Former Lifelong Democrat Admits "Obama Is A Failed President"


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Everyone knows Obamtard is an epic skid mark on humanity


I’m a former lifelong Democrat, stating here a clear and incontestable fact: Barack Obama is a failed President.

It’s true not just because of the sad realities such as that «Top Ex-White House Economist Admits 94 % Of All New Jobs Under Obama Were Part-Time» — or, as the economists Alan Krueger and Lawrence Katz wrote in the original of that study: «94 percent of the net employment growth in the U.S. economy from 2005 to 2015 appears to have occurred in alternative work arrangements». («Alternative work arrangements» referred there to Americans who were involuntarily working only part-time jobs — they simply couldn’t find full-time, though that’s what they wanted.) In other words: Obama’s failure isn’t just because of America’s increasingly sales-clerk, and burger-flipping, workforce.

And Obama’s failure is also not just because «Poverty Rose In 96 % Of U.S. House Districts, During Obama’s Presidency». (However, that reality turned out to be decisive in Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump on November 8th, as Nate Cohn pointed out in The New York Times on December 23rd, headlining, «How the Obama Coalition Crumbled, Leaving an Opening for Trump». Hillary was running on Obama’s poor record.)

Obama’s failure is also because of other important reasons. Among them is the uncounted thousands of people who were killed in, and the uncounted millions of people who became refugees from, the places where Obama (or else his installed regimes) bombed and caused the residents to either die or flee. George W. Bush’s destructions of Iraq and even Afghanistan were now being followed by the destructions of Libya by Obama and Sarkozy, and of Syria by Obama and Saud and Thani and Erdogan, who armed the tens of thousands of jihadists and sent them into Syria to overthrow and replace Assad — and Bush’s destructions were followed also by Obama’s keeping in power the barbaric junta-regime that replaced the democratically elected Honduran Presiden Manuel Zelaya on 28 June 2009 shortly after Obama entered the White House (and this junta-regime, in turn, caused Honduras’s murder-rate to soar 50% to become the world’s highest, which then caused hundreds of thousands of Hondurans to flee and become undocumented U.S. immigrants, against which Donald Trump campaigned).

Former Lifelong Democrat Admits "Obama Is A Failed President" | Zero Hedge
Yea, it's a shame ponies all over America are being abused by these loons

It has been a very hard recession and thus the nomenclature "the Great Recession" is quite appropriate.

Note also the obstructionism by Boehner and it becomes clear that fighting an epic recession requires cooperation on both sides of the aisle.

It will be interesting to see what Trump does to fight this recession.

I agree with a new tariff regime which taxes imports and gives credits for exports. This will partly solve the problems with China and Germany.

I hope that Chuck Schumer does not exact revenge against Trump for the way Boehner obstructed BHO.

Ultimately you can only blame the voters -- they gave power to Boehner and took it away from Nancy Pelosi. Not sure if McConnell would have been as obstructionist alone if Boehner had never gained power.

What-If's are always intriguing.

Water under the bridge at this point however.

You can never step into the same river twice -- Herakleitos.
Fake News
Just curious, what about this analysis is fake?
Obama’s Failed Presidency

No real way to know for a few years.

The last two presidencies haven't exactly been much for either party to crow about, that's for sure.

I have written in several threads that history will look back upon Bush II and Obama as one era, an era of incompetence. President Bush did NOT do his job when it was discovered that Fannie and Freddie were in trouble, and allowed the Democrats to back him down. Obama over reached, from one extreme to the other, and Americans were caught in the middle of both administrations--------> 1. fear of doing anything about the economy when something needed to be done, and 2. Doing everything and anything, sometimes when the best way forward was to do nothing!

Incompetence is not party specific, history has proven this. And anyone trying to insist that "if only President so-and-so would have gotten his way" everything today would be different, is just making excuses. I see very few epic fights in the last 16 years between white house, and legislative branch. I see public debate, but how many times was the government shut down? Once? Twice? Thrice? What that should tell everyone is that ONE branch did NOT do its job and gave in if you disagree with the policy, or that the other branch got it's way because there was no shutdown, if instead you agree with the policy.

These very politicians caused what is going on today, don't let them fool you. Of course they would like to pass blame onto others so as they can get re-elected, but keep their feet to the fire and don't let them do it! Most of the same people are still in Washington, and no matter how you cut it, those people were in charge when the house came crashing down. Republican or Democrat is not the operative word, INCOMPETENCE is!
Fake News
Just curious, what about this analysis is fake?
Obama’s Failed Presidency

No real way to know for a few years.

The last two presidencies haven't exactly been much for either party to crow about, that's for sure.

I have written in several threads that history will look back upon Bush II and Obama as one era, an era of incompetence. President Bush did NOT do his job when it was discovered that Fannie and Freddie were in trouble, and allowed the Democrats to back him down. Obama over reached, from one extreme to the other, and Americans were caught in the middle of both administrations--------> 1. fear of doing anything about the economy when something needed to be done, and 2. Doing everything and anything, sometimes when the best way forward was to do nothing!

Incompetence is not party specific, history has proven this. And anyone trying to insist that "if only President so-and-so would have gotten his way" everything today would be different, is just making excuses. I see very few epic fights in the last 16 years between white house, and legislative branch. I see public debate, but how many times was the government shut down? Once? Twice? Thrice? What that should tell everyone is that ONE branch did NOT do its job and gave in if you disagree with the policy, or that the other branch got it's way because there was no shutdown, if instead you agree with the policy.

These very politicians caused what is going on today, don't let them fool you. Of course they would like to pass blame onto others so as they can get re-elected, but keep their feet to the fire and don't let them do it! Most of the same people are still in Washington, and no matter how you cut it, those people were in charge when the house came crashing down. Republican or Democrat is not the operative word, INCOMPETENCE is!
Yep. My general opinion on the topic is that our REAL Best & Brightest know to stay the fuck out of politics.

Everyone knows Obamtard is an epic skid mark on humanity


I’m a former lifelong Democrat, stating here a clear and incontestable fact: Barack Obama is a failed President.

It’s true not just because of the sad realities such as that «Top Ex-White House Economist Admits 94 % Of All New Jobs Under Obama Were Part-Time» — or, as the economists Alan Krueger and Lawrence Katz wrote in the original of that study: «94 percent of the net employment growth in the U.S. economy from 2005 to 2015 appears to have occurred in alternative work arrangements». («Alternative work arrangements» referred there to Americans who were involuntarily working only part-time jobs — they simply couldn’t find full-time, though that’s what they wanted.) In other words: Obama’s failure isn’t just because of America’s increasingly sales-clerk, and burger-flipping, workforce.

And Obama’s failure is also not just because «Poverty Rose In 96 % Of U.S. House Districts, During Obama’s Presidency». (However, that reality turned out to be decisive in Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump on November 8th, as Nate Cohn pointed out in The New York Times on December 23rd, headlining, «How the Obama Coalition Crumbled, Leaving an Opening for Trump». Hillary was running on Obama’s poor record.)

Obama’s failure is also because of other important reasons. Among them is the uncounted thousands of people who were killed in, and the uncounted millions of people who became refugees from, the places where Obama (or else his installed regimes) bombed and caused the residents to either die or flee. George W. Bush’s destructions of Iraq and even Afghanistan were now being followed by the destructions of Libya by Obama and Sarkozy, and of Syria by Obama and Saud and Thani and Erdogan, who armed the tens of thousands of jihadists and sent them into Syria to overthrow and replace Assad — and Bush’s destructions were followed also by Obama’s keeping in power the barbaric junta-regime that replaced the democratically elected Honduran Presiden Manuel Zelaya on 28 June 2009 shortly after Obama entered the White House (and this junta-regime, in turn, caused Honduras’s murder-rate to soar 50% to become the world’s highest, which then caused hundreds of thousands of Hondurans to flee and become undocumented U.S. immigrants, against which Donald Trump campaigned).

Former Lifelong Democrat Admits "Obama Is A Failed President" | Zero Hedge
One problem. Everything today is 1000X better than it was 8 years ago with the exception of the GOP`s debt from 2 wars (one started by lies) and tax cuts that nobody needed and accomplished absolutely nothing. Thread fail! The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits
Fake News
Just curious, what about this analysis is fake?
Obama’s Failed Presidency

No real way to know for a few years.

The last two presidencies haven't exactly been much for either party to crow about, that's for sure.

I have written in several threads that history will look back upon Bush II and Obama as one era, an era of incompetence. President Bush did NOT do his job when it was discovered that Fannie and Freddie were in trouble, and allowed the Democrats to back him down. Obama over reached, from one extreme to the other, and Americans were caught in the middle of both administrations--------> 1. fear of doing anything about the economy when something needed to be done, and 2. Doing everything and anything, sometimes when the best way forward was to do nothing!

Incompetence is not party specific, history has proven this. And anyone trying to insist that "if only President so-and-so would have gotten his way" everything today would be different, is just making excuses. I see very few epic fights in the last 16 years between white house, and legislative branch. I see public debate, but how many times was the government shut down? Once? Twice? Thrice? What that should tell everyone is that ONE branch did NOT do its job and gave in if you disagree with the policy, or that the other branch got it's way because there was no shutdown, if instead you agree with the policy.

These very politicians caused what is going on today, don't let them fool you. Of course they would like to pass blame onto others so as they can get re-elected, but keep their feet to the fire and don't let them do it! Most of the same people are still in Washington, and no matter how you cut it, those people were in charge when the house came crashing down. Republican or Democrat is not the operative word, INCOMPETENCE is!

You are under the illusion that Presidents are the ones in charge, or that the two parties are fundamentally at odds. :badgrin:

They are not "incompetent." They are completely competent. They have known exactly what they are doing all along. It's not about the American people though, it about the elites, and the very powerful.

If you are under the illusion that they serve or have ever been about serving the public, then I suppose you might believe they are incompetent, but they aren't.

You just need to understand who these politicians are serving, once you understand that, you would understand how very competent they are. . .


After Obama was sworn in he NEVER even met with the Senate minority leader FOR A WHOLE FUCKING YEAR!
That's right NOT ONCE.
The fucking creep pranced around and reminded everyone: "Election have consequences".
Then he went on a world 'let me suck your cock' tour of foreign leaders.
Then he choose to 'lead from behind' AKA "I'll just hide under my Oval office desk while you all do what you can to clean up another of my messes then if you fuck up no one can put the blame on me".
Classic Obama since he was a kid.
Fake News
Just curious, what about this analysis is fake?
Obama’s Failed Presidency

No real way to know for a few years.

The last two presidencies haven't exactly been much for either party to crow about, that's for sure.

I have written in several threads that history will look back upon Bush II and Obama as one era, an era of incompetence. President Bush did NOT do his job when it was discovered that Fannie and Freddie were in trouble, and allowed the Democrats to back him down. Obama over reached, from one extreme to the other, and Americans were caught in the middle of both administrations--------> 1. fear of doing anything about the economy when something needed to be done, and 2. Doing everything and anything, sometimes when the best way forward was to do nothing!

Incompetence is not party specific, history has proven this. And anyone trying to insist that "if only President so-and-so would have gotten his way" everything today would be different, is just making excuses. I see very few epic fights in the last 16 years between white house, and legislative branch. I see public debate, but how many times was the government shut down? Once? Twice? Thrice? What that should tell everyone is that ONE branch did NOT do its job and gave in if you disagree with the policy, or that the other branch got it's way because there was no shutdown, if instead you agree with the policy.

These very politicians caused what is going on today, don't let them fool you. Of course they would like to pass blame onto others so as they can get re-elected, but keep their feet to the fire and don't let them do it! Most of the same people are still in Washington, and no matter how you cut it, those people were in charge when the house came crashing down. Republican or Democrat is not the operative word, INCOMPETENCE is!
Yep. My general opinion on the topic is that our REAL Best & Brightest know to stay the fuck out of politics.

I agree. I have known a lot of self-made millionaires over the years and lots of very well-off businessmen/women including yourstruly.
Very very few of these people went into politics. The ones that did did so out of a genuine motivation to make things better for their communities. Rare birds indeed!
They figured they didn't need to make anymore money so why not honestly 'give back'.
99% of the people I've met over the decades who are always sticking their noses into politics are the lawyer types who can be bought for the price of a steak dinner.
The lawyer in 'Better Call Saul' is your prime example of what I'm referring to.
They are the types who you're never sure have washed their hands after using the bathroom.
Sort of slimy and ready to do anything 'if the price is right'.
Fake News
Just curious, what about this analysis is fake?
Obama’s Failed Presidency

No real way to know for a few years.

The last two presidencies haven't exactly been much for either party to crow about, that's for sure.

I have written in several threads that history will look back upon Bush II and Obama as one era, an era of incompetence. President Bush did NOT do his job when it was discovered that Fannie and Freddie were in trouble, and allowed the Democrats to back him down. Obama over reached, from one extreme to the other, and Americans were caught in the middle of both administrations--------> 1. fear of doing anything about the economy when something needed to be done, and 2. Doing everything and anything, sometimes when the best way forward was to do nothing!

Incompetence is not party specific, history has proven this. And anyone trying to insist that "if only President so-and-so would have gotten his way" everything today would be different, is just making excuses. I see very few epic fights in the last 16 years between white house, and legislative branch. I see public debate, but how many times was the government shut down? Once? Twice? Thrice? What that should tell everyone is that ONE branch did NOT do its job and gave in if you disagree with the policy, or that the other branch got it's way because there was no shutdown, if instead you agree with the policy.

These very politicians caused what is going on today, don't let them fool you. Of course they would like to pass blame onto others so as they can get re-elected, but keep their feet to the fire and don't let them do it! Most of the same people are still in Washington, and no matter how you cut it, those people were in charge when the house came crashing down. Republican or Democrat is not the operative word, INCOMPETENCE is!
Yep. My general opinion on the topic is that our REAL Best & Brightest know to stay the fuck out of politics.

I agree. I have known a lot of self-made millionaires over the years and lots of very well-off businessmen/women including yourstruly.
Very very few of these people went into politics. The ones that did did so out of a genuine motivation to make things better for their communities. Rare birds indeed!
They figured they didn't need to make anymore money so why not honestly 'give back'.
99% of the people I've met over the decades who are always sticking their noses into politics are the lawyer types who can be bought for the price of a steak dinner.
The lawyer in 'Better Call Saul' is your prime example of what I'm referring to.
They are the types who you're never sure have washed their hands after using the bathroom.
Sort of slimy and ready to do anything 'if the price is right'.
It would interesting to explore which way it goes - does the job make them slimy, or do they make the job slimy?

They sure as hell don't think like business people.
One problem. Everything today is 1000X better than it was 8 years ago with the exception of the GOP`s debt from 2 wars (one started by lies) and tax cuts that nobody needed and accomplished absolutely nothing. Thread fail! The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits

What's like to be a liar and try to destroy a country?
WaPo is pretty much known as fake news after they ran that article about "fake news," citing that shady source ProporNot. No other legit outfit would touch it, and now, everyone knows WaPo is a propaganda outfit for D.C. and the intelligence establishment.
Fake News
Just curious, what about this analysis is fake?
Obama’s Failed Presidency

No real way to know for a few years.

The last two presidencies haven't exactly been much for either party to crow about, that's for sure.

I have written in several threads that history will look back upon Bush II and Obama as one era, an era of incompetence. President Bush did NOT do his job when it was discovered that Fannie and Freddie were in trouble, and allowed the Democrats to back him down. Obama over reached, from one extreme to the other, and Americans were caught in the middle of both administrations--------> 1. fear of doing anything about the economy when something needed to be done, and 2. Doing everything and anything, sometimes when the best way forward was to do nothing!

Incompetence is not party specific, history has proven this. And anyone trying to insist that "if only President so-and-so would have gotten his way" everything today would be different, is just making excuses. I see very few epic fights in the last 16 years between white house, and legislative branch. I see public debate, but how many times was the government shut down? Once? Twice? Thrice? What that should tell everyone is that ONE branch did NOT do its job and gave in if you disagree with the policy, or that the other branch got it's way because there was no shutdown, if instead you agree with the policy.

These very politicians caused what is going on today, don't let them fool you. Of course they would like to pass blame onto others so as they can get re-elected, but keep their feet to the fire and don't let them do it! Most of the same people are still in Washington, and no matter how you cut it, those people were in charge when the house came crashing down. Republican or Democrat is not the operative word, INCOMPETENCE is!

You are under the illusion that Presidents are the ones in charge, or that the two parties are fundamentally at odds. :badgrin:

They are not "incompetent." They are completely competent. They have known exactly what they are doing all along. It's not about the American people though, it about the elites, and the very powerful.

If you are under the illusion that they serve or have ever been about serving the public, then I suppose you might believe they are incompetent, but they aren't.

You just need to understand who these politicians are serving, once you understand that, you would understand how very competent they are. . .



Sorry, your and Mother Jones analysis is cherry picking for sure.


OK, lets use an example-----------> Californians have become far more liberal, and how do we know this? Because they keep voting for Democrats, and the margin in Democratic favor grows! BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wrong answer, just like your graph! The reason California keeps moving left is NOT because of the Californians that were there, but the Californians that are being IMPORTED! The graph would not show that now would it! It would only show California moving left consistently.

Also-------> your graph makes people believe that if I started out in the bottom 1/3rd in 1965, I am still there. BUZZZZZZZZZZZ, OVER RULED! The same people are NOT in the same quintile throughout your graph, they move from the bottom, to the middle, sometimes to the top, and then to somewhere else. Therefore, your graph is flawed, and purposely so (not by you, but by the creators of it to suck people like you in) to give the false impression that in America if you start out in one economic class in America, you can never move up.

And that is the sad truth about your graph, to many American believe what Mother Jones is trying to get it to say! When you import 11 to 25 million of the poorest people on planet earth into your society with absolutely no skills to boot, what would YOU expect the graph to look like.......especially when certain people want to keep the doors open and inject more, and more, and more!?!?!?!

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