Former Army Officers: "Start a Draft, or Withdraw from Iraq"

Oh, they're probably real. Probably got passed over for promotion and had to get out and wanted some face-time in the media to spew some sour grapes.

Captains retire from military service all the time. And not because they suck. Because they don't intend to make the military a lifelong career.

Gunny: "You would be incorrect."

Looks Like I was Right, and you were wrong:

Young Officers Leaving Army at a High Rate

NY Times

WASHINGTON, April 9 — Young Army officers, including growing numbers of captains who leave as soon as their initial commitment is fulfilled, are bailing out of active-duty service at rates that have alarmed senior officers. Last year, more than a third of the West Point class of 2000 left active duty at the earliest possible moment, after completing their five-year obligation.;2FReference/Times Topics/Subjects/A/Armies
Looks Like I was Right, and you were wrong:

Ummm ... no? Looks like you were and are wrong. There is a BIG difference between getting out and retiring. You used the latter term, or I would not have questioned it at all.
Ummm ... no? Looks like you were and are wrong. There is a BIG difference between getting out and retiring. You used the latter term, or I would not have questioned it at all.

Fair enough. I don't know what the jargon is, leaving or retiring. That wasn't my point. Lots of captains "leave" the service, and its not a reflection of them being losers.
Right, we should enforce the conscription of those we don't need, at the expense of those that serve willingly, whatever their motivations.

Conscription should only be based on need, not on politics or ideology or anything else that might be totally irrelevant to actual need.
Conscription should only be based on need, not on politics or ideology or anything else that might be totally irrelevant to actual need.

that's not what you were saying. Conscription should be on need, we agree. So far, it's unnecessary.
I am curious as to WHY they are all FORMER Army Captains--- Retiring early? pushed out???? What??.

I am curious about what the connection is between 12 former Army captains other than their service in Iraq? Could it possibly be that they all belong to some organization (perhaps political in nature?) or are all in jail together or something like that?
Oh, they're probably real. Probably got passed over for promotion and had to get out and wanted some face-time in the media to spew some sour grapes.

Are you two (or three) just going to shoot thew messanger, or maybe pay attention to the message?
I am curious about what the connection is between 12 former Army captains other than their service in Iraq? Could it possibly be that they all belong to some organization (perhaps political in nature?) or are all in jail together or something like that?
Perhaps they are committed--- or maybe YOU should be ---for considering the jail possibility HUH???
All we REALLY need are five 7.62 mm rounds.:badgrin:

LOL I agree 100%. WTF is up with former officers? As an NCO I am never going to bitch or question my ELECTED leadership unless it is illegal. Whatever happened to being PROFESSIONAL? Why the hell does everyone feel they need to run to the media for everything? It seems to me like the media has become big brother. Also it looked like a few of them only serve one time in Iraq back in 2003. How the hell do they know what the situation is on the ground right now!? From the news? From a friend that is in Iraq now? How? Some of these officers need to quit bitching and pick up a rifle. THAT IS HOW THINGS GET DONE NOT CRYING ABOUT THEM!
I suppose it could mean that too. I take it your one of the ones that sees the mug half empty?:eusa_think:
NOPE. I see it as the mug with nothing but droplets in the bottom.There is No way we can come out as winners.

Even that break that you see as a beginning advantage, is actually a loss.

We went in expecting to come our with a cooalition government. but what do wer have?

three separate factions.

the first, and your supposed win is one of three segmants which are well on the way to becoming a separate nation. they are standing up for their people, which is good, but it is a defeqat to our plans of coalition.

The second, made up of the southern end of Iraq which is in as much of a turmoil at it ever was, except for the advent of the surge troops, which sooner or later will depart, and leave that section in total disrepair., and lastly,

The kurds, which are about to be invaded by Turkey and the turkish Kurds.

The beginnings of three separate nations.

SOME COALITION. -that's winning????
NOPE. I see it as the mug with nothing but droplets in the bottom.There is No way we can come out as winners.

Even that break that you see as a beginning advantage, is actually a loss.

We went in expecting to come our with a cooalition government. but what do wer have?

three separate factions.

the first, and your supposed win is one of three segmants which are well on the way to becoming a separate nation. they are standing up for their people, which is good, but it is a defeqat to our plans of coalition.

The second, made up of the southern end of Iraq which is in as much of a turmoil at it ever was, except for the advent of the surge troops, which sooner or later will depart, and leave that section in total disrepair., and lastly,

The kurds, which are about to be invaded by Turkey and the turkish Kurds.

The beginnings of three separate nations.

SOME COALITION. -that's winning????

Check it out doniston:

Just because a message doesn't admit we are winning, doesn't mean that we are losing. Does that sound "somewhat" familiar?

It works both ways good buddy, keep THAT in mind.:eusa_think:
Perhaps they are committed--- or maybe YOU should be ---for considering the jail possibility HUH???

I take that to mean you don't like my question. I guess if I find 12 Captains still on active duty (all from different units that have spent tours in Iraq) that counter these 12, you will not question their motives. Oh wait, your recent posts should give me a hint...they would be lying or Bush schills or just mistaken.

As for shooting the messenger, the left does that alll the time. The recent "Betray-us" crap comes to mind.
Check it out doniston:

Just because a message doesn't admit we are winning, doesn't mean that we are losing. Does that sound "somewhat" familiar?

It works both ways good buddy, keep THAT in mind.:eusa_think:
It sure does, however, I explained how we were NOT winning. Suppose you show us how we are not losing, or at least Not just marking time.
I take that to mean you don't like my question. I guess if I find 12 Captains still on active duty (all from different units that have spent tours in Iraq) that counter these 12, you will not question their motives. Oh wait, your recent posts should give me a hint...they would be lying or Bush schills or just mistaken.

As for shooting the messenger, the left does that alll the time. The recent "Betray-us" crap comes to mind.
Not when you added the "JAIL" component. First of all if they were in jail, they wouldn't have been able to colabrerate.
And your hint is not accurate. I pay close attention to what is happening, If you will not, I didn't accept nor denigh there accuracy. I simply questioned the fact that there were all "LATE" of the military. the rest is your imagination.
AS for General Betrayus I have covered that before, and why. BASED ON PAST ACTIONS.

Tho he may be totally sincere, (I doubt that) I belive his actions are, in fact, betraying this country.

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