that the nazi thing has
some UNIQUE characteristics----but then so do all genocides. The armenian
genocide was remarkable for its time in that it was so primitively done
but SO EFFECTIVE----something like two million people in about three
years murdered with little more than clubs and knives-----in a time
of not all that much world turmoil ----fair communications and it went
virtually unnoticed. I cannot say I studied it----but I know of no
REPRISAL in all that time------maybe I simply do not know
Survivor: Today's youth uninterested in Holocaust

82-year-old Shlomo Ronen wants to utilize time he has left to relay what he endured during WWII, feels adolescents apathetic. 'Holocaust must be studied just like the Bible is studied. It must be passed down from father to son for thousands of years,' he says

Over the past few years, 82-year-old Shlomo Ronen has contacted a few Tel Aviv high schools requesting to come and speak to students about the Holocaust in general, and specifically about his own, personal story.

He suggested speaking to the students about the way in which he evaded the Nazis within occupied Europe and did not ask the schools for anything in return, save a ride to and from his lectures.

However, his offer went unanswered and no one from any of the schools called him back. "Maybe they don't want me to tell them how a Jewish woman strangled her baby with her own hands so that it won't cry and reveal our (hiding) place," said Ronen.

In his opinion, they did not answer him for fear of hearing about the atrocities or due to a lack of desire to deal with what they seemingly do not have to. While being interviewed, he refused to detail what he endured from the moment the Nazis occupied his town of Trembowla, Galicia.

Survivor: Israel's youth uninterested in Holocaust - Israel News, Ynetnews

this is a shame, but i understand why, and it is not what schlomo ronen thinks.

his history has been sold, and to sell something like this, you need to put a price on it, decreasing its value.

jewish people need to take care of these holocaust survivors.
But the Holocaust never happened! The gas chambers never existed, maybe a hundred thousand Jews died but it was due to illness. Just ask all your neo Nazi / IslamoNazi buddies on this board and elsewhere. So what is there to remember? And if the Holocaust didn't happen then the whole premise for the state of Israel is illegitimate.

you really should try to cut down on your whining.

the whole premise for a state of israel is illegitimate, holocaust or not. do you think there should be a seperate state for gays, the mentally ill, and all the other targeted victims of hitler.

any case for a state for israel could be made for a mormon state.

it is not a case at all about people not wanting to hear about the holocaust. it is a case of people, and i am sure this includes young israelis, of not wanting to hear more and more and more about the holocaust and having it shoved down their throats.

the holocaust was horrible, yes, but the world is full of things that were as horrible or worse and the people to whom it happened don't use it as a raison d'etre or beat it to death.

like i said, i'll be straight with you, and a large amount of the acknowledgement paid to the holocaust and museums and the balfour declaration and so many other things is to get y'all to shut your friggin' yaps and quit the constant whining while everyone, under their breaths, is uttering the same thing as the french ambassador a while back.

Ill be straight with you; You Irish Drunk Israel does exist and always will. It was thought of well before the Holocaust. Do you object to a " Palestinian" State that forbids even Israeli Arabs to live there? Your " Church" taught you well:eusa_hand:
But the Holocaust never happened! The gas chambers never existed, maybe a hundred thousand Jews died but it was due to illness. Just ask all your neo Nazi / IslamoNazi buddies on this board and elsewhere. So what is there to remember? And if the Holocaust didn't happen then the whole premise for the state of Israel is illegitimate.

you really should try to cut down on your whining.

the whole premise for a state of israel is illegitimate, holocaust or not. do you think there should be a seperate state for gays, the mentally ill, and all the other targeted victims of hitler.

any case for a state for israel could be made for a mormon state.

it is not a case at all about people not wanting to hear about the holocaust. it is a case of people, and i am sure this includes young israelis, of not wanting to hear more and more
and more about the holocaust and having it shoved down their throats.

the holocaust was horrible, yes, but the world is full of things that were as horrible or worse and the people to whom it happened don't use it as a raison d'etre or beat it to death.

like i said, i'll be straight with you, and a large amount of the acknowledgement paid to the holocaust and museums and the balfour declaration and so many other things is to get y'all
to shut your friggin' yaps and quit the constant whining while everyone, under their breaths, is uttering the same thing as the french ambassador a while back.

Ill be straight with you; You Irish Drunk Israel does exist and always will. It was thought of well before the Holocaust. Do you object to a " Palestinian" State that forbids even Israeli Arabs to live there? Your " Church" taught you well:eusa_hand:

Adolf was not the only nazi whose despair that his program failed-----led
him to suicide. Even Magda Goebbels swallowed cyanide and she was
not liable to be named a war criminal ------she just found life impossible

Deach has a problem with the failure of the INQUISITION
you really should try to cut down on your whining.

the whole premise for a state of israel is illegitimate, holocaust or not. do you think there should be a seperate state for gays, the mentally ill, and all the other targeted victims of hitler.

any case for a state for israel could be made for a mormon state.

it is not a case at all about people not wanting to hear about the holocaust. it is a case of people, and i am sure this includes young israelis, of not wanting to hear more and more
and more about the holocaust and having it shoved down their throats.

the holocaust was horrible, yes, but the world is full of things that were as horrible or worse and the people to whom it happened don't use it as a raison d'etre or beat it to death.

like i said, i'll be straight with you, and a large amount of the acknowledgement paid to the holocaust and museums and the balfour declaration and so many other things is to get y'all
to shut your friggin' yaps and quit the constant whining while everyone, under their breaths, is uttering the same thing as the french ambassador a while back.

Ill be straight with you; You Irish Drunk Israel does exist and always will. It was thought of well before the Holocaust. Do you object to a " Palestinian" State that forbids even Israeli Arabs to live there? Your " Church" taught you well:eusa_hand:

Adolf was not the only nazi whose despair that his program failed-----led
him to suicide. Even Magda Goebbels swallowed cyanide and she was
not liable to be named a war criminal ------she just found life impossible

Deach has a problem with the failure of the INQUISITION
He has other problems as well, and the Cialis ain't working. LOL
So with the exception of this board's contingent of resident Jew haters, we all agree that the Holocaust was a horrible crime against ALL OF humanity?

Can we ALSO agree that every holocaust event (and we know there were many such events) is UNIQUE?

Can we also agree that it is perfectly reasonable for the survivors of any and every holocaust to pledge to NEVER FORGET the tragedy of their people?

And can we also finally agree that NEVER FORGETTING really won't make a damned difference UNLESS WE RECOGNIZE that the propensity for committing these final solutions is something that happens in societies GONE MAD?
". . .a better observation would have been to realise lipush is an israeli and english is not her first language."

Get the eff outta here with this crap.............
what the HELL does "english" NOT being her first language have anything to do
with her (a jewish girl) NOT KNOWING HOW TO SPELL HOLOCAUST....?? i don't buy it, sealadingleberry....

i found it...disrespectful---and i'm not even jewish.

Holocaust "HULOCOUST..."


fuck her. she's (the JIP) an idiot.
Anti Semites try to delegitimize Israel in many ways. Holocaust denial is one. Another is questioning the genetic ties of today's Jews to the ancient Hebrews. The bullshit they vomit is never ending. Not that any of it works. those that believe their crap are already Jew hating pigs that are promoting that garbage in the first place, like Squeal.

i have never denied the holocaust and expressed sympathy and concern for the survivor. i even contacted the charity that i give to almost exclusively to see if they had any program that could be set up for these people as they are a charity that focuses on the needs of the poor. they were very gracious in their answer but explained that they try to avoid situations where the government in question is capable of handling the problem.

if people like you continue to equate objection to israeli policy with anti-semitism then the end result will be more anti-semitism and the result of that will be that actual, honest to goodness, bona fide cases of anti-semitism will soon be swpt under the rug and categorised as "just another jew whining about how they are picked on because they are a jew". in a sense, you are digging your own grave.

There have been many bona fide cases of anti - semitism swept under the rug, Seal. That is the point. It is increasing rapidly in Europe and I see signs of it here within the USA as well. Reminding others of the holocaust and teaching them about it is what is going to prevent this from happening again.

It is nice to hear you offered help and perhaps you could contact a holocaust museum and ask to donate time. It might help give you a better perspective about the importance of keeping that memory alive.

Indeed, the knowledge of history is important.

It makes you wonder why Israel will not allow the teaching of the Nakba. Is there a double standard?
". . .a better observation would have been to realise lipush is an israeli and english is not her first language."

Get the eff outta here with this crap.............
what the HELL does "english" NOT being her first language have anything to do
with her (a jewish girl) NOT KNOWING HOW TO SPELL HOLOCAUST....?? i don't buy it, sealadingleberry....

i found it...disrespectful---and i'm not even jewish.

Holocaust "HULOCOUST..."


fuck her. she's (the JIP) an idiot.

c'mon. it's not that big of a deal. it could have been a typo. i'm sure we alol understood it to be holocaust,

i mean, i don't really like her either, but fair's fair.
i have no opinion as to whether it is increasing or not. i am no longer going to concern myself with it because it has been used far too often to excuse and explain israeli atrocities towards the palestinians and tar and brand good people. if someone is wehipping a jew because they are jewish, my ears will be deaf to the complaints.

i can think of five nobelo peace prize winner, a number o good popes, some very reputable human rights organisaitions, some charities, etc. etc. etc, who have been labeled anti-semitic when clearly they are not so now, if hitler and ther entire third reich were resurrected from hell and a jew screams anti-semitism from showers and ovens, i will walk away because anything positive i have ever tried to do, any matter of fact, non-judgemental explanation i have ever tried to give, i have been met with "anti-semite" or "drunk leprechaun" or some anti-irish, anti-catholic tirade so from this point on, jews can go fuck themselves to the max, as they are doing, but i refuse to participate.l

you jews and zionists have to be the most self righteous, contentious people who have ever walked the face of the earth and i can fully comprehend why you have been chased out of every place you've been since abraham's time.

as for me helping in a holocaust museum...I AM AN AMERICAN!!!

i find it reprehensible and discourteous and outright rude to the people of many ethnicities, particularly the native americans who this country has genocided and the african americans who this country nas enslaved and the japanese americans who this country has interned etc, that they be given short shrift to a bunch of european jews who were killed by a european people whose genocide is no worse than the many other genocides thaat have occurred throughout history and a genocide whose jewish victims are the only victims acknowledged while other groups targeted by the NAZIs are ignored and forgotton even before they were remembered because of a cacaphoney of whining coming from the chosen people.

This is not a Native-American or African-American board. Go to those boards if you want to discuss those tragedies. If you are tired of hearing about the Holocaust, Israel or Jewish-related matters, stop visiting this board. I still remember when you said no Jewish Americans served this country during WW2, when I have childhood friends whose dads served here. I have seen Stars of David among the crosses in Arlington National Cemetary, but never a crescent moon. I also remember when you said Jews didn't fight back during the Holocaust, when today is the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which lasted longer than the resistance of many INDEPENDENT European countries. Go take your anti-Semitism elsewhere. You provoke the Jews here, and then complain that we are contentious when we disagree with you. But if a Muslim like Sunni Man calls Christians sissies, then he "misspoke" or "wasn't himself". So it's clear that you have a bias against Jews.

oh, don't hand me that. i mentioned that in the context of what is taught in american schools....and i said no such thing about jewish americans serving in WWII. as for muslims not being buried at arlington, i am sure you were blinded by your bigotry in not seeing their grave.l there are not a lot, but they haven't been here that long, you anti-goyim..

you are a fookin' liar.

the only time i ever mention jews not fighting back, and they didn't, is when they always complain about some other person or group not doing enough to save them from the NAZIs.

as or me being an anti-semite. guess what. i don't care about your little whiney name calling games anymore. everybody who isn't jewish and doesn't cheer every time a palestinian child is blown to kingdom come is an "anti-semite" in some of your jewish zionist eyes. jews call anyone who disagrees with them about anything an anti-semite.

also, i started this thread sympathising with a holocaust survivor whose story was rejected by israeli scool kids. they didn't want to hear it.

the only reason i can surmise or your anger is that the truth hurts, but ignore it so you can keep complaining about how much people hate the jews. it is, after all, your stock in trade.
The fact that you said nothing about Jewish-Americans serving in WWII is a base canard, Seal. You used to post a myriad of charts, graphs and statistics and gloat and slander their cowardice because of greed. If you are any semblance of a man you will heartily agree and stop your libelous lying. Nuff said.
i have never denied the holocaust and expressed sympathy and concern for the survivor. i even contacted the charity that i give to almost exclusively to see if they had any program that could be set up for these people as they are a charity that focuses on the needs of the poor. they were very gracious in their answer but explained that they try to avoid situations where the government in question is capable of handling the problem.

if people like you continue to equate objection to israeli policy with anti-semitism then the end result will be more anti-semitism and the result of that will be that actual, honest to goodness, bona fide cases of anti-semitism will soon be swpt under the rug and categorised as "just another jew whining about how they are picked on because they are a jew". in a sense, you are digging your own grave.

There have been many bona fide cases of anti - semitism swept under the rug, Seal. That is the point. It is increasing rapidly in Europe and I see signs of it here within the USA as well. Reminding others of the holocaust and teaching them about it is what is going to prevent this from happening again.

It is nice to hear you offered help and perhaps you could contact a holocaust museum and ask to donate time. It might help give you a better perspective about the importance of keeping that memory alive.

Indeed, the knowledge of history is important.

It makes you wonder why Israel will not allow the teaching of the Nakba. Is there a double standard?
Uhhh,Tinmore, those are two conflicting statements. I mean, why allow someone to teach fantasy as history?
This is not a Native-American or African-American board. Go to those boards if you want to discuss those tragedies. If you are tired of hearing about the Holocaust, Israel or Jewish-related matters, stop visiting this board. I still remember when you said no Jewish Americans served this country during WW2, when I have childhood friends whose dads served here. I have seen Stars of David among the crosses in Arlington National Cemetary, but never a crescent moon. I also remember when you said Jews didn't fight back during the Holocaust, when today is the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which lasted longer than the resistance of many INDEPENDENT European countries. Go take your anti-Semitism elsewhere. You provoke the Jews here, and then complain that we are contentious when we disagree with you. But if a Muslim like Sunni Man calls Christians sissies, then he "misspoke" or "wasn't himself". So it's clear that you have a bias against Jews.

oh, don't hand me that. i mentioned that in the context of what is taught in american schools....and i said no such thing about jewish americans serving in WWII. as for muslims not being buried at arlington, i am sure you were blinded by your bigotry in not seeing their grave.l there are not a lot, but they haven't been here that long, you anti-goyim..

you are a fookin' liar.

the only time i ever mention jews not fighting back, and they didn't, is when they always complain about some other person or group not doing enough to save them from the NAZIs.

as or me being an anti-semite. guess what. i don't care about your little whiney name calling games anymore. everybody who isn't jewish and doesn't cheer every time a palestinian child is blown to kingdom come is an "anti-semite" in some of your jewish zionist eyes. jews call anyone who disagrees with them about anything an anti-semite.

also, i started this thread sympathising with a holocaust survivor whose story was rejected by israeli scool kids. they didn't want to hear it.

the only reason i can surmise or your anger is that the truth hurts, but ignore it so you can keep complaining about how much people hate the jews. it is, after all, your stock in trade.
The fact that you said nothing about Jewish-Americans serving in WWII is a base canard, Seal. You used to post a myriad of charts, graphs and statistics and gloat and slander their cowardice because of greed. If you are any semblance of a man you will heartily agree and stop your libelous lying. Nuff said.

i did no such thing. i made a comment on a man who had made an attempt to collect wreaths laid on jewish graves during christmas and mentioned that they did not seem to serve in numbers proportional to their presence in the general population. i also made a comment about vietnam where the available statistics showed again that they did not serve in proportion to their presence in the general population.

i further commented that it was very hard to determine as very few stats were kept by the military as to religion.

my comments were not to initiate a conflict but came in the middle of jewish posters boasting about how jews had done so much in te field of battle and, as usually happened, denigrated the sevice of other ethnicities. they also occurred when jewish posters stole john lee levitow's ethnicity and religion, claiming he was jewish when he was actually a catholic, born of catholic parents, receiving a mass of christian burial, and is buried at arlington with a cross on his headstone. he is the "max baer" of congressional medal of honor recipients. the only reason i objected was it is the utmost o disrespect to steal a man's past like that.

i said nothing about WWII and jewish service. i had frequently lauded jack jacobs for his service in vietnam, saying a braver man had probably never lived.

if i were marg, i would ask for links, but i realise that is dificult to provide on this board.
i have never denied the holocaust and expressed sympathy and concern for the survivor. i even contacted the charity that i give to almost exclusively to see if they had any program that could be set up for these people as they are a charity that focuses on the needs of the poor. they were very gracious in their answer but explained that they try to avoid situations where the government in question is capable of handling the problem.

if people like you continue to equate objection to israeli policy with anti-semitism then the end result will be more anti-semitism and the result of that will be that actual, honest to goodness, bona fide cases of anti-semitism will soon be swpt under the rug and categorised as "just another jew whining about how they are picked on because they are a jew". in a sense, you are digging your own grave.

There have been many bona fide cases of anti - semitism swept under the rug, Seal. That is the point. It is increasing rapidly in Europe and I see signs of it here within the USA as well. Reminding others of the holocaust and teaching them about it is what is going to prevent this from happening again.

It is nice to hear you offered help and perhaps you could contact a holocaust museum and ask to donate time. It might help give you a better perspective about the importance of keeping that memory alive.

Indeed, the knowledge of history is important.

It makes you wonder why Israel will not allow the teaching of the Nakba. Is there a double standard?

They do teach Nakba in Israel. In the science fiction class.
There have been many bona fide cases of anti - semitism swept under the rug, Seal. That is the point. It is increasing rapidly in Europe and I see signs of it here within the USA as well. Reminding others of the holocaust and teaching them about it is what is going to prevent this from happening again.

It is nice to hear you offered help and perhaps you could contact a holocaust museum and ask to donate time. It might help give you a better perspective about the importance of keeping that memory alive.

Indeed, the knowledge of history is important.

It makes you wonder why Israel will not allow the teaching of the Nakba. Is there a double standard?
Uhhh,Tinmore, those are two conflicting statements. I mean, why allow someone to teach fantasy as history?

you make holocaust deniers seem less contemptable than they already are..
Last edited:
Indeed, the knowledge of history is important.

It makes you wonder why Israel will not allow the teaching of the Nakba. Is there a double standard?
Uhhh,Tinmore, those are two conflicting statements. I mean, why allow someone to teach fantasy as history?

you make holocaust deniers seem less contemptable than they already are..
Nazi assholes like squeal just love to constantly bring up the Holocaust.

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