Former federal prosecutor: Mueller obtaining Trump transition emails "not inappropriate" or unusual

Ted Frazier

Gold Member
Nov 12, 2016
Just as I suspected, the Trump lawyers were full of shit when they claimed that Mueller getting the emails was illegal. They just want to create the impression of illegality.

Of course Mueller obtained emails from a third party. Prosecutors in most white collar criminal investigations do that. It’s not “inappropriate” or even unusual. Anyone who claims otherwise has no idea what they’re talking about. Fox News on Twitter
- Renato Mariotti, legal expert.
Just as I suspected, the Trump lawyers were full of shit when they claimed that Mueller getting the emails was illegal. They just want to create the impression of illegality.

Of course Mueller obtained emails from a third party. Prosecutors in most white collar criminal investigations do that. It’s not “inappropriate” or even unusual. Anyone who claims otherwise has no idea what they’re talking about. Fox News on Twitter
- Renato Mariotti, legal expert.
If Mueller didn’t follow the law, a court would suppress the evidence so it couldn’t be used. The reason Trump’s lawyers are writing letters to Congress instead of Mueller or a court is because their legal arguments have no merit. Darren Samuelsohn on Twitter
December 17, 2017

Read more: Republicans accused of concocting email scandal against Mueller
Swalwell mocks report that Mueller obtained Trump transition emails illegally
Source: MSN/The Hill

California Rep. Eric Swalwell (D) ripped the Trump administration on Saturday for claiming that Robert Mueller's special counsel office had obtained tens of thousands of emails from the Trump transition team illegally.

Swalwell responded Saturday to the claim from a lawyer for Trump's transition team, Kory Langhofer, who claimed earlier in the day that Mueller's team improperly obtained thousands of emails from the GSA, which managed the transition team's email accounts.

Swalwell railed against the claim on twitter.

"'Private documents' on a US Government, public email system? What are they afraid was found? Baloney. This is another attempt to discredit Mueller as his #TrumpRussia probe tightens," Swalwell tweeted.

Read more: Swalwell mocks report that Mueller obtained Trump transition emails illegally
:spinner:2017 Lie of the Year: Russian election interference is a 'made-up story ...:spinner:
I recall how upset Trump was when the Russians illegally hacked the DNC servers ,,,he was so upset he called on the Russians publicly and privately to give his campaign the stolen E mails :spinner:
  1. The Hoarse Whisperer‏ @HoarseWisperer 11h11 hours ago
Settle in, politikids. You're going to enjoy this... I've read the full letter Trump transition team attorneys sent to legislators re: Mueller obtaining their emails. It has a delicious reveal. 1/ …
The Hoarse Whisperer‏ @HoarseWisperer 11h11 hours ago
As we now know: 1) Mueller obtained ALL of the emails sent to/from Trump transition team accounts 2) The Trump gang only realized this after Mueller's team seemed to know all about their emails 3) This made them quite... upset 2/
4) Their lawyers then wrote the letter in the link to congressmen complaining about just how upsetting all of this is. Here's the classically amusing reveal in the letter... 3/
The Hoarse Whisperer‏ @HoarseWisperer
Earlier this year, Trump appointed the top attorney at the office responsible for providing all the electronics and email accounts the Trump transition team used. That attorney's name was Richard Backler.

6:40 PM - 16 Dec 2017

The Hoarse Whisperer‏ @HoarseWisperer 11h11 hours ago
Now, as background, Backler was a white collar criminal defense attorney before his appointment. He helped rich criminals beat government convictions for a firm with a name you'll find familiar. Bracewell & Giuliani. 5/
So, Trump appointed Backler and then Backler went and ensured Trump transition team attorneys that he would not allow his org (the GSA) to provide any of their emails to investigators. One problem: Backler fell ill and ultimately passed away. 6
So, until Mueller's crew started asking Trump aides about those emails, they had absolutely no idea Mueller had them because they thought Trump's guy on the inside was running interference for them. Let that one sink in. 7/

Trump and his flunkies thought their friend at the GSA had locked their emails away *literally* in a vault no one could get to... They thought their bodies were all buried. 8/
The Hoarse Whisperer‏ @HoarseWisperer 10h10 hours ago
As a result, Trump's people walked into their interviews with Mueller and team with a completely false sense of confidence that he didn't know what he already knew in spades. They thought he was fishing. He was just reeling fish in. 9/

54 replies 907 retweets 3,207 likes
The Hoarse Whisperer‏ @HoarseWisperer 10h10 hours ago
Can you imagine the freakout that must have occurred in Trumpland when they realized their cleanup guy hadn't actually done the cleanup after all? Alllllllll of the things they thought they had buried were not only not buried; Mueller had them in writing! 10
While this is just conjecture, I suspect the entire Trump orbit just realized that Mueller has a trove that entirely hangs them out to dry AND brings them down for obstruction and lying to Mueller to boot. 11/
29 replies 610 retweets 2,483 likes
The Hoarse Whisperer‏ @HoarseWisperer 10h10 hours ago
Trump appointed a Giuliani guy to protect him from Mueller... ...and then the guy went and died just as Mueller was coming a'calling. Trump must be losing his freaking mind... ...even more panicked: Jared Kushner. Mueller is gonna roast them all. <end>
Bad Trump Bad Trump
Whtchu Gonna Do
When Bad Boy Mueller
Comes For You
Just as I suspected, the Trump lawyers were full of shit when they claimed that Mueller getting the emails was illegal. They just want to create the impression of illegality.

Of course Mueller obtained emails from a third party. Prosecutors in most white collar criminal investigations do that. It’s not “inappropriate” or even unusual. Anyone who claims otherwise has no idea what they’re talking about. Fox News on Twitter
- Renato Mariotti, legal expert.

OMG, they have Trump now! They know exactly how many times he ate Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Big Macs-) Whatever should he do. I bet he is trembling under the Lincoln bed, lololol!
OMG, they have Trump now! They know exactly how many times he ate Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Big Macs-) Whatever should he do. I bet he is trembling under the Lincoln bed, lololol!
In a statement to Buzzfeed early Sunday morning, Mueller’s office rebuked claims that investigators obtained the emails inappropriately.

“When we have obtained emails in the course of our ongoing criminal investigation, we have secured either the account owner’s consent or appropriate criminal process,” Special Counsel’s Office spokesperson Peter Carr

‘Appropriate criminal process’: Mueller’s office fires back over Kushner emails — and the Trump team is screwed
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office over the weekend shot down Republican complaints that emails from Trump’s transition team — including inner-circle members like Jared Kushner — were illegally provided to investigators.
Mueller and his "team" has become a circle jerk and circus

End the clown show and get on with business

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