Former AG Loretta Lynch Could Face 5-10 Years in Jail for Her Conduct During the 2016 Election

She's as corrupt as they come. Everyone should have realized that when she met privately with Bill Clinton on that plane. It reeked of despicable corruption. Her and that IRS hack Lois Lerner should be in prison. Let's hope there's Justice on this one.

Very true. I think what happened on that plane is she told Bill she was on the hook because of the amount of evidence against his wife. Bill told her to publicly say she would follow whatever advice Comey recommends. So a couple of days later, that's what she did.

Since no FBI directors in the past have ever made recommendations to the AG on how to do their job, how did she know Comey would make such a recommendation in the first place??? That should be the first question she should have to answer under oath.

Obviously her and Comey colluded on letting Clinton skate. And her 'Un-Masking' actions were highly questionable, and likely illegal. Her and Comey should do some time.
nothing will happen with her.
Obama was the establishments bitch. His people will be fine.
nothing will happen with her.
Obama was the establishments bitch. His people will be fine.

Sadly, you're probably correct. Obama was a NWO Globalist Elite Puppet. And they own and control the mechanisms that would prosecute such corruption. They will all likely skate.
This is great to hear. It's just a matter of the before the damn breaks exposing the treachery Lynch, Schultz, Comey, and the DNC initiated against our glorious leader. In essence, they're imploding like the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk.
They are not going to lock her up. They just want us to think that they are really going to lock her up, But then they will say that she was just practicing her religious belief. And so that they cannot lock her up, and or any of the others.

Ben Carson recently created controversy by warning against the Muslim doctrine of taqiyya, which allows Muslims to deceive non-Muslims. I already addressed the accuracy of Carson’s statements here, and the media’s attempts to discredit him here.

Soon thereafter, Daniel Pipes, the president of the Middle East Forum, brought an interesting anecdote to my attention.

Back in the 1980s, Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, the president of Pakistan, explained to Ronald Reagan how it was no problem for the Pakistanis to sign the Geneva agreements and yet continue supplying weapons to the Afghan jihadis (“freedom fighters”) combating the Soviet Union. Why wasn’t it a problem? According to Zia, “We’ll just lie about it. That’s what we’ve been doing for eight years.” He added, “Muslims have the right to lie in a good cause.” “Muslims Have the Right to Lie in a Good Cause”—Pakistani President to Reagan - Raymond Ibrahim


Why didn’t the media go after President Obama for collusion with Russia?
Read more at Obama collusion with Russia?

Tens of millions of dollars from uranium investors flowed into the Clinton Foundation, and Bill Clinton received a $500,000 speaking fee from a Russian bank tied to the Kremlin before Secretary of State Hillary Clinton helped decide whether to approve the sale to the Russian government of a company that held one-fifth of America’s uranium capacity.
Read more at Russia scandal? Inside the Obama-Clinton uranium deal

Given that the Gateway Pundit is a purveyor of fake news, the messenger should be attacked.

The story is based on comments the Judge made on FOX. How the hell can it be fake news?

Anyone who takes Napolitano seriously is pushing fake news. Neither Napolitano nor Fox have any credibility.

The Judge was just giving his legal opinion. Loretta L:ynch is now being investigated. That is just a fact.

His legal opinion. That's a good joke.
What are your professional credentials compared to Judge Napolitano?

Here is the problem, I am not a part of state run media like Napolitano is. Professional credentials mean nothing when you cannot be objective.

Given that the Gateway Pundit is a purveyor of fake news, the messenger should be attacked.

The story is based on comments the Judge made on FOX. How the hell can it be fake news?

Anyone who takes Napolitano seriously is pushing fake news. Neither Napolitano nor Fox have any credibility.

The Judge was just giving his legal opinion. Loretta L:ynch is now being investigated. That is just a fact.

His legal opinion. That's a good joke.

He has a stellar rep. What are you talking about? I may not agree with him on several conspiracy theories but I have found nothing out there that even resembles a scandal or any thing else that would damage his reputation.

Like when he was suspended for several weeks for saying that Obama got British intelligence to spy on Trump. There is not one bit of evidence of that happening. Napolitano is a Trump sycophant and cannot be trusted for objective opinion.
The story is based on comments the Judge made on FOX. How the hell can it be fake news?

Anyone who takes Napolitano seriously is pushing fake news. Neither Napolitano nor Fox have any credibility.

The Judge was just giving his legal opinion. Loretta L:ynch is now being investigated. That is just a fact.

His legal opinion. That's a good joke.
What are your professional credentials compared to Judge Napolitano?

Here is the problem, I am not a part of state run media like Napolitano is. Professional credentials mean nothing when you cannot be objective.

The story is based on comments the Judge made on FOX. How the hell can it be fake news?

Anyone who takes Napolitano seriously is pushing fake news. Neither Napolitano nor Fox have any credibility.

The Judge was just giving his legal opinion. Loretta L:ynch is now being investigated. That is just a fact.

His legal opinion. That's a good joke.

He has a stellar rep. What are you talking about? I may not agree with him on several conspiracy theories but I have found nothing out there that even resembles a scandal or any thing else that would damage his reputation.

Like when he was suspended for several weeks for saying that Obama got British intelligence to spy on Trump. There is not one bit of evidence of that happening. Napolitano is a Trump sycophant and cannot be trusted for objective opinion.
wow, did you really write this? have you ever written the same thing for each of the other MSM channels since 93% of their news is negative to the president? And they all donated to hitlery? did you? show me the post# and thread.
She's as corrupt as they come. Everyone should have realized that when she met privately with Bill Clinton on that plane. It reeked of despicable corruption. Her and that IRS hack Lois Lerner should be in prison. Let's hope there's Justice on this one.

Very true. I think what happened on that plane is she told Bill she was on the hook because of the amount of evidence against his wife. Bill told her to publicly say she would follow whatever advice Comey recommends. So a couple of days later, that's what she did.

Since no FBI directors in the past have ever made recommendations to the AG on how to do their job, how did she know Comey would make such a recommendation in the first place??? That should be the first question she should have to answer under oath.

Obviously her and Comey colluded on letting Clinton skate. And her 'Un-Masking' actions were highly questionable, and likely illegal. Her and Comey should do some time.

Trump cult members are as corrupt as they come. They put the interests of Trump above the interests of the country. Trump can do the same thing that Obama does but Trump is praised and defended for it.

I think you don't have a clue what you are talking about. Comey does have the right to say whether he will recommend a criminal prosecution to the Justice Department. That is nothing new. FBI Directors do that every day. It also would not be surprising if Comey briefed the AG before he made it public. There is nothing criminal in that. Also unmasking is not illegal. You should do the time instead.
Anyone who takes Napolitano seriously is pushing fake news. Neither Napolitano nor Fox have any credibility.

The Judge was just giving his legal opinion. Loretta L:ynch is now being investigated. That is just a fact.

His legal opinion. That's a good joke.
What are your professional credentials compared to Judge Napolitano?

Here is the problem, I am not a part of state run media like Napolitano is. Professional credentials mean nothing when you cannot be objective.

Anyone who takes Napolitano seriously is pushing fake news. Neither Napolitano nor Fox have any credibility.

The Judge was just giving his legal opinion. Loretta L:ynch is now being investigated. That is just a fact.

His legal opinion. That's a good joke.

He has a stellar rep. What are you talking about? I may not agree with him on several conspiracy theories but I have found nothing out there that even resembles a scandal or any thing else that would damage his reputation.

Like when he was suspended for several weeks for saying that Obama got British intelligence to spy on Trump. There is not one bit of evidence of that happening. Napolitano is a Trump sycophant and cannot be trusted for objective opinion.
wow, did you really write this? have you ever written the same thing for each of the other MSM channels since 93% of their news is negative to the president? And they all donated to hitlery? did you? show me the post# and thread.

At least some of it is true. Fox is a 24 hour infomercial for Trump. Trump has lied on numerous occasions and the MSM has caught him. When has Fox outside of a few real journalists caught Trump in a lie?
She's as corrupt as they come. Everyone should have realized that when she met privately with Bill Clinton on that plane. It reeked of despicable corruption. Her and that IRS hack Lois Lerner should be in prison. Let's hope there's Justice on this one.

Very true. I think what happened on that plane is she told Bill she was on the hook because of the amount of evidence against his wife. Bill told her to publicly say she would follow whatever advice Comey recommends. So a couple of days later, that's what she did.

Since no FBI directors in the past have ever made recommendations to the AG on how to do their job, how did she know Comey would make such a recommendation in the first place??? That should be the first question she should have to answer under oath.

Obviously her and Comey colluded on letting Clinton skate. And her 'Un-Masking' actions were highly questionable, and likely illegal. Her and Comey should do some time.

Trump cult members are as corrupt as they come. They put the interests of Trump above the interests of the country. Trump can do the same thing that Obama does but Trump is praised and defended for it.

I think you don't have a clue what you are talking about. Comey does have the right to say whether he will recommend a criminal prosecution to the Justice Department. That is nothing new. FBI Directors do that every day. It also would not be surprising if Comey briefed the AG before he made it public. There is nothing criminal in that. Also unmasking is not illegal. You should do the time instead.

I know, right? She met privately with Bill Clinton on that plane to 'talk about family.' Seriously kid, you need to lay off the Democrat Fake News. It's rotting your brain.
She's as corrupt as they come. Everyone should have realized that when she met privately with Bill Clinton on that plane. It reeked of despicable corruption. Her and that IRS hack Lois Lerner should be in prison. Let's hope there's Justice on this one.

Very true. I think what happened on that plane is she told Bill she was on the hook because of the amount of evidence against his wife. Bill told her to publicly say she would follow whatever advice Comey recommends. So a couple of days later, that's what she did.

Since no FBI directors in the past have ever made recommendations to the AG on how to do their job, how did she know Comey would make such a recommendation in the first place??? That should be the first question she should have to answer under oath.

Obviously her and Comey colluded on letting Clinton skate. And her 'Un-Masking' actions were highly questionable, and likely illegal. Her and Comey should do some time.

Trump cult members are as corrupt as they come. They put the interests of Trump above the interests of the country. Trump can do the same thing that Obama does but Trump is praised and defended for it.

I think you don't have a clue what you are talking about. Comey does have the right to say whether he will recommend a criminal prosecution to the Justice Department. That is nothing new. FBI Directors do that every day. It also would not be surprising if Comey briefed the AG before he made it public. There is nothing criminal in that. Also unmasking is not illegal. You should do the time instead.

I know, right? She met privately with Bill Clinton on that plane to 'talk about family.' Seriously kid, you need to lay off the Democrat Fake News. It's rotting your brain.

You don't have a brain to rot. Neither you nor I know what was said on that plane. What you can't stand is that there are those of us who want facts before we condemn someone. The fact is that Comey said that Lynch asked him to use certain words. At no time did Comey say that Lynch asked him to exonerate Clinton.
She's as corrupt as they come. Everyone should have realized that when she met privately with Bill Clinton on that plane. It reeked of despicable corruption. Her and that IRS hack Lois Lerner should be in prison. Let's hope there's Justice on this one.

Very true. I think what happened on that plane is she told Bill she was on the hook because of the amount of evidence against his wife. Bill told her to publicly say she would follow whatever advice Comey recommends. So a couple of days later, that's what she did.

Since no FBI directors in the past have ever made recommendations to the AG on how to do their job, how did she know Comey would make such a recommendation in the first place??? That should be the first question she should have to answer under oath.

Obviously her and Comey colluded on letting Clinton skate. And her 'Un-Masking' actions were highly questionable, and likely illegal. Her and Comey should do some time.

Trump cult members are as corrupt as they come. They put the interests of Trump above the interests of the country.
No, we voted for Trump because his interests are for the betterment of America's interests. That's why we're making America great again!
It all seems to hinge on the most powerful word in the entire universe. "If"!

If it's true then.........
I think you don't have a clue what you are talking about. Comey does have the right to say whether he will recommend a criminal prosecution to the Justice Department. That is nothing new. FBI Directors do that every day.

They do? So when was the last "day" it was done before Comey?
The Judge was just giving his legal opinion. Loretta L:ynch is now being investigated. That is just a fact.

His legal opinion. That's a good joke.
What are your professional credentials compared to Judge Napolitano?

Here is the problem, I am not a part of state run media like Napolitano is. Professional credentials mean nothing when you cannot be objective.

The Judge was just giving his legal opinion. Loretta L:ynch is now being investigated. That is just a fact.

His legal opinion. That's a good joke.

He has a stellar rep. What are you talking about? I may not agree with him on several conspiracy theories but I have found nothing out there that even resembles a scandal or any thing else that would damage his reputation.

Like when he was suspended for several weeks for saying that Obama got British intelligence to spy on Trump. There is not one bit of evidence of that happening. Napolitano is a Trump sycophant and cannot be trusted for objective opinion.
wow, did you really write this? have you ever written the same thing for each of the other MSM channels since 93% of their news is negative to the president? And they all donated to hitlery? did you? show me the post# and thread.

At least some of it is true. Fox is a 24 hour infomercial for Trump. Trump has lied on numerous occasions and the MSM has caught him. When has Fox outside of a few real journalists caught Trump in a lie?
and CNN is 93% negative. why? I got a buck that says you're fine with their stories. fake and all.

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