Former Lifelong Democrat Admits "Obama Is A Failed President"

Fake News
Just curious, what about this analysis is fake?
Obama’s Failed Presidency

No real way to know for a few years.

The last two presidencies haven't exactly been much for either party to crow about, that's for sure.

I have written in several threads that history will look back upon Bush II and Obama as one era, an era of incompetence. President Bush did NOT do his job when it was discovered that Fannie and Freddie were in trouble, and allowed the Democrats to back him down. Obama over reached, from one extreme to the other, and Americans were caught in the middle of both administrations--------> 1. fear of doing anything about the economy when something needed to be done, and 2. Doing everything and anything, sometimes when the best way forward was to do nothing!

Incompetence is not party specific, history has proven this. And anyone trying to insist that "if only President so-and-so would have gotten his way" everything today would be different, is just making excuses. I see very few epic fights in the last 16 years between white house, and legislative branch. I see public debate, but how many times was the government shut down? Once? Twice? Thrice? What that should tell everyone is that ONE branch did NOT do its job and gave in if you disagree with the policy, or that the other branch got it's way because there was no shutdown, if instead you agree with the policy.

These very politicians caused what is going on today, don't let them fool you. Of course they would like to pass blame onto others so as they can get re-elected, but keep their feet to the fire and don't let them do it! Most of the same people are still in Washington, and no matter how you cut it, those people were in charge when the house came crashing down. Republican or Democrat is not the operative word, INCOMPETENCE is!
Yep. My general opinion on the topic is that our REAL Best & Brightest know to stay the fuck out of politics.

I agree. I have known a lot of self-made millionaires over the years and lots of very well-off businessmen/women including yourstruly.
Very very few of these people went into politics. The ones that did did so out of a genuine motivation to make things better for their communities. Rare birds indeed!
They figured they didn't need to make anymore money so why not honestly 'give back'.
99% of the people I've met over the decades who are always sticking their noses into politics are the lawyer types who can be bought for the price of a steak dinner.
The lawyer in 'Better Call Saul' is your prime example of what I'm referring to.
They are the types who you're never sure have washed their hands after using the bathroom.
Sort of slimy and ready to do anything 'if the price is right'.
It would interesting to explore which way it goes - does the job make them slimy, or do they make the job slimy?

They sure as hell don't think like business people.

IOW to succeed at the job, you have to be slimy.

There have been a few good people in elected office. . .

Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, Mike Gravel, Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader, Gary Johnson (I hazard to mention Bernie Sanders here b/c he has some pretty nefarious things in his past and compromised positions if you look at his voting history. . . . )

But the whole establishment is corrupt, including the press. The MSM corporate press are part of a whole system. Along with corporate interest, Wall street, and the Federal Reserve, any time we get a good politician, the establishment press makes them, and the positions they take, look like they aren't in the interest of the American public, when often times the reforms they mention and bring up are critical to reducing the corruption, waste, fraud, and abuse.

The system lives on all this fraud though. It is how an upper middle class representative can go to D.C., and after 20 years, whether they are still an elected rep. or not, or turn lobbyist, can retire a multi-millionaire. And it sure as hell doesn't matter if they are a democrat or republican.

The folks in D.C. represent a Deep State and a shadow government that doesn't give a flying fuck about common folk. They pretty much dumped the common folk overboard when JFK and the music died.
Fake News
Just curious, what about this analysis is fake?
Obama’s Failed Presidency

No real way to know for a few years.

The last two presidencies haven't exactly been much for either party to crow about, that's for sure.

I have written in several threads that history will look back upon Bush II and Obama as one era, an era of incompetence. President Bush did NOT do his job when it was discovered that Fannie and Freddie were in trouble, and allowed the Democrats to back him down. Obama over reached, from one extreme to the other, and Americans were caught in the middle of both administrations--------> 1. fear of doing anything about the economy when something needed to be done, and 2. Doing everything and anything, sometimes when the best way forward was to do nothing!

Incompetence is not party specific, history has proven this. And anyone trying to insist that "if only President so-and-so would have gotten his way" everything today would be different, is just making excuses. I see very few epic fights in the last 16 years between white house, and legislative branch. I see public debate, but how many times was the government shut down? Once? Twice? Thrice? What that should tell everyone is that ONE branch did NOT do its job and gave in if you disagree with the policy, or that the other branch got it's way because there was no shutdown, if instead you agree with the policy.

These very politicians caused what is going on today, don't let them fool you. Of course they would like to pass blame onto others so as they can get re-elected, but keep their feet to the fire and don't let them do it! Most of the same people are still in Washington, and no matter how you cut it, those people were in charge when the house came crashing down. Republican or Democrat is not the operative word, INCOMPETENCE is!

You are under the illusion that Presidents are the ones in charge, or that the two parties are fundamentally at odds. :badgrin:

They are not "incompetent." They are completely competent. They have known exactly what they are doing all along. It's not about the American people though, it about the elites, and the very powerful.

If you are under the illusion that they serve or have ever been about serving the public, then I suppose you might believe they are incompetent, but they aren't.

You just need to understand who these politicians are serving, once you understand that, you would understand how very competent they are. . .



Sorry, your and Mother Jones analysis is cherry picking for sure.


OK, lets use an example-----------> Californians have become far more liberal, and how do we know this? Because they keep voting for Democrats, and the margin in Democratic favor grows! BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wrong answer, just like your graph! The reason California keeps moving left is NOT because of the Californians that were there, but the Californians that are being IMPORTED! The graph would not show that now would it! It would only show California moving left consistently.

Also-------> your graph makes people believe that if I started out in the bottom 1/3rd in 1965, I am still there. BUZZZZZZZZZZZ, OVER RULED! The same people are NOT in the same quintile throughout your graph, they move from the bottom, to the middle, sometimes to the top, and then to somewhere else. Therefore, your graph is flawed, and purposely so (not by you, but by the creators of it to suck people like you in) to give the false impression that in America if you start out in one economic class in America, you can never move up.

And that is the sad truth about your graph, to many American believe what Mother Jones is trying to get it to say! When you import 11 to 25 million of the poorest people on planet earth into your society with absolutely no skills to boot, what would YOU expect the graph to look like.......especially when certain people want to keep the doors open and inject more, and more, and more!?!?!?!
First of all, the graph is NOT from Mother Jones, they are only the folks that published it. Did you read the SOURCE?

It says, census bureau.

Second, folks can start off in the bottom 1/3, move to the middle 2/3, and retire in the upper 1/3. I don't give a shit.

It won't affect politics much.

Chances are, you are on about the way you are, b/c you think I am trying to play a class warfare game, or criticize capitalism, I'm not.

I have nothing against capitalism. It's crony-capitalism that irks me. You can be in the upper 1/3, but if you are not a blue blood, your children are still never going to be President, so really, everything you posted just shows me you don't have a clue about how the system works. You actually believe the people ruling you are incompetent.

How silly.

I suppose you think your vote matters too, eh?

Did you know that if Trump hadn't won, Clinton would have? And do you know what the up shot for the elites would be? Nothing.

And the upshot for you?


That is by THEIR design, not yours silly.

That's not incompetence, that is supreme competence.
Fake News
Just curious, what about this analysis is fake?
Obama’s Failed Presidency

No real way to know for a few years.

The last two presidencies haven't exactly been much for either party to crow about, that's for sure.

I have written in several threads that history will look back upon Bush II and Obama as one era, an era of incompetence. President Bush did NOT do his job when it was discovered that Fannie and Freddie were in trouble, and allowed the Democrats to back him down. Obama over reached, from one extreme to the other, and Americans were caught in the middle of both administrations--------> 1. fear of doing anything about the economy when something needed to be done, and 2. Doing everything and anything, sometimes when the best way forward was to do nothing!

Incompetence is not party specific, history has proven this. And anyone trying to insist that "if only President so-and-so would have gotten his way" everything today would be different, is just making excuses. I see very few epic fights in the last 16 years between white house, and legislative branch. I see public debate, but how many times was the government shut down? Once? Twice? Thrice? What that should tell everyone is that ONE branch did NOT do its job and gave in if you disagree with the policy, or that the other branch got it's way because there was no shutdown, if instead you agree with the policy.

These very politicians caused what is going on today, don't let them fool you. Of course they would like to pass blame onto others so as they can get re-elected, but keep their feet to the fire and don't let them do it! Most of the same people are still in Washington, and no matter how you cut it, those people were in charge when the house came crashing down. Republican or Democrat is not the operative word, INCOMPETENCE is!

You are under the illusion that Presidents are the ones in charge, or that the two parties are fundamentally at odds. :badgrin:

They are not "incompetent." They are completely competent. They have known exactly what they are doing all along. It's not about the American people though, it about the elites, and the very powerful.

If you are under the illusion that they serve or have ever been about serving the public, then I suppose you might believe they are incompetent, but they aren't.

You just need to understand who these politicians are serving, once you understand that, you would understand how very competent they are. . .



Sorry, your and Mother Jones analysis is cherry picking for sure.


OK, lets use an example-----------> Californians have become far more liberal, and how do we know this? Because they keep voting for Democrats, and the margin in Democratic favor grows! BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wrong answer, just like your graph! The reason California keeps moving left is NOT because of the Californians that were there, but the Californians that are being IMPORTED! The graph would not show that now would it! It would only show California moving left consistently.

Also-------> your graph makes people believe that if I started out in the bottom 1/3rd in 1965, I am still there. BUZZZZZZZZZZZ, OVER RULED! The same people are NOT in the same quintile throughout your graph, they move from the bottom, to the middle, sometimes to the top, and then to somewhere else. Therefore, your graph is flawed, and purposely so (not by you, but by the creators of it to suck people like you in) to give the false impression that in America if you start out in one economic class in America, you can never move up.

And that is the sad truth about your graph, to many American believe what Mother Jones is trying to get it to say! When you import 11 to 25 million of the poorest people on planet earth into your society with absolutely no skills to boot, what would YOU expect the graph to look like.......especially when certain people want to keep the doors open and inject more, and more, and more!?!?!?!
First of all, the graph is NOT from Mother Jones, they are only the folks that published it. Did you read the SOURCE?

It says, census bureau.

Second, folks can start off in the bottom 1/3, move to the middle 2/3, and retire in the upper 1/3. I don't give a shit.

It won't affect politics much.

Chances are, you are on about the way you are, b/c you think I am trying to play a class warfare game, or criticize capitalism, I'm not.

I have nothing against capitalism. It's crony-capitalism that irks me. You can be in the upper 1/3, but if you are not a blue blood, your children are still never going to be President, so really, everything you posted just shows me you don't have a clue about how the system works. You actually believe the people ruling you are incompetent.

How silly.

I suppose you think your vote matters too, eh?

Did you know that if Trump hadn't won, Clinton would have? And do you know what the up shot for the elites would be? Nothing.

And the upshot for you?


That is by THEIR design, not yours silly.

That's not incompetence, that is supreme competence.

IC, IC! So then, it is obvious you believe that we are actually all on a plantation. Nobody is good enough as a Presidential candidate to free us, or was there? You tell us, and if you say Gary Johnson, your credibility is shot, and this conversation is over. Johnson knows less than Trump, although they both are more honest than Hilly!

I do not know what people like you want, seriously. You live in the most free country in the world, you get to vote for anyone you want, you can leave your job any time you feel oppressed by the man, you can create your own job for yourself, (although it is getting harder with all the regulations, with that I agree) the poorest people in this country are like the richest people on 90% of the globe in comparison, and yet, somehow, you are oppressed...because the people WITH money make more money than you do? What would make you think that a person who owns a company would make less than his workers, and if he did, why wouldn't he want to be the worker instead of the owner?!?!?!?! I mean seriously, I do not understand the logic of you people; and I don't mean you personally, but anyone who doesn't understand that it takes money, to make boatloads of money, and if you save instead of spend, then invest, you might make a boatload too!
Just curious, what about this analysis is fake?
Obama’s Failed Presidency

No real way to know for a few years.

The last two presidencies haven't exactly been much for either party to crow about, that's for sure.

I have written in several threads that history will look back upon Bush II and Obama as one era, an era of incompetence. President Bush did NOT do his job when it was discovered that Fannie and Freddie were in trouble, and allowed the Democrats to back him down. Obama over reached, from one extreme to the other, and Americans were caught in the middle of both administrations--------> 1. fear of doing anything about the economy when something needed to be done, and 2. Doing everything and anything, sometimes when the best way forward was to do nothing!

Incompetence is not party specific, history has proven this. And anyone trying to insist that "if only President so-and-so would have gotten his way" everything today would be different, is just making excuses. I see very few epic fights in the last 16 years between white house, and legislative branch. I see public debate, but how many times was the government shut down? Once? Twice? Thrice? What that should tell everyone is that ONE branch did NOT do its job and gave in if you disagree with the policy, or that the other branch got it's way because there was no shutdown, if instead you agree with the policy.

These very politicians caused what is going on today, don't let them fool you. Of course they would like to pass blame onto others so as they can get re-elected, but keep their feet to the fire and don't let them do it! Most of the same people are still in Washington, and no matter how you cut it, those people were in charge when the house came crashing down. Republican or Democrat is not the operative word, INCOMPETENCE is!

You are under the illusion that Presidents are the ones in charge, or that the two parties are fundamentally at odds. :badgrin:

They are not "incompetent." They are completely competent. They have known exactly what they are doing all along. It's not about the American people though, it about the elites, and the very powerful.

If you are under the illusion that they serve or have ever been about serving the public, then I suppose you might believe they are incompetent, but they aren't.

You just need to understand who these politicians are serving, once you understand that, you would understand how very competent they are. . .



Sorry, your and Mother Jones analysis is cherry picking for sure.


OK, lets use an example-----------> Californians have become far more liberal, and how do we know this? Because they keep voting for Democrats, and the margin in Democratic favor grows! BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wrong answer, just like your graph! The reason California keeps moving left is NOT because of the Californians that were there, but the Californians that are being IMPORTED! The graph would not show that now would it! It would only show California moving left consistently.

Also-------> your graph makes people believe that if I started out in the bottom 1/3rd in 1965, I am still there. BUZZZZZZZZZZZ, OVER RULED! The same people are NOT in the same quintile throughout your graph, they move from the bottom, to the middle, sometimes to the top, and then to somewhere else. Therefore, your graph is flawed, and purposely so (not by you, but by the creators of it to suck people like you in) to give the false impression that in America if you start out in one economic class in America, you can never move up.

And that is the sad truth about your graph, to many American believe what Mother Jones is trying to get it to say! When you import 11 to 25 million of the poorest people on planet earth into your society with absolutely no skills to boot, what would YOU expect the graph to look like.......especially when certain people want to keep the doors open and inject more, and more, and more!?!?!?!
First of all, the graph is NOT from Mother Jones, they are only the folks that published it. Did you read the SOURCE?

It says, census bureau.

Second, folks can start off in the bottom 1/3, move to the middle 2/3, and retire in the upper 1/3. I don't give a shit.

It won't affect politics much.

Chances are, you are on about the way you are, b/c you think I am trying to play a class warfare game, or criticize capitalism, I'm not.

I have nothing against capitalism. It's crony-capitalism that irks me. You can be in the upper 1/3, but if you are not a blue blood, your children are still never going to be President, so really, everything you posted just shows me you don't have a clue about how the system works. You actually believe the people ruling you are incompetent.

How silly.

I suppose you think your vote matters too, eh?

Did you know that if Trump hadn't won, Clinton would have? And do you know what the up shot for the elites would be? Nothing.

And the upshot for you?


That is by THEIR design, not yours silly.

That's not incompetence, that is supreme competence.

IC, IC! So then, it is obvious you believe that we are actually all on a plantation. Nobody is good enough as a Presidential candidate to free us, or was there? You tell us, and if you say Gary Johnson, your credibility is shot, and this conversation is over. Johnson knows less than Trump, although they both are more honest than Hilly!

I do not know what people like you want, seriously. You live in the most free country in the world, you get to vote for anyone you want, you can leave your job any time you feel oppressed by the man, you can create your own job for yourself, (although it is getting harder with all the regulations, with that I agree) the poorest people in this country are like the richest people on 90% of the globe in comparison, and yet, somehow, you are oppressed...because the people WITH money make more money than you do? What would make you think that a person who owns a company would make less than his workers, and if he did, why wouldn't he want to be the worker instead of the owner?!?!?!?! I mean seriously, I do not understand the logic of you people; and I don't mean you personally, but anyone who doesn't understand that it takes money, to make boatloads of money, and if you save instead of spend, then invest, you might make a boatload too!

Of course not. Johnson sold his soul when he allowed Weld onto the ticket. Weld was a CFR plant.

IN this season, the establishment took over the Libertarian party and made a mockery of it. Both the Lib and Greens got more attention than they ever have before. They were intended to be steam valves, to make it appear that the system works. The system only has legitimacy if the electorate is active.

And I will agree with you, Trump and the third parties were all more honest than Hillary. Hell Darth Vader was more honest than Hillary. :badgrin: Hillary was the Deep State candidate of choice. Her biggest mistake was her callous disregard for the lives of the clandestine foot soldiers that died for the plots of those that were fighting for the cause of the Deep State. It caused a civil war, a fracture within it.

On the day when there are significantly more registered voters are staying home than voting for a combined amount for POTUS, the system has no legitimacy. This year I think the numbers were something in the ball park of 48% registered voters stayed home, 52% bothered to support the corrupt system. Smart folks know how the system is manipulated, they know they have no real choice.

However, for the plebes? Yes, we are on a plantation. Fascism is the rule of the day, and both parties participate in it. One cannot opt out of health care, nor can they opt out of car insurance. In many areas, you have no choice as to who your electric, heat, cable, etc. are, you pay or go with out. IN fact, the government has even passed laws telling citizens they CAN'T live off the grid now. Anytime the government forces you to do business with a private company, you are dealing with fascism. One has no choice about whether or not they are going to have the fruits of their labor stolen from them. (Taxes) This is no better than what slavery is. Did we have a choice about the bank bail outs? When the next crash comes, do you even know what a "bank bail in" is? What are you prepared to do when that happens?

At what percentage of theft does this become immoral?



There are, in effect, two sets of laws. A set of laws for the very rich, and a set of laws for the poor. If you have an extreme amount of wealth, you are immune to the consequences of the law. If you are poor, you are a slave. So, as you say, we do live on a plantation.
What about a cashless society and negative interest rates, what are you going to do about those?

My advice, to everyone really, go independent.

There's some downsides, like having to put a "this is more important" value on everything when you vote, and not getting to participate in the primaries, but true freedom is voting for anyone you want at any time you want without any guilt over party lines.

I'm so sick and tired of Republican/Democrat crap.
One problem. Everything today is 1000X better than it was 8 years ago with the exception of the GOP`s debt from 2 wars (one started by lies) and tax cuts that nobody needed and accomplished absolutely nothing. Thread fail! The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits

What's like to be a liar and try to destroy a country?
What`s it like to constantly babble incoherently? Lies from a president are acceptable if it leads to pointless wars. Got it.
Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war -
One problem. Everything today is 1000X better than it was 8 years ago with the exception of the GOP`s debt from 2 wars (one started by lies) and tax cuts that nobody needed and accomplished absolutely nothing. Thread fail! The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits

What's like to be a liar and try to destroy a country?
What`s it like to constantly babble incoherently? Lies from a president are acceptable if it leads to pointless wars. Got it.
Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war -
That's a false statement based on false info. You just made an argument based on bad info. You just did what you accuse Bush, Cheney, Rice and Obama supporter Powell of doing. Except you refuse to consider erroneous Intel that led to those statements. You're the dishonest one on this issue.
One problem. Everything today is 1000X better than it was 8 years ago with the exception of the GOP`s debt from 2 wars (one started by lies) and tax cuts that nobody needed and accomplished absolutely nothing. Thread fail! The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits

What's like to be a liar and try to destroy a country?
What`s it like to constantly babble incoherently? Lies from a president are acceptable if it leads to pointless wars. Got it.
Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war -
That's a false statement based on false info. You just made an argument based on bad info. You just did what you accuse Bush, Cheney, Rice and Obama supporter Powell of doing. Except you refuse to consider erroneous Intel that led to those statements. You're the dishonest one on this issue.
Here`s the flaw in YOUR statement: Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors found nothing that was a threat to a neighboring country, let alone the U.S., so we knew that there were no wmds but someone ordered an invasion and the murder of our troops anyway. The 935 lies were not mistakes at all, they were outright lies. Manson`s prosecutor laid out a very good case for at least murder in the second degree.
One problem. Everything today is 1000X better than it was 8 years ago with the exception of the GOP`s debt from 2 wars (one started by lies) and tax cuts that nobody needed and accomplished absolutely nothing. Thread fail! The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits

What's like to be a liar and try to destroy a country?
What`s it like to constantly babble incoherently? Lies from a president are acceptable if it leads to pointless wars. Got it.
Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war -
That's a false statement based on false info. You just made an argument based on bad info. You just did what you accuse Bush, Cheney, Rice and Obama supporter Powell of doing. Except you refuse to consider erroneous Intel that led to those statements. You're the dishonest one on this issue.
Here`s the flaw in YOUR statement: Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors found nothing that was a threat to a neighboring country, let alone the U.S., so we knew that there were no wmds but someone ordered an invasion and the murder of our troops anyway. The 935 lies were not mistakes at all, they were outright lies. Manson`s prosecutor laid out a very good case for at least murder in the second degree.
Iraq played a shell game with him.

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