Former GOP Campaign Mgr. Schmidt's BRILLIANT One Minute on Trump


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2016
"This isn't a question about media bias. What we are seeing is 5 things:
  1. We're seeing someone go to mass rallies, constantly lie to incite fervor in a cult of personality base.
  2. We're seeing him make victimization honorable, they're ALL victims, right?
  3. We're seeing the allegation of conspiracy, the Deep State, hidden nefarious movements that only the leader can see.
  4. We see the scapegoating of mass minority populations, vulnerable populations
  5. Lastly, the assertion that "I need to exercise these powers that no president has ever claimed to have".
This is deliberate, this is an assault on objective truth and once you get people to surrender their sovereignty, that what is true is what the leader says is true, what is true is what the leader believes is true, even though what is true is staring you in the face, when that happens you are no longer living in a democratic republic.

35% of this country has checked out to full obedience to their leader and this is straight out of "1984" with Winston at the end of the book when the party official is holding up four fingers and says, 'Winston, how many fingers are there?'

And Winston, with tears in his eyes, replies 'I see only four.'

And the party leader says, 'But it could be only three or it could be five, it's what the party tells you.'

And that's when democracy dies in America."'

Steve Schmidt,
Former Republican campaign manager
August 3, 2018 - "Real Time with Bill Maher"
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I saw him as well. He hit the nail the head. Trump wants to be like an autocrat, but not any autocrat, but a Kim Jong Un type. He wants people to bow down to him. To laugh when he laughs. He wants people to believe his lies without question so that if he says "I just made 18 hole in ones in one game" you will not laugh but believe him.

Or if he were to say he is the healthiest man to ever hold the presidency...oh wait!

Trump in Helsinki: “I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today,"

Trump back in the U.S.: "I accept our intelligence community's conclusion that Russia's meddling in the 2016 election took place," ..... "Could be other people also. A lot of people out there."

Trump now: "...all a big hoax".

So, "..Winston, how many fingers are there?"

How ever many Trump says there are?
I saw him as well. He hit the nail the head. Trump wants to be like an autocrat, but not any autocrat, but a Kim Jong Un type. He wants people to bow down to him. To laugh when he laughs. He wants people to believe his lies without question so that if he says "I just made 18 hole in ones in one game" you will not laugh but believe him.

Or if he were to say he is the healthiest man to ever hold the presidency...oh wait!

Dr. Ronny Jackson is wandering somewhere in a cornfield now.
Trump appointed him VA director without even checking out his background.
And the shit that came out of the fact checking shut that down real fast.
60 views, 58 of them mum.
Maybe something is finally sinking in.
The only question at this point is who will be the first person Trump tries to be put to death.
60 views, 58 of them mum.
Maybe something is finally sinking in.

Look at that, ptbw forever puts up an emoticon but can't challenge what Schmidt said.
And he's a Republican.
Reality is a bitch, huh?
Schmidt is a bitch.

He never was a Republican.

Neither was George Will, right? Or John McCain.
Nor George H. B. Walker Bush and George W. Bush, right?
Colin Powell, John Kasich, Carly Fiorina.
All Republicans who didn't vote for Trump.
Want more?
The only question at this point is who will be the first person Trump tries to be put to death.
It was ISIS. Next.

Yeah, Obama's drone program had nothing to do with that.
Trump can't even show what he did that wasn't already being done.
And as far as who's next: it's the press.
Trump wants a state-run media.
He can't handle the 1st Amendment.
Not with what he has to hide.
I am honestly surprised Trump hasn't tried to make executions done on national tv.
The only question at this point is who will be the first person Trump tries to be put to death.
It was ISIS. Next.

Yeah, Obama's drone program had nothing to do with that.
Trump can't even show what he did that wasn't already being done.
And as far as who's next: it's the press.
Trump wants a state-run media.
He can't handle the 1st Amendment.
Not with what he has to hide.
Funny how that drone program kept them in power all that time. Right up until Trump. Good timing maybe?

The media is destroying themselves. If they want to save their profession it’s up to them.
60 views, 58 of them mum.
Maybe something is finally sinking in.

Look at that, ptbw forever puts up an emoticon but can't challenge what Schmidt said.
And he's a Republican.
Reality is a bitch, huh?
Schmidt is a bitch.

He never was a Republican.

Neither was George Will, right? Or John McCain.
Nor George H. B. Walker Bush and George W. Bush, right?
Colin Powell, John Kasich, Carly Fiorina.
All Republicans who didn't vote for Trump.
Want more?
The list of Republicans who are not Trump supporters now is extremely small.

I know you are too stupid to understand that, but it is true nonetheless.
Trump is the perfect representative of the GOP and the right in general: authoritarianism, lies, and contempt for facts and the truth.

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