Former NSA/CIA Chief: Why Armed Forces Can't Legally Obey Trump

Excuse me dildo

I love America , but would NEVER extract a false confession using waterboarding.


Water boarding lead us to OBL's courier and eventually to OBL himself. Nothing false about that.

Link, please.

Even if true , the evidence shows that waterboarding typically yields false confessions.


Panetta: Waterboarding Produced Some Leads Used to Get bin Laden

"It was not torture, or cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment of detainees that got us the major leads that ultimately enabled our intelligence community to find Osama Bin Laden."

Sen. John McCain


You believe who ever you want, I'll go with the Director of the CIA at the time. I think he was in the best position to know.

Panetta's successor:

CIA director Michael J. Morell, was far more blunt in dismissing the value of harsh methods in tracking down Bin Laden as depicted in the controversial thriller Zero Dark Thirty. "The film creates the strong impression that the enhanced interrogation techniques...were the key to finding bin Laden. That impression is false,” Morell said in a statement circulated to CIA employees.

In a nutshell

waterboarding is UNconstitutional (1787), UNamerican, unreliable, UNjust
"These include Trump's claim that people deserve to be waterboarded even if it doesn't work and that he would target thefamilies of terrorists. The internationally recognized Geneva Convention bars such action."

Untrue. Terrorists are specifically NOT protected as POWs under the Geneva convention and may be summarily executed.
Terrorists were not signatories of the convention and therefore cannot claim it's protections..
Terrorists make no pretense of abiding by any rules of war and have no right to expect decent treatment.
Karma's a bitch.
Terrorist target families of Americans, why not show them what they are?

To the rest of the world, the most dangerous country in the world, the country they fear will start the next world war, is the United States. And it's people who espouse these kinds of beliefs, that makes the rest of the world terrified of what you people will do next.

Americans are in much more danger from other Americans than they ever are from terrorists. More Americans died in Bush's wars than died in 911. Over 100,000 Iraq's died in an invasion which never should have happened, and the entire Middle East was destablized. Actions taken by Bush with regards to Saddam's army, after the defeat of Iraq, lead those army officers and enlisted men Americans fired and humiliated, to form ISIS.

How would behaving like terrorists make Americans any different from the terrorists? In many parts of the world, Americans are quite rightly viewed as the problem.
Water boarding lead us to OBL's courier and eventually to OBL himself. Nothing false about that.

Link, please.

Even if true , the evidence shows that waterboarding typically yields false confessions.


Panetta: Waterboarding Produced Some Leads Used to Get bin Laden

"It was not torture, or cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment of detainees that got us the major leads that ultimately enabled our intelligence community to find Osama Bin Laden."

Sen. John McCain


You believe who ever you want, I'll go with the Director of the CIA at the time. I think he was in the best position to know.

Panetta's successor:

CIA director Michael J. Morell, was far more blunt in dismissing the value of harsh methods in tracking down Bin Laden as depicted in the controversial thriller Zero Dark Thirty. "The film creates the strong impression that the enhanced interrogation techniques...were the key to finding bin Laden. That impression is false,” Morell said in a statement circulated to CIA employees.

In a nutshell

waterboarding is UNconstitutional (1787), UNamerican, unreliable, UNjust

When are you freaking idiots going to get it through your heads that enemy combatants who have never set foot on US soil have no constitutional rights.
"If he were to order that once in government, the American armed forces would refuse to act."

Michael Hayden, the former head of the NSA and CIA, thinks some of presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign promises are so unlawful that the U.S. Armed Forces could not follow them as orders.

These include Trump's claim that people deserve to be waterboarded even if it doesn't work and that he would target the families of terrorists. The internationally recognized Geneva Convention bars such action.

"If he were to order that once in government, the American armed forces would refuse to act," Hayden said Friday during an appearance on "Real Time with Bill Maher." "You are required not to follow an unlawful order that would be in violation of all the international laws of armed conflict."

Hayden added that he would be "incredibly concerned" if Trump followed through with his campaign promises as president.

Former CIA Head Explains Why Armed Forces Can't Legally Obey Trump

Wow, this would create a very scary scenario for American armed forces - and America.

That will never be an issue.

50% of 50% doesn't cut it at the national level.
"These include Trump's claim that people deserve to be waterboarded even if it doesn't work and that he would target thefamilies of terrorists. The internationally recognized Geneva Convention bars such action."

Untrue. Terrorists are specifically NOT protected as POWs under the Geneva convention and may be summarily executed.
Terrorists were not signatories of the convention and therefore cannot claim it's protections..
Terrorists make no pretense of abiding by any rules of war and have no right to expect decent treatment.
Karma's a bitch.
Terrorist target families of Americans, why not show them what they are?

To the rest of the world, the most dangerous country in the world, the country they fear will start the next world war, is the United States. And it's people who espouse these kinds of beliefs, that makes the rest of the world terrified of what you people will do next.

Americans are in much more danger from other Americans than they ever are from terrorists. More Americans died in Bush's wars than died in 911. Over 100,000 Iraq's died in an invasion which never should have happened, and the entire Middle East was destablized. Actions taken by Bush with regards to Saddam's army, after the defeat of Iraq, lead those army officers and enlisted men Americans fired and humiliated, to form ISIS.

How would behaving like terrorists make Americans any different from the terrorists? In many parts of the world, Americans are quite rightly viewed as the problem.

So in your psychotic mind, the USA must not kill the terrorist that are killing innocent Americans, because killing terrorist will make us like them. Seriously, why don't you take this grand message to an ISIS training camp, then you can get your own youtube video of your head getting sawed off.

Seriously, I would watch, and pity your family, that is if you have any.
"These include Trump's claim that people deserve to be waterboarded even if it doesn't work and that he would target thefamilies of terrorists. The internationally recognized Geneva Convention bars such action."

Untrue. Terrorists are specifically NOT protected as POWs under the Geneva convention and may be summarily executed.
Terrorists were not signatories of the convention and therefore cannot claim it's protections..
Terrorists make no pretense of abiding by any rules of war and have no right to expect decent treatment.
Karma's a bitch.
Terrorist target families of Americans, why not show them what they are?

To the rest of the world, the most dangerous country in the world, the country they fear will start the next world war, is the United States. And it's people who espouse these kinds of beliefs, that makes the rest of the world terrified of what you people will do next.

Americans are in much more danger from other Americans than they ever are from terrorists. More Americans died in Bush's wars than died in 911. Over 100,000 Iraq's died in an invasion which never should have happened, and the entire Middle East was destablized. Actions taken by Bush with regards to Saddam's army, after the defeat of Iraq, lead those army officers and enlisted men Americans fired and humiliated, to form ISIS.

How would behaving like terrorists make Americans any different from the terrorists? In many parts of the world, Americans are quite rightly viewed as the problem.

After all, Saddam Hussein didn't kill his own people with poison gas and wasn't starving 10's of thousands of his own people. He really was a very misunderstood dictator. I am sure you will agree.
Link, please.

Even if true , the evidence shows that waterboarding typically yields false confessions.


Panetta: Waterboarding Produced Some Leads Used to Get bin Laden

"It was not torture, or cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment of detainees that got us the major leads that ultimately enabled our intelligence community to find Osama Bin Laden."

Sen. John McCain


You believe who ever you want, I'll go with the Director of the CIA at the time. I think he was in the best position to know.

Panetta's successor:

CIA director Michael J. Morell, was far more blunt in dismissing the value of harsh methods in tracking down Bin Laden as depicted in the controversial thriller Zero Dark Thirty. "The film creates the strong impression that the enhanced interrogation techniques...were the key to finding bin Laden. That impression is false,” Morell said in a statement circulated to CIA employees.

In a nutshell

waterboarding is UNconstitutional (1787), UNamerican, unreliable, UNjust

When are you freaking idiots going to get it through your heads that enemy combatants who have never set foot on US soil have no constitutional rights.

When are you stupid fucks going to get it through your heads that fedgov have NO authority to meddle in the internal affairs of other nations nor to create "enemy combatants"?


"It was not torture, or cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment of detainees that got us the major leads that ultimately enabled our intelligence community to find Osama Bin Laden."

Sen. John McCain


You believe who ever you want, I'll go with the Director of the CIA at the time. I think he was in the best position to know.

Panetta's successor:

CIA director Michael J. Morell, was far more blunt in dismissing the value of harsh methods in tracking down Bin Laden as depicted in the controversial thriller Zero Dark Thirty. "The film creates the strong impression that the enhanced interrogation techniques...were the key to finding bin Laden. That impression is false,” Morell said in a statement circulated to CIA employees.

In a nutshell

waterboarding is UNconstitutional (1787), UNamerican, unreliable, UNjust

When are you freaking idiots going to get it through your heads that enemy combatants who have never set foot on US soil have no constitutional rights.

When are you stupid fucks going to get it through your heads that fedgov have NO authority to meddle in the internal affairs of other nations nor to create "enemy combatants"?


Those 'enemy combatants' in Iraq were called the Republican Guard when they invaded Kuwait. Saddam signed a peace agreement with the UN after they were kicked out of Kuwait and he was declared in 'material breach' of the peace agreement by the UN. Bush got a coalition together and kicked their ass one more time.

When are you stupid fucks going to quit making shit up?
"It was not torture, or cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment of detainees that got us the major leads that ultimately enabled our intelligence community to find Osama Bin Laden."

Sen. John McCain


You believe who ever you want, I'll go with the Director of the CIA at the time. I think he was in the best position to know.

Panetta's successor:

CIA director Michael J. Morell, was far more blunt in dismissing the value of harsh methods in tracking down Bin Laden as depicted in the controversial thriller Zero Dark Thirty. "The film creates the strong impression that the enhanced interrogation techniques...were the key to finding bin Laden. That impression is false,” Morell said in a statement circulated to CIA employees.

In a nutshell

waterboarding is UNconstitutional (1787), UNamerican, unreliable, UNjust

When are you freaking idiots going to get it through your heads that enemy combatants who have never set foot on US soil have no constitutional rights.

When are you stupid fucks going to get it through your heads that fedgov have NO authority to meddle in the internal affairs of other nations nor to create "enemy combatants"?


Those 'enemy combatants' in Iraq were called the Republican Guard when they invaded Kuwait. Saddam signed a peace agreement with the UN after they were kicked out of Kuwait and he was declared in 'material breach' of the peace agreement by the UN. Bush got a coalition together and kicked their ass one more time.

When are you stupid fucks going to quit making shit up?

Your handle should be TooStupid, TooGullible, Toofargone, tooignorant, take a pick

Saddam attacked Iran at the behest of one Ronald Reagan.

During the Iraq-Iran war Kuwait stole the Ramallah oil fields.

Prez Bush I told Saddam that he had no problem if he invaded Kuwait to retrieve them because the US did not get involve in Arab to Arab conflicts.

Ms April Gillespie
US Ambassador to Iraq

"It was not torture, or cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment of detainees that got us the major leads that ultimately enabled our intelligence community to find Osama Bin Laden."

Sen. John McCain


You believe who ever you want, I'll go with the Director of the CIA at the time. I think he was in the best position to know.

Panetta's successor:

CIA director Michael J. Morell, was far more blunt in dismissing the value of harsh methods in tracking down Bin Laden as depicted in the controversial thriller Zero Dark Thirty. "The film creates the strong impression that the enhanced interrogation techniques...were the key to finding bin Laden. That impression is false,” Morell said in a statement circulated to CIA employees.

In a nutshell

waterboarding is UNconstitutional (1787), UNamerican, unreliable, UNjust

When are you freaking idiots going to get it through your heads that enemy combatants who have never set foot on US soil have no constitutional rights.

When are you stupid fucks going to get it through your heads that fedgov have NO authority to meddle in the internal affairs of other nations nor to create "enemy combatants"?


We didn't create anything, I guess your short memory allows you to forget 9/11, the Cole, I could go on but you appear to be a lost cause.
"It was not torture, or cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment of detainees that got us the major leads that ultimately enabled our intelligence community to find Osama Bin Laden."

Sen. John McCain


You believe who ever you want, I'll go with the Director of the CIA at the time. I think he was in the best position to know.

Panetta's successor:

CIA director Michael J. Morell, was far more blunt in dismissing the value of harsh methods in tracking down Bin Laden as depicted in the controversial thriller Zero Dark Thirty. "The film creates the strong impression that the enhanced interrogation techniques...were the key to finding bin Laden. That impression is false,” Morell said in a statement circulated to CIA employees.

In a nutshell

waterboarding is UNconstitutional (1787), UNamerican, unreliable, UNjust

When are you freaking idiots going to get it through your heads that enemy combatants who have never set foot on US soil have no constitutional rights.

When are you stupid fucks going to get it through your heads that fedgov have NO authority to meddle in the internal affairs of other nations nor to create "enemy combatants"?


We didn't create anything, I guess your short memory allows you to forget 9/11, the Cole, I could go on but you appear to be a lost cause.

What about the Shah of Iran? And other US meddling in the Middle East, and Asia. How about Marcos, and other rightwing dictators throughout the world.

The US created a lot of animus interfering with the internal governments of many nations.
When it comes right down to it who's to say Islamic's have any more right to demand people live the way they dictate than we do?
You believe who ever you want, I'll go with the Director of the CIA at the time. I think he was in the best position to know.

Panetta's successor:

CIA director Michael J. Morell, was far more blunt in dismissing the value of harsh methods in tracking down Bin Laden as depicted in the controversial thriller Zero Dark Thirty. "The film creates the strong impression that the enhanced interrogation techniques...were the key to finding bin Laden. That impression is false,” Morell said in a statement circulated to CIA employees.

In a nutshell

waterboarding is UNconstitutional (1787), UNamerican, unreliable, UNjust

When are you freaking idiots going to get it through your heads that enemy combatants who have never set foot on US soil have no constitutional rights.

When are you stupid fucks going to get it through your heads that fedgov have NO authority to meddle in the internal affairs of other nations nor to create "enemy combatants"?


We didn't create anything, I guess your short memory allows you to forget 9/11, the Cole, I could go on but you appear to be a lost cause.

What about the Shah of Iran? And other US meddling in the Middle East, and Asia. How about Marcos, and other rightwing dictators throughout the world.

The US created a lot of animus interfering with the internal governments of many nations.

What about them, you got specifics to talk about?
You believe who ever you want, I'll go with the Director of the CIA at the time. I think he was in the best position to know.

Panetta's successor:

CIA director Michael J. Morell, was far more blunt in dismissing the value of harsh methods in tracking down Bin Laden as depicted in the controversial thriller Zero Dark Thirty. "The film creates the strong impression that the enhanced interrogation techniques...were the key to finding bin Laden. That impression is false,” Morell said in a statement circulated to CIA employees.

In a nutshell

waterboarding is UNconstitutional (1787), UNamerican, unreliable, UNjust

When are you freaking idiots going to get it through your heads that enemy combatants who have never set foot on US soil have no constitutional rights.

When are you stupid fucks going to get it through your heads that fedgov have NO authority to meddle in the internal affairs of other nations nor to create "enemy combatants"?


Those 'enemy combatants' in Iraq were called the Republican Guard when they invaded Kuwait. Saddam signed a peace agreement with the UN after they were kicked out of Kuwait and he was declared in 'material breach' of the peace agreement by the UN. Bush got a coalition together and kicked their ass one more time.

When are you stupid fucks going to quit making shit up?

Your handle should be TooStupid, TooGullible, Toofargone, tooignorant, take a pick

Saddam attacked Iran at the behest of one Ronald Reagan.

During the Iraq-Iran war Kuwait stole the Ramallah oil fields.

Prez Bush I told Saddam that he had no problem if he invaded Kuwait to retrieve them because the US did not get involve in Arab to Arab conflicts.

Ms April Gillespie
US Ambassador to Iraq

If you had a brain you would take it out and play with it. Instead you must play with some other part of your anatomy. They say that will cause hair to grow in the palm of your hand.
"It was not torture, or cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment of detainees that got us the major leads that ultimately enabled our intelligence community to find Osama Bin Laden."

Sen. John McCain


You believe who ever you want, I'll go with the Director of the CIA at the time. I think he was in the best position to know.

Panetta's successor:

CIA director Michael J. Morell, was far more blunt in dismissing the value of harsh methods in tracking down Bin Laden as depicted in the controversial thriller Zero Dark Thirty. "The film creates the strong impression that the enhanced interrogation techniques...were the key to finding bin Laden. That impression is false,” Morell said in a statement circulated to CIA employees.

In a nutshell

waterboarding is UNconstitutional (1787), UNamerican, unreliable, UNjust

When are you freaking idiots going to get it through your heads that enemy combatants who have never set foot on US soil have no constitutional rights.

When are you stupid fucks going to get it through your heads that fedgov have NO authority to meddle in the internal affairs of other nations nor to create "enemy combatants"?


We didn't create anything, I guess your short memory allows you to forget 9/11, the Cole, I could go on but you appear to be a lost cause.

You are a "my country right or wrong" warmonger.

It is really a shame that others have to pay for your gross stupidity..

You believe who ever you want, I'll go with the Director of the CIA at the time. I think he was in the best position to know.

Panetta's successor:

CIA director Michael J. Morell, was far more blunt in dismissing the value of harsh methods in tracking down Bin Laden as depicted in the controversial thriller Zero Dark Thirty. "The film creates the strong impression that the enhanced interrogation techniques...were the key to finding bin Laden. That impression is false,” Morell said in a statement circulated to CIA employees.

In a nutshell

waterboarding is UNconstitutional (1787), UNamerican, unreliable, UNjust

When are you freaking idiots going to get it through your heads that enemy combatants who have never set foot on US soil have no constitutional rights.

When are you stupid fucks going to get it through your heads that fedgov have NO authority to meddle in the internal affairs of other nations nor to create "enemy combatants"?


We didn't create anything, I guess your short memory allows you to forget 9/11, the Cole, I could go on but you appear to be a lost cause.

You are a "my country right or wrong" warmonger.

It is really a shame that others have to pay for your gross stupidity..


Exactly who would those others be?
Panetta's successor:

CIA director Michael J. Morell, was far more blunt in dismissing the value of harsh methods in tracking down Bin Laden as depicted in the controversial thriller Zero Dark Thirty. "The film creates the strong impression that the enhanced interrogation techniques...were the key to finding bin Laden. That impression is false,” Morell said in a statement circulated to CIA employees.

In a nutshell

waterboarding is UNconstitutional (1787), UNamerican, unreliable, UNjust

When are you freaking idiots going to get it through your heads that enemy combatants who have never set foot on US soil have no constitutional rights.

When are you stupid fucks going to get it through your heads that fedgov have NO authority to meddle in the internal affairs of other nations nor to create "enemy combatants"?


We didn't create anything, I guess your short memory allows you to forget 9/11, the Cole, I could go on but you appear to be a lost cause.

You are a "my country right or wrong" warmonger.

It is really a shame that others have to pay for your gross stupidity..


Exactly who would those others be?

Your fellow Americans who are placed in Harms way, those of us who have to put up with TSA bastards, those who are affected by the "Patriot" ACT, those who are being spied on by the NSA, Apple...............................

When are you freaking idiots going to get it through your heads that enemy combatants who have never set foot on US soil have no constitutional rights.

When are you stupid fucks going to get it through your heads that fedgov have NO authority to meddle in the internal affairs of other nations nor to create "enemy combatants"?


We didn't create anything, I guess your short memory allows you to forget 9/11, the Cole, I could go on but you appear to be a lost cause.

You are a "my country right or wrong" warmonger.

It is really a shame that others have to pay for your gross stupidity..


Exactly who would those others be?

Your fellow Americans who are placed in Harms way, those of us who have to put up with TSA bastards, those who are affected by the "Patriot" ACT, those who are being spied on by the NSA, Apple...............................


Well arm chair hero, I was one of "those" people for 22 years and subject to recall for 4 more. I spent my time in a war where our hands were tied by politicians and lawyers, I've seen people die as a result. The military is designed to kill and break things, it's very simple, if you don't want people killed and shit broken, don't send our military. If you do, you let them do what they do and then get them the hell out. No recriminations, no second guessing.

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