Former FBI Attorney Lisa Page Sues DOJ For Releasing Her Texts With Peter Strzok

The bitch doesn't have a case because she used her employers phone to send and receive the texts. Don't do personal business on the bosses phone if you want to keep it private.


If you actually take a few minutes to drill down on the links, you'll see she's got a pretty good case.
But that would be asking you to READ something and maybe LEARN something you didn't know.
Instead of sitting there with that bag over your head and a Trump KoolAid I.V. drip in your arm.

The bitch doesn't have a case because she used her employers phone to send and receive the texts. Don't do personal business on the bosses phone if you want to keep it private.


If you actually take a few minutes to drill down on the links, you'll see she's got a pretty good case.
But that would be asking you to READ something and maybe LEARN something you didn't know.
Instead of sitting there with that bag over your head and a Trump KoolAid I.V. drip in your arm.

Courts have ruled time and again that there is no expectation of privacy when an employee uses devices provided by their employer. She can make any claim she wishes, that doesn't mean they will be substantiated.

But didn’t Mueller wipe Strozk & Page’s Phones prior to handing them over to The IG and telling him they were irretrievably lost?

View attachment 294257

The bitch doesn't have a case because she used her employers phone to send and receive the texts. Don't do personal business on the bosses phone if you want to keep it private.

FBI agents wear cowboy boots. CIA agents also wear cowboy boots. Seal Team walks and swims shoeless.
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I think Lisa Page is not aware that most of America already knows that she worked to pull a political coup on a duly elected President of the U.S. It doesn't matter who she sues, history is already written by the emails between her and Peter that clearly show a secret Coup to get rid of Trump. She is likely hoping that the MSM will exonerate her as they do all the TDS traitors and that NPR can be counted upon to not report the 'uncomfortable' details.
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I think Lisa Page is not aware that most of America already knows that she worked to pull a political coup on a duly elected President of the U.S. It doesn't matter who she sues, history is already written by the emails between her and Peter that clearly show a secret Coup to get rid of Trump. She is likely hoping that the MSM will exonerate her as they do all the TDS traitors and that NPR can be counted upon to not report the 'uncomfortable' details.

I think that Lisa Page is just embarrassed about how her President got ahold of her texts and is reading them dramatically during his stump speech. Never thought that this would happen when she pushed the "send" button on her taxpayer owned phone.

And now that the President's routine about the texts is so popular, its taken a life of its own. I would not be surprised if he did it at the SOTU speech

If her texts were made on government time with government equipment they are government property.

Lisa Page is never going to live this down. I would suggest that she follow the footsteps of other who were caught up in embarrassing situations like Joey Buttafuoco , Tanya Harding and John Wayne Bobbitt and just hire an agent to try and make a living out of i.

Maybe her dream was to be an FBI agent and boss, but the worm of fate turned and she will be a minor celebrity famous for her notorious and hilarious texts
I think Lisa Page is not aware that most of America already knows that she worked to pull a political coup on a duly elected President of the U.S. It doesn't matter who she sues, history is already written by the emails between her and Peter that clearly show a secret Coup to get rid of Trump. She is likely hoping that the MSM will exonerate her as they do all the TDS traitors and that NPR can be counted upon to not report the 'uncomfortable' details.

I think that Lisa Page is just embarrassed about how her President got ahold of her texts and is reading them dramatically during his stump speech. Never thought that this would happen when she pushed the "send" button on her taxpayer owned phone.

And now that the President's routine about the texts is so popular, its taken a life of its own. I would not be surprised if he did it at the SOTU speech

She did give it new life. She's a lawyer. She knows she doesn't have a case. But all of a sudden, during the Trump impeachment charade, now she comes out to complain about Trump.

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