Former NSA/CIA Chief: Why Armed Forces Can't Legally Obey Trump

He can't lawfully order the CIA to do it either.

Like a President would order the entire military to waterboard people. The people who do waterboarding do it for the love of America, and have never needed to be ordered to do such. Asshole There were decent people in those buildings, something that you will never understand as you have never met one.

Excuse me dildo

I love America , but would NEVER extract a false confession using waterboarding.


Water boarding lead us to OBL's courier and eventually to OBL himself. Nothing false about that.

Link, please.

Even if true , the evidence shows that waterboarding typically yields false confessions.


Panetta: Waterboarding Produced Some Leads Used to Get bin Laden

"It was not torture, or cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment of detainees that got us the major leads that ultimately enabled our intelligence community to find Osama Bin Laden."

Sen. John McCain

Please correct me if I am wrong - but didn't General Hayden and General Petraeus wear their military uniform when they were head of the CIA?
I sometimes wonder if Trump's presidential run is a ploy on behalf of the gun industry to get liberals to arm themselves heavily, in preparation for the unlikely event of his election.
"If he were to order that once in government, the American armed forces would refuse to act."

Michael Hayden, the former head of the NSA and CIA, thinks some of presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign promises are so unlawful that the U.S. Armed Forces could not follow them as orders.

These include Trump's claim that people deserve to be waterboarded even if it doesn't work and that he would target the families of terrorists. The internationally recognized Geneva Convention bars such action.

"If he were to order that once in government, the American armed forces would refuse to act," Hayden said Friday during an appearance on "Real Time with Bill Maher." "You are required not to follow an unlawful order that would be in violation of all the international laws of armed conflict."

Hayden added that he would be "incredibly concerned" if Trump followed through with his campaign promises as president.

Former CIA Head Explains Why Armed Forces Can't Legally Obey Trump

Wow, this would create a very scary scenario for American armed forces - and America.

Thank god the military has some sane people in it.

A stern backhanded bitchslap for trump.
"If he were to order that once in government, the American armed forces would refuse to act."

Michael Hayden, the former head of the NSA and CIA, thinks some of presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign promises are so unlawful that the U.S. Armed Forces could not follow them as orders.

These include Trump's claim that people deserve to be waterboarded even if it doesn't work and that he would target the families of terrorists. The internationally recognized Geneva Convention bars such action.

"If he were to order that once in government, the American armed forces would refuse to act," Hayden said Friday during an appearance on "Real Time with Bill Maher." "You are required not to follow an unlawful order that would be in violation of all the international laws of armed conflict."

Hayden added that he would be "incredibly concerned" if Trump followed through with his campaign promises as president.

Former CIA Head Explains Why Armed Forces Can't Legally Obey Trump

Wow, this would create a very scary scenario for American armed forces - and America.

ANY ANERICAN that puts INTERNATIONAL LAW ahead of the good of AMERICA needs to be skinned alive and dipped in lemon juice.

Ahem, America is a nation of laws!

Obama disproved that in spades. I'm rolling on the floor laughing whenever some Obama dick sucking drone starts bleating about the rule of law. These are the same witless turd who claim that the Constitution is "elastic."
I sometimes wonder if Trump's presidential run is a ploy on behalf of the gun industry to get liberals to arm themselves heavily, in preparation for the unlikely event of his election.

Why would liberals be arming themselves if Trump won the election?
"If he were to order that once in government, the American armed forces would refuse to act."

Michael Hayden, the former head of the NSA and CIA, thinks some of presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign promises are so unlawful that the U.S. Armed Forces could not follow them as orders.

These include Trump's claim that people deserve to be waterboarded even if it doesn't work and that he would target the families of terrorists. The internationally recognized Geneva Convention bars such action.

"If he were to order that once in government, the American armed forces would refuse to act," Hayden said Friday during an appearance on "Real Time with Bill Maher." "You are required not to follow an unlawful order that would be in violation of all the international laws of armed conflict."

Hayden added that he would be "incredibly concerned" if Trump followed through with his campaign promises as president.

Former CIA Head Explains Why Armed Forces Can't Legally Obey Trump

Wow, this would create a very scary scenario for American armed forces - and America.

Thank god the military has some sane people in it.

A stern backhanded bitchslap for trump.

Trump will fire all the hand picked Obama toadies.
"These include Trump's claim that people deserve to be waterboarded even if it doesn't work and that he would target the families of terrorists. The internationally recognized Geneva Convention bars such action."

Consistent with Trump's general ignorance of, and contempt for, the rule of law.
"These include Trump's claim that people deserve to be waterboarded even if it doesn't work and that he would target the families of terrorists. The internationally recognized Geneva Convention bars such action."

Consistent with Trump's general ignorance of, and contempt for, the rule of law.

The so ironic coming from someone like you who specifically rejects the rule of law. You keep telling us the Constitution says whatever the SC says it says. In other words, you believe in rule by 9 robed men, not the law.
Since when did Jewish led neocons care about meeting international law standards on war? They commit crimes overseas left and right. Jewish led neocons support a wall in Israel, they support Israel being a Jewish state, they assert that Israel will not take any Syrian refugees but at same time want the Europeans and Americans to take in more refugees. Now that Trump is standing up to these Jewish led neocons and not going to allow white christians to become minority, they are panicking.

And threatening a possible military led coup against him or threatening to not cooperate with the president. So if Trump was elected he will not be able to implement any policies. And the Jewish led establishment will break all laws to make sure of that. They would just assassinate him if they didn't fear backlash. Everyone knows that will backfire if they tried it today.
"These include Trump's claim that people deserve to be waterboarded even if it doesn't work and that he would target the families of terrorists. The internationally recognized Geneva Convention bars such action."

Consistent with Trump's general ignorance of, and contempt for, the rule of law.

The so ironic coming from someone like you who specifically rejects the rule of law. You keep telling us the Constitution says whatever the SC says it says. In other words, you believe in rule by 9 robed men, not the law.
The Supreme Court has been interpreting the constitution and other laws since the beginning. You act like it's some kind of new thing.
I sometimes wonder if Trump's presidential run is a ploy on behalf of the gun industry to get liberals to arm themselves heavily, in preparation for the unlikely event of his election.

Why would liberals be arming themselves if Trump won the election?

Because it's a war on the white race. A Trump victory will get in the way of their agenda. And these thugs and authoritarians will threaten an armed crackdown against the white race. It's amazing how they openly express intention to assassinate Trump or spark a civil war if he's elected without facing any legal repercussions.
I sometimes wonder if Trump's presidential run is a ploy on behalf of the gun industry to get liberals to arm themselves heavily, in preparation for the unlikely event of his election.

Why would liberals be arming themselves if Trump won the election?

Because it's a war on the white race. A Trump victory will get in the way of their agenda. And these thugs and authoritarians will threaten an armed crackdown against the white race. It's amazing how they openly express intention to assassinate Trump or spark a civil war if he's elected without facing any legal repercussions.
Whatever you say, Uncle Adolph.
"These include Trump's claim that people deserve to be waterboarded even if it doesn't work and that he would target the families of terrorists. The internationally recognized Geneva Convention bars such action."

Consistent with Trump's general ignorance of, and contempt for, the rule of law.

The so ironic coming from someone like you who specifically rejects the rule of law. You keep telling us the Constitution says whatever the SC says it says. In other words, you believe in rule by 9 robed men, not the law.
The Supreme Court has been interpreting the constitution and other laws since the beginning. You act like it's some kind of new thing.

Yes, they have been doing that, and we've been swirling down the toilet towards the totalitarian sewer the whole time.
I sometimes wonder if Trump's presidential run is a ploy on behalf of the gun industry to get liberals to arm themselves heavily, in preparation for the unlikely event of his election.

Why would liberals be arming themselves if Trump won the election?

Because it's a war on the white race. A Trump victory will get in the way of their agenda. And these thugs and authoritarians will threaten an armed crackdown against the white race. It's amazing how they openly express intention to assassinate Trump or spark a civil war if he's elected without facing any legal repercussions.

I wanted Agit8r to answer the question. I think he has realized it was a stupid thing to say. He can't give the answer without contradicting everything libturds have ever said about gun control. However, his real reasons are probably far more sinister.
I sometimes wonder if Trump's presidential run is a ploy on behalf of the gun industry to get liberals to arm themselves heavily, in preparation for the unlikely event of his election.

Why would liberals be arming themselves if Trump won the election?

Because it's a war on the white race. A Trump victory will get in the way of their agenda. And these thugs and authoritarians will threaten an armed crackdown against the white race. It's amazing how they openly express intention to assassinate Trump or spark a civil war if he's elected without facing any legal repercussions.
Whatever you say, Uncle Adolph.

The war on the white race is not so secret any longer. It's very apparent with the white-shaming, white guilt manipulation going on in the entertainment/media industries. The Jewish people make it very clear that they want the White Christian race to become a minority one in America. And they boast about it heading that way. The Jewish people are actively seeking this, so don't victimize yourself now.

The Jewish led neocons want it us in the Middle East to advance Israel's interests while also wanting to flood Europe with Muslim/Middle Eastern refugees in order to bring about the collapse of the EU and the white race. People need to wake up, reject this illegal immigration/'refugee' onslaught, tell Israel to take refugees if it wants, overthrow the Jewish establishment in the country and disengage from that region all together.

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