Former GM Plant Employee: Paul Ryan 'Should Be Ashamed Of Himself'

We have already provided the quote of Obama's promise to assist this plant in retooling for the next 100 years.

The plant is on standby awaiting Obama to fulfill his promise.

Are you really as fucking stupid as you seem?

Oh, so now you want President Obama (GOVERNMENT) to dictate to General Motors how to run their private business? If GM doesn't wish to retool the plant - that's their business.

You are admitting Obama is a pathetic liar, aren't you?

Flaming and lying are all you NaziCons have. You're hilarious to watch...
Oh, so now you want President Obama (GOVERNMENT) to dictate to General Motors how to run their private business? If GM doesn't wish to retool the plant - that's their business.

You are admitting Obama is a pathetic liar, aren't you?

Flaming and lying are all you NaziCons have. You're hilarious to watch...

When is Obama going to provide his promised assistance for retooling to the Janesville plant, assfucker?

They are offically on standby and await.
Oh, so now you want President Obama (GOVERNMENT) to dictate to General Motors how to run their private business? If GM doesn't wish to retool the plant - that's their business.

You are admitting Obama is a pathetic liar, aren't you?

Flaming and lying are all you NaziCons have. You're hilarious to watch...

Lying is what you do best, Shitting Bull... So far you've produced nothing but bullshit...

TM would be proud...
Obama can't do anything without Congress approval, so when is Ryan and his fellow teabaggers going to submit a bill to retool the Janesville plant?
Obama can't do anything without Congress approval

Except for executive orders...

Do you enjoy being wrong all the time, Shitting Bull?

Please explain to us, with credible facts, how President Obama could use an "Executive Order" to retool the GM Janesville plant - especially without a request for such from GM.

Also, why would GM want to retool an almost 100-year-old plant?
Shitting Bull...

You're the one who said, and I quote, "Obama can't do anything without Congress approval"...

I showed you how incorrect you are...

What other fallacies would you like us to correct?
I can hear you NaziCon geniuses thinking... Meanwhile, I'm gonna go eat supper.
Shitting Bull...

You're the one who said, and I quote, "Obama can't do anything without Congress approval"...

I showed you how incorrect you are...

What other fallacies would you like us to correct?

Duh, ya left out the "context"... We're talking about the Janesville plant - not executive orders in general...

Answer my question above!
Obama can't do anything without Congress approval

Except for executive orders...

Do you enjoy being wrong all the time, Shitting Bull?

Please explain to us, with credible facts, how President Obama could use an "Executive Order" to retool the GM Janesville plant - especially without a request for such from GM.

Also, why would GM want to retool an almost 100-year-old plant?

I'll be waiting...

lahkota im going to be upfront with you and thas because id hoped you do teh same thing, but personally anyone from GM SHOULD not be going around saying other people shoudl be ashamed. GM should look upon itself and say "we shoudl not be casting stones at others". That company was saved by the grace of stupid, it exists as a disease to remind people that yes in the new america we allow stupid to thrive. no one from GM should be casting any unkind words upon other people.
Ryan told the truth. It is the left wing media who is lying. First of all liberal fact checker (????) Dylan Mathews changed his story in an attempt to hide his lie about Ryan. According to an article written by Johnathan H. Adler on September 30, 2012, Matthews updated his post in attempt to cover up his lie. Here is how Dylan Matthew first posted his charge against Ryan:

“The plant shut down in June 2008, when George W. Bush is president. Ryan says it had not yet shut down when Obama was elected, that Janesville was “about to” lose the factory at the time of the election. This is false, as Ryan knew in 2008 when he issued a statement bemoaning the plant’s closing” (emphasis my own).

However, Here is how it reads now:

“The decision to close the plant was made in June 2008, when George W. Bush was president. Ryan says that Janesville was “about to” lose the factory at the time of the election, and Obama failed to prevent this. This is false, as Ryan knew in 2008 when he issued a statement bemoaning the plant's closing” (emphasis my own).

As you can see, Matthews first reported that the plant had shut down (which means it had completely stopped all production) during the Bush administration and therefore Ryan lied when he said the plant was “about to close” at the time of election. Than the great fact checker changed his story to read that the decision to close the plant was made in June of 2008, but he made no reference to when the plant actually closed. Actually, the only relevant date is the date the plant shut down. If it shut down during or after the election then Ryan told the truth and the Democrats and their supporters are the liars. The record shows that the Janesville plant was still operational after Obama took office, so now we know who who was telling the truth.

As Mike Adler explains it: “What was “false” in Ryan’s statement? Was Janesville 'about to lose' the factory at the time of the election? Yes. Did Obama fail to prevent this as he had promised? Yes. One might argue the charge is unfair, as there was little any president could have done to keep the plant open, but that doesn’t make Ryan’s statement 'false.' (And if you’re going to make this argument, you need to also acknowledge that politicians shouldn’t make these sorts of promises in the first place.)”
The rest of Adler's article with additional links can be read at the following link:

The Janesville Plant - By Jonathan H. Adler - The Corner - National Review Online

Here are a few more links to show that Ryan was telling the truth when he said the Janesville plant was about to go down the tube at the time of the election:

“GM said last June it would end local production of light-duty trucks—Suburbans, Tahoes and GMC Yukons—by the end of 2010 at the latest. It also said it would shut down the medium-duty Isuzu line sometime in 2009.”

Thursday is last day of production as Isuzu line comes to end -- GazetteXtra

“The Janesville plant stopped production of SUVs in 2008 and was idled in 2009 after it completed production of medium-duty trucks.”

GM Janesville plant still on standby - JSOnline

The most important fact of all – one that Democrats completely ignore - is this: Obama made a promise he failed to keep. It is a fact that Obama made the following promise to workers at the Janesville plant in 2008: “I believe that if our government is there to support you ... this plant will be here for another hundred years." But what did he do? Nothing!! Even if the Janesville plant had halted some or even most of their production prior to Obama assuming office, once he was elected he did nothing to attempt to salvage the company or to turn it around. Nothing. As far as I can determine, Obama completely ignored the Janesville workers after he got elected.

Obama lied and workers cried.
Why didn't GM want to retool the plant?

Why didn't GM ask Congress for funds to retool the plant?

The Professor is full of shit.
Why didn't GM want to retool the plant?

Why didn't GM ask Congress for funds to retool the plant?

The Professor is full of shit.

The issue is whether or not Ryan lied (your original post suggested he did), and the record shows he did not. I simply pointed out that those who called Ryan a liar were pathetically wrong.

I made no comment about GM retooling, so I don't have a clue as to why you are responding to me with irrelevant and irreverent bullshit.

The question is this: Was the plant closed (doors shut, no workers, zero production ) in 1998 as your article suggested, or was it merely on the verge of closing at the end of Bush's term as Ryan said? If the plant was still operation after the election, Ryan was right and his critics were wrong. I simply pointed out that the Janseville plant did not shut down until after Obama's election. Those liberals who said the plant HAD CLOSED before the elections were either dishonest or cannot read. Perhaps they do not know the difference between shutting down and making plans (which are often tentative) to shut down. Perhaps, in the final analysis, they are full of shit.

I will give you the last word.

PS: Stop being so childishly and simple-mindedly colloquial. One may be ignorant, uneducated, illiterate, irrational or otherwise intellectually challenged. All these charges – be they true or false - constitute an arguable claim. However being full of shit is not within the realm of possibilities. Yes, I know; I just used the same phrase against your liberal friends; however that only proves that you are an idiot and I am but a mere hypocrite.

In my lifetime I have been called both stupid and brilliant. I have found - without exception - that the brilliant people call me brilliant and the stupid people call me stupid.
I can live with that.

As for you, I forgive you for any intellectual deficiencies or behavioral problems you may have. After all, I know in the deepest part of my heart it is all Bush's fault.

OK, now I'm done with ya!
How could Obama make the decision whether or not to reopen the plant?

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