Former Classmate Of Both Candidates: 'Barack Will Smoke Romney' In Debates

Teleprompter brainwashing again LOL- Obama will make the W clone but with no personality look like a fool- not to mention the flip flops and Pubcrappe he has to defend...

Franco I dont care if Romney has to defend Jerry Sandusky, that's easier than defending OBama's record.
Romney continues to come across as someone acting a role and not doing a very good job. In a debate setting, he's diverts, reverses himself and relies heavily on campaign rhetoric.
Romney continues to come across as someone acting a role and not doing a very good job. In a debate setting, he's diverts, reverses himself and relies heavily on campaign rhetoric.

The all act a role. And i wouldn't count Romney out just yet. He might surprise you. But even if he does win a Debate or two, the Liberal Press Obamabots wont acknowledge it. It's definitely an uphill climb for Romney. But i think he will hold his own.
By Sabrina Siddiqui

Sidney Barthwell, perhaps the only former classmate of both Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama, thinks the former Massachusetts governor doesn't stand a chance when facing the incumbent president in debates prior to their November electoral contest.

“When they debate, Barack will smoke Romney,” Barthwell, a district court magistrate in Michigan, said in an interview published by The Daily on Tuesday.

"Mitt Romney is smart,” he continued. “Having said all that, I still think he’s going to get smoked. The best he can do is hopefully come out not looking like a fool. Mitt will find out the hard way as soon as they have their first debate: You don’t debate Obama.”

Barthwell, 64, was the only black member of Romney's 1965 class at Cranbrook Schools and later attended Harvard Law School with Obama. He identifies himself as being politically independent, has donated money to both campaigns and has "tremendous respect" for both men, he said.

But whereas Obama struck Barthwell as "brilliant" at Harvard -- where the two became friendly while working together for the Black Law Student Association -- he recalled Romney's years at Cranbrook as nothing to write home about. "Mitt was not particularly popular. He was very, very ordinary."

More: Sidney Barthwell, Former Classmate, Predicts Trouble For Romney When Debating Obama

Sooooooo TW and former classmate have never heard Obama without a teleprompter? :lol: ah immediate ah well um......

This was LOL ty tw :lol:
By Sabrina Siddiqui

Sidney Barthwell, perhaps the only former classmate of both Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama, thinks the former Massachusetts governor doesn't stand a chance when facing the incumbent president in debates prior to their November electoral contest.

“When they debate, Barack will smoke Romney,” Barthwell, a district court magistrate in Michigan, said in an interview published by The Daily on Tuesday.

"Mitt Romney is smart,” he continued. “Having said all that, I still think he’s going to get smoked. The best he can do is hopefully come out not looking like a fool. Mitt will find out the hard way as soon as they have their first debate: You don’t debate Obama.”

Barthwell, 64, was the only black member of Romney's 1965 class at Cranbrook Schools and later attended Harvard Law School with Obama. He identifies himself as being politically independent, has donated money to both campaigns and has "tremendous respect" for both men, he said.

But whereas Obama struck Barthwell as "brilliant" at Harvard -- where the two became friendly while working together for the Black Law Student Association -- he recalled Romney's years at Cranbrook as nothing to write home about. "Mitt was not particularly popular. He was very, very ordinary."

More: Sidney Barthwell, Former Classmate, Predicts Trouble For Romney When Debating Obama

Sooooooo TW and former classmate have never heard Obama without a teleprompter? :lol: ah immediate ah well um......

This was LOL ty tw :lol:

He smoked McCain without teleprompters.
Romney is terrible at debates.

His strong point is speaking "CEO".

Which at a company meeting is great..political debates? Not so much.

Obama has a record now--and all sitting Presidents have to defend their records during the debates--and that's going to get pretty ugly--:badgrin: Because the last 4 years have been UGLY.
Romney is terrible at debates.

His strong point is speaking "CEO".

Which at a company meeting is great..political debates? Not so much.

Obama has a record now--and all sitting Presidents have to defend their records during the debates--and that's going to get pretty ugly--:badgrin: Because the last 4 years have been UGLY.

Ugly only starts to tell the story.

He is one-termer.
Romney is terrible at debates.

His strong point is speaking "CEO".

Which at a company meeting is great..political debates? Not so much.

Obama has a record now--and all sitting Presidents have to defend their records during the debates--and that's going to get pretty ugly--:badgrin: Because the last 4 years have been UGLY.

Obamas record is pretty damn good actually. Romney will only be able o hit him on a few things, fast and furious being a really big one. Romney can't attack Obama on health care because Obamacare so loosely resembles Romneycare and ANY idiot can destroy Romney in a debate on that one. Obama ended Iraq, has us getting out of Aphganistan. Romney needs to focus on Obamas kill list, Fast and Furious, and drone strikes in Pakistan. This is where Obama is weak. If Romney starts in on the far right pundit nonsense, it's over for him, it'll be four more yeas of Obama.

Romney has to come out swinging like he did against Gingrich. He has to stay on the offensive. If Obama gets him trying to defend himself, Romney will be toast. His best bet is to avoid that scenario.

This is going to be a VERY close election.

Overconfidence on both sides is going to lead to some very surprised and disappointed people come November.
I think the economy will be a fairly important issue. Whether the President is to blame or not, the economy has always been laid at the feet of a President.
Yup. Its gonna be all about the economy and the ACA.

The ACA which was rammed down our throats by Pelosi, Reid, Barry and the Dems. Americans didn't want it then and we sure don't want it now.

Its gonna get ugly is right.
O has enough failed policies, ignorance of economic policy, and scandals littering the landscape that anyone with an average IQ could easily defeat him pretty badly in a debate.
I think the economy will be a fairly important issue. Whether the President is to blame or not, the economy has always been laid at the feet of a President.

The economy is fine. The job market sucks. But 20+ months of private sector job growth gives Obama a good jobs record.

Romney has to hit him elsewhere...unless of course he's willing to lie about the facts.

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