Former mobster knows exactly what Biden is doing

Dumb Joe is hardly alone in selling his office to enrich himself. I suspect most in Congress do it.

Look at Nancy Pelosi for instance. She is better at picking winners in the stock market than Warren Buffet.

It’s a racket the Mob can only dream of.
Trump has failed businesses. Too many and counting.
Dumb ass Dems failed businesses were such a huge failure the Federal government had to bail them out. GM ring a bell? Now get back on topic, JOE BIDEN and 20 shell LLC's who's only purpose is to money launder.
Dumb Joe is hardly alone in selling his office to enrich himself. I suspect most in Congress do it.

Look at Nancy Pelosi for instance. She is better at picking winners in the stock market than Warren Buffet.

It’s a racket the Mob can only dream of.

True dat, but the status of a literal Manchurian candidate being in the White House is still unprecedented.

I sincerely doubt that either Obama or Bill Clinton had such personal, extensive monetary ties to other nations' governments, while serving in the Executive Branch.

If I thought Biden was running the country, it would be chilling.

Instead he's just an out of touch, senile, corrupt douchebag who serves as nothing but a hologram at the pleasure of the Deep State.
career businessman vs a career politician
Ummmm do you really not see the difference?


The businessman is supposed to make money for his shareholders.

The politician is supposed to serve the public.

Trump was the first President in modern history to actually lose money during his time in office.

Biden has grifted and milked the system his entire "career" to personally profit from foreign regimes.

Was that really supposed to be some sort of gotcha moment, you fucking tool?

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