Former Louisisana House Representative David Duke Was Right About Barack & Michelle?

Jan 17, 2010
Former elected Louisiana House Representative David Duke wrote a compelling article about the views Barack and Michelle had that in his mind was bad for America if he was elected Presiden. Now since Obama has been elected it looks like Duke was spot on the whole time and now America is paying the price for electing him. He points out Michelles ideology taken from her college thesis that the media ignored. Please comment and don't let political correctness get in the way

Why I oppose Obama as President of the United States | The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD

Why I oppose Obama as President of the United States

David Duke

Barack Obama has stressed continually that he is a candidate for President for “all the people” and for the new day of a “colorblind society.” It is the identical rhetoric used by every serious candidate both Democrat and Republican. In order to win a significant percentage of the 70 percent White electorate that he needs, what else could he say? But, does Obama really mean it? Or, is it just another lie in what must qualify as the most hypocritical profession on earth: politics?

Compelling evidence shows that Barack Obama is an Afro-American whose ultimate loyalty is not to “all the people of the United States,” but primarily to his fellow African-Americans.

Read more of this thrilling article in the link above:
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Always good to see a Con openly endorse a known racist. David Duke was Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

David Duke
"At 13, he was reading racist material from the New Orleans office of the White Citizens Council, and at 17 he joined the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).

At Louisiana State University he founded the White Youth Alliance. He was active in the school's ROTC program, winning the Outstanding Cadet Award before being booted from the group for his racist activism. He was known on campus as the guy who wore his Nazi uniform while handing out hate literature.

He was elected Grand Wizard of the KKK, and held that office from 1974-78. He was something of a moderate for the Klan, referring to himself as the group's "National Director" instead of Grand Wizard, wearing a suit and tie instead of the traditional white robes, and urging members to mainstream the group by getting "out of the cow pasture and into hotel meeting rooms." He established the National Association for the Advancement of White People in 1980."
Always good to see a Con openly endorse a known racist. David Duke was Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

David Duke
"At 13, he was reading racist material from the New Orleans office of the White Citizens Council, and at 17 he joined the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).

At Louisiana State University he founded the White Youth Alliance. He was active in the school's ROTC program, winning the Outstanding Cadet Award before being booted from the group for his racist activism. He was known on campus as the guy who wore his Nazi uniform while handing out hate literature.

He was elected Grand Wizard of the KKK, and held that office from 1974-78. He was something of a moderate for the Klan, referring to himself as the group's "National Director" instead of Grand Wizard, wearing a suit and tie instead of the traditional white robes, and urging members to mainstream the group by getting "out of the cow pasture and into hotel meeting rooms." He established the National Association for the Advancement of White People in 1980."
That is old news. The people elected him to the House of Representatives. His policies were used for welfare reform in the state.
Always good to see a Con openly endorse a known racist. David Duke was Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

David Duke
"At 13, he was reading racist material from the New Orleans office of the White Citizens Council, and at 17 he joined the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).

At Louisiana State University he founded the White Youth Alliance. He was active in the school's ROTC program, winning the Outstanding Cadet Award before being booted from the group for his racist activism. He was known on campus as the guy who wore his Nazi uniform while handing out hate literature.

He was elected Grand Wizard of the KKK, and held that office from 1974-78. He was something of a moderate for the Klan, referring to himself as the group's "National Director" instead of Grand Wizard, wearing a suit and tie instead of the traditional white robes, and urging members to mainstream the group by getting "out of the cow pasture and into hotel meeting rooms." He established the National Association for the Advancement of White People in 1980."

He spoke at my college while he was Grand Wizard. And I've got to say, he's a great speaker, but a awful racist. His primary goal is to have only white people living in the US.
Always good to see a Con openly endorse a known racist. David Duke was Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

David Duke
"At 13, he was reading racist material from the New Orleans office of the White Citizens Council, and at 17 he joined the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).

At Louisiana State University he founded the White Youth Alliance. He was active in the school's ROTC program, winning the Outstanding Cadet Award before being booted from the group for his racist activism. He was known on campus as the guy who wore his Nazi uniform while handing out hate literature.

He was elected Grand Wizard of the KKK, and held that office from 1974-78. He was something of a moderate for the Klan, referring to himself as the group's "National Director" instead of Grand Wizard, wearing a suit and tie instead of the traditional white robes, and urging members to mainstream the group by getting "out of the cow pasture and into hotel meeting rooms." He established the National Association for the Advancement of White People in 1980."
That is old news. The people elected him to the House of Representatives. His policies were used for welfare reform in the state.

Your OP is old news.
Former elected Louisiana House Representative David Duke wrote a compelling article about the views Barack and Michelle had that in his mind was bad for America if he was elected Presiden. Now since Obama has been elected it looks like Duke was spot on the whole time and now America is paying the price for electing him. He points out Michelles ideology taken from her college thesis that the media ignored. Please comment and don't let political correctness get in the way

Why I oppose Obama as President of the United States | The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD

Why I oppose Obama as President of the United States

David Duke

Barack Obama has stressed continually that he is a candidate for President for “all the people” and for the new day of a “colorblind society.” It is the identical rhetoric used by every serious candidate both Democrat and Republican. In order to win a significant percentage of the 70 percent White electorate that he needs, what else could he say? But, does Obama really mean it? Or, is it just another lie in what must qualify as the most hypocritical profession on earth: politics?

Compelling evidence shows that Barack Obama is an Afro-American whose ultimate loyalty is not to “all the people of the United States,” but primarily to his fellow African-Americans.

A candidate with racial loyalty is not extraordinary in itself, but it is quite amazing in a nation in which it is presented as the worst of crimes. Apparently though, according to the media and the political establishment, racial loyalty is only reprehensible when practiced by we White folks, the descendants of our European American forefathers.

The media has given Obama a free pass on his participation and close association with Black racist organizations and leaders. Few Americans are even aware yet of this side of Obama. Here is quick rundown of the undisputed facts:

Barack Obama is an active member of an extremist, Afro-Centrist Black church in Chicago and is admittedly very close to its Afro-centrist and unarguably (by media standards) racist pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. Obama has frequently spoken of his closeness to Rev. Wright, Jr. and his active important participation in the church. He credits Rev. Wright and his church as having a vital role in the development of his own religious faith as well as his moral and ethical convictions.

Obama’s church proudly proclaims its quote “Blackness” and its ultimate loyalty to what it refers to as Black people, Black culture, the Black family, the Black community, Black institutions, Black values, and Black ethics.
On the church’s Internet homepage, in the first section titled, “About Us,” its first sentence denotes the church as unashamedly Black, and then goes on in the next sentence to proclaim:

…We are an African people, and remain “true to our native land,” the mother continent, the cradle of civilization.

Obama’s church promotes what it calls a Black value system and Black ethics that must be promoted wherever Blacks are gathered. It advances 12 principles

1. Commitment to God
2. Commitment to the Black Community
3. Commitment to the Black Family
4. Dedication to the Pursuit of Education
5. Dedication to the Pursuit of Excellence
6. Adherence to the Black Work Ethic
7. Commitment to Self-Discipline and Self-Respect
8. Disavowal of the Pursuit of “Middleclassness”
9. Pledge to make the fruits of all developing and acquired skills available to the Black Community
10. Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for Strengthening and Supporting Black Institutions
11. Pledge allegiance to all Black leadership who espouse and embrace the Black Value System
12. Personal commitment to embracement of the Black Value System.

Although I am incorrectly labelled a racist and White supremacist by the media, I don’t think I have ever written a short article in my entire life that ever used the word White in it as much as Obama’s church uses the word Black!

Could you imagine the media reaction to a candidate who was an active member of a church proclaiming itself to be “unashamedly White,” whose commitment is to the “White community, White family, White work ethic, White institutions, and White values.”

In another section, the church’s Ten Point Vision there is not a word about commitment to America, negotiable or non-negotiable, but the pastor and all the church’s members pledge their support to a ten-point vision which includes a “non-negotiable” commitment to Africa.

4. A congregation with a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA.

Now those sentiments might be acceptable for a candidate named Barack Obama running for President of the Congo, but are they not preposterous for a man running for President of the United States?

In addition to his very close relationship with Rev. Wright, Obama also has a long and warm friendship with Louis Farrakhan, who is also unashamedly a Black nationalist and Afro-centrist. Although, I am not what the media makes me out to be, could you imagine the deafening media outrage if any White Democrat or Republican candidate would maintain even a cordial, even if remote friendship with me? Just a photo of President Bush or Hillary Clinton shaking my hand would cause a media storm of denunciation.

It is true that in a recent debate he was forced to condemn Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism and slavishly throw himself in subservience to the new God of Zionist supremacism. But, everyone knows that there is a tacit acknowledgment between Farrakhan and Obama that Obama must do what is necessary to get elected, and that can’t happen unless one genuflects before Jewish supremacism.

His relationship with his racist pastor, his racist church and Minister Farrakhan should be enough to raise huge criticism, yet there is another Black racist, and dedicated Black separatist with whom Obama shares an even closer relationship: his wife Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama: Black Nationalist, Separatist

During the campaign, Mrs. Michelle Obama made a very revealing off-hand comment. The comment was so fundamental and natural to her sentiments that she couldn’t imagine that any negative response could come as a result of it.

She said:

“”For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country.” — Michelle Obama

Come again? Presumably she is proud of America for the first time in her adult life because of the popularity her African-American husband received in his quest for President of the United States.

Let’s see. Michelle Obama was never proud of America when she read of the American Founding Fathers who heroically founded this nation and the wonderful rights and liberties they enshrined in our Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights.

She never had a moment of pride when she became aware that for the first time in history the footsteps of mankind were put on the surface of the moon, and that those incredible footsteps were made by Americans.

She has never felt pride in America for the thousands of scientific, technological and medical advancements that our people created and that she benefits from every day of her life.

There are thousands of things Michelle Obama could have felt pride in as an American, but she says she has never even once felt that pride until Barack found fame and fortune.

Read more of this thrilling article in the link above:

US Army Retired follows the word of David Duke.

Is anyone really surprised? :lol:
well hell, the Democrats have elected a former KKK member as their Senator how many time's now?:lol:
Always good to see a Con openly endorse a known racist. David Duke was Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

David Duke
"At 13, he was reading racist material from the New Orleans office of the White Citizens Council, and at 17 he joined the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).

At Louisiana State University he founded the White Youth Alliance. He was active in the school's ROTC program, winning the Outstanding Cadet Award before being booted from the group for his racist activism. He was known on campus as the guy who wore his Nazi uniform while handing out hate literature.

He was elected Grand Wizard of the KKK, and held that office from 1974-78. He was something of a moderate for the Klan, referring to himself as the group's "National Director" instead of Grand Wizard, wearing a suit and tie instead of the traditional white robes, and urging members to mainstream the group by getting "out of the cow pasture and into hotel meeting rooms." He established the National Association for the Advancement of White People in 1980."

He spoke at my college while he was Grand Wizard. And I've got to say, he's a great speaker, but a awful racist. His primary goal is to have only white people living in the US.
Where has he ever stated he wanted to have only white people living in the US?
Always good to see a Con openly endorse a known racist. David Duke was Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

David Duke
"At 13, he was reading racist material from the New Orleans office of the White Citizens Council, and at 17 he joined the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).

At Louisiana State University he founded the White Youth Alliance. He was active in the school's ROTC program, winning the Outstanding Cadet Award before being booted from the group for his racist activism. He was known on campus as the guy who wore his Nazi uniform while handing out hate literature.

He was elected Grand Wizard of the KKK, and held that office from 1974-78. He was something of a moderate for the Klan, referring to himself as the group's "National Director" instead of Grand Wizard, wearing a suit and tie instead of the traditional white robes, and urging members to mainstream the group by getting "out of the cow pasture and into hotel meeting rooms." He established the National Association for the Advancement of White People in 1980."
That is old news. The people elected him to the House of Representatives. His policies were used for welfare reform in the state.

I take it that you don't live in Louisiana.

1989: Successful run in special election for Louisiana House seat
In December 1988, Duke changed his political affiliation from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.[18]

In 1988, Republican State Representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 89 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano and faced several opponents, including fellow Republicans, John Spier Treen, a brother of former Governor David C. Treen, Delton Charles, a school board member, and Roger F. Villere, Jr., who operates Villere's Florist in Metairie. Duke finished first in the primary with 3,995 votes (33.1 percent).[19] As no one received a majority of the vote in the first round, a runoff election was required between Duke and Treen, who polled 2,277 votes (18.9 percent) in the first round of balloting. John Treen's candidacy was endorsed by U.S. President George H. W. Bush, former President Ronald W. Reagan, and other notable Republicans,[20] as well as the Democrat Victor Bussie (president of the Louisiana AFL-CIO) and Edward J. Steimel (president of the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry and former director of the "good government" think tank, the Public Affairs Research Council). Duke, however, hammered Treen on a statement the latter had made indicating a willingness to entertain higher property taxes, anathema in that suburban district.[21] Duke with 8,459 votes (50.7 percent) defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3 percent).[22] He served in the House from 1990 until 1992.[23]

As a short-term legislator, Duke was, in the words of a colleague, Ron Gomez of Lafayette, "so single minded, he never really became involved in the nuts and bolts of House rules and parliamentary procedure. It was just that shortcoming that led to the demise of most of his attempts at lawmaking."[24]

It's good to finally know where you're coming from, since unlike Duke, you've never had the balls to just stand up and say it. It would seem that a great number of democratic racists jumped to the GOP in order to find ANY political success.
Always good to see a Con openly endorse a known racist. David Duke was Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

David Duke
"At 13, he was reading racist material from the New Orleans office of the White Citizens Council, and at 17 he joined the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).

At Louisiana State University he founded the White Youth Alliance. He was active in the school's ROTC program, winning the Outstanding Cadet Award before being booted from the group for his racist activism. He was known on campus as the guy who wore his Nazi uniform while handing out hate literature.

He was elected Grand Wizard of the KKK, and held that office from 1974-78. He was something of a moderate for the Klan, referring to himself as the group's "National Director" instead of Grand Wizard, wearing a suit and tie instead of the traditional white robes, and urging members to mainstream the group by getting "out of the cow pasture and into hotel meeting rooms." He established the National Association for the Advancement of White People in 1980."

Always good to see a Con openly endorse a known racist. David Duke was Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

David Duke
"At 13, he was reading racist material from the New Orleans office of the White Citizens Council, and at 17 he joined the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).

At Louisiana State University he founded the White Youth Alliance. He was active in the school's ROTC program, winning the Outstanding Cadet Award before being booted from the group for his racist activism. He was known on campus as the guy who wore his Nazi uniform while handing out hate literature.

He was elected Grand Wizard of the KKK, and held that office from 1974-78. He was something of a moderate for the Klan, referring to himself as the group's "National Director" instead of Grand Wizard, wearing a suit and tie instead of the traditional white robes, and urging members to mainstream the group by getting "out of the cow pasture and into hotel meeting rooms." He established the National Association for the Advancement of White People in 1980."

He spoke at my college while he was Grand Wizard. And I've got to say, he's a great speaker, but a awful racist. His primary goal is to have only white people living in the US.
Where has he ever stated he wanted to have only white people living in the US?

When he spoke at my college while he was the Grand Wizard of the KKK.
Always good to see a Con openly endorse a known racist. David Duke was Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

David Duke
"At 13, he was reading racist material from the New Orleans office of the White Citizens Council, and at 17 he joined the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).

At Louisiana State University he founded the White Youth Alliance. He was active in the school's ROTC program, winning the Outstanding Cadet Award before being booted from the group for his racist activism. He was known on campus as the guy who wore his Nazi uniform while handing out hate literature.

He was elected Grand Wizard of the KKK, and held that office from 1974-78. He was something of a moderate for the Klan, referring to himself as the group's "National Director" instead of Grand Wizard, wearing a suit and tie instead of the traditional white robes, and urging members to mainstream the group by getting "out of the cow pasture and into hotel meeting rooms." He established the National Association for the Advancement of White People in 1980."


So, you would have us dismiss the Klan status of a current member but hang on to the klan status of a former member. That's really bright, you know.

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