Former GOP Snowe says this is not the GOP she knew


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Former GOP Sen. Snowe: 'This Isn't a Party I Recognize'

Snowe added that the chaos "is not helping the Republican Party currently, that’s for sure, and I think that clearly there’s going to have to be a rebuilding within the party, and to recognize that this imperils the future of the party as it stands today."

She urged Americans to get involved right now in citizen activism to show their discontent with the situation.

First Bob Dole slams the GOP and now another former prominent GOP figure. The Tea Baggers are bringing shame on a once great political party...sad:doubt:
Right Wing Response: BLARGH!!! Snowe EVIL LIBERAL!! We no like her!! SHE TAKE AWAY LIBERTY AND FREEDOM!!!

LOL....McCain, Boehner, Graham, Snowe...take em...we never wanted em.
Snowe was another wannabe Democrat.

The old bitch kept voting with them and giving the Dems the "gee look Olympia voted with us, we have a bipartisan bill".

Good riddance.
The only chance the GOP has of not looking like a bunch of buffoons is if the moderates get together and bring civility back to the party. Obama and the Dems know who is taking the big hit here and they have NO REASON to negotiate with the Baggers. GROW A FRIGIN BRAIN!

Obama won in 2008 and pushed ACA. The Democratically controlled Senate and House approved it. The Supreme Court upheld it. The GOP had a chance in 2012 to select someone who could defeat Obama and end the law, but they selected another billionaire who actually gave Obama the idea for the ACA. The GOP lost....THE GOP LOST. Get over it.

Now they are acting like kids on the playground who take their baseball and go home so NO ONE CAN PLAY.


G E T O V E R I T !
The only chance the GOP has of not looking like a bunch of buffoons is if the moderates get together and bring civility back to the party. Obama and the Dems know who is taking the big hit here and they have NO REASON to negotiate with the Baggers. GROW A FRIGIN BRAIN!

Obama won in 2008 and pushed ACA. The Democratically controlled Senate and House approved it. The Supreme Court upheld it. The GOP had a chance in 2012 to select someone who could defeat Obama and end the law, but they selected another billionaire who actually gave Obama the idea for the ACA. The GOP lost....THE GOP LOST. Get over it.

Now they are acting like kids on the playground who take their baseball and go home so NO ONE CAN PLAY.


G E T O V E R I T !

Haha. The GOP is kicking butt, Obama and the Dems look like mossbacks, and the press is starting to notice that the sky is not falling with smaller gov't.
Screw Olympia Snowe. She voted with the Dems more often than with her own party anyway. If she's complainign I know we're on the right track.
People are beginning to be very annoyed, all the while the ACA is full speed ahead. How stupid can a group of supposedly smart people be? It would be funny is it wasn't so stupid...
People are beginning to be very annoyed, all the while the ACA is full speed ahead. How stupid can a group of supposedly smart people be? It would be funny is it wasn't so stupid...

Yeah, Democratrs are being annoyed. They know they aer getting played while the GOP is looking good. This could be the best thing to happen to the Republicans since Ronald Reagan.
Really? Are you living on Mars. Every poll out there puts the GOP to blame. And it is going to get very bad. The ACA is getting more popular by the minute while the GOP is sliding to oblivion.
Yeah well she's not the Snowe I remember either. She's been voting in lockstep with these idiots for awhile now. She used to be her own person.
First Bob Dole slams the GOP and now another former prominent GOP figure. The Tea Baggers are bringing shame on a once great political party...sad:doubt:

Boehner will allow a up down vote soon, and after that, begins the purge of the far right from the Grand Old Party. The crazy stupids have to go away.
Let me do her one better:

This isn't the America I once knew. And it's all because of people like her and her counterparts in the Democratic Party.
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Snowe was another wannabe Democrat.

The old bitch kept voting with them and giving the Dems the "gee look Olympia voted with us, we have a bipartisan bill".

Good riddance. your logic the only "true democrats" are the ones that vote along with far left democrats like Boxer, Gillibrand, and Merkley.

If any democrats DARE reach across the isle and vote with Republicans they'll forever be labelled "Wannabe Republicans"

Yeah...that's the probably the most horrendous and tyrannical way to govern that I ever heard of. You gotta be a nutcase to think this will work for a nation of 316 million.
You are 25, TK, so don't talk to us about an America you know.

The GOP House will pass the bill with ACA in it sooner than later.
Snowe was another wannabe Democrat.

The old bitch kept voting with them and giving the Dems the "gee look Olympia voted with us, we have a bipartisan bill".

Good riddance. your logic the only "true democrats" are the ones that vote along with far left democrats like Boxer, Gillibrand, and Merkley.

If any democrats DARE reach across the isle and vote with Republicans they'll forever be labelled "Wannabe Republicans"

Yeah...that's the probably the most horrendous and tyrannical way to govern that I ever heard of. You gotta be a nutcase to think this will work for a nation of 316 million.

You mean like Joe Lieberman? There are no "blue dog" Democrats. That crap was washed away with Obamacare when they all voted lockstep with Pelosi. My own rep Jim Cooper is a good example or talking conservative at home ad voting liberal in DC.
The GOP that Snowe knew was perfectly willing to play ball with the Democrats as long as she could bring home the bacon to Maine, so I guess it's a good thing that we don't have that GOP anymore.

That said the current GOP is almost schizophrenic so that's not good. Better than the imbeciles in on the left side of the aisle that criticized 5% unemployment under Bush while heralding 7% unemployment under Obama as a success though.
You are 25, TK, so don't talk to us about an America you know.

The GOP House will pass the bill with ACA in it sooner than later.

I hear from the right that the shutdown is not bothering anyone. Just wait until a couple blue haired old laides die from not getting meels on wheels and oh yeah...this

U.S. companies warn of delays, furloughs from shutdown | Reuters

Companies that rely on federal workers to inspect and approve their products or on government money to fund their operations said they are preparing to slow or stop work if the first government shutdown in 17 years continues into next week.

United Technologies said nearly 2,000 workers in its Sikorsky Aircraft division, which makes the Black Hawk military helicopter, would be placed on furlough Monday if the shutdown continues. That number would climb to more than 5,000 and include employees at its Pratt & Whitney engine unit and Aerospace Systems unit if the shutdown continues into November, the company said in a statement.

It is just a matter of time until the moderates take down the Baggers in the House. Then we can look back at the Canadian Cruz and ask why in h*ll this idiot began such a huge and costly waste of oxygen. It emboldened the mentally challenged Tea baggers in the House

The next scary hurdle is the debt ceiling. The Baggers could actually take the country and along with it, each of us down. You better start stocking up on food and try to pay your mortage down, cause the US credit rating could take another hit after the Baggers are finished.

But the mindless, FOX watching republican in their gerrymandered districts at home voted for these idiots...

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