Former GOP Snowe says this is not the GOP she knew

I heard that the number of GOP moderates ready to stop this nonsense is at 20. Boehner is now blocking anything that would end the shutdown. The number will increase and the pressure will finally make him submit.
The only chance the GOP has of not looking like a bunch of buffoons is if the moderates get together and bring civility back to the party. Obama and the Dems know who is taking the big hit here and they have NO REASON to negotiate with the Baggers. GROW A FRIGIN BRAIN!

Obama won in 2008 and pushed ACA. The Democratically controlled Senate and House approved it. The Supreme Court upheld it. The GOP had a chance in 2012 to select someone who could defeat Obama and end the law, but they selected another billionaire who actually gave Obama the idea for the ACA. The GOP lost....THE GOP LOST. Get over it.

Now they are acting like kids on the playground who take their baseball and go home so NO ONE CAN PLAY.


G E T O V E R I T !
We sent congressmen there to keep a monitor on spending. They did it and are doing it.

We're not the first to want nothing done in Congress. A famous quote from a Comedian of yesteryear was "Congress wanted nothing done and Coolidge done it." :lmao:

Sometimes when nothing is done the hemorrhaging is turned to a trickle at the Treasury were Obama was calling every other day with a rant for them to loosen the purse strings to his list of campaign contributors.

We got so mad we decided to just stop the racketeering White House from doing further damages to the Treasury. For goodness sakes, if we didn't have computers you'd have seen the nonstop armored cars stacked bumper to bumper from Washington to New York, with Reid, Pelosi, Obama, and others taking alms for the rich at the front door at Fort Knox.

Politicians get kickbacks when somebody can borrow a billion dollars and stick it to the taxpayers when their already-failed business goes belly up, and it's payday for them, pay ransom for taxpayers.

Why is it only the Republicans who object get kicked in the teeth? Because the damn press is so mercenary for getting the right interviews they omit all liberal wrongdoing and paint it as the Republican's fault.

We'll continue to try to stop the damages and hope the voting public wises up: pick spendthrifts, they will spend. Pick common-sense administrators, the country will run smoothly, except for one thing: Republicans are getting beaten up by uncontrolled calumny. Slander is bad, but calumny is exponentially bad, and it involves a conspiracy to ruin a good person with lies and slander for a prize: total control over a formerly free nation by an assortment of nefarious methods, starting with cheating at the polls by allowing foreigners including anti-Americans to vote at polls that do not cater to their language so Democrat-appointed "helpers" can see to it they vote for the left, which is illegal and harder to prove than a he-said she-said divorce.
Former GOP Sen. Snowe: 'This Isn't a Party I Recognize'

Snowe added that the chaos "is not helping the Republican Party currently, that’s for sure, and I think that clearly there’s going to have to be a rebuilding within the party, and to recognize that this imperils the future of the party as it stands today."

She urged Americans to get involved right now in citizen activism to show their discontent with the situation.
First Bob Dole slams the GOP and now another former prominent GOP figure. The Tea Baggers are bringing shame on a once great political party...sad:doubt:
Those who benefitted most by the status quo are whining.

How is this news, and why should anyone care but those who will find themselves with less power?

That American people benefit most by a Conservative standard in government. Ask Ms Snowe when she will get around to worrying about the citizens and not herself.
I heard that the number of GOP moderates ready to stop this nonsense is at 20. Boehner is now blocking anything that would end the shutdown. The number will increase and the pressure will finally make him submit.
You don't know what you're asking for, JimH.

You are asking for one of the bloodiest civil wars in the history of mankind if you eliminate "moderate" Republicans. At the other end are very forceful people who have the same values as and can get as much public sentiment as General George Washington did when the time was ripe for revolution. 3/4ths of the moderates will go with the revolutionaries, and the other 1/4 will come when half the conservative Democrats join. When the revolution is done, there won't be any wealth to milk for free.

Surely you are more intelligent than to want this nation at war with the freeloaders.
"We'll continue to try to stop the damages and hope the voting public wises up: pick spendthrifts, they will spend. Pick common-sense administrators, the country will run smoothly, except for one thing: Republicans are getting beaten up by uncontrolled calumny. Slander is bad, but calumny is exponentially bad, and it involves a conspiracy to ruin a good person with lies and slander for a prize: total control over a formerly free nation by an assortment of nefarious methods, starting with cheating at the polls by allowing foreigners including anti-Americans to vote at polls that do not cater to their language so Democrat-appointed "helpers" can see to it they vote for the left, which is illegal and harder to prove than a he-said she-said divorce."

I guess that I am a little shocked that you have not revealed that us democrats are also behind the conspiracy to create sunspots that interfere with communication satellites in order to cause static on the Fox channel..... I
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"We'll continue to try to stop the damages and hope the voting public wises up: pick spendthrifts, they will spend. Pick common-sense administrators, the country will run smoothly, except for one thing: Republicans are getting beaten up by uncontrolled calumny. Slander is bad, but calumny is exponentially bad, and it involves a conspiracy to ruin a good person with lies and slander for a prize: total control over a formerly free nation by an assortment of nefarious methods, starting with cheating at the polls by allowing foreigners including anti-Americans to vote at polls that do not cater to their language so Democrat-appointed "helpers" can see to it they vote for the left, which is illegal and harder to prove than a he-said she-said divorce."

I guess that I am a little shocked that you have not revealed that us democrats are also behind the conspiracy to create sunspots that interfere with communication satellites in order to cause static on the Fox channel..... I

Ssshhh. Ix-nay on the Ox-fay eath-day ay-ray. It's not ready yet. :eusa_shhh:

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