Former Classmate Of Both Candidates: 'Barack Will Smoke Romney' In Debates

Americans are stupid. All Obama has to do is take credit for the current drop in gasoline prices.

Went up 20 cents here today. Gas prices aren't low until they get below 3 dollars again and even then thats some bullshit.
O has enough failed policies, ignorance of economic policy, and scandals littering the landscape that anyone with an average IQ could easily defeat him pretty badly in a debate.

Anyone with an average IQ wouldn't be so wrong on the facts. Obamas policies have been successful, but his kill list and fast and furious are the REAL issues to hit him on.
I think the economy will be a fairly important issue. Whether the President is to blame or not, the economy has always been laid at the feet of a President.

The economy is fine. The job market sucks. But 20+ months of private sector job growth gives Obama a good jobs record.

Romney has to hit him elsewhere...unless of course he's willing to lie about the facts.

His jobs record is so good, we have fewer jobs than the day he rolled into the Oval Office.

So much for his "stimulus" and his $5 trillion plus addition to the national debt.

If you think he's doing a great job, you must have loved Jimmy Carter.
By Sabrina Siddiqui

Sidney Barthwell, perhaps the only former classmate of both Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama, thinks the former Massachusetts governor doesn't stand a chance when facing the incumbent president in debates prior to their November electoral contest.

“When they debate, Barack will smoke Romney,” Barthwell, a district court magistrate in Michigan, said in an interview published by The Daily on Tuesday.

"Mitt Romney is smart,” he continued. “Having said all that, I still think he’s going to get smoked. The best he can do is hopefully come out not looking like a fool. Mitt will find out the hard way as soon as they have their first debate: You don’t debate Obama.”

Barthwell, 64, was the only black member of Romney's 1965 class at Cranbrook Schools and later attended Harvard Law School with Obama. He identifies himself as being politically independent, has donated money to both campaigns and has "tremendous respect" for both men, he said.

But whereas Obama struck Barthwell as "brilliant" at Harvard -- where the two became friendly while working together for the Black Law Student Association -- he recalled Romney's years at Cranbrook as nothing to write home about. "Mitt was not particularly popular. He was very, very ordinary."

More: Sidney Barthwell, Former Classmate, Predicts Trouble For Romney When Debating Obama

At this level; you debate yourself, not the guy at the other podium. Stick to your talking points, run out the clock and move on. It's an exercise in basically checking boxes off of a mental list.

Nothing of any value will be brought about in the debates. The League of Women Voters used to hold the debates, pick the panelists, and actually put on an informative debate. Now this commission comes up with the most arcane nonsense perpetrated on the American Public 4 times Later Summer/Early Fall.

If you're waiting until then to make up your mind; you may be better served to investigate the policies of the President and Governor Romney yourself.
By Sabrina Siddiqui

Sidney Barthwell, perhaps the only former classmate of both Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama, thinks the former Massachusetts governor doesn't stand a chance when facing the incumbent president in debates prior to their November electoral contest.

“When they debate, Barack will smoke Romney,” Barthwell, a district court magistrate in Michigan, said in an interview published by The Daily on Tuesday.

"Mitt Romney is smart,” he continued. “Having said all that, I still think he’s going to get smoked. The best he can do is hopefully come out not looking like a fool. Mitt will find out the hard way as soon as they have their first debate: You don’t debate Obama.”

Barthwell, 64, was the only black member of Romney's 1965 class at Cranbrook Schools and later attended Harvard Law School with Obama. He identifies himself as being politically independent, has donated money to both campaigns and has "tremendous respect" for both men, he said.

But whereas Obama struck Barthwell as "brilliant" at Harvard -- where the two became friendly while working together for the Black Law Student Association -- he recalled Romney's years at Cranbrook as nothing to write home about. "Mitt was not particularly popular. He was very, very ordinary."

More: Sidney Barthwell, Former Classmate, Predicts Trouble For Romney When Debating Obama

At this level; you debate yourself, not the guy at the other podium. Stick to your talking points, run out the clock and move on. It's an exercise in basically checking boxes off of a mental list.

Nothing of any value will be brought about in the debates. The League of Women Voters used to hold the debates, pick the panelists, and actually put on an informative debate. Now this commission comes up with the most arcane nonsense perpetrated on the American Public 4 times Later Summer/Early Fall.

If you're waiting until then to make up your mind; you may be better served to investigate the policies of the President and Governor Romney yourself.

Holy shit, that's asking too much from wingnuts. They prefer conspiracy theories.

At this level; you debate yourself, not the guy at the other podium. Stick to your talking points, run out the clock and move on. It's an exercise in basically checking boxes off of a mental list.

Nothing of any value will be brought about in the debates. The League of Women Voters used to hold the debates, pick the panelists, and actually put on an informative debate. Now this commission comes up with the most arcane nonsense perpetrated on the American Public 4 times Later Summer/Early Fall.

If you're waiting until then to make up your mind; you may be better served to investigate the policies of the President and Governor Romney yourself.

Holy shit, that's asking too much from wingnuts. They prefer conspiracy theories.

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President Obama gonna smoke Governor Romney - who left office with a 34% approval rating.
By Sabrina Siddiqui

Sidney Barthwell, perhaps the only former classmate of both Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama, thinks the former Massachusetts governor doesn't stand a chance when facing the incumbent president in debates prior to their November electoral contest.

“When they debate, Barack will smoke Romney,” Barthwell, a district court magistrate in Michigan, said in an interview published by The Daily on Tuesday.

"Mitt Romney is smart,” he continued. “Having said all that, I still think he’s going to get smoked. The best he can do is hopefully come out not looking like a fool. Mitt will find out the hard way as soon as they have their first debate: You don’t debate Obama.”

Barthwell, 64, was the only black member of Romney's 1965 class at Cranbrook Schools and later attended Harvard Law School with Obama. He identifies himself as being politically independent, has donated money to both campaigns and has "tremendous respect" for both men, he said.

But whereas Obama struck Barthwell as "brilliant" at Harvard -- where the two became friendly while working together for the Black Law Student Association -- he recalled Romney's years at Cranbrook as nothing to write home about. "Mitt was not particularly popular. He was very, very ordinary."

More: Sidney Barthwell, Former Classmate, Predicts Trouble For Romney When Debating Obama

According to who the moderators are you are probably right, they made sure to hook Obama up with some lefty mods who will lob softballs his way.
There is no doubt whatsoever that democrats will say obama smoked Romney in the debates. After all, democrats said that Carter smoked Reagan.
Well Hell. I didn't know Barry had a classmate.

Haven't seen any of them popping out of the woodwork to claim OL'Barry as a classmate. One would think they would be thick as fleas since Barry is POTUS and all.

Guess if he says Barry will smoke Romney. He must know.

Will be fun to see if he's right or full of shit.
Preemptive debate surrender: DNC predicts Romney will win - National Elections |

The DNC is already making excuses for Obama to lose the first debate.

Spin, baby, spin!

It's called lowering expectations, moron, something people who follow politics to the point where they join political message boards should understand.

Well duh! You are a bright one aren't you?

I guess if you read the article you could figured it out.
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My favorite part was when Rick upset Mitt and Mitt says Anderson, Rick's not playing fair.

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