Former NSA/CIA Chief: Why Armed Forces Can't Legally Obey Trump

When are you stupid fucks going to get it through your heads that fedgov have NO authority to meddle in the internal affairs of other nations nor to create "enemy combatants"?


We didn't create anything, I guess your short memory allows you to forget 9/11, the Cole, I could go on but you appear to be a lost cause.

You are a "my country right or wrong" warmonger.

It is really a shame that others have to pay for your gross stupidity..


Exactly who would those others be?

Your fellow Americans who are placed in Harms way, those of us who have to put up with TSA bastards, those who are affected by the "Patriot" ACT, those who are being spied on by the NSA, Apple...............................


Well arm chair hero, I was one of "those" people for 22 years and subject to recall for 4 more. I spent my time in a war where our hands were tied by politicians and lawyers, I've seen people die as a result. The military is designed to kill and break things, it's very simple, if you don't want people killed and shit broken, don't send our military. If you do, you let them do what they do and then get them the hell out. No recriminations, no second guessing.

Listen you stupid cocksucker, show me where I have suggested that the military be deployed anywhere.

I can not identify one single war or military action in the last one hundred years which was Constitutional and necessary. Not one.

We didn't create anything, I guess your short memory allows you to forget 9/11, the Cole, I could go on but you appear to be a lost cause.

You are a "my country right or wrong" warmonger.

It is really a shame that others have to pay for your gross stupidity..


Exactly who would those others be?

Your fellow Americans who are placed in Harms way, those of us who have to put up with TSA bastards, those who are affected by the "Patriot" ACT, those who are being spied on by the NSA, Apple...............................


Well arm chair hero, I was one of "those" people for 22 years and subject to recall for 4 more. I spent my time in a war where our hands were tied by politicians and lawyers, I've seen people die as a result. The military is designed to kill and break things, it's very simple, if you don't want people killed and shit broken, don't send our military. If you do, you let them do what they do and then get them the hell out. No recriminations, no second guessing.

Listen you stupid cocksucker, show me where I have suggested that the military be deployed anywhere.

I can not identify one single war or military action in the last one hundred years which was Constitutional and necessary. Not one.


Yet congress and the executive disagreed with you. They are the ones that fund and direct our military, but they're not smart enough to let them do what they say they want them to do. They want to micromanage once they commit, it can't work that way, our recent disasters should make that clear. No one hates war more than military people, all I'm saying is if you commit them, get the fuck out of their way and let the do their job. Then like I said, you don't beat them up and second guess anything they do unless they go completely off the rails and enter into gratuitous destruction, unrelated to the mission, which is extremely rare in our military history. Well I have to note an exception, the Union armies during the civil war engaged in a torched earth policy and intentionally targeted civilian populations, but it hasn't been done in modern times.
This article is a pile of bullshit. This country is obliged to protect its citizens in any necessary means possible, and the CIA is right there there at the top of the list to do just that. On paper, they can bow down to the Libs and act like pussies, but in the real world, this philosophy loses lives. American lives.

Treaties voted on and signed by the President are constitutionally bound, by our law.
What treaty says anything about waterboarding?
"If he were to order that once in government, the American armed forces would refuse to act."

Michael Hayden, the former head of the NSA and CIA, thinks some of presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign promises are so unlawful that the U.S. Armed Forces could not follow them as orders.

These include Trump's claim that people deserve to be waterboarded even if it doesn't work and that he would target the families of terrorists. The internationally recognized Geneva Convention bars such action.

"If he were to order that once in government, the American armed forces would refuse to act," Hayden said Friday during an appearance on "Real Time with Bill Maher." "You are required not to follow an unlawful order that would be in violation of all the international laws of armed conflict."

Hayden added that he would be "incredibly concerned" if Trump followed through with his campaign promises as president.

Former CIA Head Explains Why Armed Forces Can't Legally Obey Trump

Wow, this would create a very scary scenario for American armed forces - and America.

ANY ANERICAN that puts INTERNATIONAL LAW ahead of the good of AMERICA needs to be skinned alive and dipped in lemon juice.

Why do you hate the constitution?
I believe even the President must undergo security clearance scrutiny, and I suspect it must be a top clearance at least a TS/SCI plus the Dept. of Energy and Yankee White levels. They usually consider spouses. His wife is not even American by birth. How would that work?
When it comes right down to it who's to say Islamic's have any more right to demand people live the way they dictate than we do?

Excuse me dingle berry

They Muslims are reacting to US interference in their internal affairs. Also to the US sponsored Palestinian Holocaust.


We have as much right to interfere in another Nations's internal affairs as Muslims (who are not a Nation) do. Come to think of it some of us are getting pretty sick of them interfering in US internal affairs. Israel needs to deal much more forcefully with the Palestinians. If Muslims like the Palestinians so much why won't predominantly Muslim nations accept them as refugees? Maybe the same reasons western countries have found them to be such lousy guests?
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We didn't create anything, I guess your short memory allows you to forget 9/11, the Cole, I could go on but you appear to be a lost cause.

You are a "my country right or wrong" warmonger.

It is really a shame that others have to pay for your gross stupidity..


Exactly who would those others be?

Your fellow Americans who are placed in Harms way, those of us who have to put up with TSA bastards, those who are affected by the "Patriot" ACT, those who are being spied on by the NSA, Apple...............................


Well arm chair hero, I was one of "those" people for 22 years and subject to recall for 4 more. I spent my time in a war where our hands were tied by politicians and lawyers, I've seen people die as a result. The military is designed to kill and break things, it's very simple, if you don't want people killed and shit broken, don't send our military. If you do, you let them do what they do and then get them the hell out. No recriminations, no second guessing.

Listen you stupid cocksucker, show me where I have suggested that the military be deployed anywhere.

I can not identify one single war or military action in the last one hundred years which was Constitutional and necessary. Not one.


Maybe-just maybe- that's because you're terminally stupid.

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