Former Classmate Of Both Candidates: 'Barack Will Smoke Romney' In Debates

Obama has debated Hillary many times and she is one of the best. Romney isn't going to know what hit him.. McCain beat him up in debates for goodness sake.

Unemployment may derail the best public speaker, we will know when they appear together and debate, not until then.

Many people are working under the delusion that a company that does leveraged buyouts for personal gain is the same as a venture capitalist that invests in start ups and creates jobs. This distinction will become clear in the debates and Romney's function as a job killer will come out. Unemployment on a national scale is much like gasoline prices in that there is nothing a sitting president can do in the short term to remedy them. People are getting better informed as much as the Fascists hate it and that leaves only the willfully ignorant to cling to the myth that unemployment will be the deciding factor in debates or the November election. What Obama will hit home on is not what Romney will do..because he has not been elected to do anything...Obama will draw attention to the inaction of congress to pass bills that could dramatically affect jobs creation. Obama's and our country's enemy in November is not Romney. It is the U S House where Obama needs to pick up a majority to be able to do anything productive. The Man Obama needs to debate is The Boner.
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I think Romney is going to surprise the hell out of Obama...we'll see if Obama can try and talk in circles with him, that's pretty much what he does when he doesn't have his trusty teleprompter or just bore Romney to death..

should be interesting
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Well really folks, this is important..

some FORMER classmate say Obama will smoke Romney in debates..

good grief

I think it's a good point. Romney doesn't think well on his feet. Obama knows the issues and has a position on them. He can talk to Joe Sixpack, and give his POV. Romney will try to be all over the board, like he always is. That doesn't work in the big leagues. McCain, the right wing master of being all over the place found that out.

Obama keeps playing the same old tune and people are tiring of his BS. His speech in Ohio failed to impress anyone. It is always the same old rhetoric from Obama, blah, blah, blah, Bush's fault, blah, blah, blah, greedy rich people, blah, blah, blah, Republicans want dirty air, water, blah, blah, blah, Republicans aren't letting me do what I want, blah, blah, blah, despite what everyone's reality is, the economy is getting better, blah, blah, blah, Republicans lie, blah, blah, blah, my hands are tied, blah, blah, blah.

Hope and change BS is not resonating.
Well really folks, this is important..

some FORMER classmate say Obama will smoke Romney in debates..

good grief

I think it's a good point. Romney doesn't think well on his feet. Obama knows the issues and has a position on them. He can talk to Joe Sixpack, and give his POV. Romney will try to be all over the board, like he always is. That doesn't work in the big leagues. McCain, the right wing master of being all over the place found that out.

Obama keeps playing the same old tune and people are tiring of his BS. His speech in Ohio failed to impress anyone. It is always the same old rhetoric from Obama, blah, blah, blah, Bush's fault, blah, blah, blah, greedy rich people, blah, blah, blah, Republicans want dirty air, water, blah, blah, blah, Republicans aren't letting me do what I want, blah, blah, blah, despite what everyone's reality is, the economy is getting better, blah, blah, blah, Republicans lie, blah, blah, blah, my hands are tied, blah, blah, blah.

Hope and change BS is not resonating.

It's because Obama doesn't have a original thought, he is stuck on stupid..but I don't many are buying it anymore
When the republican debates started, clearly Romney did not do well. Especially up against a formidable opponent like Newt Gingrich. However, as the process dragged on, Romney got better, much better. In the last two debates Romney was clearly the winner.

obama on the other hand, not only doesn't debate, he is so deluded into being the King, that he doesn't take opposition well. He blows up, he gets mad. Romney doesn't have to win on the points. All he really has to do is allow obama to show that he is really the spoiled and petulant child everyone knows hm to be.

The worst hurdle that Romney will have to overcome is the bias of the moderators and the leftist media.
Romney is going to demolish Obama's clueless class warfare "eat the Rich" rhetoric in the debate.

Romney is proud of the fact he's made himself wealthy; its the dream of every American who is not a brain dead brainwashed Progressive. You Progs are the outliers
I think Romney is going to surprise the hell out of Obama...we'll see if Obama can try and talk in circles with him, that's pretty much what he does when he doesn't have his trusty teleprompter or just bore Romney to death..

should be interesting

Romney cannot help himself when he gets flustered. He will be his own worst enemy. He has no street smarts and a debate is more like a street fight than giving a prepared and practiced address. Obama will play to what America finds repugnent about Willard and that is his smuggness and how carelessly and frequently he throws out gaffs that scream "I'm Rich! and You're Not!".

You can count on Obama to corner Mittens into awkwardly defending his wealth with stupid "quips" that do not play well in public. We will hear more $10,000 dollar bets and rediculous comments about how Romomoney is just like the average American. We will hear about the Drassage Horse being a sport and how Mitten's best friends own sports franchises making him in his mind an average American "sports fan". His "out of touchiness" will kill him in any debate with Obama.
When the republican debates started, clearly Romney did not do well. Especially up against a formidable opponent like Newt Gingrich. However, as the process dragged on, Romney got better, much better. In the last two debates Romney was clearly the winner.

obama on the other hand, not only doesn't debate, he is so deluded into being the King, that he doesn't take opposition well. He blows up, he gets mad. Romney doesn't have to win on the points. All he really has to do is allow obama to show that he is really the spoiled and petulant child everyone knows hm to be.

The worst hurdle that Romney will have to overcome is the bias of the moderators and the leftist media.

all true.:thup:
He doesn't say sports. He says sport.

Mitt Romney: Do Your Campaign A Favor, And Stop Talking About Sport - Forbes

It seems like a silly thing to be bothered about, but the simple act of dropping that final “s” in sports is the Uncanny Valley of athletic syntax, just off slightly enough from what an actual human would say that it sounds like a little creepy, like a subtle signal an alien is trying to pass himself off as one of us. None of the people I’ve known in sportssssssssss (emphasis for Romney’s benefit) would say “is your kid playing sport” instead of “is your kid playing sports,” anymore than they would follow up their question by taking a drag through their jeweled cigarette holder, and adjusting their monocle.
It's all scripted, and Obama has proven to be useless without his Teleprompter. This is just more Obamabot sicophant ranting. Romney will hold his own. Bet on that.
It's all scripted, and Obama has proven to be useless without his Teleprompter. This is just more Obamabot sicophant ranting. Romney will hold his own. Bet on that.

It's all scripted, and Obama has proven to be useless without his Teleprompter. This is just more Obamabot sicophant ranting. Romney will hold his own. Bet on that.

Did he have a teleprompter when he debated McCain or Clinton?
what is it with people repeating the same thing over and over?

is that suppose to get a different response from people or what?
That's all Obama is. He's a smooth speaker that can hyptnotize his audience to believing that he actually has substance. The truth is Obama was ill prepared to be president, and we are seeing the results of that every day in the terrible economy.
I would say that this will now be a case of fool me once, shame on you fool me twice................well you know the rest.
Anyway, I think when it's all said and done and Obama has completed his move to give out all of his group handouts, contraception, Gay marriage approval, amnesty for illegal children, and probably soon forgiving student loans and of course coupled with the smooth talking, he'll probably be re-elected.

Spending other peoples money, and hyptnotic speeches is an Oboma trademark.
He doesn't say sports. He says sport.

Mitt Romney: Do Your Campaign A Favor, And Stop Talking About Sport - Forbes

It seems like a silly thing to be bothered about, but the simple act of dropping that final “s” in sports is the Uncanny Valley of athletic syntax, just off slightly enough from what an actual human would say that it sounds like a little creepy, like a subtle signal an alien is trying to pass himself off as one of us. None of the people I’ve known in sportssssssssss (emphasis for Romney’s benefit) would say “is your kid playing sport” instead of “is your kid playing sports,” anymore than they would follow up their question by taking a drag through their jeweled cigarette holder, and adjusting their monocle.

He was tall so he must play sports.. Don't you get it? :D
The Obamabots have already declared their Dear Leader the winner of all coming Debates. Gee, how shocking.
He doesn't say sports. He says sport.

Mitt Romney: Do Your Campaign A Favor, And Stop Talking About Sport - Forbes

It seems like a silly thing to be bothered about, but the simple act of dropping that final “s” in sports is the Uncanny Valley of athletic syntax, just off slightly enough from what an actual human would say that it sounds like a little creepy, like a subtle signal an alien is trying to pass himself off as one of us. None of the people I’ve known in sportssssssssss (emphasis for Romney’s benefit) would say “is your kid playing sport” instead of “is your kid playing sports,” anymore than they would follow up their question by taking a drag through their jeweled cigarette holder, and adjusting their monocle.

He was tall so he must play sports.. Don't you get it? :D

Ever heard of Joel Przybilla? He's from my hometown, and my dad saw him at the clinic a couple of times. He'd joke "when that boy falls down, he's halfway home." ;)

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