Former CIA Officer Tells GOP They Need A Plan To Purge Their Terrorists

The 2020 election was one of the most secure in U.S. history.
It is over.
Trump lost. Biden won.
ALL of the credible evidence out there confirms this.

Anybody still arguing otherwise and spreading misinformation to the contrary is yes....the danger to our country.

I think Conservo-MAGAt Trumptards need to remember....
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion....but not their own FACTS!

So you expected to get to the bottom of 'The Big Steal' in 2020 in 21/2 months??

No way that could happen!
And this is a FACT, Jack!!
Former Senior Intelligence Service officer at the CIA, Marc Polymeropoulos penned a column this weekend explaining that the biggest challenge for Republicans is weeding out the terrorists in their party. It isn't the problem of the Democratic Party to save the GOP from its worst self. They have to change it themselves.

The violence and terrorism from Republicans is the biggest crime problem currently faced by the country.
Other than the two MAGA terrorists that Jussie Smolett weeded out, what others are there?
What terrorists?

All the terrorists are in BLM and Antifa.

There aren’t enough (any) MAGA white supremes, so the Feds have to manufacture them.
Correct! Libtard Hollywood and the Swamp Feds have manufactured "White Supremacists" as the bad guys to cover up the real Leftest terrorists and insurrectionists in this country.
these MAGA terrorists are destroying their OWN country!

No one is as dangerous as you who are like a chameleon that keep changing your stripes whenever the wind blows you hair doo's into a frenzy. Grow up boy. Either be for something or get the hell out of everyone's business with your nefarious bull crap.
Correct! Libtard Hollywood and the Swamp Feds have manufactured "White Supremacists" as the bad guys to cover up the real Leftest terrorists and insurrectionists in this country.
I might not agree with you on some things in life, but every now and then you get it right.
Which would be just as morally horrendous.

The Patriot Act, DHS, and all the neocon trappings of the moronic "war on terror" need to be abolished and dismantled post haste.
Not before we use them against democrats. Never forget who the enemy is. It's not Putin, or the Taliban. It's certainly not Nazis. The enemy is and will always be democrats.
Not before we use them against democrats. Never forget who the enemy is. It's not Putin, or the Taliban. It's certainly not Nazis. The enemy is and will always be democrats.
This is why you Republicans cannot win elections anymore and the party is on its way to extinction.

This whacky, unhinged "war" mentality is not resonating with voters.

If nothing else you should have learned this this week.
This is why you Republicans cannot win elections anymore and the party is on its way to extinction.

This whacky, unhinged "war" mentality is not resonating with voters.

If nothing else you should have learned this this week.
Republicans win elections in areas where Democrat cheating does not run deep.
Republicans win elections in areas where Democrat cheating does not run deep.
There is still no evidence of Democrats cheating.
You guys really need to give up on that "stolen elections" script.
It isn't working for you.
How about the TRUTH?
You run crappy candidates on the wrong side of wonky social warrior issues.
There is still no evidence of Democrats cheating.
You guys really need to give up on that "stolen elections" script.
It isn't working for you.
How about the TRUTH?
You run crappy candidates on the wrong side of wonky social warrior issues.
Early voting, vote by mail, drop box and vote harvesting are all cheating methods.
Early voting, vote by mail, drop box and vote harvesting are all cheating methods.
Vote harvesting is not and never has been a thing.
200 Mules is a hoax.
This has been widely proven. Most people know this by now.
And Early voting, voting by mail, and drop boxes are all perfectly legal, constitutional, and safe ways of voting.
In fact it is the future of all American elections from now on.

That's at least one good thing that came out of the Covid pandemic. We discovered better, perfectly secure ways to make casting a ballot easier for MORE Americans.

Of course Republicans don't like it because it vastly increases voter participation, and this party's entire strategy before now has been about SUPPRESSING the vote and keeping the odds stacked in their favor.

The biggest Republican nightmare you could ever imagine is having EVERY registered voter casting a ballot!

Of course they (you) hate these new ways of voting.
It is the beginning of the end for the GOP.
Former Senior Intelligence Service officer at the CIA, Marc Polymeropoulos penned a column this weekend explaining that the biggest challenge for Republicans is weeding out the terrorists in their party. It isn't the problem of the Democratic Party to save the GOP from its worst self. They have to change it themselves.

The violence and terrorism from Republicans is the biggest crime problem currently faced by the country.
This is true.

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