Former CIA Director Michael Hayden says immigration detention centers are like Nazi death camps


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Former CIA Director Michael Hayden on Saturday bashed the Trump administration for separating illegal immigrant children from their parents at the U.S. border by tweeting a picture of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp from World War II with the words: “Other governments have separated mothers and children.”

Why have the Left Wingers lost their flipping minds?

They are only holding the kids while their parent’s asylum claims are being processed. The Kids are being well taken care of. The kids are not being starved. There are no gas chambers or ovens. What do the crazy left wingers want to do, turn the kids loose in the desert?

Maddow said that he cried when he saw those kids playing video games and eating ice cream in Trump's evil nazi death camps
Former CIA Director Michael Hayden on Saturday bashed the Trump administration for separating illegal immigrant children from their parents at the U.S. border by tweeting a picture of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp from World War II with the words: “Other governments have separated mothers and children.”

Mr. Hayden is an employee of the Fake News CNN network.

They really hate President Trump, and no lie is too low for them to tell.

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