Former Democrat Presidential Candidate Jim Webb Comes Out In Support Of Donald Trump

So now
See, see! Trump's vile, harsh, racist campaign rhetoric is even traumatizing Democrats to endorse him!
So now you're a Jim Webb fan? Lol

Lots of Republicans endorse hillary over trump

I LOVE it when DemoRATS ENDORSE least we know that unlike BooBoo here, there are still some that actually think!
Jim Webb proves once again he was by far the best democrat candidate. The democrats hate white guys though.

Let's join together and make American great again.

The Donald 2016!

Me thinks it is a mutual hatred. The democrats have not carried the white vote since 1964. That is why they pander to the minorities.

Democrats And The White Vote
Webb seemed very assertive, perhaps too assertive to being involved in the demo debates. It's good he divorced from the Hillary/Commie hype.

When the Democrats have such a man as Jim Webb, it makes you wonder why the only candidates are Hillary and Bernie. Seems to me Jim Webb could have been a winner for them....of course this shows how much the Democrats have swung to the Left now.

Its because lowlife lying filth liberals have taken over the Democratic party that's why. Don't worry God will destroy the libs in due time.
Webb will make an excellent Secty of Defense in the Trump admin.

I've always like him and could vote for him in some position. To me he's one of the LAST Blue dog dems (more of a moderate) who hasn't been kicked out of that party by the radical leftist like Obama, Hillary, Pelosi, Dirty Reid, etc who has now taken that party over.

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