Former Bush attorney general: Trump likely right about surveillance

Though, the way I see it, I don't believe he meant personally, but someone within his administration. Otherwise he would have used the word personally. And it all comes out in the wash the same in the end, anyway.

Hell we know on thing is for sure they were/are spying on everyone.

Who was spying on EVERYONE?

And, "for sure"??


If its "for sure", prove it.

The RWNJ traitors' love for the liar in the oval office is not at all surprising.

MindWars ....

Please answer. I'm sure you would not say something as ridiculous as this unless you can prove it.

He did not say he was not involved. He said he likely didn't directly order. Big difference.
A big difference to someone splitting hairs to defend their hero. Let's review.

Trump = Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!
Bush's AG = incorrect in accusing former President Barack Obama of ordering the wiretapping.

So if Bush's AG is a good source, Trump is wrong. Yet his swooning fans are dancing around pedantic nuances, just as they do trying to assert he didn't claim something happened in Sweden the night before his speech. You guys crack me up.
So whatā€™s going on? Here are all the questions raised by Trumpā€™s tweets
Donald Trumpā€™s claim over the weekend that President Obama ordered wiretaps on his phones has raised many more questions than answers about the ongoing probe of Trump advisersā€™ possible ties to the Russian government.

In a now legendary tweet, Trump claimed that he had ā€œjust found outā€ that President Obama ā€œhad my ā€˜wires tappedā€™ in Trump Tower just before the victory.ā€

ā€œNothing found. This is McCarthyism!ā€ Trump claimed.

So whatā€™s going on? Here are all the questions raised by Trumpā€™s tweets.

Where did Trump hear that Obama tapped his phones?

The White House has been reluctant to explain where exactly Trump got the idea that his phones were being tapped on orders from President Obama. Some have speculated that he received a briefing from intelligence officials informing him of the surveillance. But the most likely explanation ā€” and one that has been backed up by several anonymous White House officials ā€” is that Trump was responding to something he read on Breitbart News.

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A Bunch Of Questions (And Some Answers) About Trumpā€™s Wiretap Claims

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