Former Facebook VP says social media is destroying the fabric of our nation

There is a 56 minute video of him speaking directly at the link.

The latest round of censorship supports his claim
Personally I can not wait until social media is either broken up or has their liability protections stripped from them.
Facebook's worst nightmare.
Socirty has bitten the apple

there is no going back now

but maybe children under 26 should be banned from using the internet

that way when they do go online they are more mature and better able to defend themselves from the vultures
but maybe children under 26 should be banned from using the internet

make them actually talk to each other again?

Never happen
You dont think children talk to each other?

My Daughter's travel softball league played all summer long, through the pandemic and in NY no less. You elderly folks are mostly just jaded that you're on the back 9 and everybody doesn't grow up the exact same as you did.

So, I'm upset when I see my grandkids sitting on the couch texting each other.

I'm upset that I sent my grandkids a sizable check last spring, when they had to finish college online, as a cushion to help them cover expenses, and they TEXTED me a thank you.

They were brought up better than that.
No, they weren't brought up better than that apparently by your story. Just because your grands sit on the couch doesnt mean everyone else's are, that's quite ridiculous.

Encourage them to get up and move, take some fucking responsibility and quit whining that something is preventing you.

Encourage them to get up and move, take some fucking responsibility and quit whining that something is preventing you.

Duh, I'm their grandfather, not their parent.

and I have a stack of 'thank you' cards from acts of kindness when hey were pre and early teens.

That ended when they got cellphones.
Socirty has bitten the apple

there is no going back now

but maybe children under 26 should be banned from using the internet

that way when they do go online they are more mature and better able to defend themselves from the vultures
but maybe children under 26 should be banned from using the internet

make them actually talk to each other again?

Never happen
You dont think children talk to each other?

My Daughter's travel softball league played all summer long, through the pandemic and in NY no less. You elderly folks are mostly just jaded that you're on the back 9 and everybody doesn't grow up the exact same as you did.

So, I'm upset when I see my grandkids sitting on the couch texting each other.

I'm upset that I sent my grandkids a sizable check last spring, when they had to finish college online, as a cushion to help them cover expenses, and they TEXTED me a thank you.

They were brought up better than that.
No, they weren't brought up better than that apparently by your story. Just because your grands sit on the couch doesnt mean everyone else's are, that's quite ridiculous.

Encourage them to get up and move, take some fucking responsibility and quit whining that something is preventing you.

Encourage them to get up and move, take some fucking responsibility and quit whining that something is preventing you.

Duh, I'm their grandfather, not their parent.

and I have a stack of 'thank you' cards from acts of kindness when hey were pre and early teens.

That ended when they got cellphones.
Sad story, sorry to hear that but it's the responsibility of their care takers and not the cop-out take that old people use. "technology"

Buddy every kid when I was growing up had a video game system. We were outside every day of every summer doing shit...playing sports, running. Kids WANT to play - parents need to take responsibility and facilitate and quit whining about TV & media. That's a total bitch move.
Socirty has bitten the apple

there is no going back now

but maybe children under 26 should be banned from using the internet

that way when they do go online they are more mature and better able to defend themselves from the vultures
but maybe children under 26 should be banned from using the internet

make them actually talk to each other again?

Never happen
You dont think children talk to each other?

My Daughter's travel softball league played all summer long, through the pandemic and in NY no less. You elderly folks are mostly just jaded that you're on the back 9 and everybody doesn't grow up the exact same as you did.

So, I'm upset when I see my grandkids sitting on the couch texting each other.

I'm upset that I sent my grandkids a sizable check last spring, when they had to finish college online, as a cushion to help them cover expenses, and they TEXTED me a thank you.

They were brought up better than that.
No, they weren't brought up better than that apparently by your story. Just because your grands sit on the couch doesnt mean everyone else's are, that's quite ridiculous.

Encourage them to get up and move, take some fucking responsibility and quit whining that something is preventing you.

Encourage them to get up and move, take some fucking responsibility and quit whining that something is preventing you.

Duh, I'm their grandfather, not their parent.

and I have a stack of 'thank you' cards from acts of kindness when hey were pre and early teens.

That ended when they got cellphones.
GRAMPA! Is that why you keep banning me? You want me to send you a real Christmas card?
I say ban everything everywhere and just be done with it.

Then ban the banners.

but seriously as much as I appreciate the positive aspects of the internet it does have poisonous fangs that must be avoided
make them actually talk to each other again?

Never happen
At public places and events such as the mall, farmers markets, fairs, ect I see I children going by in strollers who are glued to their cell phones.

the world is passing them by and they dont see a thing

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