Former CIA Analyst McGovern Returns From Stalled Gaza Flotilla

The UN and most others in the world do not classify Hamas as a terrorist group.

Who wrote this load of crap?

You lie, Pinocchio.

United Nations Human Rights Council: Hamas Charter...

Joint written statement* submitted by the Association for World Education and the World Union for Progressive Judaism

A/HRC/S-1/NGO/4 of 6 July 2006

This is not even a UN document.

You stated the UN has not called Hamas a terrorist group. As usual, you were caught in another lie. No reputational points here but big points with allah for lying [taqiyya].

You're on your way to paradise, stupid motherfucker. :clap2:
You lie, Pinocchio.

United Nations Human Rights Council: Hamas Charter...

Joint written statement* submitted by the Association for World Education and the World Union for Progressive Judaism

A/HRC/S-1/NGO/4 of 6 July 2006

This is not even a UN document.

You stated the UN has not called Hamas a terrorist group. As usual, you were caught in another lie. No reputational points here but big points with allah for lying [taqiyya].

You're on your way to paradise, stupid motherfucker. :clap2:

You're blowing smoke, Stoner. Your link isn't even to a UN document. So where is the lie?
It's clear that nothing will get done with these fragmented groups of Palestinians. Who is to negotiate?

Hamas? Fatah?

Not even close to being ready to build a country. They are still fighting each other.
It's clear that nothing will get done with these fragmented groups of Palestinians. Who is to negotiate?

Hamas? Fatah?

Not even close to being ready to build a country. They are still fighting each other.

That is a tough call for Israel. They are too chicken to talk to the elected government.
It's clear that nothing will get done with these fragmented groups of Palestinians. Who is to negotiate?

Hamas? Fatah?

Not even close to being ready to build a country. They are still fighting each other.

That is a tough call for Israel. They are too chicken to talk to the elected government.

The elected government of hamastan. Palestinians are the most fucked up people on the planet.

Hamas Bans Gaza Students Studying Abroad
Gaza's militant Hamas rulers have banned eight teenage students with scholarships to study in the U.S. from leaving the territory, a Palestinian rights group said Wednesday.

The move appeared to be part of an intensified Hamas campaign against independent groups that they view as a challenge to their rule and against activities that believe promote a Western lifestyle.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights said the eight students were granted AMIDEAST scholarships, a program that educates talented teenagers from the Middle East and North Africa for a year in the U.S. At the end of the year, students return to their home countries to finish their education. The students were granted scholarships based on their academic achievements.

In a statement, the rights group said Hamas' education minister rejected a travel request by the teenager's parents for "social and cultural reasons." It also accused Hamas of breaching the parents' right to educate their children as they choose.

Hamas would not confirm the order, much as it has in the past with similar orders travel bans on Gaza residents.

But the parents of 15-year-old Aboud Alshatari said their son was traveling to the border Wednesday when Hamas police turned him away, saying the Education Ministry refused to let him leave Gaza. Alshatari was slated to attend school in North Carolina.

The ban comes a day after a network of aid groups in Gaza criticized Hamas for forcing aid workers and employees of civil society groups to register with them before traveling for work outside the Gaza Strip. And last week, Hamas shut down the U.S.-financed International Medical Corps after it refused to submit to a Hamas audit.

The Iranian-backed Hamas overran Gaza from the secular Palestinian Fatah party in bloody street battles in 2007. Since then, Hamas has slowly imposed its radical interpretation of Islam on residents of the Gaza Strip — a world view that is even more stern than what traditionally religious conservative Gazan's follow.

Other Hamas crackdowns include trying to ban male barbers from cutting women's hair and forbidding women from smoking in public and outlawing scantly clad female mannequins.

Hamas Bans Gaza Students Studying Abroad - ABC News
The elected government of hamastan. Palestinians are the most fucked up people on the planet.

Except for Nuttyyahoo.

Palestinians are the most fucked up people on the planet.

Hamas Tries To Detain Woman For Walking with Man :lol:
Hamas tries to detain woman walking with man | World news | The Guardian

Israel with one of the most powerful militaries in the world against the civilian population of Palestine for more than 60 years and it has not won anything yet.

Now that is fucked up.
Except for Nuttyyahoo.

Palestinians are the most fucked up people on the planet.

Hamas Tries To Detain Woman For Walking with Man :lol:
Hamas tries to detain woman walking with man | World news | The Guardian

Israel with one of the most powerful militaries in the world against the civilian population of Palestine for more than 60 years and it have not won anything yet.

Now that is fucked up.

Palestinians are the most fucked up people in the world.

Hamas bans male hairdressers from cutting womens hair :lol:
BBC News - Hamas arrests male hairdresser for Gaza woman's haircut
Israel has been driving Christians out of the holy land for over 60 years.

Now that is fucked up.
Israel has been driving Christians out of the holy land for over 60 years.

Now that is fucked up.

Palestinians are the most fucked up people in the world.

Gaza Christians Under Siege :eek:
[ame=]Christians under Siege in Gaza - UN Silent - YouTube[/ame]
At the time of the creation of the Israeli state in 1948, it is estimated that the Christians of Palestine numbered some 350,000. Almost 20 percent of the total population at the time, they constituted a vibrant and ancient community; their forbears had listened to St. Peter in Jerusalem as he preached at the first Pentecost. Yet Zionist doctrine held that Palestine was “a land without a people for a people without a land.” Of the 750,000 Palestinians that were forced from their homes in 1948, some 50,000 were Christians—7 percent of the total number of refugees and 35 percent of the total number of Christians living in Palestine at the time.

In the process of “Judaizing” Palestine, numerous convents, hospices, seminaries, and churches were either destroyed or cleared of their Christian owners and custodians. In one of the most spectacular attacks on a Christian target, on May 17, 1948, the Armenian Orthodox Patriarchate was shelled with about 100 mortar rounds—launched by Zionist forces from the already occupied monastery of the Benedictine Fathers on Mount Zion. The bombardment also damaged St. Jacob’s Convent, the Archangel’s Convent, and their appended churches, their two elementary and seminary schools, as well as their libraries, killing eight people and wounding 120.

The American Conservative -- Forgotten Christians
At the time of the creation of the Israeli state in 1948, it is estimated that the Christians of Palestine numbered some 350,000. Almost 20 percent of the total population at the time, they constituted a vibrant and ancient community; their forbears had listened to St. Peter in Jerusalem as he preached at the first Pentecost. Yet Zionist doctrine held that Palestine was “a land without a people for a people without a land.” Of the 750,000 Palestinians that were forced from their homes in 1948, some 50,000 were Christians—7 percent of the total number of refugees and 35 percent of the total number of Christians living in Palestine at the time.

In the process of “Judaizing” Palestine, numerous convents, hospices, seminaries, and churches were either destroyed or cleared of their Christian owners and custodians. In one of the most spectacular attacks on a Christian target, on May 17, 1948, the Armenian Orthodox Patriarchate was shelled with about 100 mortar rounds—launched by Zionist forces from the already occupied monastery of the Benedictine Fathers on Mount Zion. The bombardment also damaged St. Jacob’s Convent, the Archangel’s Convent, and their appended churches, their two elementary and seminary schools, as well as their libraries, killing eight people and wounding 120.

The American Conservative -- Forgotten Christians

International Christian Embassy Jerusalem :clap2:
[ame=]ICEJ - YouTube[/ame]
Many of the homes in Jerusalem and the surrounding area that Israel is bulldozing to make room for illegal settlements are Christian homes.
Many of the homes in Jerusalem and the surrounding area that Israel is bulldozing to make room for illegal settlements are Christian homes.

Hamas Violently Kick Palestinians Out of Homes In Gaza :lol: :clap2:
[ame=]Hamas violently kick Palestinians out of homes and destroy them in Gaza - YouTube[/ame]
Israeli police block Christians from celebrating Easter in Jerusalem.

In the West Bank Christians celebrate Easter without a cop in sight.

In Gaza Christians celebrate Easter without a cop in sight.
Israeli police block Christians from celebrating Easter in Jerusalem.

In the West Bank Christians celebrate Easter without a cop in sight.

In Gaza Christians celebrate Easter without a cop in sight.

Christians united for Israel :clap2:
[ame=]Christians United for Israel - YouTube[/ame]
Israeli police block Christians from celebrating Easter in Jerusalem.

In the West Bank Christians celebrate Easter without a cop in sight.

In Gaza Christians celebrate Easter without a cop in sight.

Muslim Reverend Majed el Shafie, One Free World Intl...
Hamas was going to the graveyards of the Christians, digging up the dead body of the Christians, throwing them and burning them and saying 'you cannot bury your dead bodies here because its our land, it's a holy land.

Christian families are being forced to cooperate with Hamas or their children or their wives will get raped or will get persecuted.

The Christians in the Palestinian Authority areas [are] facing persecutions. Their homes, their churches they get attacked almost every day

[ame=]Muslim Palestinians Desecrate Christian Graves - UN Silent - YouTube[/ame]

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