Former Houston Police Captain Paid to Hold Up Air Conditioner Repairman Over Crackpot Voter Fraud Theory: Cops

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
His alleged investigation was backward from the start, first alleging a crime had occurred and then trying to prove it happened,”

Not all that uncommon. The cops shouldn't be surprised.

This must stop!
Good luck still plenty of crazy to go around we are going to have to live with it a while. Another republican screwed by the Don, Don. LOL
How do you know the guy was a Democrat? Air conditioner repair guys can't be a republican? WTF
Anyone who won't sell me the parts or supplies or let me fix my own damned air conditioner is a fucking labor-union asshole Democrat. Period. Republicans don't run around collecting change from vending machines.
Who in the heck is the group that paid him $266,000 to do it?
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How do you know the guy was a Democrat? Air conditioner repair guys can't be a republican? WTF
Anyone who won't sell me the parts or supplies or let me fix my own damned air conditioner is a fucking labor-union asshole Democrat. Period. Republicans don't run around collecting change from vending machines.
Ya, well I know a 6 foot 8 air conditioner repair man that is a republican and I will agree with you when you say it to his face. Your job title does not make one party or another. Get of the crack that shit rot your brain.

This must stop!

He was Paid $266,000 to do this? There is something else going on other than just a Trump supporter looking for election fraud. Sounds like both were involved in drugs--------and don't want to talk about the truth.

This must stop!

This must stop!
Can anyone really be certain the criminal the former chief was arresting isn't a member of the evil antifa? The RWNJs are working hard to keep their cheeto-in-chief in the White House so he can finish creating his fascist fourth reich. The RWNJs plan to be goose-stepping to his second inauguration next month.


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