Forgetting to "Never Forget".

I would not expect any people who went through such misery to soon forget it.

But life is for the living, so one ought not be surprised if what is a open wound for one generation becomes a scar that the next generation doesn't dwell on.

Its ONLY if that wound is constantly reopened generation after generation that it will not heal.
Is this the first time the younger generation has forgotten the sacrifices and misery the older generation went through? No.

The question is why does Squeal keep posting crap about things going on in Israel that happens in every society? The other day he posted something about an elderly getting a heart attack in Israel after being pulled over by a cop (or something like that). Maybe it was just a slow news day like today, and that's the only negative article he found about Israel. Who knows, who gives a shit.
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Wrong again Rose and Jeramiah. I t was not Seal that said that the Holocaust was the reason for the existance of Israel it was Roudy so if you have a bone to pick about that, then take it up with Roudy.

Zionism, as a modern political movement, began in the 1800's, long before the Holocaust. But the Holocaust gave great urgency to the matter.
Anti Semites try to delegitimize Israel in many ways. Holocaust denial is one. Another is questioning the genetic ties of today's Jews to the ancient Hebrews. The bullshit they vomit is never ending. Not that any of it works. those that believe their crap are already Jew hating pigs that are promoting that garbage in the first place, like Squeal.
"The Hulocoust...."

are you a game player ?

Are you pretending not to know how to spell the "H" word...........?
A game player would have called it Halo-caust. But that was a good observation nevertheless.

a better observation would have been to realise lipush is an israeli and english is not her first language.
Wrong again Rose and Jeramiah. I t was not Seal that said that the Holocaust was the reason for the existance of Israel it was Roudy so if you have a bone to pick about that, then take it up with Roudy.

Zionism, as a modern political movement, began in the 1800's, long before the Holocaust. But the Holocaust gave great urgency to the matter.
Anti Semites try to delegitimize Israel in many ways. Holocaust denial is one. Another is questioning the genetic ties of today's Jews to the ancient Hebrews. The bullshit they vomit is never ending. Not that any of it works. those that believe their crap are already Jew hating pigs that are promoting that garbage in the first place, like Squeal.

i have never denied the holocaust and expressed sympathy and concern for the survivor. i even contacted the charity that i give to almost exclusively to see if they had any program that could be set up for these people as they are a charity that focuses on the needs of the poor. they were very gracious in their answer but explained that they try to avoid situations where the government in question is capable of handling the problem.

if people like you continue to equate objection to israeli policy with anti-semitism then the end result will be more anti-semitism and the result of that will be that actual, honest to goodness, bona fide cases of anti-semitism will soon be swpt under the rug and categorised as "just another jew whining about how they are picked on because they are a jew". in a sense, you are digging your own grave.
Zionism, as a modern political movement, began in the 1800's, long before the Holocaust. But the Holocaust gave great urgency to the matter.
Anti Semites try to delegitimize Israel in many ways. Holocaust denial is one. Another is questioning the genetic ties of today's Jews to the ancient Hebrews. The bullshit they vomit is never ending. Not that any of it works. those that believe their crap are already Jew hating pigs that are promoting that garbage in the first place, like Squeal.

i have never denied the holocaust and expressed sympathy and concern for the survivor. i even contacted the charity that i give to almost exclusively to see if they had any program that could be set up for these people as they are a charity that focuses on the needs of the poor. they were very gracious in their answer but explained that they try to avoid situations where the government in question is capable of handling the problem.

if people like you continue to equate objection to israeli policy with anti-semitism then the end result will be more anti-semitism and the result of that will be that actual, honest to goodness, bona fide cases of anti-semitism will soon be swpt under the rug and categorised as "just another jew whining about how they are picked on because they are a jew". in a sense, you are digging your own grave.

There have been many bona fide cases of anti - semitism swept under the rug, Seal. That is the point. It is increasing rapidly in Europe and I see signs of it here within the USA as well. Reminding others of the holocaust and teaching them about it is what is going to prevent this from happening again.

It is nice to hear you offered help and perhaps you could contact a holocaust museum and ask to donate time. It might help give you a better perspective about the importance of keeping that memory alive.
I would not expect any people who went through such misery to soon forget it.

But life is for the living, so one ought not be surprised if what is a open wound for one generation becomes a scar that the next generation doesn't dwell on.

Its ONLY if that wound is constantly reopened generation after generation that it will not heal.
Is this the first time the younger generation has forgotten the sacrifices and misery the older generation went through? No.

The question is why does Squeal keep posting crap about things going on in Israel that happens in every society? The other he posted something aut an elderly getting a heart attack in Israel after being pulled over by a cop (or something like that). Maybe it was just a slow news day like today, and that's the only negative article he found about Israel. Who knows, who gives a shit.

well...the "cop" was a couple of jewish thugs who beat the elderly man for driving to slow, which followed a number o other beatings of the elderly for such things as complaining about a dog crapping in a dog prohibited area where children play and another beating in the park by the father of a man who objected to an elderly man objecting to his kids stealing boards from the park benches where older people frequent...

but what the hell...why tell the truth when a lie about me suits your purposes. i no longer give a flying fuck. let the israeli jews finish of hitler's job for him. if their own people don't even care, why should i? beat the hell out of holocaust survicvors. i will no longer bat an eye.
Zionism, as a modern political movement, began in the 1800's, long before the Holocaust. But the Holocaust gave great urgency to the matter.
Anti Semites try to delegitimize Israel in many ways. Holocaust denial is one. Another is questioning the genetic ties of today's Jews to the ancient Hebrews. The bullshit they vomit is never ending. Not that any of it works. those that believe their crap are already Jew hating pigs that are promoting that garbage in the first place, like Squeal.

i have never denied the holocaust and expressed sympathy and concern for the survivor. i even contacted the charity that i give to almost exclusively to see if they had any program that could be set up for these people as they are a charity that focuses on the needs of the poor. they were very gracious in their answer but explained that they try to avoid situations where the government in question is capable of handling the problem.

if people like you continue to equate objection to israeli policy with anti-semitism then the end result will be more anti-semitism and the result of that will be that actual, honest to goodness, bona fide cases of anti-semitism will soon be swpt under the rug and categorised as "just another jew whining about how they are picked on because they are a jew". in a sense, you are digging your own grave.

Try for a bit of reality Deach-----I was born considerably before 1964 when FINALLY
a pope with a bit of a conscious recognized that the SHIT taught to children
by priests and nuns had led to the MURDER of tens of millions of jews in the

I grew up in a town that had two school systems----the public which I attended--
and the catholic which a CONSIDERABLE number of kids attended---since
we did have a considerable number of persons of IRISH EXTRACTION
in town (some italians and a few 'hispanics' --etc) I learned about the fact
that I am a jew at age five-----when little disgusting sluts in blue jumpers
threw rocks at me screaming "YOU KILLLED JESUS"-----as I walked home
from kindergarten. ----the most prolific rock throwing filthy slut----was
----a red-head I knew as "one of those irish kids" I was confused----I
was jewish kid and taught NEVER to throw a rock at any living thing----or even
"run with a stick in hand" ----because ---"you never know---you may
stumble and and the stick could hit the eye of a baby"
(my mother actually invented a mythological story of such an event
that 'she witnessed')

Just what was the red-headed bitch in the catholic school uniform
being taught by her mother? Five year old kids do not INVENT
that kind of shit-----nor does it go away when they grow up.
I am still alive and not all that old-----and---chances are so is that
Anti Semites try to delegitimize Israel in many ways. Holocaust denial is one. Another is questioning the genetic ties of today's Jews to the ancient Hebrews. The bullshit they vomit is never ending. Not that any of it works. those that believe their crap are already Jew hating pigs that are promoting that garbage in the first place, like Squeal.

i have never denied the holocaust and expressed sympathy and concern for the survivor. i even contacted the charity that i give to almost exclusively to see if they had any program that could be set up for these people as they are a charity that focuses on the needs of the poor. they were very gracious in their answer but explained that they try to avoid situations where the government in question is capable of handling the problem.

if people like you continue to equate objection to israeli policy with anti-semitism then the end result will be more anti-semitism and the result of that will be that actual, honest to goodness, bona fide cases of anti-semitism will soon be swpt under the rug and categorised as "just another jew whining about how they are picked on because they are a jew". in a sense, you are digging your own grave.

There have been many bona fide cases of anti - semitism swept under the rug, Seal. That is the point. It is increasing rapidly in Europe and I see signs of it here within the USA as well. Reminding others of the holocaust and teaching them about it is what is going to prevent this from happening again.

It is nice to hear you offered help and perhaps you could contact a holocaust museum and ask to donate time. It might help give you a better perspective about the importance of keeping that memory alive.

i have no opinion as to whether it is increasing or not. i am no longer going to concern myself with it because it has been used far too often to excuse and explain israeli atrocities towards the palestinians and tar and brand good people. if someone is wehipping a jew because they are jewish, my ears will be deaf to the complaints.

i can think of five nobelo peace prize winner, a number o good popes, some very reputable human rights organisaitions, some charities, etc. etc. etc, who have been labeled anti-semitic when clearly they are not so now, if hitler and ther entire third reich were resurrected from hell and a jew screams anti-semitism from showers and ovens, i will walk away because anything positive i have ever tried to do, any matter of fact, non-judgemental explanation i have ever tried to give, i have been met with "anti-semite" or "drunk leprechaun" or some anti-irish, anti-catholic tirade so from this point on, jews can go fuck themselves to the max, as they are doing, but i refuse to participate.l

you jews and zionists have to be the most self righteous, contentious people who have ever walked the face of the earth and i can fully comprehend why you have been chased out of every place you've been since abraham's time.

as for me helping in a holocaust museum...I AM AN AMERICAN!!!

i find it reprehensible and discourteous and outright rude to the people of many ethnicities, particularly the native americans who this country has genocided and the african americans who this country nas enslaved and the japanese americans who this country has interned etc, that they be given short shrift to a bunch of european jews who were killed by a european people whose genocide is no worse than the many other genocides thaat have occurred throughout history and a genocide whose jewish victims are the only victims acknowledged while other groups targeted by the NAZIs are ignored and forgotton even before they were remembered because of a cacaphoney of whining coming from the chosen people.
Anti Semites try to delegitimize Israel in many ways. Holocaust denial is one. Another is questioning the genetic ties of today's Jews to the ancient Hebrews. The bullshit they vomit is never ending. Not that any of it works. those that believe their crap are already Jew hating pigs that are promoting that garbage in the first place, like Squeal.

i have never denied the holocaust and expressed sympathy and concern for the survivor. i even contacted the charity that i give to almost exclusively to see if they had any program that could be set up for these people as they are a charity that focuses on the needs of the poor. they were very gracious in their answer but explained that they try to avoid situations where the government in question is capable of handling the problem.

if people like you continue to equate objection to israeli policy with anti-semitism then the end result will be more anti-semitism and the result of that will be that actual, honest to goodness, bona fide cases of anti-semitism will soon be swpt under the rug and categorised as "just another jew whining about how they are picked on because they are a jew". in a sense, you are digging your own grave.

Try for a bit of reality Deach-----I was born considerably before 1964 when FINALLY
a pope with a bit of a conscious recognized that the SHIT taught to children
by priests and nuns had led to the MURDER of tens of millions of jews in the

I grew up in a town that had two school systems----the public which I attended--
and the catholic which a CONSIDERABLE number of kids attended---since
we did have a considerable number of persons of IRISH EXTRACTION
in town (some italians and a few 'hispanics' --etc) I learned about the fact
that I am a jew at age five-----when little disgusting sluts in blue jumpers
threw rocks at me screaming "YOU KILLLED JESUS"-----as I walked home
from kindergarten. ----the most prolific rock throwing filthy slut----was
----a red-head I knew as "one of those irish kids" I was confused----I
was jewish kid and taught NEVER to throw a rock at any living thing----or even
"run with a stick in hand" ----because ---"you never know---you may
stumble and and the stick could hit the eye of a baby"
(my mother actually invented a mythological story of such an event
that 'she witnessed')

Just what was the red-headed bitch in the catholic school uniform
being taught by her mother? Five year old kids do not INVENT
that kind of shit-----nor does it go away when they grow up.
I am still alive and not all that old-----and---chances are so is that

you know what, rose. you are a small people and if the catholics wanted you wiped out as much as you keep chirpin' about, jews would be gone in a heartbeat.
Public school curriculums are determined by progressives.

Progressives spend a lot of time insisting that it's not fair to apply "slippery slope" theory, which means that if you dare to notice that mistakes are being repeated that had disastrous consequences in the past you will be jeered at, threatened, and blacked out by the media....

And do you ever wonder WHY they object so to "slippery slope" theories (I.e., never forgetting, not making the same mistake 2x)?

Hmm....they're totalitarian, they believe in genetic screening, abortion, and state-mandated population control, they want the churches shut down and all religious people chased from academia and politics...

Why do YOU think they object to slippery slope and whitewash certain historical evets?
Wow just read a couple of the posts in this thread.

Fucking lunatics, what's the point?
are you a game player ?

Are you pretending not to know how to spell the "H" word...........?
A game player would have called it Halo-caust. But that was a good observation nevertheless.

a better observation would have been to realise lipush is an israeli and english is not her first language.
Duh like we didn't know, I was reminding member of that myself, hulo isn't a game dipshit but halo is. But nice try with the manipulation bullshit, nazi boy.
A game player would have called it Halo-caust. But that was a good observation nevertheless.

a better observation would have been to realise lipush is an israeli and english is not her first language.
Duh like we didn't know, I was reminding member of that myself, hulo isn't a game dipshit but halo is. But nice try with the manipulation bullshit, nazi boy.

my, my...aren't you the wit and the raconteur of brevity.
Seal why are you trolling more than usual today?too much or too little whisky?
i have never denied the holocaust and expressed sympathy and concern for the survivor. i even contacted the charity that i give to almost exclusively to see if they had any program that could be set up for these people as they are a charity that focuses on the needs of the poor. they were very gracious in their answer but explained that they try to avoid situations where the government in question is capable of handling the problem.

if people like you continue to equate objection to israeli policy with anti-semitism then the end result will be more anti-semitism and the result of that will be that actual, honest to goodness, bona fide cases of anti-semitism will soon be swpt under the rug and categorised as "just another jew whining about how they are picked on because they are a jew". in a sense, you are digging your own grave.

There have been many bona fide cases of anti - semitism swept under the rug, Seal. That is the point. It is increasing rapidly in Europe and I see signs of it here within the USA as well. Reminding others of the holocaust and teaching them about it is what is going to prevent this from happening again.

It is nice to hear you offered help and perhaps you could contact a holocaust museum and ask to donate time. It might help give you a better perspective about the importance of keeping that memory alive.

i have no opinion as to whether it is increasing or not. i am no longer going to concern myself with it because it has been used far too often to excuse and explain israeli atrocities towards the palestinians and tar and brand good people. if someone is wehipping a jew because they are jewish, my ears will be deaf to the complaints.

i can think of five nobelo peace prize winner, a number o good popes, some very reputable human rights organisaitions, some charities, etc. etc. etc, who have been labeled anti-semitic when clearly they are not so now, if hitler and ther entire third reich were resurrected from hell and a jew screams anti-semitism from showers and ovens, i will walk away because anything positive i have ever tried to do, any matter of fact, non-judgemental explanation i have ever tried to give, i have been met with "anti-semite" or "drunk leprechaun" or some anti-irish, anti-catholic tirade so from this point on, jews can go fuck themselves to the max, as they are doing, but i refuse to participate.l

you jews and zionists have to be the most self righteous, contentious people who have ever walked the face of the earth and i can fully comprehend why you have been chased out of every place you've been since abraham's time.

as for me helping in a holocaust museum...I AM AN AMERICAN!!!

i find it reprehensible and discourteous and outright rude to the people of many ethnicities, particularly the native americans who this country has genocided and the african americans who this country nas enslaved and the japanese americans who this country has interned etc, that they be given short shrift to a bunch of european jews who were killed by a european people whose genocide is no worse than the many other genocides thaat have occurred throughout history and a genocide whose jewish victims are the only victims acknowledged while other groups targeted by the NAZIs are ignored and forgotton even before they were remembered because of a cacaphoney of whining coming from the chosen people.

This is not a Native-American or African-American board. Go to those boards if you want to discuss those tragedies. If you are tired of hearing about the Holocaust, Israel or Jewish-related matters, stop visiting this board. I still remember when you said no Jewish Americans served this country during WW2, when I have childhood friends whose dads served here. I have seen Stars of David among the crosses in Arlington National Cemetary, but never a crescent moon. I also remember when you said Jews didn't fight back during the Holocaust, when today is the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which lasted longer than the resistance of many INDEPENDENT European countries. Go take your anti-Semitism elsewhere. You provoke the Jews here, and then complain that we are contentious when we disagree with you. But if a Muslim like Sunni Man calls Christians sissies, then he "misspoke" or "wasn't himself". So it's clear that you have a bias against Jews.

saying that you don't want a repeat of the holocaust is to insult the *genocided* Indians?

Lol. Indians were wiped out by disease and starvation.
There have been many bona fide cases of anti - semitism swept under the rug, Seal. That is the point. It is increasing rapidly in Europe and I see signs of it here within the USA as well. Reminding others of the holocaust and teaching them about it is what is going to prevent this from happening again.

It is nice to hear you offered help and perhaps you could contact a holocaust museum and ask to donate time. It might help give you a better perspective about the importance of keeping that memory alive.

i have no opinion as to whether it is increasing or not. i am no longer going to concern myself with it because it has been used far too often to excuse and explain israeli atrocities towards the palestinians and tar and brand good people. if someone is wehipping a jew because they are jewish, my ears will be deaf to the complaints.

i can think of five nobelo peace prize winner, a number o good popes, some very reputable human rights organisaitions, some charities, etc. etc. etc, who have been labeled anti-semitic when clearly they are not so now, if hitler and ther entire third reich were resurrected from hell and a jew screams anti-semitism from showers and ovens, i will walk away because anything positive i have ever tried to do, any matter of fact, non-judgemental explanation i have ever tried to give, i have been met with "anti-semite" or "drunk leprechaun" or some anti-irish, anti-catholic tirade so from this point on, jews can go fuck themselves to the max, as they are doing, but i refuse to participate.l

you jews and zionists have to be the most self righteous, contentious people who have ever walked the face of the earth and i can fully comprehend why you have been chased out of every place you've been since abraham's time.

as for me helping in a holocaust museum...I AM AN AMERICAN!!!

i find it reprehensible and discourteous and outright rude to the people of many ethnicities, particularly the native americans who this country has genocided and the african americans who this country nas enslaved and the japanese americans who this country has interned etc, that they be given short shrift to a bunch of european jews who were killed by a european people whose genocide is no worse than the many other genocides thaat have occurred throughout history and a genocide whose jewish victims are the only victims acknowledged while other groups targeted by the NAZIs are ignored and forgotton even before they were remembered because of a cacaphoney of whining coming from the chosen people.

This is not a Native-American or African-American board. Go to those boards if you want to discuss those tragedies. If you are tired of hearing about the Holocaust, Israel or Jewish-related matters, stop visiting this board. I still remember when you said no Jewish Americans served this country during WW2, when I have childhood friends whose dads served here. I have seen Stars of David among the crosses in Arlington National Cemetary, but never a crescent moon. I also remember when you said Jews didn't fight back during the Holocaust, when today is the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which lasted longer than the resistance of many INDEPENDENT European countries. Go take your anti-Semitism elsewhere. You provoke the Jews here, and then complain that we are contentious when we disagree with you. But if a Muslim like Sunni Man calls Christians sissies, then he "misspoke" or "wasn't himself". So it's clear that you have a bias against Jews.

oh, don't hand me that. i mentioned that in the context of what is taught in american schools....and i said no such thing about jewish americans serving in WWII. as for muslims not being buried at arlington, i am sure you were blinded by your bigotry in not seeing their grave.l there are not a lot, but they haven't been here that long, you anti-goyim..

you are a fookin' liar.

the only time i ever mention jews not fighting back, and they didn't, is when they always complain about some other person or group not doing enough to save them from the NAZIs.

as or me being an anti-semite. guess what. i don't care about your little whiney name calling games anymore. everybody who isn't jewish and doesn't cheer every time a palestinian child is blown to kingdom come is an "anti-semite" in some of your jewish zionist eyes. jews call anyone who disagrees with them about anything an anti-semite.

also, i started this thread sympathising with a holocaust survivor whose story was rejected by israeli scool kids. they didn't want to hear it.

the only reason i can surmise or your anger is that the truth hurts, but ignore it so you can keep complaining about how much people hate the jews. it is, after all, your stock in trade.

saying that you don't want a repeat of the holocaust is to insult the *genocided* Indians?

Lol. Indians were wiped out by disease and starvation.

no. i am saying that, were i an african americaan parent or a native american parent, that, in a school system financed by my tax dollars, i would hope more attention were given to the enslavement or genocide of my people by the american government rather than be bullied into having to teach what happened to the european jews in germany and poland, and excluding those other people hitler targeted.

do they teach about the genocide of the american indian, the starvation of the irish, the genocide of the tasmanians or armenians at all in the israeli school system, or are those lesser tragedies.

it is nice you can laugh at the genocide of the american indian. a little levity is always welcome on these boards.
Shows what you know. My kids are Native. I want them taught the truth, and I don't want the to expect handouts from anyone for shit that happened 200 years ago.

I also want them to recognize the mind set that leads to genocide...and it is always the mindset that one side should *pay* for something.
Shows what you know. My kids are Native. I want them taught the truth, and I don't want the to expect handouts from anyone for shit that happened 200 years ago.

I also want them to recognize the mind set that leads to genocide...and it is always the mindset that one side should *pay* for something.

then teach them the truth.

and nwho said anything about handouts.

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